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"Language" "English"
"GameUI_ReverseMouse" "Reverse mouse"
"GameUI_ReverseMouseLabel" "Reverse mouse up-down axis"
"GameUI_MouseLook" "Mouse look"
"GameUI_MouseLookLabel" "Use the mouse to look around"
"GameUI_MouseFilter" "Mouse filter"
"GameUI_MouseFilterLabel" "Smooth out mouse movement over 2 frames."
"GameUI_MouseRaw" "Raw input"
"GameUI_MouseRaw_Hint" "Raw input reads mouse movement directly from
the device, bypassing control panel mouse settings, and providing more reliable
mouse movement."
"GameUI_MouseSensitivity" "Mouse sensitivity"
"GameUI_MouseAcceleration" "Mouse acceleration"
"GameUI_MouseAcceleration_Hint" "Enable mouse acceleration (recommended when
using raw input)"
"GameUI_MouseAccelerationAmount_Hint" "Amount of acceleration. A value of 1.0
is unaccelerated; higher values will provide additional acceleration."
"GameUI_Joystick" "Gamepad"
"GameUI_JoystickLabel" "Enable the gamepad"
"GameUI_ReverseJoystick" "Reverse gamepad up-down axis"
"GameUI_JoystickLook" "Joystick look"
"GameUI_JoystickLookLabel" "Use the gamepad to look around"
"GameUI_JoystickLookType" "Look type"
"GameUI_JoystickNormal" "Normal"
"GameUI_JoystickInverted" "Inverted"
"GameUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "Move/Look sticks"
"GameUI_JoystickMoveLookSticks" "Thumbsticks"
"GameUI_JoystickSouthpaw" "Swap sticks on dual-stick controllers"
"GameUI_JoystickSouthpaw" "Southpaw" [$X360]
"GameUI_JoystickLookSpeedPitch" "Vertical sensitivity"
"GameUI_JoystickLookSpeedYaw" "Horizontal sensitivity"
"GameUI_JoystickDuckZoomMode" "Duck/Zoom mode"
"GameUI_JoystickDuckMode" "Duck mode"
"GameUI_JoystickSprintMode" "Sticky Sprint"
"GameUI_AutoAim" "Auto-Aim"
"GameUI_AutoaimLabel" "Aims at enemies automatically."
"GameUI_ContentLock" "Content lock"
"GameUI_ContentLockLabel" "Press this button and enter password to disable\
nvisuals inappropriate for younger players."
"GameUI_ContentStatusDisabled" "Enter a password to enable the content lock."
"GameUI_ContentStatusEnabled" "Enter a password to disable the content lock."
"GameUI_Enable" "Enable"
"GameUI_Disable" "Disable"
"GameUI_PasswordPrompt" "Please enter a password"
"GameUI_PasswordDisablePrompt" "Please enter password"
"GameUI_PasswordReentryPrompt" "Re-enter a password"
"GameUI_Cancel" "Cancel"
"GameUI_CancelBold" "CANCEL"
"GameUI_Back" "Back"
"GameUI_Apply" "Apply"
"GameUI_DemoPlayer" "Demo Player"
"GameUI_LoadDemo" "Choose Demo File"
"GameUI_Load" "Load"
"GameUI_DemoFile" "Demo File"
"GameUI_Map" "Map"
"GameUI_Close" "Close"
"GameUI_NeverShowButton" "Do not show this dialog again"
"GameUI_BonusMapsHelp" "Select a bonus map or folder below, then click
"GameUI_BonusMaps" "BONUS MAPS"
"GameUI_BonusMapsCompletion" "Complete"
"GameUI_BonusMapsUnlocked" "+Bonus"
"GameUI_BonusMapsStandard" "Standard"
"GameUI_BonusMapsAdvanced" "Advanced"
"GameUI_BonusMapsBest" "Best: %s1"
"GameUI_BonusMapsGoal" "Goal: %s1"
"GameUI_LoadGameHelp" "Select a saved game in the list below, then click
'Load game'."
"GameUI_LoadGame" "LOAD GAME"
"GameUI_MultiplayerAdvanced" "MULTIPLAYER ADVANCED"
"GameUI_MultiplayerCustomize" "Multiplayer Customize"
"GameUI_Multiplayer" "Multiplayer"
"GameUI_OK" "OK"
"GameUI_AdvancedEllipsis" "Advanced..."
"GameUI_ResetStats" "Reset All Stats"
"GameUI_AdvancedNoEllipsis" "Advanced"
"GameUI_PlayerName" "Player name"
"GameUI_PrimaryColor" "Primary color"
"GameUI_SecondaryColor" "Secondary color"
"GameUI_HighModels" "Use high quality models"
"GameUI_PlayerModel" "Player model"
"GameUI_SpraypaintImage" "Spraypaint image"
"GameUI_SpraypaintServerNote" "Changes to your spraypaint image take effect when
you join a server."
"GameUI_NewGame" "NEW GAME"
"GameUI_NewGameHelpText" "Select a level of difficulty or the Training\nroom,
then click 'Play'."
"GameUI_TrainingRoom" "TRAINING ROOM"
"GameUI_Easy" "Easy"
"GameUI_Medium" "Medium"
"GameUI_Hard" "Hard"
"GameUI_StartNewGame" "Start new game"
"GameUI_Next" "More >"
"GameUI_Prev" "< More"
"GameUI_Play" "Play"
"GameUI_EnableEAX" "Enable EAX Hardware Support"
"GameUI_EnableA3D" "Enable A3D Hardware Support"
"GameUI_SoundEffectVolume" "Game volume"
"GameUI_HEVSuitVolume" "HEV suit volume"
"GameUI_MP3Volume" "MP3 volume *"
"GameUI_MusicVolume" "Music volume"
"GameUI_SoundQuality" "Sound quality"
"GameUI_Ultra" "Very High"
"GameUI_High" "High"
"GameUI_Low" "Low"
"GameUI_UseDefaults" "Use Defaults"
"GameUI_SetNewKey" "Edit key"
"GameUI_ClearKey" "Clear Key"
"GameUI_SetNewButton" "Press a button..."
"GameUI_ClearButton" "Clear"
"GameUI_DefaultButtons" "Default controls"
"GameUI_Action" "Action"
"GameUI_Toggle" "Toggle"
"GameUI_Hold" "Hold"
"GameUI_KeyButton" "KEY/BUTTON"
"GameUI_Alternate" "ALTERNATE"
"GameUI_Windowed" "Run in a window"
"GameUI_Renderer" "Renderer"
"GameUI_Software" "Software"
"GameUI_OpenGL" "OpenGL"
"GameUI_D3D" "D3D"
"GameUI_Brightness" "Brightness"
"GameUI_Gamma" "Gamma"
"GameUI_Resolution" "Resolution"
"GameUI_VideoRestart" "Note: changing video options will cause the game to
exit and restart."
"GameUI_EnableVoice" "Enable voice in this game"
"GameUI_BoostMicrophone" "Boost microphone gain"
"GameUI_MicrophoneVolume" "Microphone Volume"
"GameUI_ReceiveVolume" "Receive Volume"
"GameUI_TestMicrophone" "Test Microphone"
"GameUI_StopTestMicrophone" "Stop Microphone Test"
"GameUI_SteamVoice" "Steam Voice is used by default, but some
servers may use the old settings below."
"GameUI_SteamVoiceSettings" "Steam Voice Settings"
"GameUI_VoiceReceiveVolume" "Voice receive volume *"
"GameUI_VoiceTransmitVolume" "Voice transmit volume *"
"GameUI_SaveGame" "SAVE GAME"
"GameUI_SaveGameHelp" "Select 'New Save Game' in the list to create a new
file, or select\na previously saved game to overwrite a file."
"GameUI_Delete" "Delete"
"GameUI_Quit" "Quit game"
"GameUI_SteamPassword" "Steam Password"
"GameUI_CreateServer" "CREATE SERVER"
"GameUI_Start" "Start"
"GameUI_Console" "Console"
"GameUI_Submit" "Submit"
"GameUI_Options" "OPTIONS"
"GameUI_Keyboard" "Keyboard"
"GameUI_Mouse" "Mouse"
"GameUI_Audio" "Audio"
"GameUI_Video" "Video"
"GameUI_Voice" "Voice"
"GameUI_Advanced" "Lock"
"GameUI_Server" "Server"
"GameUI_Game" "Game" [$WIN32]
"GameUI_SavedGame" "Saved Game"
"GameUI_ElapsedTime" "Elapsed Time"
"GameUI_TimeStamp" "Time Stamp"
"GameUI_KeyboardSettings" "Keyboard settings"
"GameUI_KeyboardSettingsText" "Reset all actions to use their default keys?"
"GameUI_ControllerSettingsText" "Reset all controller options to their
"GameUI_GameMenu_NewGame" "NEW GAME"
"GameUI_GameMenu_PlayDemo" "PLAY DEMO"
"GameUI_GameMenu_BonusMaps" "BONUS MAPS"
"GameUI_GameMenu_LoadGame" "LOAD GAME"
"GameUI_GameMenu_SaveGame" "SAVE GAME"
"GameUI_GameMenu_Multiplayer" "MULTIPLAYER "
"GameUI_GameMenu_FindServers" "FIND SERVERS"
"GameUI_GameMenu_Friends" "FRIENDS"
"GameUI_GameMenu_Customize" "CUSTOMIZE"
"GameUI_GameMenu_CreateServer" "CREATE SERVER"
"GameUI_GameMenu_Options" "OPTIONS"
"GameUI_GameMenu_Achievements" "ACHIEVEMENTS"
"GameUI_GameMenu_PlayerStats" "PLAYER STATS"
"GameUI_GameMenu_ReplayDemos" "REPLAYS"
"GameUI_GameMenu_Quit" "QUIT"
"GameUI_PasswordsDontMatch" "Entered passwords don't match!"
"GameUI_MustEnterPassword" "You must enter a password"
"GameUI_IncorrectPassword" "Incorrect password"
"GameUI_CantDisableContentCtrl" "Can't disable, content control was not set"
"GameUI_Loading" "LOADING..."
"GameUI_LoadingGame" "LOADING"
"GameUI_Disconnected" "Disconnected"
"GameUI_ConnectionFailed" "Could not connect to server."
"GameUI_DisconnectedFrom" "You have been disconnected from the server."
"GameUI_DisconnectedFromServerExtended" "You have been disconnected from the
server.\nReason: %s1"
"GameUI_EstablishingConnection" "Establishing network connection to server..."
"GameUI_ParseServerInfo" "Parsing server info..."
"GameUI_CheckCRCs" "Validating game resources..."
"GameUI_PrecacheResources" "Loading game resources..."
"GameUI_ParseBaseline" "Parsing game info..."
"GameUI_StartingServer" "Starting local game server..."
"GameUI_DisplayMode" "Display Mode"
"GameUI_Fullscreen" "Full screen"
"GameUI_AspectRatio" "Aspect Ratio"
"GameUI_AspectNormal" "Normal (4:3)"
"GameUI_AspectWide16x9" "Widescreen 16:9"
"GameUI_AspectWide16x10" "Widescreen 16:10"
"GameUI_AspectWide" "Widescreen"
"GameUI_VRMode" "Virtual Reality Mode"
"GameUI_VRModeRelaunchMsg" "Enabling or disabling Virtual Reality Mode will not
take effect until you restart the game."
"GameUI_WindowedTooltip" "When VR mode is enabled the game will start windowed
on the main display. Select Activate Virtual Reality to switch to VR."
"GameUI_NoVRTooltip" "No display detected. Connect your compatible VR display
and restart the game to enable VR mode."
"GameUI_CDKey" "CD Key"
"GameUI_EnterCDKey" "Please enter your CD Key, which can be\nfound
printed on your CD jewel case."
"GameUI_LoadingDialog_ContentHosting" "Content hosting provided by:"
"GameUI_ColorSliders" "Colors"
"GameUI_ColorQuality" "Color Quality"

