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Department of Architecture and Urban Planning

Urban Design and Planning I Course Syllabus
1. Course Information
Course Title: Urban Design and Planning I Section: AR1R1N1,2,3,4/13
Course No: Arch 3121 Academic Year: 2023(2015 E.C.)
Semester 2nd
2. Instructor Information
Instructor Name: Henok Sime


Telephone: 09119

3. Course Description and Objectives

This course has two principal parts a classroom based theoretical course and a practical project work.
3.1 Course Description
3.1.1 Component I Theoretical part
With this part of the course, the instructor will introduce the students a resume of historically
significant developments, which include among urban revolution, i.e., Origin, development,
and transformation of human settlement, a comparative analysis of attitudes and theories
that shaped the development of cities from ancient to modern. In addition, students will be
introduced about an analytical account of the history of cities of the earliest civilizations: Pre
historic and Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman, Medieval, Renaissance, Industrial,
Contemporary, Modern, and Futuristic cites. Finally, they will be able to learn about
achievements and failures of modern planned settlements.
3.1.2 Component II Project work
The main objectives of this assignment is to
• Investigate and study urban development issues and problems in general in developing
world and in specific in Ethiopia.
• To provide the students deeper Knowledge of the past, the present, and future trends
of planning theories.
• Enable the students acquire basic knowledge of data collection and analysis of data.
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• To enable the student in surveying the visual and physical aspect of a given action area

3.2 Learning Objectives

3.2.1 Objective of the first component: Theoretical course
Through A survey of the origin and development of human settlements, the course aims to
introduce the student to the principle of modern Urban Planning and Design.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to understand, those principles of Urban
Planning and Design of ancient cities of earlier civilizations, current trends of modern town
planning and future dreams of planners.
3.2.2 Objectives of the second component: Project work
At the end of the course, participants will be able to-
• Organize and conduct a site analysis for design purposes
• Gather analyze and interpret spatial and non spatial data’s and formulate design
• Acquire knowledge of design precedents and architectural criticism
• Think three dimensionally in the exploration of design
4. Participants Evaluation Methods:
No. Assessment Type Weight (%) Remarks
1 Reading Assignment 10
3 Group Presentation 15
4 Project work 45

4 Final Exam 30

5. Course Policies:
5.1 Attendance:
All participants are required to attend all classes. If a participant must be absent for any reason, he/she
shall request permission from the instructor prior to the class as much as possible. If the instructor
must be absent for emergency reasons, a substitute instructor(if any) will cover the class or participants
will be notified of class cancellation in which case make-up classes shall be arranged. All participants
should participate in the group work.

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5.2 Expectations for Classroom Behavior
As university participants, you will be treated and respected as an adult. You are encouraged to share
your ideas and express your opinions in class and you have to respect other’s opinions and values as
well. You are expected to do your best work, meet assignment deadlines, and treat other members of
the class and the University with courtesy and respect. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Cell
phones must be turned off before entering the classroom.
5.3 Excused/Unexcused late work or absence from exams
Illness requiring medical care or personal emergency of a serious nature is the only compelling excuse
for missing exams and/or class test. These cases shall also be supplemented with documents of
relevant nature.

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