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Dosen Pembimbing :
Dr. Made Januarbawa, MM.
Group Name

1. Kadek Cinthia Septiari (P07120221002)

2. Ni Kadek Intan Puspita (P0712022108)
3. I Gusti Ayu Komang Tyas Lukyantari (P0712022111)
4. Ni Kadek Henny Kusumawati (P0712022113)
5. Ni Putu Putri Lisa Handayani (P0712022119)
6. Ni Luh Ulan Pratiwi (P0712022120)
7. I Gusti Ngurah Oka Danantara (P0712022123)
8. Komang Arhya Duta Martha (P0712022133)
9. I Gede Eka Setiawan (P0712022142)
10. I Made Andre Pinartayana (P0712022147)
Kelas :
2A. STR Keperawatan



Thank you, we pray to the presence of God Almighty because of all His grace and
gifts we were able to complete the paper entitled " " in a timely manner. The purpose of
writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment of grades from the English Course.
We do not forget to express our deepest gratitude to the parties and several sources
who have helped in the preparation of this paper so that this paper can be completed.
We are very aware that this paper is still far from perfect. For this reason, we
openly accept all constructive criticism and suggestions so that this paper can be even
better. We hope that by writing this paper can add to our insights and also for readers.

Denpasar, 2 February 2023


KATA PENGANTAR .................................................................................................. i

DAFTAR ISI................................................................................................................ ii

BAB I PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................................ 1

1.1 Latar Belangan................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Rumusan Masalah........................................................................................... 1

1.3 Tujuan ............................................................................................................. 1

1.4 Manfaat ........................................................................................................... 1

BAB II PEMBAHASAN……………………………………………………………..2

2.1 List Of Common Abbreviations……………………………………………..2

2.2 Upper Respiratory Tract Infection………………………………………..…7

BAB II PENUTUP…………………………………………………………….……10

3.1 kesimpulan……………………………………………………………….…10

3.2 Saran……………………………………………………………………..…10

DAFTAR PUSTAKA……………………………………………………………….11


1.1 Latar Belangan

Organizing medical records in hospitals certainly requires a deeper understanding
regarding the use of uniform symbols and medical abbreviations. The most universal
standard so that data can fulfill requests for information for the level of confidentiality of
medical records and quality of service, one of which is uniformity in the use of symbols,
signs, terms, abbreviations and ICD written in the Medical Record Manual.
Upper Respiratory Tract (ARI) is an infectious disease of the upper or lower
respiratory tract that can cause a wide spectrum of disease ranging from mild infection to
severe and deadly disease, depending on the causative pathogen, host factors and
environmental factors. causes of ARI among Staphylococcal and Streptococcal bacteria
as well as Influenza viruses that are freely aired will enter and attach to the upper
respiratory tract, namely the nose and throat. In the early stages, symptoms include a
burning, dry and itchy feeling in the nose, which is then followed by continuous sneezing,
nasal congestion with runny mucus and fever and headache. There are several types of
bacteria that cause ARI, including hemolytic streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci,
hemophilic influenza, bordetella pertussis and diphtheria bacteria.

1.2 Rumusan Masalah

1.2.1 What is List Of Common Abbreviations ?
1.2.2 What is Upper Respiratory Tract Infection ?

1.3 Tujuan
1.3.1 To know about List Of Common Abbreviations.
1.3.2 To know about Upper Respiratory Tract Infection.

1.4 Manfaat
1.4.1 So that readers know and understand about List Of Common Abbreviations.
1.4.2 the readers know and understand about Upper Respiratory Tract Infection .


