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Class :


A. T & L Details

Subject English




Number of Pupils 29 Pupils

Theme Health and Environment

An Information Leaflet of Cyberbullying


Focus Skill: L/S/R/W/LA/LiA Reading

Pupils’ Prior Knowledge Pupils are familiar with the term of bullying and will relate to the
new idea of cyberbullying.
Main: 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of
Content Standard appropriate reading strategies to construct meaning
Complementary: 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions
and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
Main: 3.1.1 Understand the main points in simple longer texts on
Learning Standard a range of familiar topics

Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

Learning Objectives 1. Differentiate between 2 things: bully and cyberbullying.
2. Read a text about cyberbullying.
3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social
4. Answer 10 online quizzes.
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be
able to:
1. Make a “Love Letter” in group.
Cross Curricular Elements Language/Considerate/ Kindheartedness

Teaching Materials Video clip, online quizzes, paper and colourful markers.

Arts in Education – visual arts,

musical arts & movement
Steps / Time Content T & L Activites Remarks

Introduction - A short video clip of bullying and Visual aid

Set Induction - Defining cyberbullying will be shown to
(± 5 minutes) cyberbullying students.
- Asks students what they know based
on their prior knowledge to generate
questions and their interests.
Sequence - Students read aloud the leaflet This exercise gives
Step 1
- Textbook information as a whole. students practice
(± 15 minutes)
- Audio - Teacher ensures students understand in reading and
the leaflet. listening for gist.
- Students read the questions. They look Key words in each
at the pictures and note down their paragraph will
answers in notebook. quickly tell them
- Teacher plays the audio, students listen
what the topic of
and answer practices.
each paragraph is.
This is an
important skill for
effective reading
and listening,
especially when
reading or listening
to longer pieces of
authentic text.

- Group work - Using colourful markers and paper, Colourful marker

Step 2
activity students discuss in group what are the and papers.
(± 15 minutes)
advantages and disadvantages of social
- Students share what social networking
site they are active at.
- Students and teacher will exchange
facts or information on the issue.
- Students will share some of things they
have written.
Step 3
(± 20 minutes)

(± 5 minutes)

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