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Rectangular Number Sequence

Lara Jane C. Eripol

Angel Khate S. Facurib

Stephanie P. Morante


“Mathematics is the beautiful language of the universe.”

Everything in life has patterns, which roots to mathematics. Mathematics seeks to

discover and explain abstract patterns or regularities of all kinds. The power of mathematics lies
in relations and transformations which give rise to patterns and generalizations. Abstracting
patterns is the basis of structural knowledge, the goal of mathematics learning.

This investigation aspire to search and uncover any patterns concealed on the sum of
the product of the numbers in the rows of the rectangular shape. Also, discovering new
formulas that will make this investigation fun and interesting, in which these maybe used to
find the terms on this array and the sum of these terms.


Suppose we have to arrange the array of consecutive natural numbers following the format

1 2

1 3
2 4

1 4
2 5
3 6

1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10


The rectangle is defined to have a four straight sides and four right angles especially
one with unequal adjacent sides. In this investigation, the rectangle is divided into rows and
two columns. However, the number of the rows are extending to infinity.

In the first rectangle, the two columns will consist of consecutive natural numbers
written from left to right of the cells starting from 1. While, on the second rectangle, it is divided
into two rows. The first column will consist an array of consecutive natural numbers that will be
written from top until the bottom of the rectangle and will carry on in the second column. The
same procedure will follow on the third rectangle and so on.

Now, take the product of the numbers in the rows. It is already obvious that the product
will be equal to 2. Then take the sum of the product of the numbers in the rows. It can be seen
that there is only one row in the first rectangle, so the sum is equal to 2 also. In the second
rectangle, take the product in the rows and they will be 3 and 8. Then, take the sum of them
and it will be 11. Doing the same process on the third triangle, the products of the rows are 4,
10 and 18, and their sum is 32. In the succeeding rectangle, the same procedure follows.

The sum of the the product of the rows is as shown in the table below.

Iteration Process ith term Si

i (sum of the product (sum of
of the numbers in The ith term
the rows)

Product of the Sum of the product

numbers in the of the numbers in
rows the rows

(1) (2) = 2 2 2 2
1 1 2

2 1 3 (1) (3) = 3 3 + 8 = 11 11 13
2 4 (2) (4) = 8
1 4 (1) (4) = 4 4 + 10 + 18 = 32 32 45
3 2 5 (2) (5) = 10
3 6 (3) (6) = 18

4 1 5 (1) (5) =5 5 + 12 + 21 + 32 70 115

2 6 (2) (6) =12 = 70
3 7 (3) (7) = 21
4 8 (4) (8) = 32

5 1 6 (1) (6) = 6 6 + 14 + 24 + 36 130 245

2 7 (2) (7) = 14 + 50 = 130
3 8 (3) (8) = 24
4 9 (4) (9) = 36
5 10 (5) (10) = 50

. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .

The rectangular number sequence for this situation, were as follows:

2, 11, 32, 70, 130, ...

Also, the sum of these terms is as follows:

S1 = 2

S2 = 2 + 11 = 13

S3 = 2 + 11 + 32 = 45

S4 = 2 + 11 + 32 +70 = 115

S4 = 2 + 11 + 32 + 70 + 130 = 245

This mathematical investigation aimed to determine the rule in finding the terms and the
sum of the terms of the product in the rows of the rectangle.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the rule in finding the ith term of the rectangular number sequence?

2. What is the rule in finding the sum of the ith term rectangular number sequence?


Conjecture 1

Looking for patterns on the ith terms in the table below,

Iteration Process ith term Si

i (sum of the (sum of
product of the The ith term)
numbers in
the rows)
Product of the Sum of the
numbers in the product of the
rows numbers in the

(1) (2) = 2 2 2 5 (1)2 + 6 (1) + (1)

1 1 2 6

2 (1) (3) = 3 3 + 8 = 11 11 5 (2)2 + 6 (2) + (2)

1 3
(2) (4) = 8 6
2 4

1 4 (1) (4) = 4 4 + 10 + 18 = 32 5 (3)2 + 6 (3) + (3)

3 2 5 (2) (5) = 10 32 6
3 6 (3) (6) = 18

4 (1) (5) =5 5 + 12 + 21 + 70 5 (4)2 + 6 (4) + (4)

1 5
(2) (6) =12 32 = 70 6
2 6
(3) (7) = 21
3 7
(4) (8) = 32
4 8
5 1 6 (1) (6) = 6 6 + 14 + 24 + 130 5 (5)2 + 6 (5) + (5)
2 7 (2) (7) = 14 36 + 50 = 130 6
3 8 (3) (8) = 24
4 9 (4) (9) = 36
5 10 (5) (10) = 50

. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .

n 1 n+1 (1) (n+1) = n+1 (n+1) + (2n+2) Wi 5 𝑛2 + 6𝑛 + 𝑛

2 n+2 (2) (n+1) = 2n+2 + (3n+3) + 6
3 n+3 (3) (n+3) = 3n+3 (4n+4) +
4 n+4 (4) (n+4) = 4n+4 (5n+5) + … +
5 n+5 (5) (n+5) = 5n+5 n2+n2
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
(n) (n+n) = n2+n2
n n+n

For each iteration, the number of rows is being added by one. To determine the ith term of the
rectangular number sequence, look for pattern.

