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Quarter 3- Module 6: Reacting to a Text

Name: ____________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________ Date: _______________
MELCs: React to what is asserted or expressed in a text. EN8RC-IIIe-2.1.7
Learners are expected to:
1. Identify the elements of a narrative text
2. React to what is asserted or expressed in a text

Text Reactions and Responses

A text response is a style of writing in which you are sharing your reaction to something. It is an
opportunity to let the world know how you feel about something.
A text response by definition is specifically a response to a text you have read but it can also be a
response to a film you have just seen, or a game you have been playing.
Here are the important questions you should ask yourself when writing a reaction/response:
1. How do you feel about what you have read/ saw/ heard?
 Did it make you happy, disappointed, enthusiastic, nervous or sad? Why did you feel that way?
2. Why do you agree or disagree with?
 What certain actions or decisions of the characters do you agree with or disagree with? What are the
reasons that made you agree or disagree?
3. Can you identify with the situation?
 Have you ever been in the same situation as the main character? Can you relate to any of his struggles
or triumph in the story?

Narrative text includes any type of writing that relates a series of events and includes both fiction
(novels, short stories, poems) and nonfiction (memoirs, biographies, news stories). Both forms tell stories
that use imaginative language and express emotion, often through the use of imagery, metaphors, and
symbols. Students need to know how narrative texts work and how to read them, because stories are used for
many important purposes.
There are two kinds of narrative text:
1. Fictional Narrative – It is a narrative based on the author’s creative imagination of how he envisions
things to happen in the story.
2. Nonfiction Narrative – It is based on events that happened in real life or was personally experienced by
the writer.

Elements of a Narrative Text

1. Character
When writing a story, the writer thinks of characters that can move his story forward. There are two
types of characters in a story: a protagonist and an antagonist.
Here are some things you should consider when trying to decipher who in the story are protagonists or
a. Protagonist- this character is essential because the plot is affected mainly by his/her actions and
decisions. The story is focused mainly on the protagonist. In stories, protagonists are usually good-hearted
and contribute to the community.
b. Antagonist- this character is on the opposing side and is an enemy that the protagonist has to deal with.
2. Theme
This tells us about the main idea of the story. It is the message the writer wants to convey to the readers.
a) Slow and steady wins the race.
b) A loyal friend is a treasure that is hard to find.
3. Characterization
a. Direct Characterization – refers to the actual thoughts, actions, speech and dialogue of the character as
shown in the text. It is the writer telling the readers what the character is like.
b. Indirect Characterization-it is the writer showing the readers how the character is like. This term is also
known as implicit characterization.
4. Conflict
a. Conflict - is a literary device characterized by a struggle between two opposing forces.
b. Internal Conflict- is the struggle occurring within a character’s mind. It’s usually with the character
deciding whether to do the right thing or not. But it can be different depending on the plot of the story.
c. External Conflict – is the struggle between a literary character and an
outside force such as nature, supernatural or another character.
Setting tells the time and place of the story. The setting is usually found in
the exposition or the beginning of a story.
Examples of time: December, Winter, Spring, Monday, morning, afternoon
Examples of places: beach, mountain, school, restaurant, park, etc.

Source: Department of Education – MIMAROPA REGION

6. Denouement or Ending of the Story- it is the final outcome of the main dramatic complication in a
literary work.
There are two common types of ending.
A. Comedy – It is a type of ending where characters end up happier than they were at the beginning of a plot.
B. Tragedy- It is a type of ending where the characters end up worse than in the beginning.
Here are few questions you can ask yourself after reading the story:
a. Did the main characters live happily after all the challenges they faced?
b. Did the main characters suffer at the end of the story?

Activity 1
Directions: Identify the types of narrative text below. Write Fictional Narrative if it is based on the author’s
creative imagination and Nonfiction Narrative if it is based on events that happened in real life or was
personally experienced by the writer.
_________________________1. Novels _________________________2. Biographies
_________________________3. Poems _________________________4. News Stories
_________________________5. Memoirs

