Flying Shit On Omegle

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Question to discuss: `At a chinese restaurant.

The first one to type is the annoying chinese worker.Se cond one to type is the customer.Act it out. You: IM CHINESE You: BECAUSE I ACTUALLY AM You: DIBS ON THE CHINESE WORKER You: HELLZZZZZ YEAH Stranger: sir i want the orange chicken You: orange chicken isn't an actual chinese dish, motherfucker You: what the fuck is orange chicken You: our restaurant doesn't have it You: yknow fortune cookies aren't really chinese either You: so don't expect those at the end of your meal Stranger: what do you suggest then sir im on lunch break You: lunch break eh? You: so im guessin you need something fast and easy Stranger: and im an ignorant american You: what about some fuckin spring rolls You: thatll grease your throat up You: get you all prepped up to mumble sweet nothings to your boss You: hope for that promotion You: sound good you yankee? Stranger: :( you break my heart sir Stranger: i am in a dead end job Stranger: and i wanted to eat in a happy place You: this is a fuckin happy place if you make it to be You: yknow the chinese You: they're more enviromentally focused You: not so much individually You: just take a look You: at all the fuckin chinese paintings we hang around the room

You: take that all in You: absorb that shit Stranger: i of course do not know this being an american You: and then you'll be in a fucking happy place You: with chinese ladies licking your dick Stranger: but they are 2 fresh and i am amazed You: how about we serve you your dick on a platter Stranger: but i am a lady and i have none yet if that is the fancy name for a di sh and i am not understanding then bring it on You: you are a lady then? maybe you are a lady after we cut off your dick and se rve it on a platter You: hey what if You: just hypothetically You: take yourself out of this shithole chinese restaurant You: pretend You: that what if You: some douchebag asked us to act out some fucking stupid scene You: where i'm a chinese waiter You: ( i actually am) You: and you are some pussy coming into my restaurant You: (which you actually are) You: what if this is all not real You: and we are just acting You: and you're taking it very fuckin seriously You: if i may say You: aw shit You: i said so many what ifs You: and i don't have a question for you Stranger: i would say wut You: fuck it Stranger: :3

You: you probably wouldn't have an answer anyway Stranger: my answer would be that it is you sir that is taking it too seriously Stranger: flipping your shit all over this lovely establishment Stranger: when all i want is some sugary chicken wings You: sugary chicken wings? Stranger: that i can not even get here You: what the fuck is that? You: is that some type of dessert? You: who the fuck eats sugar with chicken wings? You: look here now You: i don't know where the hell ya came from You: but the cuisine over here You: is sure as hell different You: from your ridiculous appetite Stranger: elegant and wonderful of course i know Stranger: that is why i am here silly You: to try somethign new? You: hey You: go back to my what ifs You: and think You: what would the people who asked us this question be doign right now You: let us foresee it Stranger: here to bask in the snide comments and sweet paintings duh You: like some motherfucking mindreader You: they be two little girls You: snickering You: at this shit Stranger: oh man they would be like Stranger: big brother You: maybe eating some hash brownies

You: cus that shit always good You: yknow You: even we chinese know that shit You: like what the fuck would they be doing You: is this fucking entertaining Stranger: it is a fucking all you can eat chucklefest up in here You: ho shit You: are you chuckling? You: am i chuckling? You: are you actually a lady? You: are you actually american? Stranger: i am laughing like an autistic You: are the two lil girls fucking stupid? You: really You: how can you prove that shit Stranger: hahahahahahaha Stranger: typed that shit right up You: how do i know you are not just a customer at a chinese restaurant You: how do i know Stranger: cue the inception bwom You: that you are actually someone sitting behind a computer Stranger: because on this layer yes i am a customer at this restaurant Stranger: and you sir Stranger: are getting a good tip You: HO SHIT INCEPTIOn You: THANK YA You: i need it You: for my fuckign 20 miillion concubines You: yknow Stranger: yeah those bitches can get uppity

You: you whities laugh at us chinese for having small dicks You: but we get more action at home than any of you pussies You: fucking concubines You: keep us busy every night You: you americans You: have like You: one fucking wife You: and thats it You: no wonder the divorce rate is so high You: it's like You: 50% You: yknow that? You: half of all the american marriages fail You: it's fuckign ridiculous Stranger: the divorce rate is so high because its hard to talk around the cheese burgers Stranger: constantly being consumed You: it's like americans are too fat You: to make loveeeee You: that's why You: they say You: hell no i'm not living with this fatass anymore Stranger: ;_; yes of course You: and they sign a divorce paper You: and they fucking just like You: holy shit You: fucking americans You: cant even say anything anymore Stranger: but oh yeah im american Stranger: so we are the best and i am buttmad

