Modul Reg49-Kids - Basic 2 (Revised)

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Online course Speaking Partner by Kampung Inggris| 1


Member mampu berbicara Bahasa Inggris mulai dari perkenalan,

mendeskripsikan gambar dan orang serta menguasai kosakata yang
berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari.


Day 1 - In The Kitchen Day 11 - In The School

Day 2 - In The Bedroom Day 12 - In The Class
Day 3 - In The Bathroom Day 13 - In The Canteen
Day 4 - In The Living Room Day 14 - In The Library
Day 5 - Describing Picture Day 15 - Describing Picture
Day 6 - Season and Weather Day 16 - In The Shopping
Day 7 - Like and Dislike Shop Day 17 - In The
Day 8 - Congratulating & Restaurant Day 18 - Past
Complimenting Someone History
Day 9 - Apologize Day 19 - On Holiday
Day 10 - Mini Exam Day 20 - Final Exam

Online course Speaking Partner by Kampung Inggris|


In the kitchen adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pada meeting ini siswa
diharapkan dapat menggunakan kosa kata, berbicara dan menjawab pertanyaan dengan baik dan
benar terkait materi.
A. Warm-up
Watch this video before studying, click the link below or scan the QR code.

Kitchen utensils 1

B. Vocabularies
C. Conversation

Zafira : Hi Alisha
Alisha : Hello Zafira
Zafira : By the way, What do you cook ?
Alisha : I cook soup ..
Zafira : Oh Nice, Can I help you ?
Alisha : Sure, can you help me to take vegetables in Refrigerator ..
Zafira : OK !

Small Notes:
Can I help you? : Dapatkah saya membantumu?
Sure : Tentu
What do you cook : Menanyakan apa yang dimasak

D. Let’s practice
A : Do you love cooking?
(Apakah kamu suka memasak?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : Where do you usually cook? (Dimana kamu biasanya memasak?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : What food do you love to cook?
(Makanan apa yang biasanya kamu suka masak ?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : Do you help your mother in the kitchen? (Apakah kamu suka menolong ibu di
B : ………………………………………………………………………………….....
A : Do you ever make cookies with your mother in the kitchen? (Apakah kamu
pernah membuat kue dengan ibumu di dapur?)
B :………………………………………………………………………………………
A : Do you wanna become a chef?
(Apakah kamu mau menjadi seorang koki ?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………

D. Additional Practice

Click the link below or scan the QR code to access the additional practice!
Another additional practice such as a Game or Quiz would be presented in the Zoom
Kitchen utensils 2

In the bedroom adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pada meeting ini siswa diharapkan
dapat menggunakan kosa kata, berbicara dan menjawab pertanyaan dengan baik dan benar terkait
A. Warm-up
Watch this video before studying, click the link below or scan the QR code. Which one is
your favorite?

B. Vocabulary
C. Conversation

Mom : Get up Dwi ! What time is it ? Dwi: Yes mom, gimme five minutes..
Mom : Oh.. So do you wanna get punishment from your teacher? Dwi: But mom.. I am still sleepy ..
Mom : Come on Sweetheart.. Dwi: Hmm.. Ok I am up now !

Small notes:
What time is it? : Pukul berapakah ini?
gimme five minutes.. : Berikan aku lima menit saja I am up now:Aku bangun sekarang
Sweetheart: Sayang

D. Let’s Practice
A : What time do you get up?
(Jam berapa kamu bangun?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : With whom do you sleep in the bedroom? (Dengan siapa kamu tidur di kamar?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : Is there TV in your bedroom? (Dengan siapa kamu tidur di
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : Have you ever eaten in the bedroom? (Apakah kamu pernah makan di kamar?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : What time do you go to bed ? (Jam berapa kamu tidur?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
E. Additional Practice

Click the link below or scan the QR code to access the additional practice!
Another additional practice such as a Game or Quiz would be presented in the Zoom
In the bathroom adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pada meeting ini siswa
diharapkan dapat menggunakan kosa kata, berbicara dan menjawab pertanyaan dengan baik
dan benar terkait materi.

A. Warm-up

Watch this video and sing along! Click the link below or scan the QR code.

B. Vocabulary
C. Conversation

Dearsa : who is inside ?

Najwa : it’s me Najwa..
Dearsa : come on, don’t take too long, I wanna take a pie,,
Najwa : wait a minute De.., I am stomache
Dearsa : OMG, I can’t stand to pee, hurry up !

