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Topic: Employment Status

Research Title: Employment Status of the Graduates of Bicol University Industrial Technology

East Campus, Philippines

Background of the Study

Employment status is one of the major factors influencing the quality of work. Manpower

contributes to building a productive nation (Galila-Infante, 2014). Employment of students after

graduation can be determined by how the expected student outcomes were achieved. Thus,

educational institutions’ designed curriculum and its implementation are factors for achieving

student outcomes (Terano, 2019). Both domestic and international labor markets are now highly

competitive. The potential of future employment is a big factor for parents when deciding which

universities and colleges their children will attend and graduate from. Employability, thus,

becomes a matter of crucial consideration when schools define their curriculum and their policies

on recruitment, entrance, and retention. (Albina et al., 2020).

According to the Philippine Statistic Authority, Employment rate in July 2022 in Bicol

Region was estimated at 94.8%, translating to about 2.36 million employed persons. This was

higher compared to the reported employment rate of 91.6% in July 2021 or a year-on-year

increase of about 166.8 thousand employed persons from 2.19 million in July 2021. The region's

unemployment rate decelerated from the reported 8.4% a year ago to 5.2% in July 2022. The

total number of unemployed individuals 15 years old and over was estimated at 130.67 thousand.

Underemployed persons or employed persons who expressed their desire to have additional

hours of work in their present job or to have an additional job was reported at 459.23 thousand.
The standard of the obtained results is a key component of quality in higher education.

Advantages from higher education include developing competencies and abilities connected to

the workplace that equip students for employment. Therefore, having sufficient knowledge about

the job outcomes of training program graduates could help in developing policies to address

issues like unemployment. Students, particularly graduates of any course, are required to earn a

sense of competence in their field of interest and develop the confidence to explore new

possibilities and new employment especially if there is increasing competition among rivals at

work. (Ashenafi Abate Woya, 2019)

The state university in this study is the Bicol University which is mandated to give

professional and technical training, and provide advanced and specialized instructions in

literature, philosophy the science, and arts, besides providing for the promotion of scientific and

technological researches (Section 3, R.A. 5521). The Bicol University has to move forward to

SUC Level V if it aims to be comparable to the best universities in Asia. Grounded on these legal

foundations, it is expected to support the primary mandate of State Universities and Colleges that

is, to produce the required human resource for regional and national development. It envisions

giving rise to highly trained, globally competitive, and employable graduates in various fields. It

should continuously innovate to effectively respond to the needs of its clients and immediate

environment. In this manner, the University assures that its graduates follow through with the

university’s missions and goals through tracing their professional practice in their workplace.

This data is useful for the university’s database as an essential input to institutional planning,

policy formation, and decision-making (Theme 6: Improving University Management Services,

BU RD Thrusts and Directions 2007-2010).

As guided by these facts, the researcher conducted this research and came up with a study

that would help in preventing the spread of the virus inside the Bicol University College of

Industrial Technology, East Campus. This study is entitled, “: Employment Status of the

Graduates of Bicol University Industrial Technology East Campus, Philippines” This study

was conducted to determine the employment status of the graduates of Bicol

University College of Industrial Technology East Campus from AY 2021-2022.Specifically, it

aimed to determine: 1) the profile of the graduates in terms of sex, civil status, parents’

occupation, average annual income and household size; 2) the educational profile of

the graduates in terms of highest educational attainment, knowledge and skills acquired from the

course/degree program and self-readiness; and 3) the employment data of the respondents as to

the number of graduates who were employed/unemployed, reasons for being the unemployed,

present occupation, status in their present occupation and monthly salary.

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed determine the employment status of the graduates of Bicol

University College of Industrial Technology East Campus from AY 2021-2022.

The development of the study was made by the researchers to solve the following specific


1. What is the demographic profile of respondents in terms of: terms of:

a. Sex

b. Civil status

c. Parents’ occupation
d. Average annual income?

2. What is the educational profile of the graduates in terms of:

a. highest educational attainment;

b. knowledge and skills acquired from the course/degree program and self-readiness?

3. What is employment data/status of the respondents as to the number of graduates who

were employed/unemployed, reasons for being the unemployed, present occupation,

status in their present occupation and monthly salary.