"GameUI_CDKey_Invalid_Text" "The CD Key you have entered is invalid."

"GameUI_CDKey_Invalid_Title" "INCORRECT CD KEY"
"GameUI_CDKey_TooManyTries" "Incorrect CD Key entered too many times. Exiting..."
"GameUI_GameMenu_ResumeGame" "RESUME GAME"
"GameUI_GameMenu_Disconnect" "DISCONNECT"
"GameUI_GameMenu_ChangeGame" "CHANGE GAME"
"GameUI_GameMenu_PlayerList" "MUTE PLAYERS"
"GameUI_GameMenu_ResumeReplay" "RESUME REPLAY"
"GameUI_GameMenu_ExitReplay" "BACK TO REPLAYS"
"GameUI_GameMenu_MainMenu" "MAIN MENU"
"GameUI_GameMenu_Training" "TUTORIAL"
"GameUI_GameMenu_OfflinePractice" "OFFLINE PRACTICE"

"GameUI_OutOfDate_Title" "GAME IS OUT OF DATE"

"GameUI_OutOfDate_URL" ""
"GameUI_OutOfDate_Msg" "Your game is out of date.\nClick OK to go to Valve's
webpage to download the latest updates."
"GameUI_QuitConfirmationTitle" "QUIT GAME"
"GameUI_QuitConfirmationText" "Do you wish to stop playing now?"
"GameUI_Disconnect" "Disconnect"
"GameUI_DisconnectConfirmationText" "Are you sure you want to leave this game?"
"GameUI_DisconnectHostConfirmationText" "Disconnecting will kick all players. Are
you sure you want to leave this game?"

"GameUI_ConfirmResetStatsTitle" "Reset All Stats"

"GameUI_ConfirmResetStatsText" "Are you sure you want to reset all stats? You
will keep existing achievements, but progress towards future achievements will be
"GameUI_Reset" "Reset All Stats"

"GameUI_ChangeGame" "Change game"

"GameUI_NoOtherGamesAvailable" "There are no other games available to play."
"GameUI_ForceGameRestart" "Changing games will cause the engine to restart."
"GameUI_Miles_Voice" "Uses Miles Sound System. Copyright © 1991-2001 by
RAD Game Tools, Inc."
"GameUI_Miles_Audio" "MPEG Layer-3 playback supplied with the Miles Sound
System from RAD Game Tools, Inc. MPEG Layer-3 audio compression technology licensed
by Fraunhofer IIS and THOMSON multimedia."
"GameUI_Bink" "Uses Bink Video. Copyright © 1997-2007 by RAD Game
Tools, Inc."
"GameUI_MuteIngameVoice" "Mute in-game voice"
"GameUI_UnmuteIngameVoice" "Unmute in-game voice"
"GameUI_PlayerListDialogTitle" "CURRENT PLAYERS - %server%"
"GameUI_FriendsName" "Friends name"
"GameUI_Properties" "Properties"

"GameUI_AddFriendTitle" "FRIENDS - ADD FRIEND"

"GameUI_FriendAddedToList" "%name% has been added to your friends list.\nNote
that they will not show up as online until they have accepted your friendship
"GameUI_AddFriendFailed" "%name% could not be added to your list.\nThere was
either a connection error, or they are not running Friends."
"GameUI_NoOtherPlayersInGame" "There are no other players in the game."
"GameUI_QuickSave" "QUICK SAVE"
"GameUI_AutoSave" "AUTO SAVE"
"GameUI_AutoSaveLabel" "AUTO:"
"GameUI_UserSaveLabel" "USER:"
"GameUI_Type" "Type"
"GameUI_ServerName" "Server name"
"GameUI_MaxPlayers" "Max. Players:"
"GameUI_Password" "Password"

"GameUI_VerifyingResources" "Verifying resources..."
"GameUI_VerifyingAndDownloading" "Verifying and downloading resources..."
"GameUI_UpdatingSteamResources" "Updating steam resources"

"GameUI_DownloadFailed" "Could not download %s1"

"GameUI_DownloadFailedZeroLen" "Could not download %s1:\nFile has no
"GameUI_DownloadFailedConClosed" "Could not download %s1:\nConnection closed by
remote host"
"GameUI_DownloadFailedBadURL" "Could not download %s1:\nInvalid URL"
"GameUI_DownloadFailedBadProtocol" "Could not download %s1:\nOnly HTTP is
"GameUI_DownloadFailedCantBind" "Could not download %s1:\nCannot bind a
"GameUI_DownloadFailedCantConnect" "Could not download %s1:\nCannot connect to
"GameUI_DownloadFailedNoHeaders" "Could not download %s1:\nCannot get file info
from server"
"GameUI_DownloadFailedFileNotFound" "Could not download %s1:\nFile does not exist"

"GameUI_CurrentPlayers" "MUTE PLAYERS"

"GameUI_LoadingFilename" "Loading %s1 ..."