Small Notes:
come on : ayo...
don’t take too long : jangan lama-lama
wait a minute : sebentar lagi
I can’t stand to pee : aku tidakbisa menahan pipis..

D. Let’s Practice
A : Where do you take a bath ? (Dimana kamu mandi ?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : How many bathrooms is in your house ? (Berapa banyak kamar mandi di
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : How many times do you take a bath in a day ? (Berapa kali kamu mandi dalam
sehari ?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : How many timesdo you brush your teeth in a day ? (Berapa kali kamu gosok gigi
dalam sehari ?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : What time do you usually take a bath in the morning? (Jam berapa biasanya
kamu mandi di pagi hari?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………

E. Additional Practice

Click the link below or scan the QR code to access the additional practice!
Another additional practice such as a Game or Quiz would be presented in the Zoom
In the living room adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pada meeting ini siswa
diharapkan dapat menggunakan kosa kata, berbicara dan menjawab pertanyaan dengan baik dan
benar terkait materi.

A. Warm-up
Watch this video and sing along! Click the link below or scan the QR code.

B. Vocabulary
C. Conversation

Rafani : Habibi.. where are you ?

Habibi : Come here Fani, I am in the living room.. Rafani : With whom are you ?
Habibi : I am alone, come on sit here with me.. Rafani : What are you doing habibi ?
Habibi : Nothing, I just chill out here while watching TV

Small notes:
I just chill out here: Saya sedang bersantai disini With whom are you? : Dengan siapa kamu?

D. Let’s Practice
A : What is the name of room for welcoming the guest? (Apa nama ruangan untuk
menyambut tamu ?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : Do you always gather with your family in the living room ?(Apakah kamu selalau
berkumpul dengan keluarga mu di ruang tamu ?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : Do you love to talk with your family in the living room ?(Apakah kamu suka
berbincang dengan keluargamu di ruang tamu ?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : Is there any Television in your living room? (Apakah ada Televisi di ruang tamu
mu ?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : Do you ever do homework in the living room? (Apakah kannmu mengerjakan PR
sekolah di ruang tamu ?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : What do you usually do in the living room? (Apa yang biasa kamu lakukan di
ruang tamu?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………

E. Additional Practice

Click the link below or scan the QR code to access the additional practice!
Another additional practice such as a Game or Quiz would be presented in the Zoom
Describing picture adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pada meeting ini siswa
diharapkan dapat menggunakan kosa kata, berbicara dan menjawab pertanyaan dengan baik dan
benar terkait materi.

A. How to Describe Picture

• I would like to describe about..

• I am going to describe about ..
• I will describe about..

• In the picture I can see ...

• There is..../There are.....
• There isn’t a ... / There aren’t any .

Say what
• The man is cooking in the kitchen
• The woman is sleeping on bed
• The people are gathering in the living room.

Where is in the picture ?

• Behind
• Beside
• In front of..
• On the right / Left side of picture

• It looks like a ...

• It might be a ...
• He could be
• Maybe it’s a ...
B. Example

Hello Everyone..
I would like to describe about this picture..
There are 2 people in this picture, a woman and a girl. They are making cookies together in the kitchen On the right side of th
On the left side of the woman, there is a girl who is holding receipt book. It looks like a mother and a daughter.
Small Notes:

Mixer : Alat untuk penghalus makanan

holding receipt book : Memegang buku resep
It looks like : Itu terlihat seperti

C. Let’s Practice
A : Hi... do you have any picture at home? (Hi apakah kamu mempunyai gambar
B :
A : How it is look like? (Seperti apakah gambaran itu?)
B :
A : Where do you put your picture? (Dimana kamu meletakan gambar tersebut?)
B :
A : Is there any picture which show some people gathering? (Adakah gambaran yang
menunjukan orang-orang berkumpul?)
B :
Season and weather adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pada meeting ini
siswa diharapkan dapat menggunakan kosa kata, berbicara dan menjawab pertanyaan
dengan baik dan benar terkait materi.

A. Warm-up
Watch this video. Click the link below or scan the QR code

B. Vocabulary
C. Conversation

Fristky : Hi Rita what is your favorite Season ?

