Part 3-2022-Sept G

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1. 自豪的照片 Describe a photo you took that you are proud of 【新题】
You should say:
When you took it
Where you took it
What is in the photo
And explain why you are proud of it

自豪的照片 Describe a photo you took that you are proud of 【新题】 Part 3

Personal photographs
‐ (consider) whether it’s important to have a camera on a mobile phone
‐ (compare) the experience of looking at photos on screens with looking at printed
‐ (speculate on) whether people will only keep digital versions of personal photos in
the future

Photographs in the media

‐ (agree/disagree) it’s not necessary to be a professional photographer to take good
photos of important events
‐ (identify) the personal qualities needed to be a successful news photographer
‐ (compare) the value of photographs and written articles in journalism

The impact of photography

‐ (agree/disagree) spending too much time taking photos in a new place diminish the
‐ (consider) whether people’s attitudes to photography have changed now that
images can be easily manipulated
‐ (speculate on) whether photos will completely replace paintings in the future

2. 爲了學語言做的事 Describe a thing you did to learn another language 【老题翻新】

You should say :
What language you learned
What you did
How it helped you learn the language
And how you felt about it

Describe a language (apart from English) you would like to learn Part 3

Learning languages
‐ (describe) what people do to learn a new language
‐ (identify) reasons why people want to learn a new language
‐ (suggest) why some people do not learn a language well

Teaching languages
‐ (identify) ways people in your country teach a new language
‐ (compare) the benefits of learning a new language outside of school
‐ (agree/disagree) people have to have at least one other language to success in the
work place

The use of language

‐ (assess) the importance of using different kinds of language under different setting
‐ (agree/disagree) government have the responsibility to help citizens to be able to
speak more than one language
‐ (consider) whether communication technology is changing the way people speak
their language

3. 户外活动 Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently【新题】

You should say :
What the activity is
Who invited you to participate in it
Whether you asked for help in the activity
And explain what change you had in the activity

Describe an outdoor activity you have done for the first time Part 3

Achievement in sport
‐ (identify) which sports your country is quite terrible at
‐ (outline) the personal qualities needed to improve as a sportsperson
‐ (compare) losing in a team sport and losing in an individual sport

Children and outdoor activities

‐ (consider) whether children should have outdoor activities at school
‐ (assess) the importance of making outdoor activities compulsory
‐ (agree/disagree) adults should not put pressure on children doing outdoor activities

The influence of sports

‐ (consider) the effects on young people of having sports champions as role model
‐ (suggest) any benefits to the general public if governments support national teams
‐ (assess) the importance for a country of its sportspeople achieving international

4. 喜欢的节目 Describe a program you like to watch【老题翻新】

You should say :
What it is
What it is about
Who you watch it with
And explain why you like to watch it

a television programme that you enjoyed very much Part 3

Television as entertainment
‐ (outline) the kinds of TV programme that are popular with young people in your
‐ (consider) whether entertainment programmes from other countries are become
more popular where you come from
‐ (agree/disagree) game shows and chat shows on television are a waste of time

Television in education
‐ (suggest) ways in which television can be useful in schools
‐ (compare) the educational benefits of seeing animals on TV and in a zoo
‐ (comment on) whether educational TV programmes should be entertaining

Television news
‐ (consider) whether television is the best medium for presenting the news
‐ (explain) why television focuses more on ‘bad’ rather than ‘good’ news
‐ (assess) whether it is possible to cover news in a truly unbiased way

5. 想再看一次的电影 Describe a movie you watched recently and would like to

watch again 【老题翻新】
You should say :
What it was about
Where you watched it
Why you like it
And explain why you would like to watch it again

Describe a film/movie you saw that you wanted to talk about with friends. Part 3

Popular films
‐ (identify) types of films that are popular with young people in your country
‐ (agree/disagree) watching films is always a good way to relax
‐ (consider) whether watching films in the cinema is becoming more or less popular

People in films
‐ (outline) what makes an actor a successful film star
‐ (assess) whether people involved in making films are paid too much
‐ (suggest) reasons why people are so interested in the lives of film stars