"GameUI_EventList" "Event List"

"GameUI_EditDirectorCommand" "Edit director command"

"GameUI_GetTime" "Get time"

"GameUI_GetView" "Get view"
"GameUI_Add" "Add"
"GameUI_Remove" "Remove"
"GameUI_Modify" "Modify"
"GameUI_Goto" "Goto"
"GameUI_Events" "Events"
"GameUI_Save" "Save"
"GameUI_Time" "Time"

"GameUI_CPUPlayerOptions" "CPU Player Options"

"GameUI_MediumBitDepth" "Medium (16 bit)"

"GameUI_HighBitDepth" "Highest (32 bit)"

"GameUI_PrecachingResources" "Precaching resources..."

"GameUI_LoadingSecurityModule" "Loading security module..."
"GameUI_SecurityModule" "Security module"
"GameUI_DownloadingSecurityModule" "Downloading security module"
"GameUI_ErrorLoadingSecurityModule" "Error loading security module."
"GameUI_FailedDownloadSecurityModule" "Failed to download security module."
"GameUI_ServerConnectionTimeout" "Connection to server timed out."
"GameUI_ServerConnectionFailedBadPassword" "Connection to game server
refused.\nThe password you entered was incorrect."

"GameUI_SaveGame_NewSavedGame" "New saved game"

"GameUI_SaveGame_NewSave" "New Save"
"GameUI_SaveGame_New" "New"
"GameUI_SaveGame_Current" "Current"
"GameUI_SaveGame_Overwrite" "Overwrite Save"

"GameUI_Headphones" "Headphones"
"GameUI_2Speakers" "2 Speakers"
"GameUI_4Speakers" "4 Speakers"
"GameUI_5Speakers" "5.1 Speakers"
"GameUI_7Speakers" "7.1 Speakers"
"GameUI_SpeakerConfiguration" "Speaker configuration"
"GameUI_NewSaveGame" "NEW SAVE GAME"
"GameUI_ConfirmDeleteSaveGame_Title" "DELETE SAVE GAME?"
"GameUI_ConfirmDeleteSaveGame_Info" "Do you want to delete this save game?\nIt will
be deleted permanently."
"GameUI_ConfirmDeleteSaveGame_OK" "Delete"
"GameUI_ConfirmOverwriteSaveGame_Title" "SAVE GAME"
"GameUI_ConfirmOverwriteSaveGame_Info" "Do you want to overwrite this existing
save game?"
"GameUI_ConfirmOverwriteSaveGame_OK" "Overwrite"
"GameUI_SavingWarning" "Saving content.\nPlease don't turn off your
"GameUI_GameSaved" "Game Saved"
"GameUI_AutoSave_Console_Explanation" "This game uses an autosave system that
will periodically save your progress without warning. Please do not turn off your
Xbox console during an autosave."

"GameUI_ConfirmLoadGame_Title" "LOAD GAME"

"GameUI_LoadWarning" "Are you sure you want to load?\nAll unsaved progress
will be lost."
"GameUI_ConfirmNewGame_Title" "NEW GAME"
"GameUI_NewGameWarning" "Are you sure you want to start a new game?\nAll
unsaved progress will be lost."

"GameUI_RandomMap" "< Random Map >"

"GameUI_RetryingConnectionToServer" "Retrying connection to server..."
"GameUI_RetryingConnectionToServer2" "Retrying connection to server (2)..."
"GameUI_RetryingConnectionToServer3" "Retrying connection to server (3)..."
"GameUI_CouldNotContactGameServer" "Failed to contact game server"
"GameUI_RefreshLogin_InfoTicketExpired" "Your steam ticket has expired.\nPlease
re-enter your password to continue."
"GameUI_RefreshLogin_UserName" "Account name"
"GameUI_RefreshLogin_Password" "Password"
"GameUI_RefreshLogin_Login" "Login"
"GameUI_RefreshLogin_Cancel" "Cancel"
"GameUI_RefreshLogin" "Refresh Login"
"GameUI_RefreshLogin_RememberPassword" "Remember my password"
"GameUI_Login_ErrorTitle" "Refresh Login - Error"
"GameUI_ErrorLoginFailed" "Login Failed. Please try again."

"LoadingProgress_SpawningServer" "Starting local game server..."

"LoadingProgress_LoadMap" "Loading world..."
"LoadingProgress_PrecacheWorld" "Initializing world..."
"LoadingProgress_LoadResources" "Loading resources..."
"LoadingProgress_SignonLocal" "Initializing resources..."
"LoadingProgress_SignonDataLocal" "Initializing game data..."

"LoadingProgress_BeginConnect" "Establishing connection to server..."

"LoadingProgress_Connecting" "Connecting to server..."
"LoadingProgress_ProcessServerInfo" "Retrieving server info..."
"LoadingProgress_SendClientInfo" "Sending client info..."
"LoadingProgress_SignonData" "Retrieving game data..."
"LoadingProgress_Changelevel" "Server is changing level..."

"GameUI_Difficulty" "Difficulty"
"GameUI_SkillEasy" "Easy"
"GameUI_SkillNormal" "Normal"
"GameUI_SkillHard" "Hard"
"GameUI_SelectDifficulty" "Combat difficulty:"
"GameUI_Portal" "Portals"
"GameUI_PortalDepthLabel" "Portal render depth"
"GameUI_PortalDepth0" "0"
"GameUI_PortalDepth1" "1"
"GameUI_PortalDepth2" "2 (recommended)"
"GameUI_PortalDepth3" "3"
"GameUI_PortalDepth4" "4"
"GameUI_PortalDepth5" "5"
"GameUI_PortalDepth6" "6"
"GameUI_PortalDepth7" "7"
"GameUI_PortalDepth8" "8"
"GameUI_PortalDepth9" "9"
"GameUI_PortalFunnel" "Portal funnel"
"GameUI_PortalFunnelLabel" "The computer helps you aim into floor portals"

"GameUI_CrosshairDescription" "Crosshair appearance"

"GameUI_Auto" "Auto-size"
"GameUI_Small" "Small"
"GameUI_Large" "Large"
"GameUI_Translucent" "Translucent"

"GameUI_CrosshairRed" "Red"
"GameUI_CrosshairGreen" "Green"
"GameUI_CrosshairBlue" "Blue"
"GameUI_CrosshairScale" "Size"

"GameUI_FastSwitchCheck" "Fast weapon switch"

"GameUI_DeveloperConsoleCheck" "Enable developer console"
"GameUI_KeyboardAdvanced_Title" "KEYBOARD - ADVANCED"

// temp restart strings

"GameUI_OptionsRestartRequired_Title" "OPTIONS - RESTART"
"GameUI_OptionsRestartRequired_Info" "The changes you have made require the
game to be\nrestarted. Do you wish to restart now?"
"GameUI_OptionsRestart_OKButton" "Restart now"
"GameUI_OptionsRestart_CancelButton" "Restart later"

"GameUI_VideoAdvanced_Title" "VIDEO - ADVANCED"

"GameUI_HudQuickInfo" "Quick info"

"GameUI_HudQuickInfo_Info" "Show health and ammo info on crosshair"

"GameUI_NoBonusMapsToDisplay" "There are no bonus maps in this directory."

"GameUI_NoSaveGamesToDisplay" "There are currently no save games to display."
"GameUI_SaveGame_CorruptFile" "These saved game files have been damaged or
corrupted,\nand cannot be loaded."

"GameUI_EasyDescription" "Enemies are easy to defeat, and the computer helps

you aim."
"GameUI_NormalDescription" "Challenging enemies; your weapons do normal damage."
"GameUI_HardDescription" "Enemies are very tough; your weapons are less

"GameUI_CloseCaptions_Checkbox" "Display captions"

"GameUI_TestSpeakerSettings" "Test speaker settings"

"GameUI_TestSpeakerSettingsWarning" "Testing speaker settings will disconnect you
from the current game"
"GameUI_Enabled" "Enabled"
"GameUI_Disabled" "Disabled"

"gameui_noreflections" "Simple reflections"

"gameui_reflectonlyworld" "Reflect world"
"gameui_reflectall" "Reflect all"

"GameUI_ReportBug" "REPORT BUG"

"GameUI_Bug_Successful" "Bug successfully submitted!"
"GameUI_Bug_Submitting" "Submitting Bug..."
"GameUI_Bug_TakeScreenshot" "Take screenshot"
"GameUI_Bug_AttachSavedGame" "Attach saved game"
"GameUI_Bug_ClearForm" "Clear Form"
"GameUI_Bug_Title" "Title:"
"GameUI_Bug_Description" "Description:"
"GameUI_Bug_Position" "Position:"
"GameUI_Bug_Map" "Map:"
"GameUI_Bug_Orientation" "Orientation:"
"GameUI_Bug_ReportType" "Report type:"
"GameUI_Bug_EmailAddress" "Email Address:"
"GameUI_Bug_PrivacyPolicy" "Valve's Privacy Policy"
"GameUI_Bug_Optional" "(optional)"
"GameUI_Bug_AccountName" "Account Name:"
"GameUI_Bug_EngineBuild" "SOURCE ENGINE BUILD:"
"GameUI_Bug_Submit" "Submit"
"GameUI_Bug_ClearFiles" "Clear files"
"GameUI_Bug_BSP_File" ".bsp file"
"GameUI_Bug_VMF_File" ".vmf file"
"GameUI_Bug_Include_BSP" "Include .bsp"
"GameUI_Bug_Include_VMF" "Include .vmf"
"GameUI_Bug_IncludeFile" "Include file..."

