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Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m writing you because we’re giving a visit to York and stay in your hotel this summer. Me and my
friend will be travelling to York and both of us are males. And we both are in our twenties. The summer
break is long enough for a 4 weeks visit but we only planned to stay for 3 weeks because we’re a bit
busy. We planned to stay between March 6 th and 20th. Please save a double room for us too. One thing,
does your hotel have a restaurant or a café to eat? If not, we would like to know if there is a place to eat
near your hotel which is not that cheap. This is our first time visiting UK so we do not know much about
UK. We would also like to know if there are some interesting places to visit near the hotel especially
some places like an World War 1 and World War 2 or just about military because both of us are really
into military. Well, anyways we look forward for a reply from you so that we can soon work out on our
summer plans .

Yours, faithfully

Meldon MacTavish

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