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Q1 a

Following are some important positive points of fire arrangements in MSL:

1)Prescence of Induction Training: The fact that workers were being provided with an
induction training in a positive factor of MSL. It enables workers to understand the tasks
and risks including fire related hazards.
2)Alarm Recognition: There is a presence of fire procedure and it includes a fire
recognition alarm too, which is a positive indicator as the people in the workplace will be
informed and alarmed if any mishap related to fire occurs.
3)First Aid training: The MD informed that the workers had received first aid training which
is again a positive indicator because it allows people to handle any kind of injuries
related to fire also through first aid.
4)Agreement for the fire drill: As the MD reluctantly agreed for the fire drill, it can also be
somehow considered as a positive point regarding fire arrangement.
5)Conduction of fire drill: fire drill was conducted the very next day which is a positive
indicator because it shows the commitment towards safety regarding fire related
6)Participation of workers in fire drills: Though the workers were untrained but still they
were somehow taking part in fire drills by taking up the roles of fire marshals which is a
positive indicator and shows dedication of people towards fire related hazards and

Scenario only

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