"GameUI_DX_Level" "Hardware DirectX level:"

"GameUI_DX_Installed" "Software DirectX level:"
"GameUI_Model_Detail" "Model detail"
"GameUI_Texture_Detail" "Texture detail"
"GameUI_Antialiasing_Mode" "Antialiasing mode"
"GameUI_Filtering_Mode" "Filtering mode"
"GameUI_Water_Detail" "Water detail"
"GameUI_Shadow_Detail" "Shadow detail"
"GameUI_Wait_For_VSync" "Wait for vertical sync"
"GameUI_Shader_Detail" "Shader detail"
"GameUI_Color_Correction" "Color Correction"

"GameUI_NoOptionsYet" "< no options yet >"

"GameUI_None" "None"
"GameUI_CrosshairNone" "None"
"GameUI_Bilinear" "Bilinear"
"GameUI_Trilinear" "Trilinear"
"GameUI_Anisotropic2X" "Anisotropic 2X"
"GameUI_Anisotropic4X" "Anisotropic 4X"
"GameUI_Anisotropic8X" "Anisotropic 8X"
"GameUI_Anisotropic16X" "Anisotropic 16X"

"GameUI_2X" "2x MSAA"

"GameUI_4X" "4x MSAA"
"GameUI_6X" "6x MSAA"
"GameUI_8X" "8x MSAA"
"GameUI_8X_CSAA" "8x CSAA"
"GameUI_16X_CSAA" "16x CSAA"
"GameUI_16XQ_CSAA" "16xQ CSAA"

"GameUI_D3D9Ex" "Windows Aero extensions:"

"GameUI_D3D9ExRelaunchMsg" "This setting will not take effect until you exit and
re-launch the game."

"GameUI_RecommendedSettings" "* Setting recommended for your system"

"GameUI_Bloom" "Use 'bloom' effect when available"

"GameUI_HDR" "High Dynamic Range"
"GameUI_hdr_level0" "None"
"GameUI_hdr_level1" "Bloom (if available)"
"GameUI_hdr_level2" "Full (if available)"
"GameUI_hdr_level3" "Expanded (if available)"
"GameUI_HDR_NoteAboutMaps" "(HDR effects appear only in HDR maps)"
"GameUI_MotionBlur" "Motion Blur"

"GameUI_LaunchBenchmark" "VIDEO STRESS TEST"

"GameUI_LaunchBenchmarkVideoPanel" "Begin stress test..."
"GameUI_StartBenchmark" "Begin video stress test"
"GameUI_LaunchBenchmark_Title" "VIDEO HARDWARE STRESS TEST"

"GameUI_LaunchBenchmark_Info" "This stress test will measure your average framerate

while rendering elements in the Source engine. At the end of the test you will be
able to upload your results to Valve. \nLater, there will be a web page available
with the compiled results."

"GameUI_BenchmarkResults_Title" "TEST RESULTS"

"GameUI_BenchmarkResults_Info" "Your average framerate during the stress test was
%framerate% fps. By choosing to upload your data you will be sending information
about the type and speed of your CPU, amount of RAM, and the video hardware this
test was run on."
"GameUI_BenchmarkResults_UploadNow" "Upload results to Valve"

"GameUI_AdjustGamma" "Adjust brightness levels..."


"GameUI_DisplayMode" "Display mode"

"GameUI_DisplayTV" "Television"
"GameUI_DisplayMonitor" "Computer Monitor"

"GameUI_TestSpeakersWarning_Title" "Test Speaker Settings"

"GameUI_TestSpeakersWarning_Info" "Testing speaker settings will disconnect you
from the current game."
"GameUI_TestSpeakersWarning_OkButton" "Run Speaker Test"
"GameUI_TestSpeakersWarning_CancelButton" "Cancel"

"GameUI_GammaInfo" "Adjust the slider until all three lines of text

below are visible."

"GameUI_SaveAndQuitQuery_Info" "Do you wish to save the current game before

"GameUI_SaveAndQuit" "Save"
"GameUI_DontSaveAndQuit" "Don't save"

"GameUI_Captioning" "Captioning"
"GameUI_NoClosedCaptions" "No captions"
"GameUI_Subtitles" "Subtitles (dialog only)" [$WIN32]
"GameUI_Subtitles" "Subtitles" [$X360]
"GameUI_SubtitlesAndSoundEffects" "Closed Captions"

"GameUI_Paused" "PAUSED"

// spray importer strings.

"GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Title" "Spray Import Error"
"GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Reading_Image" "Error reading source image. Image file
is possibly corrupt or improperly formated"
"GameUI_Spray_Import_Image_Wrong_Size" "Source image is not the correct size.
Valid height and width values in pixels are 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, and 1."
"GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Memory" "Unable to allocate enough memory for
conversion. Image file possibly corrupt."
"GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Image_File_Corrupt" "Image file is corrupt."
"GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_BMP_Format_Not_Supported" "This file's BMP format is
not supported. Supported BMP formats are 24-bit RGB and 32-bit RGBA."
"GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_TGA_Format_Not_Supported" "This file's TGA format is
not supported. Supported TGA formats are 24-bit RGB and 32-bit RGBA."
"GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Writing_Temp_Output" "Error creating temporary file."
"GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Cant_Load_VTEX_DLL" "Unable to load vtex_dll.dll. Try
restarting steam to get the latest updates."
"GameUI_Spray_Import_Error_Writing_Output" "Unable to write output spray file.
It's possible the current user doesn't have permission."
"GameUI_ImportSprayEllipsis" "Import Spray..."
"GameUI_ImportSprayImage" "Import Spray Image"
"GameUI_All_Images" "All Images (*.jpg,*.bmp,*.tga,*.vtf)"
"GameUI_All_ImagesNoBmp" "All Images (*.jpg,*.tga,*.vtf)"
"GameUI_JPEG_Images" "JPEG Images (*.jpg)"
"GameUI_TGA_Images" "Targa Images (*.tga)"
"GameUI_BMP_Images" "Bitmap Images (*.bmp)"
"GameUI_VTF_Images" "VTF Images (*.vtf)"

// bonus map importer strings

"GameUI_ImportBonusMapsEllipsis" "Import Bonus Maps..."
"GameUI_ImportBonusMaps" "Import Bonus Maps"
"GameUI_BMZ_Files" "Bonus Map Zip Files (*.bmz)"

"GameUI_SettingRequiresDisconnect_Title" "OPTIONS - WARNING"

"GameUI_SettingRequiresDisconnect_Info" "Changing this setting will
disconnect you from the current game."
"GameUI_SettingChangeFromX360Dashboard_Title" "OPTIONS"
"GameUI_SettingChangeFromX360Dashboard_Info" "This setting can only be changed
from the Xbox 360 Dashboard."

"GameUI_Dlg_CheckingStorageDevice" "Checking storage device..."

"GameUI_Chapter" "CHAPTER"

"VAC_LoggedInElsewhere_Title" "Account Used Elsewhere"

"VAC_LoggedInElsewhereReason" "This Steam account has been used to log in
from another computer. To continue using Steam, you need to log in again."

