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Kiss Army Argentina Exclusive Interview with Lydia Criss: When I heard Beth for the first time

in the studio, the tears rolled down my face

Kiss Army Argentina: Lydia, first of all, thanks a lot for granting us this interview; we feel truly honored. LC: It is my pleasure. KAA: Where shall we start?... You have traveled a long way since 1966 up to now; almost a whole life related to KISS one way or another. Your book Sealed with a Kiss is an ideal source to find out pretty much everything in the KISS world, but we prefer to ask ourselves about certain issues. LC: Okay. KAA: How did you meet Peter Criss? LC: I met Peter in a local club called The Highway Lounge in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. My friend Karen was going out with Angelo the bass player in Peter's band The Barracudas. I was invited to go see The Barracudas with Karen's cousin Ronnie. It was July 3, 1966 and Ronnie & I went to the beach. It was 103 that day and I got really sun burned, felt sick and I didn't want to go. I was talked into going and that night I met Peter Criss. KAA: We can say that there is probably no other person that knows Peter as much as you do. Please tell us how he was like in those days, before becoming famous LC: Peter was a very unique guy. Obviously I had never met anyone like him. He was charming, loving, very family oriented, talented, generous & funny. He was everything a girl would want in a guy except he had no money. That didn't bother me, I was happy just the way he was. KAA: What made you fall in love with Peter? LC: All of the things I just mentioned above. KAA: Your book is divided in three clearly differentiated sections: the days before KISS, the KISS days and the post- KISS era. We guess that everything you lived with Peter before KISS has a great contrast in comparison to what you both lived between 1974 and 1979. When you married him things were more easy going than when he became KISS drummer; is this assumption correct? LC: Sure. We were living in a small one-bedroom apartment in Brooklyn before KISS Alive went gold. We immediately moved to New York City (Manhattan) in a Brownstone with two bedrooms, fireplaces and 13' ceilings. Our lives were then non-stop.

-2KAA: What were the best moments that you lived with Peter before KISS was formed? What are your most important memories from those days, prior to the creation of The Hottest Band in the World? LC: Well getting married and forming our first home together was a great memory. Our honeymoon in Spain & England was fantastic. Getting our first car, our first animal, Mateus the cat and just having our own home to share with our friends and family. Peter joining Chelsea and recording an album prior to KISS was also an important memory. KAA: We have found out that there are lots of pictures of Peters gigs (over 500 shows, I think!) for which you did not find place in your book. It is for sure really valuable and important material for any fan and for you. Have you documented in photographs all of Peters musical activities before he joined KISS? LC: I sure wish that was true. I do have more photos of Peter's career before he joined KISS, but definitely not 500 shows. I also have a record of his shows, with dates, salaries, commissions & band names and members. KAA: What do you think Peter would have done in 1973 if he had not joined the KISS project? LC: Peter would have kept looking for a new band and played music for the rest of his life. KAA: Do you remember the whole process that resulted in Peter joining the band, i.e., how he contacted Paul and Gene and how he ended up as the bands drummer? What did he tell you about it and about the rehearsals? Were you present in those initial rehearsals as a trio? LC: OK, Peter put an ad in Rolling Stone Magazine, looking for a band. One Sunday afternoon, we were home putting up wallpaper with his mother & father. The phone rang, I answered it and it was Gene asking for Peter. I gave Peter the phone and they talked a while. I believe immediately the next day Peter & myself, went to Greenwich Village and met Gene & Paul at Electric Lady Recording Studios on 8th Street. He auditioned for them and Gene & Paul also came to Brooklyn to see Peter play in one of his bands at a local club. As far as the rehearsals, they were in a loft in Manhattan on E. 23rd Street. I worked in Manhattan and I would meet Peter after work, and sit through the rehearsal and then go home with Peter. I was there with them when they were only a trio, and were called Wicked Lester. KAA: What was your personal opinion by that time seeing Peter involved in a band like KISS? Did you believe in the band? LC: The band KISS was not like the band KISS that you know. There was no makeup, no costumes and no Ace. I always believed in Peter so of course I believed in the band. KAA: And on 1974, a new story began What things changed (either for good or for bad) in your life and in Peters because of KISS? LC: Well in 1974 everything changed, most of them were good. There was a management company, a record company and a staff behind them. Every thing was taken care of for them. There was all new equipment, new costumes, new stage show, limos, salaries, lots of travel, less financial worries, more freedom & the sheer excitement of success & fame. The only thing that I can think of that was not good, was the days and weeks away from each other. The loneliness was something I had to adjust to. I had never lived alone before.