Rita: Hello Fristky, My favorite season is Summer. Fristky : Why do you like summer
Rita: because every summer I always go to beach with my family. Fristky : Do you love beach ?
Rita: Yes, I love beach so much

Small Notes:
Favorite season : musim kesukaan
Why do you like... :Kenapa kamu suka....
I love beach so much : Aku sangat suka sekali pantai
favorite Season: musim kesukaan
Why do you like?: menanyakan kenapa kamu suka?
D. Let’s Practice

A : What season do you like the most ? (Musim a pa yang paling kamu sukai ?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : What Weather do you like the most ? (Cuaca apa yang paling kamu sukai ?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : What activity do you love to do in rainy season? (Aktivitas apa yang kamu sukai
di musim hujan ?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : What do you love to drink when the dry season comes ? (Apa yang suka kamu
minum sat musim panas datang ?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : What do you love to drink when the rainy season comes ? (Apa yang suka kamu
minum sat musim dingin datang ?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………

E. Additional Practice
Click the link below or scan the QR code to access the additional practice!
Another additional practice such as a Game or Quiz would be presented in the Zoom
Like and dislike adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pada meeting ini siswa
diharapkan dapat menggunakan kosa kata, berbicara dan menjawab pertanyaan dengan baik dan
benar terkait materi.

A. Warm-up
Watch this video and guess does he/she like snack they try? Click the link below or scan
the QR code

B. Vocabularies
I like / love : Aku suka
I really like / love : Aku sangat suka
I Enjoy : Aku menikmati
I really enjoy : Aku sangat menikmati
I am crazy : Aku tergila – gila dengan..
I am Very keen On : Aku sangat tertarik pada..
I am Very Fond of : Aku sangat suka dengan
C. Conversation

Tuah Mom Tuah

: What
Momare Tuah
you cooking mom?
Mom : I’m cooking gimchi. Do you like gimchi?
: I do. I like gimchi so much
: Really? Good to know
: May I help you to cook?
: Why not? Come here!

Small Notes:
Do you like gimchi? : Apakah kamu suka gimchi?
I do. I like gimchi so much : Iya. Saya sangat menyukai gimchi
May I help you to cook? : Bolehkan aku bantu memasak?
Why not? : Kenapa tidak?
I am going to go : Aku ingin pergi ke...
What kind of book : Buku macam apa...
D. Let’s Practice
Do you love : Menanyakan apakah kamu
A : Do you love spicy food?(Apakah kamu suka makanan pedas ?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : What snack do you like to eat? (Jajan apa yang kamu suka ?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : Are you into sour fruit ? (Apakah kamu suka buah yang rasanya asam?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : What drink do you love to have in the morning ? (Minuman apa yang kamu suka
minum dipagi hari?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………

E. Additional Practice
Click the link below or scan the QR code to access the additional practice!
Another additional practice such as a Game or Quiz would be presented in the Zoom

Congratulation and complementing someone adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa
Inggris, pada meeting ini siswa diharapkan dapat menggunakan kosa kata, berbicara dan
menjawab pertanyaan dengan baik dan benar terkait materi.

A. Warm-up
Watch this video and guess does he/she like snacks they try. Click the link below or scan
the QR code

B. Vocabularies
Congratulating Responses

 Congratulations! (Selamat)
- Thank you very much. (Terima
 Congrats! (selamat)
 Congratulation on your graduation! - Thanks a lot. (Terimakasih banyak)
(selamat atas kelulusanmu!) - Thank you. You are very kind.
 Happy wedding! (Selamat
- Thank you, it’s nice to hear it.
menikah!) (Terima
 Happy birthday! (Selamat ulang - kasih, sangat senang
tahun) - I’m very happy to hear that from
 Happy graduation! (Selamat hari you.(Saya sangat bahagia

kelulusan!) mendengar itu dari mu)

- That’s so kind of you to say
 Congratulations brother! You didit.
somethinglike that. (Baik sekali
(Selamat bro, kamu berhasil)
anda mengatakanitu
 Horray! You did it well. (Hore! Kamu
melakukannya dengan baik)

 Congratulation for your baby

birthsister! (Selamat atas
kelahiran anakmu sist)

Hope and Wish Responses

 I hope you will win the  Thank you. (Terima kasih)

competition! (Saya harap Anda
 Ameen. I really appreciate it
akan memenangkan kompetisi!)
(Aamiin saya sangat
 - I hope you pass the examination.
(Saya harap Anda lulus ujian)

 - Wish you luck. (Semoga kamu


 - Wish me luck. (Semoga aku


 - Wish you all the best. (Semoga

tercapai segala yang terbaik

 - Wish us luck. (Semoga kita


 - Good luck. (Semoga berhasil)

