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1. A police officer who, arrested a member of congress while going to attend a senate session for a
traffic violation is liable for
A. Crime against popular representation
B. Acts tending to prevent the meeting of the National assembly
C. Violation of parliamentary immunity
D. All of the foregoing

2. Consists of acts which are offensive to decency and good customs, which having been
committed publicly, have given rise to public scandal to persons who have witness the same.
A. Immoral doctrines C. Grave scandal
B.Slander D. Libel

3. Also called embezzlement by means of appropriating funds or property or taking

misappropriating the same.
A. Malversation C. Malfeasance
B. Misfeasance D. Nonfeasance

4. When a threat to commit a wrong not constituting a crime is made by another, what crime is
A. Grave threat C. Grave coercion
B. Light threat D. Light coercion

5. Altering the place of a mojon in the lot to insure that the property would be larger when surveyed
is a crime of:
A. Estafa C. Usupation
B. Chattel mortgage D. Altering boundaries or landmarks

6. Breach of allegiance to a government committed by a person who owes allegiance to it

A. Treason C. Adherence to the enemy
B. Espionage D. Levying war

7. If the several pieces of stolen jewelry were given to their friend Orly with the knowledge of the
crime committed, what would be Orly’s criminal participation?
A. Principal C. Accomplice
B. Accessory D. None of the above

Case Study:
Ariel induced his friends Felino and Paul to go along his plan to rob their employer of the payroll fund.
The three went on to tell Allan the janitor who went along their plan and provided them the key to the
room building and that of their employer’s office. That night Felino and Paul wnt to the office and were
able to access the room without using force upon things. They got hold of the office vault and carted it
away. Upon reaching Paul’s home, Felino cracked open the vault with a metal jack. A sum of 3,000,000
pesos was inside the vault together with several pieces of jewelry


8. What was the crime committed by Paul and Felino?

A. Theft C. Robbery
B. Qualified Theft D. Malicious mischief

9. What was the participation of Ariel?

A. Principal by direct participation C. Principal by indispensable cooperation
B. Principal by induction D. Accomplice

10. Is Allan criminally liable for the crime committed by Felino and Paul?
A. Yes C. Maybe
B. No D. It depends
11. What would be Allan’s criminal participation?
A. Principal by direct participation C. Principal by indispensable cooperation
B. Principal by induction D. Accomplice

12. A college professing having consenting sexual intercourse with his student is guilty of what
A. Seduction C. Abduction
B. Qualified seduction D. None of the foregoing

13. A police officer was shot dead by an identified person and the service pistol was stolen, what
crime was committed?
A. Murder C. Homicide and robbery
B. Robbery D. Robbery with homicide

14. Committed by a man having a carnal knowledge with a child less than 12 years old.
A. Rape C. Seduction
B. Acts of lasciviousness D. Adduction

15 Any other name of a person which publicly applies to himself without authority of the law.
A. Alias C. Fictitious name
B. AKA D. Trade name

16. When a gathering of persons is held with the presence of armed men and the purpose of the
meeting is to commit any crime punishable under the RPC, what crime is committed?
A. Illegal assembly C. Sedition
B. Illegal association D. Rebellion

17. The following are legal grounds for detention, except:

A. Commission of a crime
B. Violent insanity
C. Ailment requiring compulsory confinement
D. Suspected of committing a crime

18. This felony is committed upon a private person who comes to the aid of an agent of a person in
authority on the occasion of direct assault committed against the latter.
A. Direct assault C. Resistance
B. Indirect assault D. Disobedience

19. Committed by a public officer who accepts gifts in exchange for some official acts.
A. Bribery C. Indirect bribery
B. Qualified bribery D. Direct bribery

20. It is the lopping or clipping off some part of the body, e.g. a woman cutting the penis of a male
lover to deprive the latter of its use.
A. Physical injury C. Tumultuous affray
B. Duel D. Mutilation

21. Refers to a crime committed by any person who threatens another with the infliction upon the
person, honor, or property of the latter or of his family of any wrong amounting to a crime.
A. Grave Threat C. Grave coercion
B. Light threat D. Light coercion

22. A person who shall kill his father, mother or child shall be guilty of what crime?
A. Parricide C. Homicide
B. Murder D. Infanticide

23. The degree of proof required to convict a person accused of treason

A. Dangerous tendency rule C. Proof beyond reasonable doubt
B. Two witness rule D. Substantial evidence
24. A person arrested for the commission of an offense punishable by afflictive penalties must be
delivered to the proper judicial authority within how may hours?
A. 12 C. 36
B. 18 D. 48

25. A public officer who refrains from arresting a person who has committed a crime punishable by
reclusion perpetua in exchange for money.
A. Bribery C. Indirect bribery
B. Qualified bribery D. Direct bribery

