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The objective of this exercise is to correctly process a HTML form by a PHP script and save its

values. If some parts of the form are not valid, an error should be reported. The form itself is
already prepared in the starter pack, in form_template.html file as a complete HTML
Your task is to write the contents of the bootstrap script index.php. The script should process
GET requests by returning the HTML page (the prepared template). The POST requests are
expected to be form submissions and should be processed accordingly. It means, the data from
the form has to be validated and, if correct, they should be saved using given function. If the
validation fails, all errors should be reported (also using given function).
After the form is processed, the script should perform redirect -- i.e., HTTP response code 302
or 303 is returned and appropriate header hold the (relative) URL pointing to the bootstrap script
(self redirect).
To simplify your work as well as subsequent testing, the following functions are already prepared
for you in recodex_lib.php file:
● recodex_save_survey() -- saves the data from the form in case the validation was
● recodex_survey_error() -- reports the errors in case the validation failed

Both function have trivial implementation, which should help you with debugging. For instance,
the first one saves the data into a file in JSON format, so you can verify the form has been
indeed processed. The testing suite provides different implementation of these functions.
Notice: Function recodex_survey_error() gets an error message as a parameter. Testing
particular error messages would be impractical; hence, only the second argument (the list of
invalid fields) is tested automatically.

Validation Details
The form is a Christmas questionnaire. It holds the following fields:
● firstName -- nonempty string (mandatory)
● lastName -- nonempty string (mandatory)
● email -- valid email address (mandatory)
● deliveryBoy -- who delivers the presents; actual values can be found in the source code
● unboxDay -- day when the presents are unboxed (number 24 or 25)
● fromTime, toTime - interval of opening the presents, 24h format h:mm (both values are
● gifts -- wishlist, possible values can be found in source code
● If value other is on the gifts list, the giftCustom field is expected to hold a nonempty
The validation process checks that the fields are all present in the sent data and their values
have correct format. You may find the details in the HTML form itself. Focus on validation
attributes wich will provide necessary information. In particular, the text inputs have maxlength
and pattern attributes, other inputs (radio, select, checkbox) hold the possible values in the
value attribute.

Let us notice that different form inputs exhibit different behavior. For instance, if the user does
not fill in fromTime or toTime, these fields will still be present in the form data and their values
should be empty strings. If these fields are missing completely, something went wrong with the
form submission. On the other hand, the checkbox input may not appear in the dataset at all, if
the field is not checked. It means that the gifts array may not even exist even if the form is
submitted correctly.
Furthermore, some items should be converted into appropriate format for saving:
● The unboxDay value must be passed on as an integer.
● The fromTime and toTime values must be converted into an integer representing
number of minutes from the midnight. If the value is not filled in, it should be converted to
● The giftCustom value is accessed only if gifts list holds other value. If other is
missing, the giftCustom value for saving must be null (regardless of what was in the
form data). On the other hand, if other is present in gifts, the giftCustom must hold a
nonempty string.

Submit only the index.php file. If you need to divide your code among multiple .php files, you
may submit them as well; however, the files must be in the same directory as index.php
(ReCodEx does not support directories in file submission) and no file name may begin with
recodex prefix. Furthermore, do not use any classes, functions, nor global variables which are
prefixed with recodex in your code.

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