A. List Of Common Abbreviations

The implementation of medical records in hospitals certainly requires a deeper
understanding of the use of uniformity of medical symbols and abbreviations. According
to the Medical Council (2013) mentions the most universal standards so that data can
meet requests for information for the level of confidentiality of medical records and
quality of service, one of which is uniformity in the use of symbols, signs, terms,
abbreviations and ICDs written in the Medical Record Manual.
According to SPO Medical Administration Document Rumkital Dr. Ramelan
Surabaya (2019) in SPO/185/IX/2019 concerning the Use of Symbols and Abbreviations.
The symbol is a warning sign placed on the cover of the medical record file, while the
abbreviation is a series of letters used to shorten and facilitate recording in the Medical
Record. Symbols and abbreviations are a form of agreement of the medical officer used
in the hospital and are determined at the discretion of the Head of the Hospital. Its purpose
is as a reference to apply the steps for the preparation of symbols and abbreviations used
in patient medical record file documents.
According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (2018), the use
of abbreviations that should use English is regulated in the procedures for writing and
filling out medical records by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in the
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia / 269 / Per / III / 2008 which contains the
basics of instructions for filling out medical records must be clear according to the
standard abbreviations in English and enter medical terminology. The use of symbols
and abbreviations is a form of communication where in the medical world the language
used has been established and uses a separate structured system that has been regulated
in the Law on Medicine and Nursing and Midwifery and by WHO. According to the
Coordinating Ministry of PMK RI, the use of medical symbols and abbreviations is also
regulated in PMK number 10 of 2015 concerning the standard of nursing services in
hospitals, which is important for hospital administration related to service quality
assessment and increasing point value for accretretation. The list of abbreviations

B. Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

Definition of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

Upper Respiratory Tract Infection is an infection caused by micro-organisms. The
infection is limited to the upper respiratory tract structures including the nasal cavity,
pharynx, and larynx. Upper respiratory tract infections (URI/URTI), which include the
nasal cavities, sinuses, pharynx and larynx. ISPA is an infectious disease of the upper or
lower respiratory tract that can cause a wide spectrum of diseases ranging from mild
infections to severe and deadly diseases, depending on the causative pathogen, host
factors and environmental factors.
ISPA can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or rickettsiae. Bacterial infection is a
complication of ISPA due to viruses, especially when there is an epidemic or pandemic.
Bacterial complications are generally accompanied by parenchymal inflammation. A
person's immune system is very influential in fighting viral and bacterial infections of the
human body. A person's risk of experiencing an infection will increase when the immune
system is weak. It tends to occur in children and older people, as well as anyone with a
disease or disorder with a weakened immune system. ISPA will also more easily attack
people who suffer from heart disease or have problems with their lungs. Smokers are also
at high risk of developing acute respiratory infections and tend to have a harder time
recovering from this condition.

Symptom of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

ISPA can be caused by bacteria and viruses, which are most often the cause of
ISPA among Staphylococcal and Streptococcal bacteria and the Influenza virus which is
freely aired will enter and attach to the upper respiratory tract, namely the nose and throat.
In the early stages, symptoms include a burning, dry and itchy feeling in the nose, which
is then followed by continuous sneezing, nasal congestion with runny mucus and fever
and headache. The surface of the nasal mucosa appears red and swollen. Further infection
makes the secretions thick and the congestion in the nose increases. If there are no
complications, the symptoms will decrease after 3-5 days. Possible complications include
sinusitis, pharyngitis, middle ear infections, eustachian tube infections, to bronchitis and

pneumonia (pneumonia). In general, symptoms of ARI include fever, cough, and often
sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing)
Factors that influence ISPA
1. Agent
In acute respiratory infections, the infectious process may involve the upper or
lower respiratory tract or both. Infection can be caused by viruses, bacteria, rickettsiae,
fungi or protozoa. Viruses that cause ARI include microviruses (including influenza
viruses, pre-influenza viruses, and measles viruses) and adenoviruses. There are
several types of bacteria that cause ARI, including hemolytic streptococci,
staphylococci, pneumococci, hemophilic influenza, bordetella pertussis and diphtheria
2. Host
Host in ISPA is human which consists of 4 aspects, namely gender, age,
nutritional status, and education. In terms of gender, men are more affected by ARI
than women because the majority of men are smokers and often drive, so they are often
exposed to air pollution. In terms of age, the groups at high risk for contracting or
experiencing ISPA are children, namely children aged <5 years, children with weak
immune systems, and children with incomplete immunization systems.
3. Environment
Environmental factors have 2 aspects, namely:
a. house factor
b. pollution factor