26. A formal and regular combat previously concerted between two parties in the presence of two or
more seconds of lawful age on each side, who make the selection of arms and fix all others
A. Riot C. Tumultuous affray
B. Duel D. Mutilation

27. A housemaid who was caught in the act of carting away the furniture of her employer would be
charged of what crime?
A. Theft C. Qualified theft
B. Robbery D. Estafa

28. A person who ripped the dress of a woman and placed his penis over the woman’s genital organ
is liable for what crime?
A. Rape C. Forcible abduction
B. Seduction D. Acts of lasciviousness

29. Voluntary but without malice failing to do an act from which material damage results by reason
of inexcusable lack of precaution on the part of the person performing the act
A. Negligence C. Reckless imprudence
B. Imprudence D. Reckless negligence

Case study:

Pedro in retaliation for a bitter love dispute with Jose wanted to kill the latter for eloping with his girl.
Pedro hired Dante to shoot Jose at the back in exchange of 50,000 pesos. Juanito a security guard lent
Dante the firearm to be intended to be used against Jose. The following day Dante waited for Jose and
followed him to the dark, he shot Jose at the back killing the latter instantly. To confuse the police
investigators, Dante took the ring and wristwatch of Jose and fled the scene of the crime.

30. What crime was committed by Pedro?

A. Homicide C. Robbery
B. Murder D. None of the foregoing

31. In this case what was the participation of Juanito?

A. Principal by direct participation C. Principal by indispensable cooperation
B. Principal by induction D. Accomplice

32. In Dante’s situation what is his participation in the said crime?

A. Principal by direct participation C. Principal by indispensable cooperation
B. Principal by induction D. Accomplice

33. On the part of Pedro what is his criminal participation?

A. Principal by direct participation C. Principal by indispensable cooperation
B. Principal by induction D. Accomplice

34. What crime was committed by Dante?

A. Murder and robbery C. Homicide and robbery
B. Murder with robbery D. Homicide with robbery
35. A married man who allows his paramour to live in their conjugal dwelling is liable for what
A. Adultery C. Acts of lasciviousness
B. Concubinage D. Seduction

36. Lewd acts committed upon persons of either sex not amounting to rape by using force or
A. Adultery C. Acts of lasciviousness
B. Concubinage D. Seduction

37. Pedro was able to have carnal knowledge with his girlfriend by promising the latter with
marriage, what crime was committed?
A. Seduction C. Abduction
B. Acts of lasciviousness D. None of the foregoing

38. Is the taking of personal belonging to another with intent to gain, by means of violence against,
or intimidation upon things of any person or using force upon anything.
A. Robbery C. Brigandage
B. Theft D. Estafa

39. A person took several jewelry from a room in which he entered through the window committed
what crime?
A. Robbery C. Brigandage
B. Theft D. Estafa

40. A genuine key stolen from the owner is considered as a

A. False key C. Stolen item
B. Hot item D. Picklock

41. A stole thing from a locker by means of the key of the owner, what crime was committed?
A. Theft C. Possession of pick locks
B. Robbery D. Possession of false keys

42. Takes place whenever a person is killed during a confusion attendant to a quarrel among several
persons not constituting a group and the perpetuators cannot be ascertained.
A. Homicide C. Death caused by tumultuous affray
B. Murder D. Riots

43. A husband punched and kicked his pregnant wife causing the death of their unborn child is guilty
A. Parricide C. Intentional abortion
B. Abortion D. Unintentional abortion

44. A person who executes a false affidavit may be held liable for:
A. Forgery C. Falsification
B. Perjury D. False testimony

45. Refers to persons having no apparent means of subsistence but has the physical ability to work
and neglects to apply himself or herself to lawful calling.
A. Bum C. Prostitute
B. Vagrant D. Destitute

46. Refers to the omission of some acts which ought to be performed.

A. Misfeasance C. Non feasance
B. Malfeasance D. Dereliction of duty

47. It is the violent expulsion of a human fetus from the maternal womb of birth which results in
A. Infanticide C. Murder
B. Abortion D. Parricide
48. What crime is committed by a person who bit the ear of his opponent while in a boxing match?
A. Mutilation C. Less serious physical injury
B. Serious physical injury D. Slight physical injury

49. What crime is committed by a person who assaulted another, causing the latter to be absent from
work for two weeks?
A. Mutilation C. Less serious physical injury
B. Serious physical injury D. Slight physical injury

50. Any person who, by means of violence shall seize anything belonging to his debtor for the
purpose of applying the same to the payment of a debt, is committing:
A. Grave threat C. Grave coercion
B. Light threat D. Light coercion

51. It is a felony wherein a person compels another by means of force, violence or intimidation to do
something against his will, whether right or wrong.
A. Grave threat C. Grave coercion
B. Light threat D. Light coercion