The film industry

‐ (assess) how having a film industry can contribute to a country’s international
‐ (evaluate) whether government money should be used to fund a country’s film
‐ (agree/disagree) people rely too much on the film industry and TV instead of
entertaining themselves

6. 信息搜索的經歷 Describe a time when you needed to search for information

You should say :
What information you needed to search for
When you searched for it
Where you searched for it
And explain why you needed to search for it

Describe a piece of information that is incorrect Part 3

Emails and telephone

‐ (describe) the types of business email people send each other
‐ (suggest) the advantages of doing business through email
‐ (agree/disagree) it is best to do business on the phone rather than email

Way to validate information

‐ (identify) reasons why people need to make sure the information is right
‐ (consider) the advantage and disadvantage of checking information on the internet
‐ (discuss) how might the internet help people make sure the information they get is

False information
‐ (discuss) ways in which people are influenced by information that is not correct
‐ (evaluate) how governments can lessen reduce the damage done by false
‐ (consider) when false information could be beneficial

7. 喜欢的歌曲/音乐 Describe a song/a piece of music you like 【老题翻新】

You should say :
Which country the song/music is from
What story the song/music is about
Whom you knew the song/music from
And explain why you like it

Describe a song/a piece of music you like Part 3

Popular music
‐ (suggest) why do people like pop music more than other types of music
‐ (agree/disagree) pop music become less popular over time very quickly
‐ (identify) the types of music that are popular among old people

The future of music

‐ (identify) the kind of music people would like to listen to in the future
‐ (suggest) reasons why parents do not encourage children listening to rap music
‐ (agree/disagree) everyone’s music taste would be the same in the future

Music making
‐ (consider) whether teenage are often influenced by the content in pop music
‐ (comment on) there will be more people who want to learn how to sing
‐ (assess) whether the best singers are the ones with the most fans

8. 常去的熟人之家 Describe the home of someone you know well and that you often
You should say :
Whose home it is
How often you go there
What it is like
And explain how you feel about the home

Describe the home of someone you know well and that you often visit Part 3

Visiting people’s homes

‐ (describe) how people in your culture welcome visitors to their homes
‐ (agree/disagree) visits to people’s homes are less formal now than in the past
‐ (assess) the importance of hospitality in your culture

Visitors’ accommodation
‐ (compare) the advantages of staying at a friend’s home in a new city instead of
staying at a hotel
‐ (suggest) the types of service that hotels should offer to their guests
‐ (consider) the kinds of training that should be provided for hotel service

Visiting other countries

‐ (recommend) ways in which host countries can make visitors feel welcome
‐ (consider) to what extent visitors should adapt to the host culture
‐ (evaluate) the impact of tourism on international relations

9. 听过的故事 Describe a story you have heard about【老题翻新】

You should say :
Who told this story
When you heard about it
What it was about
And explain how you felt about it

Describe a story you have heard about Part 3

Stories for children

‐ (describe) the kinds of children’s stories that are popular in your country
‐ (compare) stories that younger children and older children like
‐ (consider) why children like listening to stories

Storytelling and technology

‐ (outline) how technology is used in storytelling today
‐ (assess) the benefits of using technology in storytelling
‐ (agree/disagree) reading stories is better for a child’s imagination than watching
stories in TV/film

Storytelling and society

‐ (comment on) the view that everyone is a natural storyteller
‐ (suggest) ways that people can use stories to teach social and moral behaviour
‐ (agree/disagree) the message in a story is more important than how true it is

10. 決定要等的經歷 Describe a time you made a decision to wait for something【新题】
You should say :
What you waited for
When did this happen
Why you made the decision to wait
And explain how you feel about the decision

Decisions at home
‐ (consider) who the decision maker is at home
‐ (suggest) who should be the leader that makes all the important decisions at home
‐ (explain) should children be allowed to vote on decisions made at home

Decisions at work
‐ (assess) whether the managers need to ask for the opinions of their staffs when
making a decision
‐ (identify) the qualities needed to make a good decision maker
‐ (consider) why some people would not want to be a leader

