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Lesson Plan in Humanities and Social Sciences 12

Philippine Politics and Governance

I. Objective:
Differentiate the roles and responsibilities of the Philippine Senate and the House of the
Representatives. HUMSS-PG12-lb-c-7

KBI: Awarenes of the responsibilities being a citizen of the Philippines.

II. Content:
a. Subject Matter: Roles and Responsibilities of the Philippine Senate and the House of the

b. References:

c. Materials: chart, laptop

d. Integration: English
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities

1. Setting of standards before the start of the lesson1

2. Drill

Supply the blank slot to arrive the aim.

1. S_N_TE
2. PH_LI_PI_E_
3. G_VE_N_EN_

3. Review

Who are in the executive branch of the government?

What are their roles?
What are their powers?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
Ask the following questions:

 Do you know them?

 What do you think they doing?
 What do you think is our lesson for today?

2. Presentation
Show the logo of Senate of the Philippines and House of the Representatives.

Ask the following questions:

 Who do you think are there in both logo?

 What are their differences?
 Are they in the government?
 Are they important to our government?
 How did they become important?
 What do you think are their responsibilities and duties?

3. Discussion
Discuss the Roles and Responsibilities of the Senate and House of the
Senate of the Philippines
  is the upper house of Congress.
 composed of 24 senators who are elected at-large
under plurality-at-large voting.
 Primarily lawmakers.
 They file bills after careful study and consultations and
work to have them signed into law.
 Help determine the government spends public money
based on the national budget.
 They sit as judges in an impeachment trial.
 They have power to declare the existence of a state of
 Majority of congress their concurrence is needed on the
president’s grant of amnesty.
 They perform an oversight function often by conducting
investigations in aid of legislation.
 Scrutinize certain appointments made by the president as
a part of check and balances.
House of the Representatives

 It is called the Lower House

 House of Representatives shall be composed of not more
than 250 Members
  has the power to impeach certain officials.
 it recognizes the vital role of the ordinary people in the law-
making process
 encourages all citizens to participate by getting in touch
with their respective representatives and "let them know
what you think and how you feel about existing and
proposed laws, or your suggestions for new laws needed
to make our lives and our society better.

4. Activities
Activity 1 (Individual Activity)
Let A-Z correspond to the number 1-26. Decode the following and
arrange it to form a word.

1. 19 5 14 1 20 5
2. 18 5 16 18 5 19 5 14 20 1 20 19 22 5 19
3. 12 1 23 13 1 12 5 18 19
4. 19 5 14 1 20 15 18 19
5. 3 15 14 7 18 5 19 19
Activity 2 (Groupings)
(Group the students into 2)
Let the students make a poem about the importance of Philippine Senate
and House of the Representatives.

Activity 3 (Learner to learner)


With the same group let the students debate on which of the following is
more important? Senate of the Philippines or House of the Representatives?

KBI: As a citizen of the Philippines what do you think are your responsibilities?

5. Generalization

Base to our activities differentiate the roles and responsibilities.

Senate of the Philippines
  is the upper house of Congress.
 composed of 24 senators who are elected at-
large under plurality-at-large voting.
 Primarily lawmakers.
 They file bills after careful study and consultations
and work to have them signed into law.
House of the Representatives
 It is called the Lower House
 House of Representatives shall be composed of
not more than 250 Members
  has the power to impeach certain officials.
 it recognizes the vital role of the ordinary people
in the law-making process
6. Application

As one of the citizens of the Philippines what is your role or what can you
suggest to our government to make our lives and our society better?

IV. Evaluation
Differentiate the roles and responsibilities of the Philippine Senate and the House of the
Representatives using Venn Diagram.

Senate of the Philippines House of the Representatives


V. Assignment
What are the roles and responsibilities of the Philippine Judiciary?
Prepared by:
Jay C. Calipayan

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