Scope and Delimitation

The study was focused on collecting data about Employment Status of Bicol University

Graduates. However, there are limitations, the researchers invited respondents only from the

Bicol University East Campus Graduates batch but rest assured that there was no bias in

answering the research survey.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that the findings and conclusion of the said study will be

essential, significant and beneficial to the following:

Informants: The study’s findings will provide information about the employment status of

college graduates of batch 2022



This chapter presents the number of reading materials, related literature and studies

which contribute to the present study or research. It contains information on the summary of

gathered and reviewed reading materials and literature associated with the present study,

previous studies carried out, synthesis of the state of the art, and gap bridged by the study are

likewise presented. The theoretical and conceptual paradigms and the definition of terms are also


Related Literature

The researchers conducted and gathered information of past literature and studies which

showed related ideas to the present study. After reading and searching the worldwide web,

different books, and reading articles related to the present study, the researchers were able to

collect various data. They were taken into consideration and served as basis and guide for the

researchers. In this part of the study, the similarities and differences of selected literature and

studies to the present study can be distinguished.

According to Arcelo and Sanyal (1987) about Employment and career opportunities after

graduation: a study on the transition from college to work in the Philippines, the presence of a

large number of knowledgeable unemployed can cause political instability in a country because

they are among the educated class and are aware of the benefits society can provide or feel

doubly deprived. In this regard, an analysis of the unemployment situation in the Philippines
revealed that young graduates are still in the job-search stage. This book is for AB Journalism

graduates who will be looking for work after they graduate. Also, whether or not the journalism

program's training and learning will be applied to jobs that are suitable for them.

From the book of Sanchez and  Agpaoa (1997) about Contemporary Social Problems and

Issues, stated that Workers' educational levels and literacy rates in the Philippines are among the

highest in Asia, but technical, manual, and managerial skills are underdeveloped and scarce.

There is an overabundance of college graduates, particularly in the Manila area, who are in high

demand for employment in fields such as education, law, and other professionals. The authors

want to demonstrate how journalism graduates used their skills and trainings to gain and develop

technical, manual, and managerial skills that Filipino workers lack. This is the realization that

even college graduates may struggle to find work if they are not well-equipped with the trainings

and programs that their college provided.

Employment is the ability of an individual to showcase his talent and put the trainings he

has received in a course program to use. Thomas Powers stated in his book "Educating for

Careers" those marketable skills provided today's crop of worker's employment opportunities.

Powers' statement is relevant to the current study because he stated that education is critical to

having the marketability and general skills required to find an appropriate job. This study aids in

the development of such skills among college graduates in order for them to find or obtain an

appropriate job.

The Philippines could extend beyond the status of employment in the country, but rights

and significance must be understood. According to Cristobal M. Pagoso's book Labor

Economics, in light of low literacy rates and rising unemployment in developing countries,
greater educational opportunities should be provided for the large proportion of adult population

as well as the large number of youths outside the formal school system to help them acquire

further knowledge and skill, thereby improving their livelihood and strengthening the country.

As ABM students, one thing we must keep in mind is that there is no such thing as age

discrimination when it comes to job opportunities, because in the field of work, being fair to any

person who is capable of working is a factor in being employed.

In terms of labor or employment, Philippine society today faces numerous challenges.

According to the book, labor-only contracting in a "cabo" economy, some economists would

justify labor-only contracting as our only weapon for remaining competitive. As a result, some

workers are looking for better job opportunities abroad with higher pay. The first issue that

graduates face nowadays is finding work after graduation. Knowing that it is very difficult to

find a job suitable to their graduated course right away after graduation may cause them to be

influenced to work in a field unrelated to the profession, they graduated for the usual reason of

the salary that they can obtain right away. Some go abroad to find their destiny or for some other

reason, such as a higher salary, rather than continuing their profession as an accountant if there is

no salary increase.

The book, Unemployment and the Dual Labor Market stressed that the unemployment is

the outgrowth of a process of job search where workers have limited information about the labor

market. On the other hand, people who first begin looking for jobs lack basic information will

help the graduates to disseminate the rejection of jobs to higher expectations. This book mainly

wants to view that job searching is a wide-process action where in job-seekers should gain more

knowledge or information that will reaches their satisfaction on what and where to find jobs that

will bring out their profession.