Big decisions in life

‐ (speculate on) whether females would take the leading role in the house in the
‐ (suggest) whether male will not assume the dominant role in the workplace in the
‐ (assess) what is causing geneder inequality

11. 時髦的人 Describe a person who is fashionable【新题】

You should say :
Who he/she is
What job he/she does
What kind of dresses he/she wears
And explain why he/she likes fashion

Describe a person who is fashionable Part 3

Formal and informal clothes

-(identify) times and places where people in your country wear formal clothes
-(agree/disagree) people wear informal clothes more often nowadays than in the past
-(consider) how people's lifestyles affect the clothes they wear

Clothing at work
-(suggest) reasons why people in some jobs wear a uniform
-(consider) whether wearing a uniform affects the way a person behaves
-(agree/disagree) employers should choose how their staff dress for work

The clothing industry

-(suggest) reasons why fashions in clothing change so often
-(comment on) how globalisation has affected the clothing industry
-(speculate on) whether national differences in clothing will eventually disappear

12. 信息搜索的經歷 Describe a time when you needed to search for information
You should say :
What information you needed to search for
When you searched for it
Where you searched for it
And explain why you needed to search for it

Describe a time when you needed to search for information Part 3

Ideas and opinions

‐ (identify) some of the brilliant ideas people have had
‐ (agree/disagree) it’s better to speak out than to hold the thoughts in
‐ (suggest) how people can come up with interesting ideas and opinions

The spread of new ideas
‐ (identify) ways new ideas spread among people
‐ (consider) why it is important to share new information or ideas with others
‐ (comment on) the view that it is sometimes dangerous to spread new ideas

Forming new ideas

‐ (assess) whether new idea is always a good thing
‐ (agree/disagree) the forming of new ideas requires the most creative minds
‐ (consider) whether or not it is much easier to come up with new ideas with a group
of people

13. 生日收钱的經歷 Describe a time when you received money on your birthday
You should say :
When it happened
Who gave you money
Why he/she gave you money
And explain how you felt about it

Describe a time when you received money as a present Part 3

Giving money as a gift

‐ (identify) what young people save up for in your country
‐ (suggest) why it is uncommon for people to give money as a gift
‐ (agree/disagree) men are more generous than women

Choosing presents
‐ (evaluate) how has the way gift giving changed compared to the past
‐ (consider) how credit cards influence people’s attitudes on buying gifts
‐ (assess) whether buying gifts makes people happy

Gift giving and technology

‐ (suggest) how technology will change the way people give gifts
‐ (consider) problems people have when deciding what gift to give
‐ (agree/disagree) everyone enjoys gifts

14. 儿时的朋友 Describe a friend from your childhood【新题】

You should say :
Who he/she is
Where you met each other
What you often did together
And explain what made you like him/her

14. Describe a friend from your childhood Part 3

Childhood friends
-(identify) what young children can learn from their friends
-(consider) how important having close friends is for children
-(suggest) why some people don't stay friends with their childhood friends

Teenage friends
-(outline) advantages for teenagers of using technology to communicate with friends
-(consider) whether it is better for teenagers to have a few good friends rather than lots
of friends
-(agree/disagree) it is easier for teenagers to get advice from friends rather than family

The nature of friendship

-(agree/disagree) the internet is causing the nature of friendship to change
-(assess) whether friendships which last a lifetime are becoming increasingly rare
-(comment on) the view that only people who value themselves can be good friends to

15. 网络购物Describe an experience of online shopping【老题翻新】

You should say :
What happened
What you bought
What problems you had while shopping online and explain how
you felt about it

15. 网络购物 Describe an experience of online shopping Part 3

Shopping habbits
-(identify) the most popular kinds of places to shop in your country
-(suggest) why some people prefer small shops to large department stores
-(compare) going shopping with other people and going shopping alone

Getting value for money

-(agree/disagree) special offers in shops and markets are not always good value for
-(consider) why some shoppers are willing to pay high prices for designer brands
-(account for) the growth of online shopping

The social impact of shopping

-(comment on) the idea that people often feel pressure to buy things they do not need
-(consider) whether purchasing luxury goods can lead to happiness
-(agree/disagree) the effects of consumerism on society today are all positive