C. Conversation

Benny : Who won the Speech competition yesterday? Anna : I did. I won the first prize.
Benny : Well done. I’m glad to hear that
Anna : Thank you. What about your basketball match?
Benny : Wish me luck, Anna. I will take part in a basketball match tomorrow. Anna : Sure, good luck. I hope yo
Benny : Thank you so much

Small notes:
I won the first prize : Aku menang juara pertama
Well done. : Selamat ya
Wish me luck : Doakan aku beruntung
I hope you will win the match: Aku berharap kamu akan memenangkan lomba

D. Let’s Practice

Apologize adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pada meeting ini siswa
diharapkan dapat menggunakan kosa kata, berbicara dan menjawab pertanyaan dengan baik dan
benar terkait materi.

A. Warm-up
Watch this video before studying. What do you get after watching the video?

B. Expression in use
Apologize Responses
 Sorry (maaf)  It's fine/ It's okay/ It's alright
 I'm so sorry (aku sangat minta maaf) (tidakapa apa)
 I'm terribly sorry (aku sangat minta maaf)  That's fine/ That's okay/ That's
 Sorry, It was my fault (maaf, itu semua alright (tidak apa apa)
salahku)  Forget it (lupakan saja)
 I'm really sorry (aku benar-benar minta  Don't worry about it (jangan
maaf) khawatir tentang itu)
 I do apologize for... (aku meminta maaf  It doesn't matter (itu
untuk...) bukanmasalah)
 Don't mention it (tidak apa apa)
 Please, forgive me for... (tolong  Don't apologize (jangan meminta
maafkanaku untuk...) maaf)
 Please, accept my apology (tolong  Never mind (jangan dipikirkan)
terimapermintaan maafku)
 Pardon me for... (maafkan aku atas...)
 I apologize for my attitude (aku meminta
maaf untuk kelakuanku)
 Sorry, please don't be mad at me (maaf,
tolong jangan marah padaku)
 I'm sorry, I shouldn't have do that
(maafkan aku, seharusnya aku tidak
melakukan itu)
 I am ashamed for what I have done, please
forgive me (aku sangat malu dengan apa
yang sudah aku lakukan, tolong maafkan
C. Conversation

Tio : Hi Tia
Tia : Hello Tio
Tio : Tia why you didn’t come to my birthday party yesterday ?
Tia : I really do apologize Tio, My Mother was sick yesterday so I have to take care of her
Tio : Oh my god, truly sorry Tia I didn’t know about that ..
Tia : it’s Okay Tio ..

Small Talk
Take care: Menjaga
Truly sorry: Minta Maaf
I really do apologize : Aku sangat minta maaf

D. Let’s Practice

A : What do you say when you made a mistake? (Apa yang kamu katakan
ketika kamu berbuat salah?
B :
A : Have you ever made a mistake at school? (Apakah kamu pernah
berbuat salah di sekolah?)
B :
A : Have you ever made a mistake at school? (Apakah kamu pernah
berbuat salah di sekolah?)
B :
A : What did your friend say when you apologize to your friend? (Apa yang
temanmu katakan ketika kamu minta maaf kepada temanmu?)
B :

Showing care and sympathy adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pada meeting
ini siswa diharapkan dapat menggunakan kosa kata, berbicara dan menjawab pertanyaan dengan
baik dan benar terkait materi.

