Q No 8 Final

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Following are the organisational factors that negatively influenced health and safety behaviour at MSL.

 The director believes that there is no risk if common sense is use, this intent deliberately shows
that no procedures were preferably honoured, workers were forced to give productivity at their
sense cost shows lack of management commitment

 There was presence of blame culture as the MD referred both the accidents on “workers error”
which influences negatively

 Same induction training was given to both temporary and permanent employees which is
inappropriate as temporary worker may have been hired to a very specific task and specific
locality which may have result in deprived training for the permanent newbies.

 No appropriate written job description was given so workers will be working as per their
competency or copying other which will be result in increasing the risk to perform a job

 Lack of financial resources were utilised by organization for improving health and safety
arrangements and safety culture.

 The team leader insists that if the worker perform job as per instruction, then there will be no
risk, however organisation must provoke supervision for guidance to avoid any risk. Secondly
risk can appear externally as will so all corners must be secured.

 There are no mock drills, so workers are not preparing for any emergency survival and escape

 There were no arrangements for wellbeing and stress management of the workers along with
Display screen equipment use

 Lack of adequate information regarding First arrangements and emergency procedures were not
conveyed during induction training sessions

 HR is keeping sickness and absentees record which should have been by safety advisor so that
proper organizational changes could be made to avoid the disrupt statistic and enhance worker
to work productively.

 The risk assessment was found out dated and it was not reviewed periodically.

 During the reversing of truck there was lack of supervision which resulted in accident and severe

 High turnaround rate due to improper facilities and no consultation with the worker to uplift
their moral especially when there are already bad events happening

 The directors were not interested on seeing the findings of the audits reflecting that safety was
not a prioritize element which kept the working environment risky and in chaos.

 No professional fire marshals were designated so no one had believed that any emergency can
be successfully handled.

 Risk assessment were not specific and not updated and reviewed leaving all the hazards out of
control to workers.

Based on scenario only

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