As A Teenager

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As a teenager, you are exposed to many problems in life.

Realizing that you are not

obliged to be socially active and have many friend circles as to what it was before. As
I have transitioned from middle adolescence to late adolescence I realized that being
able to cope up with your too many circles becomes a hassle for me. Today I just
keep who stays and thank who leaves. Middle adolescence could be troublesome
because at that age you are not yet socially and mentally matured. As we all know,
kids that age and with the effect of the pandemic hindered us from being able to
socialize with friends. With the help of social media we made relationships that
were beyond our expectations. Friends that are a thousand miles away from you are
the ones who help you through those days of feeling unhappy, deprived, stressed,
and lonely. When the pandemic slowly turned down. We got a sense of hope that
everything will be the same as it was before. The day had come and we were leaving
our houses one by one. Relationships outside our homes thrived again. Some had
made new friends, some had the same friends as before, and some had made
intimate relationships with their other half. Speaking of intimate relationships, kids
of my age tend to care for this lightly. As if there is a deadline for having a
boyfriend/girlfriend. It is evident that instant relationships become easy to break.
Relationships within you and the people around you are vital for your growth. They
shape you to who you are today. You might wonder that you have circles that are no
longer accessible. It is because burning down bridges can sharpen ourselves and put
you closer to your long-term goals.

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