16. 学到的重要事情(不是從學校學到的)Describe an important thing you learned (not at

school or college)【老题翻新】
You should say :
What it is
When you learned it
How you learned it
And explain why it was important

1. something important that you learned, NOT in school or college Part 3

How children learn

‐ (identify) the kinds of things children normally learn from their parents
‐ (assess) the importance of play in helping children to learn
‐ (consider) the best age for children to start school

Learning for adults

‐ (identify) times when it’s necessary for adults to learn new things
‐ (assess) the benefits of teaching adults life skills [e.g. parenting, cooking, finances]
‐ (agree/disagree) a person is never too old to learn new skills

Learning and knowledge

‐ (evaluate) whether learning is the most important human ability
‐ (consider) whether individuals have more knowledge now than in the past
‐ (agree/disagree) access to the internet is having a negative effect on people’s ability
to memorise facts

17. 喜歡種植物的人 Describe a person you know who loves to grow vegetables/fruits 【新
You should say :
Who this person is
What he/she grow
Where he/she grows them
And explain how you feel about this

喜歡種植物的人 Describe a person you know who loves to grow vegetables/fruits 【新题】
Part 3

Plants and farming

‐ (identify) the most popular kinds of plants in your country
‐ (comment on) whether it is enjoyable to grow plants
‐ (suggest) why some people don’t enjoy growing plants

Growing plants
‐ (outline) some ways technology has influenced the way people grow plants
‐ (agree/disagree) plants are necessary now because of climate change
‐ (consider) whether countries should grow all of their own food and not import food
from other countries

The future of farming

‐ (comment on) whether farming in space will happen in the future
‐ (consider) whether it is possible for people to control the weather for the purpose of
‐ (agree/disagree) the modern way of farming has a negative impact on our

18. 鼓勵你去做有趣事情的人 Describe a person who inspired you to do something fun

and interesting【新题】
You should say:
Who he/she is
How you got to know the person
What interesting thing that person got you to do
And how did the person inspire you to do so

鼓勵你去做有趣事情的人 Describe a person who inspired you to do something fun and

interesting【新题】 Part 3

Trying new things

-(consider) whether young people now have more opportunities to try new things than
in the past
-(agree/disagree) young people are more willing to try new things than older people
-(assess) how important it is to try new things throughout life

The influence of friends and family

-(compare) the ways in which friends and family influence a young person
-(consider) whether people listen more to friends or family as they get older
-(agree/disagree) individuals are more influenced by famous people than by people
they know

Achieving ambitions in life

- (assess) the need for schools to encourage young people to be ambitious
-(evaluate) the important for individuals of deciding their own goals in life
-(comment on) the view that people’s ambitions are becoming too self-centred

19. 不同意的事 Describe a disagreement you had with someone【新题】

You should say :
Who you had the disagreement with
What the disagreement was
What happened
and explain how you felt about it

不同意的事 Describe a disagreement you had with someone【新题】Part 3

Argument between family and friends
‐ (identify) some of the common types of things that people in your country argue
‐ (consider) which do people argue with more: family or friends
‐ (evaluate) what might happen after two people disagreeing with each other

Argument itself
‐ (identify) some of the small things that people argue about
‐ (assess) whether there is a need to argue
‐ (consider) how helpful the third person is in mediating a conflict between two

‐ (assess) whether it is always best to have opposing opinions
‐ (evaluate) whether it is important to know how to persuade someone
‐ (consider) Is negotiating skill more of a talent or can it be learned

20. 運動場所 Describe a popular place for sport (eg. stadium)【新题】

You should say:
Where it is
When you went there
What you did there
And explain how you felt about this place

Achievement in sport
‐ (identify) which sports your country is very good at
‐ (outline) the qualities needed to be a top sportsperson
‐ (compare) winning in a team sport and winning in an individual sport

Children and sports

‐ (consider) whether children should have sports lessons at school
‐ (assess) the importance of identifying sporting talent when children are young
‐ (agree/disagree) adults should not put pressure on children to become sport