Stranger: in my greased opinion You: greased? You: fuckign americans say chinese food is so oily You: well guess what bitches You: that's because us chinese make it so oily to fit your greasy appetites You: orange chicken You: ha ha You: what the fuck is that You: you ask some chinese person in china You: hey you sir You: give me some orange chicken You: they'll be flippin shit at you You: going like You: that is not a chinese dish you fucking whitie You: what the fuck you talkin about You: get outta here You: its ridiculous You: hoyl shit You: what the fuck You: are those two lil girls still laughing You: ARE YOU LADIES ENTERTAINED Stranger: they better be You: hey You: i want to be the question asker You: i want to be fucking laughing Stranger: us puppets are dancing our asses off for them Stranger: reward FREE You: it's fucking hard keeping up all this humour You: YEAH WHAT THE FUck You: omegle are you paying us

You: fucking bitch Stranger: they SHOULD be holy shit You: holy shit You: these people You: do not even know You: the basics of human moral You: you ask ppl to do shit You: they expect to be rewarded You: fucking dickheads You: where the fuck is my reward Stranger: its a fucking shame You: and WHERE THE FUCK You: is this customer's sugary chicken wings You: what the fuck Stranger: we need our laughs omegle You: why isn't anyone geting what they want You: i demand Stranger: i am starving here where is my death food You: soemthing to be done about this preposterousness Stranger: nothing against you sir but your cook is slow as hell You: cook? You: who said there's a cook You: i'm the only one who runs this goddamn restaurant You: you're keeping me here You: with your lengthy conversation Stranger: and these GIRLS better be ENTERTAINED You: not even letting me to go fry those fucking wings Stranger: yes but i must be the most entertaining/annoying customer to date You: i don't even have enough money to employ a fucking cook You: i fucking cook all that shit up myself

You: you see all that shit on the menu You: it's fucking lik You: e You: all of my fucking creations You: it's fucking beautiful Stranger: oh man Stranger: you sir are an artist You: seeing the shit you put out youself You: fuuck i make myself proud Stranger: a tear is shed for this work of art You: HOLY SHIT You: what the fuck You: if you get my menu wet You: imma slap your ass Stranger: naw man it just fell on my gut You: better have You: you know how much i paid You: for that shit You: you know You: fuckin paper You: invented by the chinese You: it's some valuable shit You: my great great great grandfather You: made up that shit You: if you fucking destroy it Stranger: oh man You: imma fucking destroy your dick Stranger: i would not even forgive myself You: and serve it on a platter You: like i said i would

Stranger: my hypothetical dick right You: no You: it exists You: trust me You: just take a look down there Stranger: :O You: look at the piece of meat You: it's a fucking dick Stranger: what even is Stranger: i walked in here a woman and now i am to walk out a man You: (a man with a lost dick) Stranger: what will my lard husband say You: (cus i served it on a platter) Stranger: {oh shiiiiit} You: your husband will be like You: honey bitch You: we needa get a divorce You: cus i'm too fast You: and you have a lost dick You: and this divorce You: will help keep up the divorce rate in this goddamn country You: we're just doing our part for our people Stranger: yea that tends to be dealbreaking shit right there You: gotta keep up america's luxurious reputation You: no shit You: because everyone knows You: that the divorce rate You: is some important shit You: can't go messing around with numbers Stranger: its like a high score

You: gotta keep them the same You: or else Stranger: we have to keep that shit TOPS oh man You: shit go crazy You: nos hit Stranger: the shit would fly You: america gotta be top in everything You: literally You: shit would fly You: it would be raining shit You: your husband be like You: what the fuck is this shit You: from teh sky You: and you just inform him You: tell him You: it's fucking shit You: shit raining You: flying You: because we didn't get a fuckign divorce You: OH You: see that twist Stranger: ! You: you thought you were gonna get a divorce You: but you didn't You: and because you didn't You: shit is flying around literally You: like holy shit Stranger: oh no we contribute to lowering the score You: shit is turning holy Stranger: i am the worst american sob sob

You: cus it's in the sky You: going up to them heavens You: hell You: it's god's shit that's flying around You: holy shit Stranger: the holy shit frowns upon me You: that's some smelly shit You: god mustve eaten beans for dinner the night before You: CUS THAT BE SOME SMELLY SHIT Stranger: the shit is literally going down You: i hope shit is raining on those two bitches laughing right now You: actually You: make that three You: cus you a bitch too You: yknow You: i'd make it four You: but i'm not laughing You: i'm keeping my composure throughout all this shit Stranger: shit dawg we all bitches up ins Stranger: yet you get to be the sassy one with the pokerface You: i know You: shit You: why am i so hardcore You: fuck You: i admire myself You: for my fucking homemade chinese dishes Stranger: while us hyenas are cacklin our asses straight off Stranger: shit aint even fly You: and my fucking ability to keep my composure in the midst of shit Stranger: that is raw talent

You: fuck You: this conversation should get published You: omegle do ya hear You: get this fucking shit published You: it'll sell millions You: fucking j k rowling You: it be better than that shit You: cus we all know You: flying shit You: is better than flying brooms Stranger: this needs to be in a book, this is poetry You: no shit You: fucking genius up in here You: ppl need to know how to appreciate this shit You: it ain't just cursing and shit You: it's some fucking You: innovation You: creativity You: ppl need to get this out You: to the public You: yknow You: ppl need to be educated You: abotu flying shit You: it's fucking like You: a fucking revolution You: forget a book You: make this into a movie You: fucking inception You: what teh fuck is that Stranger: people need to get schoolfed on this innovation