The study of Verona (2011) “A Tracer Study of the Employment Status of PUPQC AY

2004-2005”, determined the general profile and current employment status of the respondents,

who are Polytechnic University of the Philippines graduates from the academic year 2004-2005.

This study focuses on the tracer study, which is a method used to locate graduates of academic

institutions, past recipients of scholarship grants, former participants, and others in order to

collect data and update information about these people. This type of research can also be used to

generate or influence a specific institution's curriculum development decision making and

planning. It also regulates document efficiency and support on a specific institution's

demographic profile, which can be measured through the quality of graduates.

According to Daep et al., "Employer's Review on AB English Graduates of Bicol

University College of Arts and Letters SY 2006-2009," the study shows that most AB English

graduates are hired by newly established private companies in Albay, employers of AB English

graduates find their job performance and attitude to be very satisfactory, it is more appropriate to

use communication skills and the skills that should be imposed depends on the line of work you

engage in. The researchers want to know if Bicol University East Campus graduates will be

satisfied with their job performance, personal development, professionalism, office management,

and time management.

Macaraub's (2012) study about "Employment Motivation of Selected Media Practitioners

in Legazpi City," respondents were motivated to work because they had good relationships with

their coworkers. Media practitioners are among the lowest-paid workers and are exploited; some
do not receive a regular salary but instead receive an allowance or a talent fee, and are required

to solicit advertisements for a living. According to the findings of the study, some respondents

stated that they are satisfied with their jobs and are motivated by their coworkers. In addition, the

monthly income they receive and the type of workplace they work in satisfy them. It is relevant

to the current study because graduates will experience different types of satisfaction at work,

such as providing good quality coworker relationships.

"Tracer Survey of Agriculture Graduates," Lalican (2009), where the College of

Agriculture of the University of the Philippines Los Baos traced its graduates, their aim is also to

assess its curriculum and discuss the relevance of its productivity with the current situation.

According to the study's findings, employers prefer specialists over generalists, and graduates are

effective, efficient, and cooperative. They also consider graduates to be knowledgeable,

dependable, and resourceful; however, many employers describe UPLB graduates as

academically inclined, with a know-it-all attitude but an assertive personality.

A Job market offers job trainings to equip employers to develop work environment.

Belen, “Employment Prospects for AB English Graduates of 2009” The research aims to

determine the job opportunities available for 2009 AB English graduates, as well as the

qualifications required from AB English graduates that would give them an advantage in the job

market in terms of academic skills and special skills. It is also about determining the training

requirements of the job market for AB English graduates. The authors' findings will reflect the

idea that in order for general skills to be functional in high-demand jobs, special skills are

required to enhance specific job skills. As a result, graduates will improve their competitiveness

and develop their potential to be suitable for a specific job.

Synthesis of the State of the Art

According to the Related Literature, education is an investment made by students to

improve their capabilities in various aspects of their lives. It is the school's responsibility to assist

students in deciding and planning which job they want to pursue.

Similarly, the related studies demonstrated a high level of relevance to this proposition. It

supported the claim of being unique among all studies conducted, though it also agreed on

employment and the factors that influence graduates in choosing a job, their skills that they

found least and most useful in their current job, which will really help students understand that

there are a lot of job opportunities in line with their course after they graduated.

Gap-bridged by the Study

The researcher’s review of Related Literature and Studies has been made, upon various

researchers a gap is discerned that no study embarked upon the same researches in the

Journalism Department. Based from related materials found no study has found out to the study

on the same topic in the Journalism Department, except for the books that cater to its parts many

have studied about the employment status, job satisfaction, and the factors affecting the

performance in their job. No study traced the employment status of the Bicol University College

Industrial technology, East Campus specifically from batch 2022 which is the pioneer of K-12.

Researchers also found out that the present study was the first who will create a database of the

graduates, for students who will conduct the same study for them to easily trace and get

information about the graduates. This is the gap bridged by the present study.

Theoretical Framework
To support this study, the researcher adapted Edward Deming's General System theory (J.

Horine, 1993). The theory generally states that "the success in any system requires more than

best efforts and hard work from the administrators". The most serious observation is that the

majority of problems belong to Deming; roughly, 95% of problems belong to the system and are

the responsibility of management, while workers are simply trying to do the best job they can

within the constraints of the system.