"GAMEUI_Commentary" "Commentary"
"GAMEUI_Commentary_On" "On (where available)"
"GAMEUI_Commentary_Off" "Off"
"GAMEUI_CommentaryDialogTitle" "COMMENTARY"
"GAMEUI_Commentary_LeaveOn" "Leave commentary ON"
"GAMEUI_Commentary_TurnOff" "Turn commentary OFF"
"GAMEUI_Commentary_TurnOn" "Turn commentary ON"
"GAMEUI_Commentary_LeaveOff" "Leave commentary OFF"
"GAMEUI_PostCommentary_ModeLabelOn" "COMMENTARY MODE IS: ON"
"GAMEUI_PostCommentary_ModeLabelOff" "COMMENTARY MODE IS: OFF"
"GAMEUI_PostCommentary_options" "(To turn commentary on or off,
select \"options\" from the main menu.)"
"GAMEUI_LostCoastHasCommentary" "Half-Life 2: Lost Coast includes audio
commentary, spoken by members of the Valve development team."
"GAMEUI_Commentary_WhatIs" "Commentary mode allows access to information
nodes, containing audio commentary spoken by members of the Valve development
"GAMEUI_Commentary_HowToUse" "To start or stop a commentary node, aim your
crosshairs at any balloon icon and then press your USE key."
"GAMEUI_Commentary_HowToUse_Attack" "To start or stop a commentary node, aim your
crosshairs at any balloon icon and then press your PRIMARY FIRE key."
"GAMEUI_COMMENTARY_GOD" "(While playing the game in commentary mode,
you will be invulnerable to damage and achievements will not be awarded.)"
"GAMEUI_Commentary_Console_Explanation" "'Commentary nodes' contain audio
commentary by the Valve development team. To start or stop a node, aim at any
balloon icon and press your USE button. (You will be invulnerable to damage while
listening to a node. Achievements can not be earned in commentary mode.)"
"GAMEUI_AudioSpokenLanguage" "Audio (spoken) language"
"GameUI_ThirdPartyTechCredits" "3rd party technology
"GameUI_ThirdPartyAudio_Title" "3rd PARTY AUDIO TECHNOLOGY"
"GameUI_ThirdPartyVideo_Title" "3rd PARTY VIDEO TECHNOLOGY"
"GAMEUI_RequiresRestart" "(Requires restart)"
"GameUI_ChangeLanguageRestart_OkButton" "Restart Now"
"GameUI_ChangeLanguageRestart_CancelButton" "Cancel"
"GameUI_ChangeLanguageRestart_Title" "CHANGE SPOKEN AUDIO LANGUAGE"
"GameUI_ChangeLanguageRestart_Info" "The game must restart in order to
change the spoken audio language.\n\nWould you like to restart now?"

"GameUI64_64BitNotice" "64-bit mode active"


"GameUI_LoadCommentaryHelp" "Select a commentary track in the list below,
then click 'Load game'."
"GameUI_NoCommentaryItemsToDisplay" "No commentary tracks available."
"GameUI_CommentaryUnlock" "Complete a chapter to unlock its commentary."

// Xbox 360
"GameUI_A_BUTTON" "A Button"
"GameUI_B_BUTTON" "B Button"
"GameUI_X_BUTTON" "X Button"
"GameUI_Y_BUTTON" "Y Button"
"GameUI_L_TRIGGER" "Left Trigger"
"GameUI_R_TRIGGER" "Right Trigger"
"GameUI_L_SHOULDER" "Left Shoulder"
"GameUI_R_SHOULDER" "Right Shoulder"

"GameUI_Icons_UP" "U"
"GameUI_Icons_DOWN" "D"
"GameUI_Icons_LEFT" "L"
"GameUI_Icons_RIGHT" "R"
"GameUI_Icons_DPAD" "C"
"GameUI_Icons_START" "5"
"GameUI_Icons_BACK" "4"
"GameUI_Icons_STICK1" "6"
"GameUI_Icons_STICK2" "7"
"GameUI_Icons_S1_UP" "6"
"GameUI_Icons_S2_UP" "7"
"GameUI_Icons_LSTICK" "6"
"GameUI_Icons_RSTICK" "7"
"GameUI_Icons_A_BUTTON" "A"
"GameUI_Icons_B_BUTTON" "B"
"GameUI_Icons_X_BUTTON" "X"
"GameUI_Icons_Y_BUTTON" "Y"
"GameUI_Icons_L_SHOULDER" "2"
"GameUI_Icons_R_SHOULDER" "3"
"GameUI_Icons_L_TRIGGER" "0"
"GameUI_Icons_R_TRIGGER" "1"
"GameUI_Icons_LEFTCURSOR" "8"
"GameUI_Icons_RIGHTCURSOR" "9"
"GameUI_Icons_UPCURSOR" "<"
"GameUI_Icons_DOWNCURSOR" ">"
"GameUI_Icons_NONE" "< not assigned >"

"GameUI_KeyNames_UP" "D-pad up"

"GameUI_KeyNames_DOWN" "D-pad down"
"GameUI_KeyNames_LEFT" "D-pad left"
"GameUI_KeyNames_RIGHT" "D-pad right"
"GameUI_KeyNames_START" "START button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_BACK" "BACK button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_STICK1" "left stick button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_STICK2" "right stick button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_S1_UP" "left stick"
"GameUI_KeyNames_S2_UP" "right stick"
"GameUI_KeyNames_LSTICK" "left stick"
"GameUI_KeyNames_RSTICK" "right stick"
"GameUI_KeyNames_A_BUTTON" "A button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_B_BUTTON" "B button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_X_BUTTON" "X button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_Y_BUTTON" "Y button"
"GameUI_KeyNames_L_SHOULDER" "left bumper"
"GameUI_KeyNames_R_SHOULDER" "right bumper"
"GameUI_KeyNames_L_TRIGGER" "left trigger"
"GameUI_KeyNames_R_TRIGGER" "right trigger"

"GameUI_Game" "GAME" [$X360]

"GameUI_Controller" "CONTROLLER"
"GameUI_Buttons" "BUTTONS"
"GameUI_RestoreDefaults" "RESTORE DEFAULTS"

"GameUI_Accept" "Accept"
"GameUI_Select" "Select"
"GameUI_Refresh" "Refresh"
"GameUI_Sort" "Sort"
"GameUI_ExitLobby" "Exit"
"GameUI_ChangeTeam" "Change Team"
"GameUI_ChangeGameSettings" "Change Settings"
"GameUI_PlayerReview" "Player Review"
"GameUI_StartGame" "Start Game"
"GameUI_StopCountdown" "Cancel Countdown"
"GameUI_Console_FileCorrupt" "The selected storage device contains a file that is
corrupted or not able to be opened. Please choose another storage device or delete
the corrupted file."

"GameUI_AppChooser_SelectGame" "SELECT GAME:"

"GameUI_Yes" "Yes"
"GameUI_No" "No"

"GameUI_Console_QuitWarning" "Are you sure you want to quit?\nAll unsaved progress

will be lost."
"GameUI_Console_StorageRemovedTitle" "Storage Device Removed"
"GameUI_Console_StorageRemovedBody" "You will not be able to save your progress
without a storage device. Would you like to select another storage device?"
"GameUI_Console_StorageNeededBody" "You will not be able to continue playing
without a storage device. Would you like to select another storage device?"
"GameUI_Console_StorageChange" "Change Storage Device"
"GameUI_Console_StorageTooFullTitle" "Storage Device Full"
"GameUI_Console_StorageTooFullBody" "The selected storage device does not have
enough space to create new saved games. Would you like to select another storage

"GameUI_Console_NoStorageDeviceSelectedTitle" "No Storage Device Selected"

"GameUI_Console_NoStorageDeviceSelectedBody" "Would you like to select a storage
device?\n\nChoosing 'No' will let you play the game, but you will not be able to
save your progress."

"GameUI_Console_NoUserProfileSelectedTitle" "No Gamer Profile Selected"

"GameUI_Console_NoUserProfileSelectedBody" "Would you like to select a gamer
profile?\nChoosing 'No' will let you play the game, but you will not be able to
save your progress."
"GameUI_Console_UserProfileRequiredBody" "This action requires that you be signed
in.\nWould you like to select a gamer profile?"

"GameUI_Console_StorageDeviceRequiredBody" "This action requires that you select a

storage device.\n\nWould you like to select a storage device?"

