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Ylizza Niña Reganion


Evaluation #6

Write a reflection on the song "Next in Line"

The song Next in Line is about our life what would

happen to us in the future, it somewhat tells us that
we will be facing something maybe problems or
anything that will develop our selves and we gotta
need to feel it, cope and learn with it. Life will teach
us important lessons that will lead us to asking
ourselves just like said in the song
"What has life to offer me when I grow old?"
"For these are the questions we've got to face"
Life is long journey a lot of ups and down, we will
accidentally or intentionally make mistakes. We
dont know what life we will have in the future cause
we are just waiting in the line. But one thing i am
sure about is we need to strive, be patient, and love
our selves so we could enjoy our life today and our
future life will surely be happy and extraordinary
because we did what makes us happy.

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