According to the theory, a system is a collection of functions or activities (stages-

hereafter components) within an organization that work together to achieve a goal. People,

materials, methods, and equipment form a network to support common characteristics such as

purpose, input, process, and output (J. Horine, 1993)

The thrust and direction of a system input, on the other hand, is defined as the primary element

that motivates a system action. In the meantime, processes are the sequences of work stages that

convert inputs to outputs, and output is what the system produces.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 2 depicts the study's conceptual framework. Using the Theoretical Framework as

an example, it can be stated that a student gained many experiences during his time at school.

Students prepare to be productive members of their community after graduation.

Following this line of thinking, Bicol University will be able to ensure a high level of

education for the students enrolled in the various programs, particularly in the Bicol University

College of Industrial Technology, which will improve their chances of finding a well-paying


Graduates have acquired skills that help them become more productive, such as

participating in a department-sponsored internship program and showcasing their abilities in

extracurricular activities both inside and outside the school's walls. By doing so, it acts as a

procedure for their academic success and for them to obtain the career they want.


This chapter contains the research and the study of the course undertaken and method that

will give detailed information of the overall research method used. The relevance of the study

will be found also in this chapter wherein the data, respondents of the study and the gathering

procedures used.

Research Method

The researchers made use of the descriptive survey method through. It is a way of finding

out or getting information through asking questions or using a questionnaire. Through this survey

method of research was able to find out whether the Bicol University College of Industrial

Technology student batch 2022 graduates used their graduated profession or career in their

present job or if they are employed in connection to their line of business. It will be able to know

the current employment status of the graduates and lastly, it will be seen the problems and the

reasons of graduates in choosing the job, their benefits and salary that they get and the

expectations to their job.

Sources of Data

The Bicol University College of Industrial Technology batch 2022 graduates are the

primary sources of data where in the researcher will send questionnaire for them answer the

questions given. In addition, the secondary sources of information are the books, Journals,

unpublished materials and any other reading resources containing the discussions related to the

present study found in the library and by the use of the internet sources.
Data Gathering Procedure

The present study gathered data first in the library where the researchers were able to

search for the different reading materials that will help the study to gather information. The

related literature and studies that were taken from the secondary sources were gathered in

different websites and books that are available.

The researcher will request the registrar for the information about the lists of the

graduates of Bicol University College of Industrial technology graduates. This will help to trace

the graduates by the use of the directory. The researcher will also use the social media/ internet

sites such as Facebook. This enabled them to easily contact target respondents. The researcher

will also conduct a survey and gather data through sending questionnaires with a cover letter. E-

mail was utilized for those respondents who are currently working and residing outside the

province of Albay. However, for those who live within Legazpi City, the researcher will give the

questionnaire personally. After the survey, the researcher will interpret and analyze the data that

will be obtain from Bicol University College of Industrial technology batch 2022 graduates.


This study will use a survey questionnaire in the data gathering procedure. The

questionnaires were designed based on the statement of the problem that the researcher will be

formulated. The questionnaire is will composed of three sections. The first division is composed

of demographic profile and employment profile. The second part is composed of the continuation

of the employment profile. The third part is composed of the employment data of the

respondents. The questions are tested if they are related and relevant in the success of the


The fifty respondents who were the primary sources of data were the respondents of

Bicol University College of Industrial Technology batch 2022 graduates. The profile such as age,

gender, civil status and educational attainment were primarily considered in the given

questionnaire, as they will relate to the response, that will serve as indicators provided in the

instrument. Respondents identified by the researchers using purposive sampling among the

graduate students in Bicol University – College of Industrial Technology, who fitted the criteria

set for the current undertaking. It is not a mutually exclusive category of the sampling technique

rather many other non-probability techniques are purposive in nature. In purposive sampling the

sample is approached having a prior purpose in mind.

Statistical Treatment

The researchers summarized the data though frequency counts and percentages to answer

the problems 1,2 and 3 of the study. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics in order to

get the percentage. The percentage was used to determine the portion of the graduates of each

year including on their status, along employment.

The formula to get the percentage is shown below.

Percentage = f x 100


Where f = frequency

∑f = summation of frequency

100= constant

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