"GameUI_Achievement_Awarded" "Achievement Unlocked"

"GameUI_Achievement_Progress" "Achievement Progress"
"GameUI_Achievement_Progress_Fmt" "%s1 (%s2/%s3)"
"GameUI_Achievement_Locked" "Locked"
"GameUI_Achievement_Unlocked" "Unlocked"
"GameUI_Achievements_Title" "My Achievements"
"GameUI_Achievements_SteamRequired_Title" "Steam Login Required"
"GameUI_Achievements_SteamRequired_Message" "You must be logged in to Steam to
unlock or view Achievements."
"GameUI_Achievements_EnterGameToSeeProgress" "Enter game to see progress"
"GameUI_Achievement_Points" "%s1G"
"GameUI_Achievement_Menu_Range" "%s1 of %s2"
"GameUI_Achievements_Earned" "Total Achievements Earned"
"GameUI_Achievement_Hide_Achieved" "Hide Achieved"
"GameUI_Achievement_Hide_Unachieved" "Hide Unachieved"
"GameUI_Achievement_Show_HUD" "Show on HUD"

"GameUI_Console_UserSettings" "User Settings"

"GameUI_Console_Ep1_Saves" "HL2: Episode One Saves"
"GameUI_Console_Ep2_Saves" "HL2: Episode Two Saves"
"GameUI_Console_Portal_Saves" "Portal Saves"
"GameUI_Console_TF2_Saves" "Team Fortress 2 Saves"
"GameUI_Console_HL2_Saves" "Half-Life 2 Saves"
"GameUI_LoadFailed" "Load Failed"
"GameUI_LoadFailed_Description" "A storage device was removed while loading, or a
file was corrupt.\n\nUnable to load save game."

// strings for achievements that are shared across products

"HLX_KILL_ENEMIES_WITHPHYSICS_DESC" "Kill 30 enemies with thrown
physics objects."
planting a hopper mine."
"HLX_KILL_ENEMIES_WITHMANHACK_DESC" "Kill five enemies with a
with his own grenade."
same energy ball."
with his own energy ball."
"EPX_GET_ZOMBINEGRENADE_DESC" "Steal a Zombine's grenade."
"EPX_KILL_ZOMBIES_WITHFLARES_DESC" "Use flares to light 15
zombies on fire."

"GameUI_Language_English" "English"
"GameUI_Language_German" "German"
"GameUI_Language_French" "French"
"GameUI_Language_Italian" "Italian"
"GameUI_Language_Korean" "Korean"
"GameUI_Language_Spanish" "Spanish"
"GameUI_Language_Simplified_Chinese" "Simplified_Chinese"
"GameUI_Language_Traditional_Chinese" "Traditional_Chinese"
"GameUI_Language_Russian" "Russian"
"GameUI_Language_Thai" "Thai"
"GameUI_Language_Japanese" "Japanese"
"GameUI_Language_Portuguese" "Portuguese"
"GameUI_Language_Polish" "Polish"
"GameUI_Language_Danish" "Danish"
"GameUI_Language_Dutch" "Dutch"
"GameUI_Language_Finnish" "Finnish"
"GameUI_Language_Norwegian" "Norwegian"
"GameUI_Language_Swedish" "Swedish"
"GameUI_Language_Romanian" "Romanian"
"GameUI_Language_Turkish" "Turkish"
"GameUI_Language_Hungarian" "Hungarian"
"GameUI_Language_Czech" "Czech"
"GameUI_Language_Brazilian" "Portuguese-Brazil"
"GameUI_Language_Bulgarian" "Bulgarian"
"GameUI_Language_Greek" "Greek"
"GameUI_Language_Ukrainian" "Ukrainian"

"GameUI_LoadDialog_Hr_Min" "%s1 hr %s2 min"

"GameUI_LoadDialog_Min_Sec" "%s1 min %s2 sec"
"GameUI_LoadDialog_Sec" "%s1 seconds"

"GameUI_DisableSprays" "Disable Sprays"

"GameUI_FOV" "Field of view"
"GameUI_EnableHUDMinMode" "Enable Minimal HUD"

"GameUI_DownloadFilter_Title" "When a game server tries to download\ncustom

content to your computer"
"GameUI_DownloadFilter_ALL" "Allow all custom files from server"
"GameUI_DownloadFilter_NoSounds" "Do not download custom sounds"
"GameUI_DownloadFilter_MapsOnly" "Only allow map files"
"GameUI_DownloadFilter_None" "Do not download any custom files"

"GameUI_GameMenu_Store" "SHOP FOR ITEMS"

"GameUI_GameMenu_CharacterSetup" "CHARACTER INFO AND SETUP"

"GameUI_CustomTab_Title" "Custom Servers"

"GameUI_CustomTab_Explanation" "The server browser has a new tab at the
top of the window called 'Custom'"
"GameUI_CustomTab_Explanation2" "Servers listed there have been modified
by members of the community to change the default game experience. Try clicking the
custom tab if you want to play modified versions of %game%."
"GameUI_CustomTab_Explanation3" "You can click the following link to read
more about custom servers (link will open your default web browser)"
"GameUI_CustomTab_Link" "More information about custom servers"

"GameUI_MulticoreRendering" "Multicore Rendering"

//Novint Haptics
"GameUI_Haptics_TabTitle" "Falcon"

"GameUI_Haptics_Low" "Low"
"GameUI_Haptics_High" "High"
"GameUI_Haptics_ForceMasterScale" "Force Master Scale"
"GameUI_Haptics_RecoilScale" "Recoil Forces"
"GameUI_Haptics_DamageScale" "Damage Forces"
"GameUI_Haptics_MovementScale" "Environment Forces"
"GameUI_Haptics_PlayerBoxScale" "Player Box Scale"
"GameUI_Haptics_PlayerBoxLabel" "Player Control"
"GameUI_Haptics_PlayerBoxStiffness" "Stiffness"
"GameUI_Haptics_Scale" "Scale"
"GameUI_Haptics_VehicleBoxLabel" "Vehicle Control"
"GameUI_Haptics_VehicleBoxStiffness" "Stiffness"
"GameUI_Haptics_Turning" "Turn Sensitivity"
"GameUI_Haptics_Aiming" "Aim Sensitivity"

"GameUI_NoSteamStatsTracking" "A connection to Steam is required in order to

track your statistics.\nOnce a connection has been established you will be
"GameUI_SteamStatsNowTracking" "A connection to Steam has been
established and your statistics will now be tracked."

// Base Voting (see mod version for mod-specific issue strings, i.e.
"GameUI_vote_yes_binding" "Yes: %s1"
"GameUI_vote_no_binding" "No: %s1"
"GameUI_vote_yes_tally" "Yes"
"GameUI_vote_no_tally" "No"
"GameUI_vote_header" "%s1 wants to call a vote:"

"Vote_notification_title" "Vote Called"

"Vote_notification_text" "#%initiator% wants to call a vote"
"Vote_notification_view" "View"

"GameUI_vote_yes_instruction_a" "Press START"

"GameUI_vote_no_instruction_a" "Press BACK"
"GameUI_vote_yes_instruction_b" "to vote YES"
"GameUI_vote_no_instruction_b" "to vote NO"

"GameUI_vote_yes_pc_instruction" "Press F1 to vote YES"

"GameUI_vote_no_pc_instruction" "Press F2 to vote NO"

"GameUI_vote_current_vote_count" "Vote count:"

"GameUI_vote_passed" "Vote Passed!"

"GameUI_vote_failed" "Vote Failed."
"GameUI_vote_failed_quorum" "Not enough players voted."
"GameUI_vote_failed_yesno" "Yes votes must exceed No votes."

"GameUI_vote_failed_vote_spam" "You called a vote recently and can

not call another for %s1 seconds."
"GameUI_vote_failed_transition_vote" "You cannot call a new vote while
other players are still loading."
"GameUI_vote_failed_disabled_issue" "Server has disabled that issue."
"GameUI_vote_failed_map_not_found" "That map does not exist."
"GameUI_vote_failed_map_not_valid" "That map was not found in the server's
map cycle."
"GameUI_vote_failed_map_name_required" "You must specify a map name."
"GameUI_vote_failed_recently" "This vote failed recently and can not be
called again for %s1 seconds."
"GameUI_vote_failed_team_cant_call" "Your team cannot call this vote."
"GameUI_vote_failed_waitingforplayers" "Voting not allowed while Waiting
For Players."
"GameUI_vote_failed_cannot_kick_admin" "You may not vote to kick the
server admin."
"GameUI_vote_failed_scramble_in_prog" "A Team Scramble is in progress."
"GameUI_vote_failed_spectator" "This server has disabled voting
for Spectators."
"GameUI_vote_failed_nextlevel_set" "The next level has already been set."
"GameUI_vote_failed_cannot_kick_for_time" "This player cannot be kicked for %s1
more seconds."
"GameUI_vote_failed_round_active" "Players cannot be kicked while round is

"GameUI_vote_extend_current_map" "Extend current Map."

