News March and April

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Dear Parents & Guardians:

I thought that you might be interested to know what your child has learned in literacy and
numeracy so far this year and what is to come. Here it is!
Working with a program called “Lively Letters”, the children have had daily exposure to the letter
sounds (really the phonemes) of the following letters in order:
P, B, T, D, F, V, K, G, S, Z, M, N, A, O, U, I, E (I called them superpower letters - the vowels), E
(KING ED - ask your child), W, H, L, R, QU, X, Y, TH (QUIET), TH (NOISY), SH, ZH (measure),
CH and will be learning J and C (k, s).
I love this program and thank Ms. Connell for suggesting it to me. With each letter is an action
so your child might know the action and the letter sound or might just be able to say the sound if
you show the action. Either way, they have been engaged in the process of learning/reinforcing
the letter sounds - a very important first step to reading!
Early in the year, we worked on recognizing groups/sets to 6 using dice and dominoes and to 10
with ten frames. Throughout the year, using the calendar, we have counted numbers in order to
30. Early in 2021, we began counting backwards when lining up, changing tasks and with the
calendar. Since January, children took part in activities to learn 2d and 3d shapes. Recently,
the class is working with measurement by counting how many things fill certain containers, how
many things of different weights are needed to make the scale even, how to order objects from
smallest to largest and what things in a group are considered short or long. (Thanks for all the
help with this!)
Through the work the children do for “Star of the Day”, the children have discussed the ideas of
“I am unique” and “I belong” daily for each month.
- the children have participated in group games, ball skills, stick/ball skills,
basketball/volleyball skills, kicking skills (soccer)

-word wall work to connect the letter names with their sounds; continued review of learned skills
-journal drawing/copying text/inventive spelling based on children’s current skills (remember that
most Kindergarten children are expected to know either/or 15 letters/sounds and be able to
copy some text-so this class is well above K level)
-review and continued work with 10 frames
-counting past 30, from different places on the number line
-printing numerals to 10 as expected
-occasional review of shapes and measurement within other disciplines such as Science
We will continue to explore the WeeThinkers program during May/June.
- soccer outdoors (fairweather)
- badminton indoors (too cold in the am)
- outdoor games such as skipping, compound games
- moving in various ways in the outdoor environment

I am impressed by the engagement and readiness of these children to learn, learn, learn! I look
forward to watching them grow over these next important few months.

Thank you for all your support,

Ms. Pelletier

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