Activity 2
Directions: Read the legend carefully then answer the questions that follow.
The Legend of Maria Makiling
According to legend, there was a time when the gods could live like ordinary mortals do. Although
these gods were enchanted, they could speak, love, and even go to the market like what people do in our time.
This story tells what happened to the daughter of two such deities. This is the story of Mariang Makiling.
Two deities, Dayang Makiling and Gat Panahon, had an only daughter name Maria. Because of her
beauty and charm, she was the delight of her parents. The source of their joy and strength, Maria was, to
them, a jewel, a treasure that made life full of light and laughter.
At that time people could talk with the deities face to face, and even sit with them side by side
underneath a tree. People could also ask for help when they were in need, provided that they asked in a
solemn manner.
It was the custom of Maria to go to a small market, sometimes called talipapa, on weekdays. Just like
other women, she would on such occasions wear clothes made of silk and embroidered with flowers and wide
stripes for this was the fashion at that time. Maria had long, black abundant hair which she usually
decorated with pomelo flowers. When she went to the market, her flowing hair would touch her ankles. As she
passed along, gallant men would bow their heads to signify their respect.
When Maria went to the market, she was always accompanied by two Aetas1, who served as her
servants. These two servants stayed close behind Maria, and they both carried a basket each that was full of
golden ginger. These golden ginger Maria would barter for such items needed for the home. There was no
money at that time, and instead of buying, people bartered and exchanged their goods for the things that they
On a market day, the residents of the area are not the only ones who would go to the talipapa.
Merchants and people from neighboring towns would also go to the market. One day, Gat Dula, the ruler of
the kingdom of Bay, came to the talipapa to while away the hours. A piece of animal skin with fine hair
caught Gat Dula's eye and he reached out to touch the fur. At the same moment, Maria was also reaching
towards the same piece of animal skin and their shoulders accidentally touched. Their eyes met and Gat Dula
bowed his head as a sign of respect and apology. Thus, Maria responded with a shy smile as they parted from
each other's company.

Since that first encounter, Gat Dula often visited the talipapa but he was not able to see Maria during
these visits. One day, he saw Maria at the very place where they first met. He approached Maria and greeted
her and Maria responded with a very sweet smile.
That was the beginning of their friendship which blossomed into love as the months passed. As time
passed, the love affair between Gat Dula and Maria came to be known to Gat Panahon, Maria's father.
Gat Panahon was angry. Even Dayang Makiling, Maria's mother, was distressed that her only
daughter was in love with a mortal. Maria was then forbidden to go down to the earth. Her parents even took
away from Maria the power of enchantment which enabled a deity to look and act like an ordinary mortal. But
even though Maria and Gat Dula could no longer meet physically, their love endured. Maria continued to
watch over Gat Dula. During a battle with the army of Lakan3 Bunto, the ruler of a neighboring kingdom who
invaded the kingdom of Bay, Gat Dula did not suffer a single wound due to the support of Maria's
Unfortunately, Gat Dula's inability to see Maria caused him to fall ill and die. Maria asked the gods to
give her the soul of Gat Dula and her request was granted.
1. Who invaded the kingdom of Bay?
2. What did Maria’s parents do to her as punishment?
3. How did Maria and Gat Dula meet each other?
4. What causes Gat Dula to fall ill and die?
5. What is the type of conflict in the story?

Source: Department of Education – MIMAROPA REGION

Activity 3
Directions: Draw a smiley face ☺ if you agree and a sad face ☹ if you disagree with the statement given
below. Draw your answer on the space provided before each sentence.
________1. Maria’s parents are right about their decision to separate Maria Makiling from her lover because a
mortal is not worthy of a deity’s love.
________2. Maria shouldn’t have helped Gat Dula during his battle against Lakan Bunto.
________3. Filipinos’ resiliency is shown in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
________4. Parents should allow their children to play games on their devices without limit.
________5. We should think of ways to cope with our situation right now.

Activity 4: Express Your Thoughts and Feelings

Directions: Place yourselves in the character’s shoes and decide on how to act or what to feel on each
situation. What if you have the ability to change some parts of the story? What would you do?
1. How would the story change if Maria Makiling didn’t meet Gat Dula?
______________________________If you were the author, would you let Gat Dula’s character die? Why? Why not?
2. Who is the character that’s most similar to you in the story? Why do you think so?

Activity 5: Which Is It?

Directions: Identify which element of the narrative text is being described in each statement below. Choose
your answer from the box and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each

_____________1. It is characterized by a struggle between two opposing forces.

_____________2. It tells the time and place of the story.
_____________3. This tells us about the main idea of the story. It is the message the writer wants to convey to
the readers.
_____________4. This is the final outcome of the main dramatic complication in a literary work.
_____________5. It refers to the actual thoughts, actions, speech and dialogue of the character as shown in the
text. It is the writer telling the readers what the character is like.

Source: Department of Education – MIMAROPA REGION

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