// Voting Keyboard options

"GameUI_vote_yes" "Vote yes on active issue"
"GameUI_vote_no" "Vote no on active issue"
"GameUI_call_vote" "Call vote"

"GameUI_SndMuteLoseFocus" "Silence the audio while the game window is in

the background."
"GameUI_CloseBrowserOnConnect" "Close the server browser after connecting to a
"GameUI_ServerConnectOutOfDate" "Server has not updated to the most
recent version.\n"
"GameUI_ServerChallengeIncorrect" "Server did not respond with the correct
challenge.\nIt may be out of date.\n"
"GameUI_ServerInsecure" "You are in insecure mode. You must
restart before you can connect to secure servers.\n"
"GameUI_ServerRejectBadChallenge" "Bad challenge.\n"
"GameUI_ServerRejectLANRestrict" "LAN servers are restricted to local clients
(class C).\n"
"GameUI_ServerRejectBadPassword" "Bad password.\n"
"GameUI_ServerRejectServerFull" "Server is full.\n"
"GameUI_ServerRejectBanned" "You have been banned from this server.\
"GameUI_ServerRejectFailedChannel" "Failed to create net channel.\n"
"GameUI_ServerRejectOldVersion" "The server you are trying to connect to
is running\nan older version of the game.\n"
"GameUI_ServerRejectNewVersion" "The server you are trying to connect to
is running\na newer version of the game.\n"
"GameUI_ServerRejectBadSteamKey" "Invalid Steam key length\n"
"GameUI_ServerRejectOldProtocol" "This server is using an older protocol than
your client.\n"
"GameUI_ServerRejectNewProtocol" "This server is using a newer protocol than
your client.\n"
"GameUI_ServerRejectInvalidConnection" "Invalid connection.\n"
"GameUI_ServerRejectInvalidCertLen" "Invalid authentication certificate
"GameUI_ServerRejectInvalidSteamCertLen" "STEAM certificate length error!\n"
"GameUI_ServerRejectSteam" "STEAM validation rejected\n"
"GameUI_ServerRejectGS" "GSCreateLocalUser failed\n"
"GameUI_ServerRejectMustUseMatchmaking" "This server only accepts connections
negotiated through matchmaking. Ad-hoc connections are not allowed\n"
"GameUI_ServerRequireSteam" "The server requires that you be running
"GameUI_ServerAuthDisabled" "Authentication disabled.\n"
"GameUI_ServerCDKeyAuthInvalid" "CD Key authentication invalid for
internet servers.\n"
"GameUI_ServerInvalidCDKey" "Invalid CD Key.\n"
"GameUI_ServerCDKeyInUse" "CD Key already in use.\n"

"GameUI_Confirm" "CONFIRM"
"GameUI_HDContent" "Load HD content if available"
"GameUI_HDRestartRequired_Info" "The changes you have made require the game to
be restarted to take effect."
"GameUI_HL2MModGearTeamCredit" "A number of features were ported and
enhanced from:\nCity 17: Episode 1 Mod\nThank you GearDev Studios\nfor allowing us
to use and enhance parts of your work."

"GameUI_HL2MModMulticore" "Multicore Optimizations"

"GameUI_HL2MModRadiosity" "Model Radiosity"
"GameUI_HL2MModPP" "Post Processing"
"GameUI_HL2MModAA" "Edge Antialiasing"
"GameUI_HL2MModHeadBob" "Headbob"
"GameUI_HL2MModStereo" "Enhanced Stereo Sound"
"GameUI_HL2MModStereoWarning" "Only enable this if you have a stereo speaker
setup, or stereo headphones."
"GameUI_HL2MModForwardMB" "Sprinting Motion Blur *"
"GameUI_HL2MModCrosshair" "Heads Up Display"
"GameUI_HL2MModImpactFX" "Particle Impact FX"
"GameUI_HL2MModDrawDistance" "Increased Draw Distance *"
"GameUI_HL2MModDrawDistanceWarning" "Enabled - Increased draw distance
for static props and grass.\n----------------\nExtra - Increased draw distance for
props, grass, entities and max lod for models."
"GameUI_HL2MModDrawDistanceWarning2" "Increased Draw Distance and
Dynamic RTT Shadows are performance intensive, if you have performance issues, try
disabling these options."
"GameUI_VeryLow" "Very Low"
"GameUI_DDDefault" "Default"
"GameUI_DDMedium" "Enabled"
"GameUI_DDHigh" "Extra"
"GameUI_HL2MModWaterFX" "Particle Water FX"
"GameUI_HL2MMod_r_radiosity_1" "Low (6 samples)"
"GameUI_HL2MMod_r_radiosity_2" "High (162 samples)"
"GameUI_HL2MMod_r_radiosity_3" "Medium (Hybrid)"
"GameUI_HL2MModDynamicMuzzleFlashes" "Projected Muzzleflashes"
"GameUI_HL2MModMapRestartWarning" "* Requires a map restart."
"GameUI_HL2MModWantShadows" "Dynamic Shadows *"
"GameUI_HL2MModMBWarning" "* Sprinting Motion Blur will only
function if the Motion Blur option in the main options menu is enabled."
"GameUI_HL2MModNoRoll" "No View Roll"
"GameUI_HL2MModRollOnly" "View Roll Only"
"GameUI_HL2MModThreadMedium" "Compatibility"
"GameUI_HL2MModHUDMod0" "All Enabled"
"GameUI_HL2MModHUDMod1" "No Crosshair"
"GameUI_HL2MModHUDMod2" "All Disabled"
"GameUI_HL2MModLensDirt" "Lens Dirt"

"GameUI_HL2MModUnsharp" "Unsharp Masking"

"GameUI_HL2MModSaturation" "Saturation"
"GameUI_HL2MModBloom" "Bloom"
"GameUI_HL2MModCinematic" "Cinematic Filter"
"GameUI_HL2MModSunrays" "Crepuscular Rays"
"GameUI_HL2MModOverbright" "Overbright"
"GameUI_HL2MModWaterEffects" "Water Effects"
"GameUI_HL2MModReloadBlur" "Reload Blur"
"GameUI_HL2MModScreenEffects" "Screen Effects"
"GameUI_HL2MModSSAO" "Screen Space Ambient Occlusion"
"GameUI_HL2MModDynamicRTT" "Dynamic RTT Shadows *"

"GameUI_HL2MModScreenEffectsBlur" "Blur"
"GameUI_HL2MModScreenEffectsChroma" "Chromatic Aberration"
"GameUI_HL2MModScreenEffectsVignette" "Vignette"
"GameUI_HL2MModScreenEffectsNoise" "Film Grain"
"GameUI_HL2MModScreenEffectsDesaturation" "Desaturation"
"GameUI_HL2MModScreenEffectsPain" "Low Health Pain"
"GameUI_HL2MModScreenEffectsWarning" "Most of the health effects
are crucial part of HL2MMod gunplay, only disable if necessary."

"GameUI_HL2MModMoreBloodDecals" "More Blood Decals*"

"GameUI_HL2MModDecalsOnEverything" "Blood Stains Everything*"
"GameUI_HL2MModMuzzleFlashLight" "Projected Muzzleflash"
"GameUI_HL2MModImmersiveCamera" "Immersive Camera"
"GameUI_HL2MModDynLights" "Dynamic Lights"
"GameUI_HL2MModWeaponDrawSounds" "Weapon Draw Sounds"
"GameUI_HL2MModUseMuzzleForProjectiles" "Muzzle Position for
"GameUI_HL2MModCombineEyes" "Glowy Combine Eyes*"
"GameUI_HL2MModProjectileBullets" "Projectile Bullets"
"GameUI_HL2MModCombineBetterAim" "Combine Better Aim"
"GameUI_HL2MModAflameDynamicFire" "Aflame Dynamic Light"
"GameUI_HL2MModRegeneration" "Interval-Based Health Regen"
"GameUI_HL2MModDropClip" "Drop Magazine on Reload"

"GameUI_HL2MModHitMarkers" "Hit Markers"

"GameUI_HL2MModHitEffects" "Hit Sound Feedback"
"GameUI_HL2MModViewRoll" "View Roll"
"GameUI_HL2MModViewIdle" "View Idle"
"GameUI_HL2MModWeaponPunch" "Grenade View Punch"
"GameUI_HL2MModExplosivePropsFire" "Explosive Props Fire"
"GameUI_HL2MModHEVVoices" "Additional HEV Voices"

"GameUI_HL2MModSpreadType1" "Default HL2"

