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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Romana Subd. San Antonio, Biñan City

Weekly Home Learning Plan for Modular Distance Learning

Week 6-8, Quarter 2, March 1-5, 2021
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Tuesday Research IV At the end of this lesson, you are expected to: Module 10, Week 6-8 MDL: Submission of accomplished
Wednesday 1. Conceptualize the appropriate research design and Quarter 2 tasks on the catchment area
Thursday justify their choice; (JZGMNHS) every Thursday.
Friday 2. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the DETERMINING THE RESEARCH
concepts of research methods, approach, and design; DESIGN
and  Read pages 37-44 in your module. ODL: Online submission through
3. Write the methodology chapter of your research Then, do the following learning the Google Classroom.
paper. tasks below.
A. Directions. Jot down your thoughts on MTIzNTUxMjg0Mjk3?cjc=zzuyett
a separate sheet of paper (5 pts. each).
*Utilize all communication means
1. As mentioned in the introduction, such as Facebook Group
the research design is similar to a map (
as it guides the researcher on how to
conduct the study. How important do , Messenger, and Goggle
you think this step is to the research Classroom, and Google Meet.
process? (5pts.)

B. Directions. Let’s read an example of

a summarized research design chapter
from a study by Danica Joyce R.
Villaremo (2015) on Lantana camara
(Kantutay) as Pelletized Mosquito
Larvicide (15pts.)
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

What have you observed? Try to

map out the “puzzle pieces” in the
example above. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper.

Research Questions:
Data Collection Methods:
Data Processing and Analysis Methods:
Do you think all pieces fit together?
In what way?


A. Directions.Now, look at your

research questions. What kind of
information will you need to
address them? List down your
answer on a separate sheet of paper

B. Look into your research. What do

you think would be the most
appropriate research design for your
study? Jot down your thoughts on a
separate sheet of paper (5pts.).


Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery



A. Directions. Let’s go back to your

research. How do you plan to conduct
your data analysis? Describe this in a
few paragraphs (10pts.). B. Directions.
Fill the table with how do you plan to
conduct your research.

Research Questions:
Data Collection Methods:

Data Processing and Analysis Methods:

A. page 46

Writing the Review of Related

Literature and Studies

A. Directions. Using your chosen and

approved title, write the methodology
part of your research paper following
the template below. Use A4 size of
bond paper and put it in a blue clear
At this point for some sections on the
methodology chapter, you already have
drafts of your research. Continue to
develop the missing portions of this
chapter and then consolidate all
sections. Ensure that you have the
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

following parts (50pts.).

III. Methodology
a. Source of Materials
b. Locale of the Study
c. Experimental Design and
d. Research Procedure
e. Data Gathering
f. Statistical Analysis

Please take note of the following

specifications for your output:

1. Use A4 size of bond paper

2. Use Arial 12 as font
3. The space between lines is 2.0
(Double spaced)
4. Use 1” margin on the top,
bottom, and right side; 1.5”
margin on the left side
5. The page number is in the
upper right corner.
6. Start each part one inch (1”)
from the top. The chapter title
is written in capital bold type
and centered.
7. Subsections are written in
capital lower case type to the
left of the page and bold.
- There should be a
double space before
the start of each
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

- There is continuous
pagination from the 1st
page of the chapter on
top of the right side of
the page.
- There is NO page
number for every first
page of the chapter.
8. Submit on the scheduled date
and time.



To be started on a new page,

make an introductory paragraph or an
overview of this chapter to give your
reader an understanding of its

It should include the following

sections/ components:

Research Design
 Specify and describe the
research method you will use,
whether experimental,
correctional, descriptive,
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

quantitative, qualitative or
combination, historical, etc.
 You should be able to discuss/
explain the appropriateness of
the research method to your
study or why it is best to use to
it investigate the problem and/
or address the research

Research Instrument
 Be able to describe how your
variables will be measured or
observed (e.g. in experimental
research, the measurement of
the dependent variable should
be described in this section).
 Describe the instrument/s and
other data gathering materials
you will use.
 Copies of the instrument/ s and
other printed materials used in
the data collection should be
placed in the appendix section.

Research Procedure
 Describe in detail the phases of
your data gathering procedure
and the specific steps for each
phase that you will take in
carrying out your research
 It may be helpful to come up
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

with a flow chart or diagram to

show the order of activities
that you intend to take in
conducting your study and also
ethical procedures you will
apply in your study
 In short, enumerate all the
activities you will undertake to
complete your study. Describe
each activity in detail to help
future researchers who would
want to replicate your study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

 Discuss the procedures as to
how you will record/ encode
and analyze your data to
answer the research problem/
 If you will use a special form
for recording or accumulating
data, place an example in the
appendix section.
 If you will apply statistical
tests to analyze your data,
identify the specific descriptive
statistics and/ or inferential
statistics to t you will use.

Specific Guidelines in the Proposal

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

1. The student will defend

his/her Proposal (Chapters I –
2. The student should follow the
Format in writing a proposal.
3. The student’s power
PowerPoint presentation is
limited to 10-15 slides only
with the following as the
essential contents in the slide
4. Title and name of student and
5. Introduction (Background of
the Study, Conceptual
Framework, Statement of the
Problem, Hypothesis,
Significance of the Study,
Scope, and Limitation of the
Study, and Definition of
Terms) in bulleted or
synthesized form.
6. Review of Related Literature
and Studies in bulleted or
synthesized form.
7. Methodology (Source of
Materials, Locale of the
Study, Experimental Design
and Treatment, Research
Procedure, Data gathering,
Statistical Analysis) in
bulleted form or graphic
8. References (APA Format)
9. The presentation of the
proposal should only be for 5
minutes, to provide time for
the panel of examiners to
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

comment, suggest, and ask

10. The student should seek the
approval of the Adviser before
the actual implementation of
the study.
11. The revised research paper
will be personally submitted
to the school or via email at

Note: Under the Learning Task column, write the title of the module, the tasks (consider all parts) in the module and the teacher may prepare a checklist of the module’s
parts for additional monitoring guide for both teacher and the learner.
Approved by:

DATE: March 1, 2021 DATE: March 1, 2021

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