-3KAA: What can you tell us about KISS audition in the Le Tang Studio, in Manhattan, on September 28, 1973, in order to reach a recording agreement? LC: Well, KISS rented this dance studio and invited Bill Aucoin, who had already seen them play at the Diplomat Hotel. He brought along with him, Neil Bogart, Sean Delaney, Larry Harris and some other people that I was not familiar with. Neil Bogart was then planning on starting a record company in California called Casablanca Records. He needed some acts to sign, and Bill was hoping that KISS would be the first one. Larry Harris was Neil's right hand man, and an executive at Casablanca. Sean Delaney was the creative talent and Vice-President of Rock Steady, which eventually became Aucoin Management. They performed in this little room with their big amps and almost blew the ear drums out of everyone in there. They were entirely too loud and I thought they had blown it. I remember during one of the songs, Gene got off stage and walked over to Sean and grabbed his hands and made him clap them together. I think Gene's arrogance alone caught Neil's Bogart's attention, and was a plus in favor for KISS. I am not sure how many songs they played, but it was over pretty quickly. KAA: Then an almost endless series of events began to take place; these events made KISS The Hottest Band in the World, with Peter in a main role together with Paul, Gene and Ace and you, as the inspiring muse of one of KISS anthems: Beth. What can you tell us about that song? Is there any truth in its lyrics? LC: Well, Beth was originally written by Peter and Stan Penridge, while they were in Chelsea. It was about the rhythm guitar player's wife named Beckie. It was a mean song with lyrics like "Beck I hear you calling and I'm not coming home right now" She was newly wed and always calling the studio wanting to know when her husband Michael was coming home. Nothing was ever done with the song, and at one point of KISS's career, Peter presented it to the band. They agreed to record it, but they said we can not call it Beck, because of Jeff Beck. I had suggested Beth, because Neil Bogart's wife's name was Beth. They agreed and it was recorded. They brought it to their record producer, Bob Ezrin, they changed a few words, added some and Beth was recorded. They then called me to come to the studio and listen to it. They sat me on a stool, with head phones on, and I listened as they all stood around me. When it finished they asked me what I thought. As the tears rolled down my face, I said it should have been called Lydia. KAA: We guess that your presence in the 1976 Peoples Choice Awards, in which an award was granted to the band due to Beth, must have been an extremely important moment in your life. Please tell us how you felt that day LC: I was a nervous wreck. I found out that I was going to accept it 10 days before the award show. I lost 10 pounds in 10 days. KAA: What other significant moments of your life with Peter and with KISS can you mention? LC: Of course when KISS played Madison Square Garden and when we went to Japan in 1977 & 1978. KAA: You once said that the 1974-1979 era has been hectic, chaotic, wild and fantastic; could you please expand a little on this assessment? Could you mention any anecdote to exemplify it? LC: Well there was always something going on. If we weren't going on the road, the band was recording, doing interviews, having fittings, attending business meetings, rehearsals or even writing new songs. This is all in between trying to have a normal family life. There was never a dull moment. This is the way it was and there was nothing that could have been done to change it.

-4KAA: Over the years, it seems that Peter was hectic, chaotic, wild and fantastic too; what is your opinion? LC: Peter liked to party. He loved to never let the night end. He always had a problem sleeping, but with the fame, it make things worse. KAA: Your book quickly became a must for the collection of any KISS fan, due to the quality of the information it contains and specially, due to the great and previously unreleased photographs. What is remarkable is that back then you had not begun to study photography, and yet you documented everything with great attention to details LC: Yes, I always took pictures, but with a $20.00 Kodak Instamatic Camera. The Christmas before we went to Japan Paul Stanley bought us a 35 mm camera. I brought it with us to Japan, but the promoter, Mr. Udo, gave all of us Nikon cameras as a gift. We quickly bought all the extra lenses and accessories that we needed to have a complete setup. KAA: After you divorced Peter in 1978, you decided to give photography an essential place in your life: you began to study and to improve until it became a professional characteristic for you. Was the crisis with Peter the triggering element for that? LC: No. I picked it up the desire pretty quickly after Japan. I practiced for a while and eventually took classes in photography after I was divorced from Peter. KAA: Breaking up with Peter must have been really hard because you had lived together many years, with many personal experiences in common. How did this extremely hard moment affect you? LC: Naturally I was devastated. Thank God for my family and friends. I would have never been able to get through it. When you get divorced, not only do you loose your husband, you loose his family, his friends, and every one involved with him. In my case I also lost the lavish life style that I could no longer afford. KAA: Thanks to the time you spent with KISS you kept a nice relationship with Ace and his wife at that time, Jeanette. How did that relationship change or continue once you divorced Peter and once he left the band? LC: Jeanette & I were friends for a while, until she was told not to talk to me anymore by the management company. My friendship with Ace & Jeanette was always on and off. There were years that I was friends with only Ace, and then there were years that I was only friends with Jeanette, and then there were years that I was friends with both of them. KAA: Do you remember any memorable anecdote or event you lived with Gene or Paul from those days with KISS? LC: I remember that everyone of the guys were very funny. There as always a laugh when I was around them. They were all like brothers to me. KAA: How did sudden fame and success impact in your life with Peter? LC: Read My Book!!