"GameUI_HL2MModSpreadType2" "Default HL2 Mix"
"GameUI_HL2MModSpreadType3" "Half-Life 2: MMod"
"GameUI_HL2MModSlowIronsighted" "Slow When Ironsighted"
"GameUI_HL2MModKillFeedback" "Kill Sound Feedback"
"GameUI_HL2MModSpreadType" "Weapons Spread Type"
"GameUI_HL2MModSpreadTypeDescription" "Default HL2: Vanilla Half-
Life 2 Spread, no adjustments.\n----------------\nDefault HL2 Mix: Vanilla + spread
adjustments depending on stance, speed, ironsighted or not.\n----------------\
nHalf-Life 2: MMod: Default HL2 Mix + Spread increases overtime, from lowest to
"GameUI_HL2MModFlinch" "More NPC Flinching"
"GameUI_HL2MModIronsightMode" "Ironsights Mode"
"GameUI_HL2MModIronsightModeHold" "Hold"
"GameUI_HL2MModIronsightModeToggle" "Toggle"
"GameUI_HL2MModFlashlightMode" "Flashlight Behaviour"
"GameUI_HL2MModFlashlightEpisodic" "Episodic"
"GameUI_HL2MModFlashlightLegacy" "Legacy"
"GameUI_HL2MModFlashlightModeDescription" "Episodic: Flashlight is
separate from suit power.\n----------------\nLegacy: Flashlight draws energy from
suit power.\n----------------\nTURN FLASHLIGHT OFF BEFORE CHANGING"

"GameUI_HL2MModNewMuzzleflashes" "Particle Muzzleflashes"

"GameUI_HL2MModEjectBrassTrails" "Eject Brass Trails"
"GameUI_HL2MModNewTracers" "Particle-Based Tracers"
"GameUI_HL2MModCombineBallParticles" "Combine Ball Trail"
"GameUI_HL2MModGrenadeTrails" "Grenade Trail"
"GameUI_HL2MModNewExplosions" "Particle-Based Explosions"
"GameUI_HL2MModNewImpacts" "Particle-Based Impacts"
"GameUI_HL2MModRPGTrail" "RPG Smoke Trail"
"GameUI_HL2MModCrossbowTrail" "Crossbow Bolt Trail"

"GameUI_GameMenu_MModOptions" "HALF-LIFE 2: MMOD OPTIONS"

"GameUI_HL2MModOptions" "Half-Life 2: MMod Options"
"GameUI_HL2MModOptions_Video" "Visual Settings"
"GameUI_HL2MModOptions_Gameplay" "Gameplay Settings"
"GameUI_HL2MModOptions_VFX" "Particle Effects Settings"

"GameUI_DynLightImpacts" "Enabled"
"GameUI_DynLightImpactsExtra" "Extra"

"GameUI_HL2MModFXAALabel" "Fast&Cheap form of Anti-Aliasing,

smoothes jagged edges, but tends to blur textures."
"GameUI_HL2MModUnsharpLabel" "Unsharp masking is an image sharpening
technique, makes final image to appear sharper."
"GameUI_HL2MModScreenEffectsLabel" "Screen Effects, like pain
chromatic aberration, vignette, out of breath blur."
"GameUI_HL2MModWaterEffectsLabel" "Scrolling water effects on screen
from shooting/moving/near water explosion."
"GameUI_HL2MModSaturationLabel" "Saturates final image to appear
more vibrant."
"GameUI_HL2MModLensDirtLabel" "Lens dirt effect, simulates speks of
dust/dirt on Gordon's glasses"
"GameUI_HL2MModBloomLabel" "Bloom"
"GameUI_HL2MModOverbrightLabel" "Overbright effect, overbrights
final image to make it appear brighter."
"GameUI_HL2MModSunRaysLabel" "Sunrays effect, rays of sunlight
radiating through gaps in clouds."
"GameUI_HL2MModReloadBlurLabel" "Reload blur, enables or disables
background blur when reloading weapons."
"GameUI_HL2MModCinematicLabel" "A mix of shift in blue HUE,
chromatic aberration and light bloom, simulates 80's aesthetics a bit."
"GameUI_HL2MModSSAOLabel" " ( SSAO ) A technique for efficiently
approximating the ambient occlusion effect in real time."
"GameUI_HL2MModDynamicRTTLabel" "NPC and Prop shadows react to light

"GameUI_HL2MModNewMuzzleflashesLabel" "Particle based muzzleflash

effects, replace default ones for player and npc's."
"GameUI_HL2MModEjectBrassTrailsLabel" "Smoke and glow trail for
ejected brass shells from guns for player and npc's."
"GameUI_HL2MModNewTracersLabel" "New particle based bullet trails,
for both player and npc's."
"GameUI_HL2MModCombineBallParticlesLabel" "Combine energy ball trail
effect\nIt is recommended to disable it on Citadel levels."
"GameUI_HL2MModGrenadeTrailsLabel" "Enables/Disables red glow and
trail from grenades."
"GameUI_HL2MModNewExplosionsLabel" "New particle based explosion
"GameUI_HL2MModNewImpactsLabel" "New particle based bullet impact

"GameUI_HL2MModRPGTrailLabel" "New particle based RPG rocket trail &

ignition effects."
"GameUI_HL2MModCrossbowTrailLabel" "New particle based crossbow
trail effects."

"GameUI_HL2MModMoreBloodDecalsLabel" "Doubles the amount of blood

"GameUI_HL2MModDecalsOnEverythingLabel" "Makes blood decals stain
everything, including props and live npc's."
"GameUI_HL2MModMuzzleFlashLightLabel" "Enhanced muzzleflash
"GameUI_HL2MModImmersiveCameraLabel" "Makes camera follow weapon
animations to simulate head movement."
"GameUI_HL2MModCameraBobLabel" "Adds additional layer of head
movement while sprinting/falling."
"GameUI_HL2MModDynLightsLabel" "Enabled -> for
muzzleflashes/explosions\nExtra -> muzzleflashes/explosions/impacts."
"GameUI_HL2MModWeaponDrawSoundsLabel" "Plays a sound for each weapon
when drawn."
"GameUI_HL2MModUseMuzzleForProjectilesLabel" "Use muzzle position
for projectile dispatch instead of screen center."
"GameUI_HL2MModCombineEyesLabel" "Makes combine soldiers appear more
menacing in the darker areas adding light glow effect to their eyes."
"GameUI_HL2MModProjectileBulletsLabel" "Replaces Hitscan bullet
calculations to the bullets that have travel distance, penetration and speed."
"GameUI_HL2MModCombineBetterAimLabel" "Improves aim and accuracy of
all combine soldiers."
"GameUI_HL2MModAflameDynamicFireLabel" "Enables/Disables dynamic
light from NPC's when they're burning."
"GameUI_HL2MModRegenerationLabel" "Enables/Disables Interval based
health regeneration."
// , similar to what newest Wolfenstein games had.\nHelps to offset new difficulty
with fighting Combine soldiers.
"GameUI_HL2MModDropClipLabel" "Weapons drop clip when they reload,
affects both Player and NPC's."

"GameUI_HL2MModHitMarkersLabel" "Enables/Disables weapon hitmarkers,

confirming that you have injured an enemy."
"GameUI_HL2MModHitEffectsLabel" "Enables/Disables audial feedback,
confirming that you have injured/killed an enemy."
"GameUI_HL2MModViewRollLabel" "Enables/Disables view roll when going
left or right."
"GameUI_HL2MModViewIdleLabel" "Enables/Disables idle camera
"GameUI_HL2MModWeaponPunchLabel" "Additional View Punch for Grenade
and SMG1 Secondary Attach."
"GameUI_HL2MModExplosivePropsFireLabel" "Enables/Disables extra fire
from explosive props."
"GameUI_HL2MModHEVVoicesLabel" "Enables/Disables Additional HEV
Voices on Weapon Pickup/Damage"
"GameUI_HL2MModCredits" "HL2MMod Team :"
"GameUI_HL2MModSupportedBy" "Supported By :"
"GameUI_HL2MModCreditsWho" "Gunship Mark II\nFooltaurus\nKrIsCrEeP\
"GameUI_HL2MModSupportedByWho" "Sirgibsalot\nCW3D\nNicolasDe\n-
[SaD]- -Creator-\nBiohazard\nAgent Agrimar\nCzechDeath\nHiran\nRaraKnight\nSaul
Rennison\nTheHurtmaster\nValve Developer Wiki\nCrowbar\nModDB"
"GameUI_HL2MModNothing" ""


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