A. Warm-up
Please watch the video before studying and tell us what do you think?

B. Expression in use
Showing Care & Sympathy Responses
 I'm extremely sorry to hear that. (Aku  Thanks for your sympathy (Terima
sangat berduka mendengarnya) kasih banyak atas kepedulianmu)
 I was deeply sorry to hear you sick.  Thank you so much (Terima kasih
(Aku sangat berduka mendengarmu banyak)
sakit)  Thank you so much, they are so
 Please accept my condolences (Turut lovely. (Terima kasih banyak, inicantik
berbela sungkawa) sekali)
 I know how it feels. (Saya tahu  You are truly good friends (Kau benar
bagaimana rasanya) benar teman terbaik)
 I am sorry to hear that (Turut berduka  It was very nice of you to think of
cita) me in this time of sadness (Kau
 That's too bad (Itu buruk sekali) sangat baik mau memikirkanku
 What a pity of you! (Kasihan sekali disaat waktu sedihku ini)
kamu!) It is very kind of you (Kau baik
 I sympathize with your condition. (Aku sekali)
peduli dengan keadaanmu) I hope so (Aku harap begitu)
 It would be OK soon. (Itu akan segera
That's a pity isn't it? (Kasihan kan?)
Thanks for your support (Terima
 Don't worry, I'm here for you. (Jangan
kasih atas dorongannya)
khawatir, aku disini untukmu)
I would be OK, thank you very much
 It is going to be alright. (Itu akan baik-
for your support. (Ini akan baik -
baik saja)
baik saja. Terima kasih atas
 You've helped me a lot during my
difficult situation (Kau membantuku
That's what friends are for (Inilah
banyak pada saat aku kesusahan)
artinya teman)
 I am sorry about your accident. I'll
Thanks for your concern. (Terima
always be here if you need my help.
kasih atas perhatianmu)
(Aku turut berduka dengan
Yes, It is i will try harder next time
kecelakaanmu. AKu akan selalu disini
(Ya aku akan mencoba lebih keras
jika kau ingin bantuanku)
lain kali)
 I know you have tried your best. I am
Thank you, I'd really appreciate that
sure next time you will get a better
(Terima kasih. Aku sangat
score. (Aku tahu kau sudah mencoba
menghargai itu)
yang terbaik. Aku yakin lain kali kau
akan mendapatkan nilai yang lebih
 If you need anything, please just call
me. (Jika kamu menginginkan
sesuatu, telepon saja aku)
C. Conversation

Riki :Hello Prilly. Prilly : Hi Riki.

Riki : My deep condolences for your father loss.

Prilly : Thank you, but it feels like i'm really broken now.
Riki : I know how it feels. I will be with you whenever you need me. I promise. Prilly : Thank you, you are re

Small Notes:
My deep condolences : Turut berduka cita
Loss : Meninggal
i'm really broken now : Tapi sepertinya aku sangat sedih sekarang
I know how it feels : Aku tahu bagaimana rasanya

D. Let’s Practice

A : How do you show your sympathy to your friend? (Bagaimana kamu melihatkan
rasa peduli kamu dengan temanmu?)
B :
A : Has your friend ever expressed their sympathy to you? How? (Apakah temanmu
pernah memberi perhatian kepada kamu? Bagaimana?)
B :
A : What expressions do you usually use for showing care to your friend or family?
(Ucapan apa yang sering kamu gunakan untuk memberi perhatian kepada teman
atau keluargamu?)
B :

In the school adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pada meeting ini siswa
diharapkan dapat menggunakan kosa kata, berbicara dan menjawab pertanyaan dengan baik dan
benar terkait materi.

A. Warm-up
Watch this video before studying, click the link below or scan the QR code.

B. Vocabulary
C. Conversation
Instruksi : Nama karakter diganti dengan nama sendiri

Kana: Hi, Dave!

Dave: Hi, Kana. What’s up?
Kana: Dave, where is your favorite place at school ?
Dave: My favorite place is in Library, because I can read so many books over there.. how about you, Kana ?
Kana: Well my favorite place in the school is canteen, because I can find my favorite food there …
Dave : Nice. Let’s go to the canteen!

D. Let’s Practice

Answer these questions below and read it out loud!

A :Where do you go to school ? (Dimana kamu belajar ?)

B :…………………………………………………………………………………..

A :What subject do you study in the school? (Apa yang kamu pelajari di sekolah ?)
B :………………………………………………………………………………….

Small Notes:

What’s up : kata sapaan informal /apa kabar?/ada apa?

Where : menanyakan lokasi/ dimana
How about you?: Bertanya kembali/ Bagaimana dengan kamu?
Let’s go….. : Mengajak/ Ayo kita…..
F. Let’s Practice

A :What time do you go to school? (Jam berapa kamu berangkat ke sekolah?)

B :………………………………………………………………………………….

A :Do you have breakfast before going to school ? (Apakamu sarapan sebelum berangkat
B :………………………………………………………………………………….

A :What do you love to do in the school during break time? (Apa yang kamu lakukan selama
waktu istirahat ?)
B :…………………………………………………………………………………..

A :What time do you usually go home from school ? (Jam berapa kamu biasanya pulang
sekolah ?)
B :……………………………………………………………………………….......

A : What’s your favorite room in your school?

B :..............................................................................................................................

G. Additional Practice

Click the link below or scan the QR code to access the additional practice!
Another additional practice such as a Game or Quiz would be presented in the Zoom

In the class adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pada meeting ini siswa
diharapkan dapat menggunakan kosa kata, berbicara dan menjawab pertanyaan dengan baik
dan benar terkait materi.