-5KAA: Then came the post-KISS era Peter quickly started a new life with Debra. Were you able to have a friendly relationship shortly after the breakup, or it rather took you many years to reach that point? Because nowadays it seems that Peter and you have a nice and friendly relationship. LC: I've talked to Peter only a hand full of times since our divorce. Peter only contacts me when he needs to. He is not on my caller ID. KAA: As the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining: your skills for photography brought you acknowledgement, to the point that many artists and bands request your services in that field. That must have meant a new life for you after the breakup with Peter, do you agree? LC: Yes, I have met many artists after my breakup with Peter, more so than when I was with Peter & KISS. I really enjoy taking pictures at concerts, something Peter never wanted me to do with KISS, because of the danger being in the audience. Photography is my happiness. KAA: Time has passed and you have become without a doubt a main character in the KISStory; you lived important events with Peter, you inspired one of the most recognizable songs of the band and you have documented everything with photos. During Peters time with KISS, were you already aware of the importance of these events? LC: Absolutely not. I think I am more aware right now, with Facebook, the importance of KISS and my roll in KISStory. The amount of fans that know of me blows my mind. KAA: Did you ever think (even after you broke up with Peter) that your presence and your thoughts would be requested for interviews and for KISS conventions? LC: No. KAA: After your divorce, did you keep any interest in the bands activities? LC: Not really. I did go to photograph them in England at Wembley arena and at The Ritz in New York. I saw them at Eric Carr's 7/80 first show and Eric Carr's last show 12/90 and nothing in between. KAA: We guess that Peter must have read your book! Has he let you know his opinion about it? Is there something that he did not like? Did you tell him beforehand that you were going to release that material? LC: I don't know. No opinion. Don't know. No. KAA: Lets move to the present time. Do you currently keep any contact with Paul or Gene? After all, you were very important, even essential, in the beginning of KISS LC: No they do not keep in touch with me. KAA: You always had a nice relationship with Ace; how do you see him today? Because fortunately we can say that he has remained clean and sober since quite a long time ago! LC: Ace is currently working on a book to be released in November. I do talk to Ace occasionally, as a matter of fact I spoke to him last week. He sounds great. KAA: What do you think about the current KISS? Considering that you were there in the beginning, and that you have witnessed the creation of the four characters, do you think it is alright that

-6Tommy and Eric don the makeup and costume designs originally created for Ace and Peter respectively almost 40 years ago? LC: I really don't have a problem with that. As they say...."The Show Must Go On". KAA: In 2010 Bill Aucoin sadly passed away. We know you attended his funeral, feeling deeply touched by that sad event. After both you and Bill ceased to work with the band, did you always keep in touch? LC: After my divorce, I didn't see much of anyone from the KISS organization. After some years passed I reconnected with Bill Aucoin. I then got married again, and sort of lost Bill. Then for the past 11 or 12 year Bill and I have always been in touch with each other. He stayed at my apartment the last trip to NY before he passed away. KAA: Looking back, what things would you change if you could and what things would you leave the way they happened? LC: I don't think I would change anything, except I should have not gotten married the second time. It was a waste of time. KAA: Could you describe Peter in a few words? LC: I think I did describe him in a previous question. KAA: Finally, could you please leave a message for KISS Army Argentina? LC: I was in Argentina in 2005 just before I started to work on my book. I am so sorry that I did not contact anyone in the KISS Army, but I didn't know that you existed. I loved your country and especially the people. I look forward to revisiting Argentina again, this time I will let you all know before I do. KAA: Lydia, once again, thanks a lot for the time you devoted to this interview. LC: You are welcome, and thank you for being KISS fans!! xoxo

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