52. It includes human conduct which, although not productive of some physical or material harm
would annoy an innocent person.
A. Light threat C. Unjust vexation
B. Light coercion D. None of the foregoing

53. Groups which are organized for the purpose of committing any crime against the RPC or for
other purposes contrary to public morals
A. Illegal assembly C. Sedition
B. Illegal association D. Rebellion

54. Implies anything which included offensive or antagonistic movement or action of any kind
A. Overt acts C. Attack
B. Employ force D. Stealth

55. When there is a tumultuous public uprising and the purpose is to prevent the holding of elections,
the crime committed is
A. Illegal assembly C. Rebellion
B. Violation of parliamentary immunity D. Sedition

56. A student brutally punching his teacher while the lecture was ongoing may be held liable for
A. Direct assault C. Resistance
B. Indirect assault D. Subversion

57. It means intent to betray

A. Aid or comfort C. Adherence to the enemy
B. Levying war D. All of the above

58. It requires the concurrence of two things, that there being an actual assembly of men and for such
purpose of executing a treasonable design by force.
A. Aid or comfort C. Adherence to the enemy
B. Levying war D. All of the foregoing

59. Refers to the gathering, transmitting or losing information relative to national defense with
intent to be used to the injury of the Republic of the Philippines.
A. Treason C. Conspiracy to commit treason
B. Espionage D. Misprision of treason

60. Refers to the performance of some acts which ought not to be done.
A. Misfeasance C. Nonfeasance
B. Malfeasance D. Dereliction of duty
61. It is the improper performance of some act which might be lawfully done.
A. Misfeasance C. Nonfeasance
B. Malfeasance D. Dereliction of duty

62. An order issued by the court between the commencement and the end of trial and which decides
some point or matter, but which however, is not a final decision of the matter in issue.
A. Certiorari C. Writ of habeas corpus
B. Interlocutory order D. Mandamus

63. A crime committed by more than three armed malefactors who form a band for the purpose of
committing robbery in the highway or kidnapping persons for the purpose of extortion or to obtain
ransom, or for any other purpose to be attained by means of force and violence.
A. Robbery C. Brigandage
B. Kidnapping D. Theft

64. Committed by any person who with intent to gain but without violence or intimidation of
persons nor force upon things, shall take personal property of another without the latter’s consent.
A. Robbery C. Brigandage
B. Kidnapping D. Theft

65. A married man who allows his paramour to live in their conjugal dwelling is liable for what
C. Adultery C. Acts of lasciviousness
D. Concubinage D. Seduction

66. Lewd acts committed upon persons of either sex not amounting to rape by using force or
C. Adultery C. Acts of lasciviousness
D. Concubinage D. Seduction

67. Pedro was able to have carnal knowledge with his girlfriend by promising the latter with
marriage, what crime was committed?
B. Seduction C. Abduction
C. Acts of lasciviousness D. None of the foregoing

68. A person who forced his girlfriend to elope with him is guilty of what crime?
A. Forcible abduction C. Seduction
B. Consented abduction D. Qualified seduction

69. A public and malicious imputation of a crime, vice or defect

A. Libel C. Slander
B. Slander by deed D. Incriminator machination

70. Police officers to ensure conviction of the subjects were caught planting evidence may be held
liable for what offense?
A. Libel C. Slander by deed
B. Slander D. Incriminatory machination

71. The unlawful killing of a child less than three years old.
A. Parricide C. Homicide
B. Murder D. Infanticide

72. A person fired his pistol while paramour of his father was walking farther away from him killing
the latter instantly is guilty of
A. Parricide C. Homicide
B. Murder D. Infanticide

73. A wanted to kill B, he then executed his plan by ramming over the latter with his automobile
killing B instantly, what was the crime committed?
A. Parricide C. Homicide
B. Murder D. Infanticide
74. A person killed his legitimate spouse by means of a poison is guilty of
A. Parricide C. Homicide
B. Murder D. Infanticide

75. A private individual who detains another for the purpose of depriving the latter of his liberty for
more than three days is guilty of:
A. Illegal detention C. Serious illegal detention
B. Arbitrary detention D. Slight illegal detention

76. A person who got into a dispute with another, assaulted the latter for the purpose of delivering
his victim to the jailer is guilty of what crime?
A. Illegal detention C. Unlawful arrest
B. Illegal arrest D. Physical injuries

77. A person firing his pistol towards the sky during the celebration of New Year’s Eve is liable for:
A. Illegal possession of firearms C. Alarm and scandal
B. Illegal discharge D. All of the foregoing

78. A convict who escapes from a prison facility is guilty of what crime?
A. Delivering prisoners from jail C. Resistance
B. Evasion of service of sentence D. Disobedience

79. This crime is committed by any person without any distinction, by performing under pretense of
official position any act pertaining to such person.
A. Usurpation of authority C. Disobedience
B. Estafa D. Resistance