Prevent ISPA
Acute Respiratory Infections can be prevented by increasing the body's resistance
(immunity) as follows:
1. Sunbathing
The benefits of sunbathing in the morning are to improve and strengthen the
immune or immune system. Sunlight can make the body produce more white blood
cells, especially lymphocytes which function to help prevent infections from various
diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi. By sunbathing germs, bacteria,
microbes and the like can die, so as to prevent pneumonia, asthma and influenza

2. Diligent Hand Washing
The benefits of hand washing can mechanically remove dirt and dust from the
surface of the skin, reduce the number of temporary microorganisms and stop the
spread of germs.
3. Avoid touching the face
Avoid touching your face, especially your mouth, nose and eyes with your hands
while playing to avoid spreading viruses and bacteria.
4. Avoid Cigarette Smoke
Cigarette smoke contains toxins that can damage the respiratory tract and lungs.
Teach children to be able to cover their mouths and noses with tissues, masks or with
their hands when someone is smoking around us to prevent inhaling the smoke.
5. Eat Healthy and Enough
Eating healthy food, drinking milk and fruit juice according to the rules needs to
be familiar to children. Make sure there is enough fiber and vitamin needs are met.
6. Rest Enough
During the day, the child needs to sleep a little. Meanwhile, at night, children must
sleep well, so parents can make sure and teach children to sleep at nine in the evening.
Because at nine o'clock in the evening, the immune cells in the body try to remove
toxins and diseases from the body. Thus the immune cells in the body can work well
to fight poisons and diseases in the body.
7. Move Actively
Being active can be done by exercising regularly to help boost immunity or by
doing other healthy physical activities


3.1 Kesimpulan
Organizing medical records in hospitals certainly requires a deeper understanding
regarding the use of uniform symbols and medical abbreviations. The most universal
standard so that data can fulfill requests for information for the level of confidentiality of
medical records and quality of service, one of which is uniformity in the use of symbols,
signs, terms, abbreviations and ICD.
Upper Respiratory Tract (ARI) is an infectious disease of the upper or lower
respiratory tract that can cause a wide spectrum of diseases ranging from mild infections
to severe and deadly diseases. In the early stages, symptoms include a burning, dry and
itchy feeling in the nose, which is then followed by continuous sneezing, nasal congestion
with runny mucus and fever and headache. In general, symptoms of ARI include fever,
cough, and often also sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing).
The factors that affect ARI are agent, host, environment. The way to prevent ARI is by
sunbathing, washing your hands frequently, avoiding touching your face, avoiding
cigarette smoke, eating healthy and enough, getting enough rest, and being active.

3.2 Saran
Thus the presentation of material that our group can convey in this paper,
hopefully it can be useful for readers and also students so that it can be applied in the
scope of health, especially nursing. We ask for forgiveness if there are wrong words or
grammar and we ask for criticism and suggestions from readers who are constructive so
that this paper can be even better, finally we say thank you.

Puspita Melasari, Azizah. "Review of DRM Abbreviation Symbol According to WHO
and SPO RUMKITAL DR. Ramelan Surabaya 2020 Provisions." (2020).
Hui, David, and David Hui. "List of Common Abbreviations." Approach to Internal
Medicine: A Resource Book for Clinical Practice (2011): 433-436.
Weeke Budhyanti, Lisnaini, & Meliana. Penanganan Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Atas
(ISPA) Pada Anak. Jakarta : UKI Press. Diakses pada Selasa, 31
Januari 2023


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