The influence of sports

‐ (consider) the effects on young people of having sports champions as role model
‐ (suggest) any benefits to the general public if governments support national teams
‐ (assess) the importance for a country of its sportspeople achieving international

21. 分享的經歷 Describe a time when you shared something with others
You should say :
What you shared
Who you shared it with
What you usually share with others
And explain why you shared it with him/her

Making things
‐ (identify) the kind of things people make with their hands
‐ (agree/disagree) young people are more willing to make handicrafts than older
‐ (assess) how important it is for children to learn to make things by hand

Giving away things

‐ (identify) ways in which people give away things to help others
‐ (consider) whether people are more generous now than in the past
‐ (agree/disagree) individuals are less generous if they do not have a lot to give

Being generous
‐ (assess) the importance for the schools to teach young people to be generous
‐ (evaluate) how being generous may negatively impact the person being generous
‐ (comment on) the view that being generous towards strangers does not end well

22. 看到海邊塑料废品的經歷 Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste (e.g. in
a park, on the beach etc.) 【新题】
You should say :
Where you saw the plastic waste
When you saw them
What you did
And explain how you felt about this

People who protects the environment

‐ (suggest) why some people want to protect the environment more than others
‐ (assess) how important it is to not throw garbage around
‐ (identify) the things that people can do to protect the environment

Environmental issues
‐ (identify) the troubles people face while trying to protect the environment
‐ (suggest) reasons why governments ban tourism in natural areas
‐ (agree/disagree) the environment is much better in the past compared with now

Global environment
‐ (consider) whether it is the government’s responsibility to protect the environment
‐ (comment on) whether globalisation has an negative impact on the environment
‐ (assess) the impact positive and negative impact science and technology has on the

23. 不同文化的人 Describe a person you know who is from a different culture【新题】
You should say :
Who he/she is
Where he/she is from
How you knew him/her
and explain how you feel about him/her

不同文化的人 Describe a person you know who is from a different culture【新题】Part 3

Interesting people
‐ (identify) what are some personal qualities that make a person interesting
‐ (consider) whether the person has to be interesting to be popular with others
‐ (agree/disagree) people who are interesting are usually quite happy

Meeting friends
‐ (identify) some of the different reasons why people go out to meet new friends
‐ (suggest) why it is much easier for some people to meet new friends than others
‐ (compare) the difference between being with new friends and old friends

Cultural difference
‐ (evaluate) the advantage and disadvantage of experiencing different cultures
‐ (assess) whether a person’s character is shaped by their culture
‐ (consider) whether it is always the circumstances that makes the people who they are

24. 向游客推薦的地方 Describe a place in your country that you would recommend to
You should say:
Where it is
What you can do there
What it looks like
And why you would recommend going there

向游客推薦的地方 Describe a place in your country that you would recommend to

visitors Part 3

‐ (describe) the types of historical building that a lot of people visit in your country
‐ (suggest) what things are important when considering the protection of historical
‐ (agree/disagree) protecting the historical buildings is a waste of money

‐ (identify) reasons why people choose to visit another country
‐ (consider) the advantage and disadvantage of tourism
‐ (discuss) how tourism can improve the local economy

Buildings and society

‐ (discuss) ways in which people are influenced by the city where they live and work
‐ (evaluate) how governments should regulate the construction of new buildings
‐ (consider) why buildings of the future may have to differ from those of today [eg.
climate, population size, ageing population]

25. 決定要等的經歷 Describe a time you made a decision to wait for something【新题】
You should say :
What you waited for
When did this happen
Why you made the decision to wait
And explain how you feel about the decision

Children’s decision making

‐ (identify) the type of decision people make everyday
‐ (suggest) the kind of decisions children make
‐ (consider) whether children should be allowed to make important decisions

Decisions in life
‐ (give reasons) why some people change decisions often
‐ (consider) whether it is difficult for people to decide what to eat
‐ (suggest) the age for children to start making their own decisions

Decisions making
‐ (consider) whether people should stick to their decisions
‐ (identify) the reasons for world leaders to gather and make decisions together
‐ (agree/disagree) it is fine to have regrets on the decisions made as long as the
person recognize that it is a bad decision

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