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50 Human Body Fun Facts That You Didn't Know

How much do you know your body? Not much? Well, you will love these human body fun facts! As
an amazing piece of machinery, our body offers tons of funny & weird pieces of info we didn't know. 
Your body is a strange yet fascinating place, where a lot of things remain a mystery. According to
Jess C. Scott, “The human body is the best work of art.” After all, in everyday life, a number of sys-
tems work together to keep you alive and well.
For sure, your science teacher taught you that the human skeleton is made up of 206 bones, the skin
regenerates itself to heal a papercut or remove dead skin, and your tongue prints are as unique as
your fingerprints. You might also discover that you can shed 22 kilograms of skin in your lifetime or
the body’s hardest bone is your haw bone.
Check out this super-interesting video with 25 incredible facts (don't forget to click the subscribe
button on the video), or scroll down for the full list of 50 mind-blowing fun facts. There are many cool
images waiting for you below.  
These facts will show you that our body is wacky, mysterious, and beautiful, and you live with it. How-
ever, sometimes it is very easy for us to forget how amazing we all are, and our body machine is as
So, before we forget, let's start!

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Crazy Fun Facts About Human Body Organs

Before we start, know that you can have more fun by playing great human body trivia games, or an-
swer human body questions. 
Did you know that…


1. The lining of the stomach is replaced once a week.

After you swallow food, the digestive system gets into action. The food goes to the stomach, where
the digestion starts. Interestingly, the lining of your stomach is being replaced once a week. If not, it
will digest itself.

2. Your heart can beat up to 100,000 times daily. 

If there’s one muscle that never gets tired, it is your heart. This human organ is responsible for pump-
ing blood through veins and arteries. It can beat about 100,000 times a day, depending on the beats
per minute. Meaning, it can send 2,000 gallons of blood through your body. 

3. Pink lungs mean healthy lungs.

It’s good news if you have pink, rubbery lungs on the outside. This means that you have healthy
lungs. So, avoid smoking as it can make your lungs look tarry and black.

4. You lose about 600,000 particles of skin every hour. 

Every hour, you can lose approximately 600,000 particles of skin, which is about 1.5 lbs of skin each
year. As we reach the age of 70, we tend to lose nearly 105 lbs of skin. So, it’s not only your pet that
sheds skin.

5. Time will come that your brain will have a harder time with long-term memories.
The time will come that your brain will fail to filter and remove old memories. As a result, the human
brain will find it harder to deal with long-term memories and refuse to absorb new ideas. Over the
average lifetime, your brain needs to work harder to produce memories.


6. The human heart has its very own electrical impulse.

Another crazy fact is on our heart. It has its own electrical impulse. Meaning, as long as your heart
has an oxygen supply, it will keep on beating. Even a heart is being separated from the body, and you
will see that it keeps on beating for a certain period. Besides, your heart can also pump up to 1.5 mil-
lion barrels of blood throughout your lifetime.

7. Only one kidney is necessary to live. 

Your kidneys are responsible for getting rid of waste products from the blood. What if you lose one?
Don’t worry, even only one kidney can keep you living.

8. Your stomach can dissolve metal.

The acid found in your stomach is so strong that it can dissolve metal. Good thing, the lining of your
stomach can tolerate it. So, do not be surprised that your stomach can dissolve razorblades.

9. The brain does not feel any pain.

Another function of the brain is to process pain signals. The crazy thing is that the brain itself does
not feel any pain. Well, discovering this fact does not hurt your brain, right?


10. Your liver can completely regenerate itself.

The vascular glandular organ, liver, secretes bile. It is also ONLY the human organ that can completely
regenerate itself. However, you still need to take care of it.

Weird Interesting Facts On Our Senses

If you love getting smarter and learning these important & fun snippets of facts, we invite you to read:
how to get smarter? 10 habits to become smarter.
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11. Some people can hear the sound of their own eyeballs moving.
The ability to hear the sound of their own eyeballs moving is called “superior canal dehiscence syn-
drome.” Every time these people’s eyes move in their sockets, they can hear a sound like scratching
sandpaper. Other than this, some people can also hear every sound within their bodies.

12. You can detect up to 1 trillion smells.

How many smells or scents can you name? Well, it’s nice to know that your nose can detect up to 1
trillion smells (billion times 10, a lot ah?). Besides, women are known to have a better sense of smell
compared to men.

13. Your eyes can detect light more than 1.7 miles away.
Are you curious how far your eyes can see a candle flame? The truth is your eyes are very powerful
that it can detect candle flame more than 1.7 miles away. It feels like you have a superhuman vision,

14. The human tongue is covered in about 8,000 taste buds.

Can you imagine yourself without taste buds? Your tongue is covered in approximately 8,000 taste
buds. Each of them contains about 100 cells, which can help you taste the food better.

15. Your ability to hear decreases when you overheat.

If you think your ability to hear can only be decreased as you age, think again. That is because when
you overheat, your hearing decreases. Not only that, but your body can also produce heat in 30 min-
utes that can bring a half-gallon of water to boil.


16. The fastest human sense is hearing.

Have you ever heard that your brain can recognize a sound as little as 0.05 seconds? That is 10 times
faster compared to a blink of an eye. So, if you want to get someone’s attention, it is better to scream
across the room instead of just waving. For more weird facts, check out the fantastic 50 weird fun
facts article.

Mind-blowing Truths On Bones and Muscles

Did you know that…
17. Adult humans have fewer bones than babies.
Do you think you had plenty of bones now? You start your life with 350 bones. As you reach adult-
hood, your bones fuse together. So, your bones will dwindle to only 206. In other words, adults actu-
ally have fewer bones compared to newborn babies.

18. The fastest muscles in our human body are found in your eyes.
If you are looking for the body’s fastest muscle, you can find it in your eyes. They are called “extraoc-
ular muscles.” These muscles let both of the eyes flick in a similar direction in a matter of 50-millisec-
ond movement. That speed is mind-blowing!

19. The smallest bones are found inside the ear.

Inside your ear, you will find the smallest bones. These bones are so small that they can even fit on a
coin. Without them, a human can’t hear a thing. So, you need to take care of them by not using any
sharp tool to clean your ears or any activity that can harm them.

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