For i = 1; (1) (2) = 2

(1) (n+1) = n+1

For i = 2; (1) (3) + (2) (4) = 11

(1) (n+1) + (2) (n+2) = 3n+5

For i = 3; (1) (4) + (2) (5) + (3) (6) = 32

(1) (n+1) + (2) (n+2) + (3) (n+3) = 6n + 14

For i = 4; (1) (5) + (2) (6) + (3) (7) + (4) (8) = 70

(1) (n+1) + (2) (n+2) + (3) (n+3) + (4) (n+4) = 10n + 30

For i = 5; (1) (6) + (2) (7) + (3) (8) + (4) (9) + (5) (10) = 130

(1) (n+1) + (2) (n+2) + (3) (n+3) + (4) (n+4) + (5) (n+5) = 15n + 55

For i = n; (1) (n+1) + (2) (n+2) + (3) (n+3) + (4) (n+4) + (5) (n+5) + … n (n+n)

(n+1) + (2n+4) + (3n+9) + (4n+16) + (5n+25) + … n2+n2

Looking on the pattern, for i=n, where n is a natural number,

Wi = (n+1) + (2n+4) + (3n+9) + (4n+16) + (5n+25) + … n2+n2

(n+2n+3n+4n+5n+…n2) + (1+4+9+16+25+…n2)

However, n+2n+3n+4n+5n+…n2 = ( ) (𝑛 + 𝑛2 )
And, 1+4+9+16+25+…n2 = 𝑛(𝑛 + 1)(2𝑛 + 1)

𝑛 1 𝑛2 +𝑛3 2𝑛3 +3𝑛2 +𝑛 3𝑛2 +3𝑛3 +2𝑛3 +3𝑛2 +𝑛
Wi = ( ) (𝑛 + 𝑛2 ) + 𝑛(𝑛 + 1)(2𝑛 + 1)= + =
2 6 2 6 6

5𝑛3 +6𝑛2 +𝑛 𝑛 ( 5𝑛2 +1)

= or 𝑛2 +
6 6

For this investigation, based on the pattern, the ith term can be obtained using
5𝑛3 +6𝑛2 +𝑛 𝑛 ( 5𝑛2 +1)
Wi = or 𝑛2 + , where i is a natural number.
6 6

Conjecture 2

Looking for pattern on the sum of the ith term in the table below.

Iteration Process ith term Si

i (sum of the product of
the numbers in the

1 1 2 2 5(1)3 + 6(1)2 + (1)

2 1 3
2 4 11 5(2)3 + 6(2)2 + (2)

1 4
3 2 5 32 5(3)3 + 6(3)2 + (3)
3 6 6

1 5
2 6
4 70 5(4)3 + 6(4)2 + (4)
3 7
4 8

1 6
2 7
3 8
5 130 5(5)3 + 6(5)2 + (5)
4 9 6
5 10

. . . .
. . . .
. . . .

1 n+1
2 n+2
3 n+3
4 n+4
n 5 n+5 n2+n2 5(𝑛)3 + 6(𝑛)2 + (𝑛)
⁝ ⁝ 6
n n+n
To determine the rule of the sum of the ith term of the rectangular number sequence, look for
the pattern on the sum of the ith term.

For i = 1; S1 = (1) (2)

5(1)3 +6(1)2 +(1)


For i = 2; S2 = S1 + (1) (3) + (2) (4)

5(1)3 +6(1)2 +(1) 5(2)3 +6(2)2 +(2)
= +
6 6

= 13

For i = 3; S3 = S2 + (1) (4) + (2) (5) + (3) (6)

5(1)3 +6(1)2 +(1) 5(2)3 +6(2)2 +(2) 5(3)3 +6(3)2 +(3)
= + +
6 6 6

= 43

For i = 4; S4 = S3 + (1) (5) + (2) (6) + (3) (7) + (4) (8)

5(1)3 +6(1)2 +(1) 5(2)3 +6(2)2 +(2) 5(3)3 +6(3)2 +(3) 5(4)3 +6(4)2 +(4)
= + + +
6 6 6 6
= 115