You: right now all we need to know is flying shit You: fuck You: i can see it You: clearly You: flying shit Stranger: as far as the eye can see You: coming soon to fucking all the fucking theatres near your fucking hometown You: it You: 's like holy shit You: the world will realise You: all the shit's it's been missing You: fuck You: why the fuck is this shit so great You: and no one knows about it You: it's fucking ridiculous You: fuck You: i need another word for ridiculous Stranger: ridonkulus You: fuck You: i considered that Stranger: you two girls you best be taking notes You: but then the 90 year old english professor inside my vagina You: was like You: that is not a word young lady You: so i refrained from its usage You: fuck Stranger: shiiiit You: fuck You: allt his humour You: it's making me too tired

You: i think i'm running out of shit juices Stranger: i didnt even think it was possible but here i am with significantly le ss shit flying You: it's cus You: all that shit just flew back into god's asshole You: when he realised that You: fuck You: cool cats do survive on this lonesome planet You: two bitches on omegle You: i gotta keep them safe from all my shit You: so y know You: liek a fucking vacuum cleaner You: his fucking asshole just sucked back all his shit Stranger: just the manual undo button Stranger: shit guys my bad let me pick this shit back up You: it's cus he's fucking god that's why You: he's got a button for everything Stranger: miracles man You: no shit You: he can undo all his fucking shit You: fucking like You: ctrl z that shit You: what the fuck You: god You: shit You: deep You: deep shit Stranger: man thats poetic You: yeah You: shit You: i'm a poet

Stranger: man you ladies best check this master AT WORK You: hellz yeah Stranger: get your hello kitty notepads and get scribbling You: shit You: if i see them scribbling You: imma fucking slap them You: they better be writing down notes You: in their best printing You: fuck You: scribbling You: fucking You: respect Stranger: not even notes but plaques You: that's what we need more of in this world You: more fucking respect Stranger: for fuckign walls You: nos hit You: fuck Stranger: that would be the only way to properly display this shit Stranger: in a museum of holy shit that existed Stranger: and youll be like yes Stranger: i was there Stranger: I DID THAT You: taht is a very good idea You: very good You: we shoudl propose that shit You: write a fucking proposal You: propose the construction of the museum of holy shit that existed You: and if it gets rejected You: fuck

You: god hits the undo button You: and make them accept it You: hoyl shit You: god is on our side You: he was You: ever since he sucked that shit back up You: he be on our side Stranger: this shit is holy Stranger: we are on a mission from god You: shit You: god is fucking female that's why You: no male can suck shit up that quickly You: their dick would get in the way Stranger: man that is the truth You: it's the only truth You: that has ever existed in this shit filled world Stranger: we are fucking EDUCATED You: hold up You: when these ladies ask the question You: are they forced to stay You: and spectate our whole conversation You: or do they quit You: whenever they want You: otherwise You: fukc Stranger: i actually do not know You: this shit gone to waste You: the hsit Stranger: they BEST be still here You: i want to be the question asker

You: fuck You: how You: shit Stranger: forced to sit and watch this portrait of beauty You: being passive is so much more rewarding Stranger: indeed You: fuck You: im tired You: i want to quit this shit You: but this shit You: fuck You: it gonna be gone forver You: too valuable to be lost Stranger: this shit will need to be recorded You: it needs to be preserved Stranger: for future generations to look up and say oh shit Stranger: this is history You: no fuckign shit holy shit You: how You: how are we gonan fucking make this shit available to teh fucking public You: fuck You: i actually want to fucking put this shit up on the internet You: and watch the comments You: fuck Stranger: it would be a crime not to You: how You: shit Stranger: man just like god can click the undo we can click the copy Stranger: play god to get this shit out there Stranger: forever

You: but where would be paste You: fuck You: we need a fucking portal Stranger: we need to wire it directly to the internet in general Stranger: the whole thing You: BUT HOW You: what would be our method You: shit You: arent there those websites You: where ppl post up shit You: fuck You: whats a good one Stranger: man i dont even know one worthy of this shit You: what the fuck You: we've created something that has no equal You: SHIT Stranger: FUCK Stranger: what even is there to do here You: SHIT Stranger: i dont even Stranger: KNOW You: fuck You: im actually You: googling You: for shit You: fuck Stranger: you best be googling a throne for monumental shit Stranger: for this puppy to bask in You: fuck You: it's not even a puppy anymore

You: it's a fullgrown bitch You: that's how great it is You: fucking Stranger: shiiiit You: everything else You: incomparable Stranger: its a great fucking dane up in here You: fuck You: fuck You: omegle should have a publish button Stranger: i think it does! You: where Stranger: after disconnecting though You: aw shit Stranger: yea not good

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