A. Warm-up
Watch this video before studying, click the link below or scan the QR code.

B. Vocabulary
C. Conversation

A B A B: Do
A Byou
A have another pencil?
: Yeah, I have three pencils
: May I borrow your pencil, please?
: Sure, here you go
: May I borrow your ruler, please?
: Sorry, I’m using it. Hang on a minute , please
: No problem

Small Notes:

May I borrow…? Here you go

: Bolehkan saya meminjam….
: Silahkan (sambil menyerahkan barang)
Hang on a minute : Tunggu sebentar ya

D. Let’s Practice

A :What is the name of room we use to study in the school ?

(Apa nama ruangan yang kita gunakan untuk belajar di sekolah ?)
B :…………………………………………………………………………………

A : Do you listen your teacher in the class ? (Apakah kamu mendengarkan gurumu di kelas?)
B :…………………………………………………………………………………
A : What subject do you love to study in the class? (Pelajaran apa yang kamu suka untuk
pelajari di kelas ?)
B :…………………………………………………………………………………
A : What items are in your classroom? (barang-barang apasaja yang ada dikelasmu?)
B :…………………………………………………………………………………

A : Who is your best classmate ? (Siapa nama teman kelas terbaikmu ?)

B :…………………………………………………………………………………

A : How many chairs in your classroom? (Ada berapa kursi di ruang kelasmu?)
B :…………………………………………………………………………………

E. Additional Practice

Click the link below or scan the QR code to access the additional practice!
Another additional practice such as a Game or Quiz would be presented in the Zoom

In the canteen adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pada meeting ini siswa
diharapkan dapat menggunakan kosa kata, berbicara dan menjawab pertanyaan dengan baik
dan benar terkait materi.

A. Warm-up
Watch this video before studying, click the link below or scan the QR code.

B. Vocabulary
C. Conversation

Theresia : Hi Steven! It’s break time, let’s go to the Canteen.. I’m so hungry.. Stevenly : Actually I am not too hungry, but c
Tomy : Maybe later, guys

In the canteen
Stevenly: What do you want to eat Theresia? Theresia:..I’d like to eat meatballs and ice tea
Stevenly: Okay, hang on a minute, I will order it for you ..

Small Notes:

I will accompany you : Aku akan temenin kamu

Would you come with us: Mau ikut sama kita?
Maybe later : Menolak dengan sopan/ Mungkin
nanti aja
I’d like to eat…. : Aku ingin makan….
Hang on a minute : Meminta orang untuk menunggu/
tunggu sebentar ya
D. Let’s Practice

A : What is the name of the place we usually eat in the school?

(Apa nama tempat yang biasa kita gunakan untuk makan di sekolah?)
B : ………………………………………………………………………………
A : What food or snack do you love to buy in the canteen? (Makanan apa yang kamu suka beli
di kantin?)
B : …………………………………………………………………………………

A : With whom do you usually go to canteen ? (Dengan siapa kamu biasanya pergi ke kantin?)
B : …………………………………………………………………………………
A : Does your school canteen sell meatball? (Apakah kantin sekolah mu me menjual bakso?)
B : …………………………………………………………………………………
A : Does your school canteen sell ice cream? (Apakah kantin sekolah mu me menjual es krim?)
B : …………………………………………………………………………………
A : What food does your school canteen have? (Makanan apa yang kantin sekolah kamu
B : …………………………………………………………………………………

A : What food do you like the most in the canteen ? (Makanan apa yang paling kamu sukai di

B : …………………………………………………………………………………

E. Additional Practice
Another additional practice such as a Game or Quiz would be presented in the Zoom
In the adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pada meeting ini siswa diharapkan
dapat menggunakan kosa kata, berbicara dan menjawab pertanyaan dengan baik dan benar
terkait materi.
A. Warm-up
Watch this video before studying, click the link below or scan the QR code.

B. Vocabulary
C. Conversation

Librarian : What can I do for you today?

