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My most unforgettable experience as a

senior high school student

Each one of us haves a unforgettable

memory or experience, whether it’s a good
or a bad memory, that sometimes even in our
own bed it is haunting us. So just like
everyone else, I, me, myself also have too
many unforgettable memories and
experiences, but unfortunately majority of
them isn’t so good to remember, that
sometimes I throws questions to “him”
that why do I need to endure those
memories, if I can just forget it and just
move forward. But now as I’m growing up,I
am having a realization that if I don’t
have those experiences or without those
memories and experiences maybe I’m not as
strong as I am now because proudly speaking
I can say that I am strong enough to face
more hardships that my destiny will throw
at me and I’m sure I’ll win it with my
heart intact.
All throughout my journey here in
senior high, my first unforgettable memory
is the making of our concept paper,it is
the time that we need to almost break our
brain just to have some juices so we can
decide on what topic should we discuss that
is appropriate or approvable to our
teacher, so we can start drafting our
introduction,background of the
study,objectives, and etc., but the most
unforgettable one is when we defended well
our concept paper and later on after our
Christmas party our whole section had a
little bonding that had a messy but funny
All through my experiences even
though I’m just a young adult, all I can
say is that everything that we went
through,the hardships,the breakdowns,the
late night cries,anxieties and fatigues is
all worth it. That someday the hardships
that we were experiencing now will have a
brighter fruit that I’m sure we’ll gonna
harvest it with a crying but smiling face

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