For i = 5; S5 = S4 + (1) (6) + (2) (7) + (3) (8) + (4) (9) + (5) (10)
5(1)3 +6(1)2 +(1) 5(2)3 +6(2)2 +(2) 5(3)3 +6(3)2 +(3) 5(4)3 +6(4)2 +(4) 5(5)3 +6(5)2 +(5)
= + + + +
6 6 6 6 6
= 245

Looking on the pattern, for i=n, where n is a natural number,

For i = n; Sn = S1 + S2 + S3 + S4 + S5 +… + (1) (n+1) + (2) (n+2) + (3) (n+3) + (4)

(n+4) + (5) (n+5) + … n (n+n)

5(1)3 +6(1)2 +(1) 5(2)3 +6(2)2 +(2) 5(3)3 +6(3)2 +(3) 5(4)3 +6(4)2 +(4) 5(5)3 +6(5)2 +(5)
= + + + +
6 6 6 6 6
5(𝑛)3 +6(𝑛)2 +(𝑛)
5(13 +23 +33 +43 +53 + … 𝑛3 ) + 6(12 +22 +32 +42 +52 + …𝑛2 )+(1+2+3+4+5+ …𝑛)

𝑛(𝑛+1) 2
However, 13 + 23 + 33 + 43 + 53 + … 𝑛3 = ( )
1 𝑛
Also, 12 + 22 + 32 + 42 + 52 + … 𝑛2 = 𝑛(𝑛 + 1)(2𝑛 + 1) and 1+2+3+4+5+…n = ( ) (1 + 𝑛)
6 2
𝑛(𝑛+1) 2 1 𝑛
5(( ) ) + 6( 6𝑛(𝑛+1)(2𝑛+1))+(( 2 )(1+𝑛))
Sn = 2
𝑛2 (𝑛2+2𝑛+1) 2𝑛3+3𝑛2 +𝑛 𝑛+𝑛2
5( )+6( )+( 2 )
4 6
Sn =
𝑛4 +2𝑛3+𝑛2 𝑛+𝑛2
5( 4
)+(2𝑛3 +3𝑛2 +𝑛)+ 2
Sn =
5𝑛4+10𝑛3+5𝑛2 𝑛+𝑛2
+(2𝑛3 +3𝑛2 +𝑛)+ 2
Sn = 4
5𝑛4 +18𝑛3+19𝑛2+6𝑛
Sn = 4
5𝑛4 +18𝑛3 +19𝑛2 +6𝑛
Sn =
5𝑛4 18𝑛3 19𝑛2 6𝑛
Sn = + + +
24 24 24 24
5𝑛4 3𝑛3 19𝑛2 𝑛
Sn = + + +
24 4 24 4
5𝑛4 +19𝑛2 3𝑛3 +𝑛
Sn = +
24 4
2 2
𝑛 (5𝑛 +19) 𝑛(3𝑛2 +1)
Sn = +
24 4
𝑛(5𝑛2 +19) 3𝑛2 +1
Sn = 𝑛( + )
24 4

Hence, the sum of the ith term in the rectangular number sequence is given by the formula,

𝑖(5𝑖 2 +19) 3𝑖 2 +1
Si = 𝑖( + )
24 4

Verifying Conjectures

5𝑖 3 +6𝑖 2 +𝑖
To verify the conjecture 1 with the formula Wi is equals to , where i is a natural
number, assign any arbitrary natural number, say for i=6.


Using the formula, we can obtain:

5𝑖 3 +6𝑖 2 +𝑖
Wi =
5(6)3 +6(6)2 +6
= 217

For, i=7

1(8)+2(9)+3(10)+4(11)+5(12)+6(13)+7(14)= 336

5𝑖 3 +6𝑖 2 +𝑖
Wi =
5(7)3 +6(7)2 +7
= 336

5𝑖 3 +6𝑖 2 +𝑖
Hence, the formula Wi = in Conjecture 1 was verified to be true for any arbitrary
natural number.

Conjecture 2

𝑖(5𝑖 2 +19) 3𝑖 2 +1
To verify, for the conjecture 2 with the formula Si = 𝑖( + ) where i is natural
24 4
number, assign any arbitrary number.

For i=7, the rectangular number sequence is 2,11,32,70,130,217,336

Using ordinary addition,

= 798

If the formula will be used

𝑖(5𝑖 2 +19) 3𝑖 2 +1
Si = 𝑖( + )
24 4
7(5(7) +19) 3(7)2 +1
Si = 7( + )
24 4

Si = 798

For i=8, the rectangular number sequence 2,11,32,70,130,217,336,492

Using ordinary addition,

= 1290

If the formula will be used

𝑖(5𝑖 2 +19) 3𝑖 2 +1
Si = 𝑖( + )
24 4
8(5(8)2 +19) 3(8)2 +1
Si = 8( + )
24 4

Si = 1290

𝑖(5𝑖 2 +19) 3𝑖 2 +1
Hence, the formula Si = 𝑖( + ) in conjecture 2 was verified to be true or any
24 4
arbitrary natural number.
Justifying Conjectures
Conjecture 1.