80. This crime is committed whenever the offender makes or imitates a treasury note or certificate
giving it the appearance of that of the genuine.
A. Falsification of documents C. Forgery
B. Intercalation D. Rubric

81. A person having knowledge of the plans to commit treason and fails to disclose such information
to the governor fiscal or mayor is guilty of what crime?
A. Treason C. Conspiracy to commit treason
B. Espionage D. Misprision of treason

82. It is a forcible depredation of the high seas without lawful authority and done with animo
furandi, and in the spirit and intention of universal hostility.
A. Mutiny C. Piracy
B. Espionage D. Sedition

83. Refers to resistance to a superior officer, or the raising of commotions and disturbance on board
a ship against the authority of the commander.
A. Mutiny C. Piracy
B. Espionage D. Sedition

84. A public officer, who without legal grounds detains or confines a person and deprives said
person of his liberty is liable for:
A. Illegal detention C. Kidnapping
B. Arbitrary detention D. Expulsion

85. A swift attack accompanied by violence, intimidation, stealth, directed against duly constituted
authorities, public utilities, military camps and installation with or without civilian support, for the
purpose of diminishing state power.
A. Treason C. Coup d’ etat
B. Rebellion D. Sedition
86. It is a felony which in its general sense is raising of commotions or disturbances in the state
outside the legal method.
A. Treason C. Coup d’ etat
B. Rebellion D. Sedition

87. Exemption to violation of parliamentary immunity, when a member of congress while in regular
A. Committed a crime punishable by the Revised penal code
B. Committed a crime punishable by prision mayor
C. Committed a crime punishable by a penalty higher than prision mayro
D. None of the foregoing

88. Pedro poisoned his child less than 3 days old telling the latter is guilty of what crime?
A. Parricide C. Homicide
B. Murder D. Infanticide

89. It means estafa or defrauding another by abuse of confidence, false pretenses or any other similar
A. Swindling C. Usurpation
B. Brigandage D. All of the foregoing

90. Issuing a check without sufficient fund constitute what crime?

A. Swindling C. Violation of BP22
B. Estafa D. All of the foregoing

91. Juan was able to have carnal knowledge with Maria his girlfriend while the latter was drunk,
what crime was committed?
A. Acts of lasciviousness C. Qualified Seduction
B. Rape D. None of the foregoing

92. Having carnal knowledge with a 16 year old girl with the use of deceit constitutes what crime?
A. Seduction C. Acts of lasciviousness
B. Abduction D. Rape

93. Pedro recruited several barrio mates to engage in the sex trade, what crime was committed?
A. Prostitution C. Slavery
B. White slave trade D. None of the above

94. Unlawful extortion of money by threats of accusation or exposure

A. Slander C. Coercion
B. Libel Coercion D. Blackmail

95. To avoid being charged with delay in the delivery of persons to proper judicial authorities, a
person caught in the act of committing a felony punishable by penalties which are correctional in
nature must be delivered to said authorities within how many hours?
A. 12 C. 36
B. 18 D. 48

96. It is the unauthorized act of a public officer who compels a person to change his residence.
A. Violation of domicile C. Trespass to dwelling
B. Arbitrary detention D. Expulsion

97. A public officer who enters the dwelling of a person, without being authorized by judicial order
against the will of the owner thereof may be held liable for
A. Violation of domicile C. Trespass to dwelling
B. Arbitrary detention D. Expulsion
98. This crime is committed by raising publicly and taking arms against government to completely
overthrow and supersede said existing government.
A. Treason C. Coup d’ etat
B. Rebellion D. Sedition

99. The nature of the crime of treason and espionage

A. War crime
B. Crime against national security and the law of nations
C. Crime against public order
D. Crimes against the state

100. Includes medley of discordant voices, a mock serenade of discordant noises designed to annoy
and insult.
A. Outcry C. Assault
B. Tumultous D. Charivari

101. It is committed by a person, who being under oath are required to testify as to the truth of a
certain matter at a hearing before a competent authority, shall deny the truth or say something
contrary to it.
A. Forgery C. Falsification
B. Perjury D. False Testimony

102. What crime was committed when a person burned the house of his dead victim to hide the body
of the crime?
A. Complex crime C. Arson with homicide
B. Murder D. Homicide and arson

103. It is the willful damaging of another’s property for the sake of causing damage due to hate,
revenge or other evil motive.
A. Swindling C. Malicious mischief
B. Destruction of property D. Chattel mortgage

104. What crime was committed by a married woman having carnal knowledge with a man not her
A. Adultery C. Acts of lasciviousness
B. Concubinage D. Seduction

105. A swift attack accompanied by violence, intimidation, stealth, directed against duly constituted
authorities, public utilities, military camps and installation with or without civilian support, for the
purpose of diminishing state power.
C. Treason C. Coup d’ etat
D. Rebellion D. Sedition

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