Naomi : I need to return a book.
Librarian : Can I do anything else for you?
Naomi : I want to check these books out.
Librarian : Is that all?
Naomi : That's all.
Librarian : May I see your library card, please?
Naomi : It's right here.
Librarian : Will that be all for today?
Naomi : Yes. That's it.
Librarian : These are due back in two weeks.
Naomi : Alright. Have a good day

Small Note:
Return a book :Mengembalikan buku
Can I do anything else: Ada yang bisa saya lakukan untuk Anda?
for you?
Check these books out: Meminjam buku-buku ini
May I....? : untuk meminta izin / Bolehkah saya...?
Due : Batas pengembalian buku
Have a good day : untuk salam perpisahan/
Semoga harimu menyenangkan

D. Let’s Practice

A : What is the name of place we usually use to read a book in the school ?

(Apa nama tempat yang biasa kita gunakan untuk membaca buku di sekolah?)
B : …………………………………………………………………………………..
A : Who work professionally in a library ? (Siapa bekerja secara professional di perpustakaan?)
B : ………………………………………………………………………….
A : Have u ever borrowed a book from the library?
(Apakah kamu pernah meminjam sebuah buku di perpustakaan?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………

A : Do you love reading in the library? (Apakah kamu suka membaca di perpustakaan?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………
A : What book do you love to read in the library ? (Buku apa yang kamu suka baca di
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………

A : If we go to the library, what do we can find there?

(Jika kita pergi ke perpustakaan , apa yang akan kita temui disana ?)
B : ……………………………………………………………………………………

E. Additional Practice

Click the link below or scan the QR code to access the additional practice!
Another additional practice such as a Game or Quiz would be presented in the Zoom
(In the school, class, canteen,& library)

Describing picture adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pada meeting ini
siswa diharapkan dapat mendeskripsikan materi yang telah mereka peroleh dalam bentuk
gambar dengan baik dan benar terkait materi.

A. Warm-up
Click the link below or scan the QR code (group game)

B. Vocabulary
C. Conversation Template

I would like to describe
about.. I am going to
describe about .. I will
describe about..

What is the name of place in the picture ?

It is
It is
It is

It is

What do you see in the picture ?

The teacher is teaching
The students are listening the teacher
The students are following flag ceremony

D. Let’s Practice

Hello Everyone..
I would like to describe about this picture..
There are many students and teachers in this picture
They are following flag ceremony at school
The students are wearing red and white uniforms.
The teachers are wearing brown uniform
The location of flag ceremony is in the school yard.
It looks like very formal.

In the shopping adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pada meeting ini
siswa diharapkan dapat menggunakan kosa kata, berbicara dan menjawab pertanyaan
dengan baik dan benar terkait materi.

A. Warm-up
Watch this video after reviewing the vocabulary below, click the link below or scan
the QR code.

B. Vocabulary
C. Conversation

Shopkeeper: Welcome to ABC shoe store. How may I help you?

Naomi: Do you have size 6 for these shoes? Shopkeeper: Of course, try these
Naomi: Perfect. I will take this Shopkeeper: You have a good taste Naomi: How much?
Shopkeeper: Forty hundred ninety thousand. Credit card or cash? Naomi: Cash. Here you are
Shopkeeper: Here’s your ten thousand change. Thanks for coming

Small Note:
How may I help you? : Menawarkan bantuan. Ada yang bisa saya
I will take this : Aku ambil ini ya
How much? : Berapa harganya?
Cash : Tunai
Ten thousand change : Uang kembaliannya sepuluh ribu
D. Let’s Practice
A : What is the name of place for shopping ? (Apa nama tempat untuk berbelanja?)
B : …………………………………………………………………………………..

A : What do you usually buy in a store? (Apa yang biasanya kamu beli di toko belanja?)
B : …………………………………………………………………………………..

A : Do you Love to buy clothes in the shopping shop?

(Apakah kamu suka beli pakaian di toko belanja?)
B : …………………………………………………………………………………..

A : Is the location of shopping center near with your house? (Apakah lokasi pusat
perbelanjaan dekat dengan rumahmu?)
B : …………………………………………………………………………………..

A : With whom do you usually go to shopping shop? (Dengan siapa kamu biasanya
pergi ke toko belanja?)
B : …………………………………………………………………………………..

A : Where do you prefer to go shopping ? (Dimana kamu lebih suka berbelanja?)

B : …………………………………………………………………………………..

In the Restaurant adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pada meeting ini siswa
diharapkan dapat menggunakan kosa kata, berbicara dan menjawab pertanyaan dengan baik dan
benar terkait materi.

A. Warm-up
Watch this video and learn useful expressions in the video, click the link below or scan
the QR code.

B. Useful Expressions and Conversation

Clerk Customer

What can I get for you? Could I have one cheeseburger?

