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Bloom’s Taxonomy: The Behavior: Get involved in or participate

Affective Domain Verb: Respond, React, Clarify,
The affective domain (Krathwohl, Bloom, Contribute, Question, Cite, Perform, Write,
Masia, 1973) includes the manner in which we Assists, Aids, Recites, Presents, Answers,
deal with things emotionally, such as feelings, Reports, Discusses.
values, appreciation, enthusiasm, motivation and
1. Receiving
The five major categories are listed from
the simplest behavior to the most complex. Behavior: Open to experience or idea,
willing to hear.
Verb: Hear, Listen, Be Open To, Ask,
Responding Focus, Attend, Take Part In, Acknowledge,
Valuing Concentrate, Do, Feel, Follow, Read, Uses.

Characterization Verbs suitable for Affective Domain
Receiving – Acknowledge, asks, attentive,
courteous, dutiful, follows, gives, listens, and
Bloom’s Taxonomy - Affective
5. Internalising
Responding – Answers, assists, aids,
Behavior: Adopt belief system or complies, conforms, discuss, performs, presents,
philosophy. and tells.
Verbs: Internalize, Acts, Displays, Valuing – appreciates, cherish, treasures,
Influence, Practice, Believe, Ingrain, Immerse, demonstrates, initiates, invites, joins, justifies,
Consistently, Incorporate, Acquire. proposes.

Organization – compares, relates,

4. Organising synthesizes.

Behavior: Reconcile disparate elements or Characterization – acts, discriminates,

conflicts, develop value system. displays, influences, modifies, performs, and
Verbs: Organise, Develop, Build, Relate,
Prioritise, Reconcile, Contrast, Compare, Arrange,
Integrate, Synthesize, Adhere, Alter, Modify,
Bloom’s Taxonomy: The Psychomotor
The psychomotor domain (Simpson, 1972)
3. Valuing includes physical movement, coordination, and
use of the motor-skill areas.
Behavior: Attach values and express
personal opinions. Psychomotor skills rage from manual
tasks. The Major levels of Psychomotor Domain
Verbs: Argue, Challenge, Debate, Refute, are:
Justify, Persuade, Critique, Explains, Invites,
Forms, Proposes, joins, Demonstrates. Perception (awareness through sensory
cues) – distinguish, hear, see, smell, taste, touch.
2. Responding
Set – adjust, approach, locate, place, Helps faculty to design and implement
position, prepare. appropriate assessment tasks, measures, and
Guided Response – copy, determine,
discover, duplicate, imitate, inject, and repeat. Helps to ensure that instruction and
assessment are appropriately aligned with the
Mechanism (basic proficiency) – adjust,
intended outcomes.
build, illustrate, indicate, manipulate, mix, set up.
Complex Overt Response (Expert)
Adaptation – Adapt, build, change, Examples of Instructional
develop, and supply. Objectives – 3 Cognitive Levels
Organization – construct, create, design, After this presentation, the driver
and produce. education student will:
1. Recall the steps for starting an
Verbs suitable for the Psychomotor 2. Explain the task of starting an
Domain automobile.
3. Create a protocol for starting an
Perception – chooses, describes, detects, automobile.
differentiates, distinguishes, identifies.

Set – proceeds, reacts, shows, states, volunteers.

Writing the Cognitive Objective
Guided Response – copies, traces, follows,
reacts, reproduce, and responds. Bloom’s Taxonomy (Revised)

Mechanism (basic proficiency) – It was later revised by Lorin Anderson and

assembles, calibrates, constructs, dismantles, David Krathwohl to reflect a more active form of
displays. thinking.

