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Teaching Arts in Elementary Formalism – Art is the arrangement of line,

colors, shapes, and other aesthetic elements.


What is art?
Art is a wide range of man’s activity from
expression down to creating expression down to
creating tangible or intangible things. Webster
New Collegiate Dictionary says that “Art is the
constant use of skills and creative imagination
especially in the production of aesthetic objects.”\
Art is derived from the Latin word “ars”
which means ability or skills or man-made, and
from the Italian word Tarts meaning
craftsmanship, mastery and inventiveness. Thus,
all artworks express the artist’s imagination, his
emotions, ideas and things he wants and values in
life. (Estolas et al., 1995).
Art is one of the ways to express emotion
by creating a work of Art. We can show this by
using our imagination. Not only does it help up to
carve ideas, but it also help us to connect with our
emotions, resulting in self-actualization.
Art is about personal experience with it
and the meaning that you draw from it. Everyone
reacts to art differently and has the potential to
grow and learn from it. It give use the opportunity
to tell stories, record history and tap into our
emotion in a way that few other things can.
Man, expressions of perfect ideas.
Art is the expression or application of
human creative skill and imagination, typically in
a visual form such as painting or sculpture,
producing works to be appreciated primarily for
their beauty or emotional power.

Mimesis – Art is the representation or replication

of something beautiful or meaningful.

Expression - art is the expression of subjective

experiences and emotions.

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