Apa yang bisa saya siapkan untuk Anda? Bisakah saya pesan satu burger keju?

What kind of cheeseburger would you like? What can you offer?
Jenis burger keju apa yang kamu inginkan? Adanya apa?

Please take a look at the menu overhead I’d like to order double cheeseburger
Silahkan lihat menu diatas Aku ingin pesan double cheeseburger

Would you link anything to drink? Coke, please

Mau pesan minum apa? Soda ya

Small, medium, or large size? Medium

Ukuran kecil, sedang atau besar? Sedang

Is that here or to go? For here, please

Makan disini atau bungkus? Makan disini
How much?/ How much do I owe you?
Harganya berapa (total)?

Seventy thousand rupiahs

Tujuh puluh ribu rupiah

Here is your change

Ini kembaliannya
C. Let’s Practice
Role-Play: Practice a conversation at the fast food restaurant with your partners!

Past story adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pada meeting ini siswa
diharapkan dapat menggunakan kosa kata, berbicara dan menjawab pertanyaan dengan baik dan
benar terkait.

A. Past Simple
Dalam bahasa Indonesia kata kerja(verb) tidak berubah oleh waktu, namun tidak dengan
bahasa Inggris. Ketika kita membicarakan aktivitas atau kata kerja yang dilakukan dimasa
lampau kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris pun berubah: Mari kita lihat contoh dibawah ini:
Verb 1 Verb 2
Pergi Pergi
Go Went

Buy Bought
Membeli Membeli

Enjoy Enjoyed
Menikmati Menikmati

Study Studied
Belajar Belajar

Eat Ate
Makan Makan

Play Played
Bermain Bermain

B. Let’s Practice
Affirmative Negative Questions
S+Verb 2 S+didn’t verb 1 Did +S +verb 1

I went to the zoo last I didn’t go to the zoo last Did you go to the zoo last
weekend weekend weekend?

My sister bought a snack My sister didn’t buy a snack Did my sister buy a snack
yesterday on the beach yesterday on the beach yesterday on the beach?
Nena enjoyed the holiday in Nena didn’t enjoy the holiday in Did Nena enjoy the holiday in her
my grandma’s house my grandma’s house grandma’s house?
Make your own past sentences below! Use verbs: study, eat, play.

On Holiday adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pada meeting ini
siswa diharapkan dapat menggunakan kosa kata, berbicara dan menjawab pertanyaan
dengan baik dan benar terkait materi.

A. Vocabulary
 Vacation : Liburan
 Tourism Place : Tempat Pariwisata
 Fun : Menyenangkan
 Experience : Pengalaman
 Unforgettable : Tak terlupakan
 Ticket : Tiket
 Money : Uang
 With : Dengan
 Family : Keluarga
 Friend : Teman
 Place : Tempat
 Beach : Pantai
 Zoo : Kebun Binatang
 Historical pleace : Tempat bersejarah.

A. Example
Hello Everyone..
I would like to tell you about my holiday. Last month I went Parangtritis beach. The
Ticket was very cheap. We went there by car. I enjoyed my time with my family We
bought so many things like clothes, food, and souvenir.

B. Let’s Practice
Tell us about your exciting holiday using Simple Past Tense!

Present continuous adalah salah satu dasar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pada meeting ini
siswa diharapkan dapat menggunakan kosa kata, berbicara dan menjawab pertanyaan dengan
baik dan benar terkait.

A. Warm-up
Please click the link below or scan the QR code.

B. Present continuous
Dalam bahasa Indonesia kata kerja(verb) tidak berubah oleh waktu, namun tidak dengan bahasa
Inggris. Ketika kita membicarakan aktivitas atau kata kerja yang sedang dilakukan, makan bentuk
kata kerjanya berubah. Mari kita lihat contoh dibawah ini:

Verb 1 Verb ing

Lompat Lompat
Jump Jumping

Menari Menari
Dance Dancing

Sleep Sleeping
Tidur Tidur
C. Let’s practice
Affirmative Negative Questions
S+is/am/are+verb Ing S+is/am/are+verb ing Did +S +verb 1

Sally is jumping now Sally isn’t jumping now Is sally jumping now?

They are dancing at the Are they dancing at the Are they dancing at the moment?
moment moment?

Rina is sleeping Rina isn’t sleeping Is Rina sleeping?

Make your own past sentences below! Use verbs: study, eat, play.

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