Complex overt Response (Expert) –

manipulates, measures, mends, mixes, and How to write a Cognitive Objective?
organizes, sketches.
2. Identify the cognitive level required for
Adaptation –adapts, alters, changes, the learning competency.
rearranges, reorganizes, and revises.
a. Remembering
Organization – constructs, creates, designs,
b. Understanding
initiate, and makes, originates.
c. Applying
d. Analyzing
Why to use Bloom’s Taxonomy?
e. Evaluating
Some of the reason for employing
Bloom’s Taxonomy include: f. Creating

Accurately measuring of Students’

3. Choose the correct action word in
Establishes intended learning outcomes in creating the cognitive objective.
professor/student interactions.
4. Examines the cognitive objective is complex of
SMAR. commitmen
t. This
Specific – clear behavior is
Measurable – tested in assessments based on the
Attainable – applicable for grade level discussed.
Organization The learner Compares,
Result-oriented – learning is reflected in a organizes relates,
product. values into synthesizes.
priorities by
Writing the Affective Domain different
This includes the way we deal with things resolving
emotionally such as feelings, values, appreciation, conflicts
enthusiasms, motivations and attitudes. between
them and
creating a
Five major categories of the Affective value
Domain system. The
Category Description Action Words
Receiving Awareness Acknowledge
Phenomena to hear; s, asks,
focus on
does attentive,
selected courteous,
relating and
attention. dutiful,
gives, listens,
Internalization The learner Acts,
(Characterizatio has a value discriminates,
n) system that displays,
Responding Requires Answer,
controls the influences,
Phenomena active assists, aids,
behavior for modifies,
participatio complies,
every performs,
n of the conforms,
phenomena. qualifies,
learners and discusses,
reacts to a greets, helps, The values revises,
particular labels, were serves, solves,
situation. performs, compared, verifies.
presents, and given
tells. priorities
Valuing This Appreciates, and
involves the cherishes, practiced
value a treasures, consistency.
learner demonstrates,
attaches to a initiates,
particular invites, joins,
phenomeno justifies,
n. It could proposes, How to use the correct Affective
be seen respects, and Objective?
from the shares.
simplest 1. It depends on the teachers.
2. It depends on the values integrated.
to the most
3. It depends on the degree of change a teacher a learner’s
wants the learners to experience. response to
Still we can decide if we want the learners Mechanism The practice Assembles,
to follow (receive), discuss (respond), give worth (basic becomes calibrates,
proficiency) habitual and constructs,
(value), compare (organize), or internalize a new
the learner dismantles,
learning. shows displays,
confidence fastens, fixes,
and grinds, heats,
The Psychomotor Domain proficiency in manipulates,
doing the measures,
Cognitive – Mental Skill skill. mends, mixes,
Affective – Attitude/Behavior and organizes,
Psychomotor – Physical Movement Complex The learner Assembles,
(Motor Skill Areas) Overt shows a calibrates,
Response skilful constructs,
In order to develop the skill needed for the (Expert) performance dismantles,
learning competency, it should be measured in indicated by displays,
terms of speed, precision, procedures or Take note: the an accuracy fastens, fixes,
techniques in execution. keywords are and high grinds, heats,
the same with coordination manipulates,
The psychomotor skills can be seen from Mechanism. requiring measures,
manual tasks to more complex tasks. For COR, minimum mends, mixes,
adverbs or energy. and organizes,
adjectives will sketches.
Answering a problem using a process deeper better
Creating a new process to solve a problem. performance.
Adaptation The learner’s Adapts, alters,
skills are changes,
Seven Categories of the Psychomotor well- rearranges,
developed and reorganizes,
Domain can modify and revises,
Category Description Action Words movements to varies.
Perception The learners’ Chooses, fit special
uses sensory describes, requirements.
sues to guide detects, Origination The learner
motor activity differentiates, creates new builds,
(the learner distinguishes, movement combines,
needs identifies, patterns to fit
stimulus to isolates, a particular
perform task). relates, situation. creates,
selects. designs,
Set This refers to Begins, The learning initiate,
a learner’s displays, outcome makes,
readiness to explains, emphasizes originates
act. This moves, creativity.
includes the proceeds,
three mindsets reacts, shows, How to write your Psychomotor
that states,
predetermine volunteers. Objective?
It depends on the Cognitive Objective.
(The Cognitive objective contains the
mental skill needed.)

Do we have to use the Keywords

No. You can use other action words to suit
the category used and become aligned with the
cognitive objective.

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