5𝑖 3 +6𝑖 2 +𝑖
The formula Wi = , where i is a natural number is a formula that can be
used to determine the ith term in a rectangular number sequence which must be justified. It is
5𝑖 3 +6𝑖 2 +𝑖
indeed necessary to show that for all natural numbers, the formula Wi = must be true.

The rectangle is divided into two columns, so, the numbers that we have is twice the number of
given iteration. And for every iteration, the number of rows is being added by one. It was also
noted that during the initial and succeeding iterations if we look at the sum of the product of
the numbers in the rows of the rectangle, if we add them, it is the sum of the arithmetic series,
where i is the first term, and the series of perfect squared numbers from 1 to the square of the
5𝑖 3 +6𝑖 2 +𝑖
given ith number. That is why the formula Wi = is true to any iteration.

Conjecture 2

Prove that the sum of the ith terms in a rectangular number sequence can be obtained using
the formula
𝑖(5𝑖 2 +19) 3𝑖 2 +1
Si = 𝑖( + )
24 4

In addition, we need to show that this formula is true for all natural numbers. Thus this
conjecture will be proven by mathematical induction

A. Verify

? (1)(5(1)2 +19) 3(1)2 +1

If i=1, 2 = (1) [ + ]
24 4


? (2)(5(2)2 +19) 3(2)2 +1

If i=2, 13 = (2) [ + ]
24 4

13 = 13
B. Assumption

Assume P(i) is true for i=k

5𝑘 3 +6𝑘 2 +𝑘 𝑘(5𝑘 2 +19) 3𝑘 2 +1

2 + 11 + … = 𝑘( + )
6 24 4

5𝑘 3 +6𝑘 2 +𝑘 5𝑘 4 +18𝑘 3 +19𝑘 2 +6𝑘

2 + 11 + … =
6 24

C. Prove P(i) is true for i = k + 1

5𝑘 3 +6𝑘 2 +𝑘 5(𝑘+1)3 +6(𝑘+1)2 +𝑘+1 5(𝑘+1)4 +18(𝑘+1)3 +19(𝑘+1)2 +6(𝑘+1)

2 + 11 + … [ ]+[ ] =[ ]
6 6 24
5𝑘 4 +18𝑘 3 +19𝑘 2 +6𝑘 5𝑘 3 +21𝑘 2 +28𝑘+12 5𝑘 4 +38𝑘 3 +103𝑘 2 +118𝑘+48
+ =
24 6 24

5𝑘 4 + 38𝑘 3 + 103𝑘 2 + 118𝑘 + 48 5𝑘 4 + 38𝑘 3 + 103𝑘 2 + 118𝑘 + 48

24 24

D. Conclusion

Since the proposition is true for i= 1, 2 and i=k and it was true for i=k+1 then it is true for all
values of i which is a natural number.

Hence, rove that the sum of the ith terms in a rectangular number sequence can be
obtained using the formula

𝑖(5𝑖 2 +19) 3𝑖 2 +1
Si = 𝑖( + )
24 4


This mathematical investigation aimed to determine the rule in finding the sum of the
product of the rows in the rectangle which is the ith term, and the sum of the ith in the
rectangular number sequence.

In the manner of the investigation, it was found out and proven that the rule in finding
the ith term of the cross number sequence will be,

5𝑖 3 +6𝑖 2 +𝑖
Wi = , where i is a natural number

Also, the sum of the ith term of the cross number sequence was verified and proven to be,
𝑖(5𝑖 2 +19) 3𝑖 2 +1
Si = 𝑖( + ) , where i is a natural number.
24 4

After the conduct of the investigation, the following extension of this investigation is

1. Investigate when there are m number of columns in a rectangle.

a. What is the rule in finding the ith term of the rectangular number sequence?
b. What is the rule in finding the sum of the ith term rectangular number sequence?

2. Investigate when the number to be plugged in will be even number sequence.

a. What is the rule in finding the ith term of the rectangular number sequence?
b. What is the rule in finding the sum of the ith term rectangular number sequence?

3. Investigate when the number to be plugged in will be odd number sequence.

a. What is the rule in finding the ith term of the rectangular number sequence?
b. What is the rule in finding the sum of the ith term rectangular number sequence?

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