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Question No.

1: Define the need and scope of Cohort analysis while planning

compulsory secondary education in Pakistan?
Cohort analysis
Cohort analysis is a subset of behavioral analytics that takes the data from a given data
set (e.g. an EMRS, an e-commerce platform, web application, or online game) and
rather than looking at all users as one unit, it breaks them into related groups for
analysis. These related groups, or cohorts, usually share common characteristics or
experiences within a defined time-span. Cohort analysis allows a company to “see
patterns clearly across the life-cycle of a customer (or user), rather than slicing across
all customers blindly without accounting for the natural cycle that a customer
undergoes.” By seeing these patterns of time, a company can adapt and tailor its
service to those specific cohorts. While cohort analysis is sometimes associated with
a cohort study, they are different and should not be viewed as one and the same.
Cohort analysis is specifically the analysis of cohorts in regards to big
data and business analytics, while in cohort study, data is broken down into similar
The goal of a business analytics tool is to analyze and present actionable information. In
order for a company to act on such information it must be relevant to the situation under
analysis. A database full of thousands or even millions of entries of all user data makes
it tough to gain actionable data, as that data spans many different categories and time
periods. Actionable cohort analysis allows for the ability to drill down to the users of
each specific cohort to gain a better understanding of their behaviors, such as if users
checked out, and how much did they pay. In cohort analysis "each new group [cohort]
provides the opportunity to start with a fresh set of users, "allowing the company to look
at only the data that is relevant to the current query and act on it.
An example of cohort analysis of gamers on a certain platform: Expert gamers, cohort 1,
will care more about advanced features and lag time compared to new sign-ups, cohort
2. With these two cohorts determined, and the analysis run, the gaming company would
be presented with a visual representation of the data specific to the two cohorts. It could
then see that a slight lag in load times has been translating into a significant loss of
revenue from advanced gamers, while new sign-ups have not even noticed the lag. Had
the company simply looked at its overall revenue reports for all customers, it would not
have been able to see the differences between these two cohorts. Cohort analysis
allows a company to pick up on patterns and trends and make the changes necessary to keep
both advanced and new gamers happy.
Performing Cohort Analysis
In order to perform a proper cohort analysis, there are four main stages.

1. Determine what question you want to answer.  The point of the analysis is
to come up with actionable information on which to act in order to improve business,
product, user experience, turnover, etc. To ensure that happens, it is important that
the right question is asked. In the gaming example above, the company was unsure
why they were losing revenue as lag time increased, despite the fact that users were
still signing up and playing games.
2. Define the metrics that will be able to help you answer the question.  A
proper cohort analysis requires the identification of an event, such as a user
checking out, and specific properties, like how much the user paid. The gaming
example measured a customer's willingness to buy gaming credits based on how
much lag time there was on the site.
3. Define the specific cohorts that are relevant.   In creating a cohort, one must
either analyze all the users and target them or perform attribute contribution in order
to find the relevant differences between each of them, ultimately to discover and
explain their behavior as a specific cohort. The above example splits users into
"basic" and "advanced" users as each group differs in actions, pricing structure
sensitivities, and usage levels.
4. Perform the cohort analysis.  The analysis above was done using data
visualization which allowed the gaming company to realize that their revenues were
falling because their higher-paying advanced users were not using the system as
the lag time increased. Since the advanced users were such a large portion of the
company's revenue, the additional basic user signups were not covering the
financial losses from losing the advanced users. In order to fix this, the company
improved their lag times and began catering more to their advanced users.

Methods of Cohort Analysis

Analysis of educational internal efficiency is extremely essential in educational planning.
One of the UNESCO sources, describes three different ways to analyze educational
internal efficiency by means of the cohort pupil flow method, depending on the type of
data collected. You may also call them the three types of cohort or the three methods of
cohort analysis. Based on the said source, these methods of cohort analysis have been
described below:-
1. The True Cohort Method
The true cohort analysis may be used if we have data on
promotion, repetition and dropout of the cohort. It derives its name from the very fact
that we use the true or actual data in cohort analysis. However, this ideal way to
undertake cohort analysis involves
 Either longitudinal study in monitoring the progress of a selected cohort of
pupils through the educational cycle
 Through retrospective study of school records in order to retrace the flows of
pupils through the grades in past years.
This method, however, is more costly and time consuming and requires a good and
reliable school records system based on soe sort of individualized pupil information. For
this reason, this method is not yet generalized and is hence very rarely used.
It may be mentioned here that in the absence of individualized pupil informational,
internal efficiency in education can be determined on the bases of data on repeaters by
grade together with enrolment by grade for at least two consecutive years using either
the apparent or reconstructed cohort method.
2. The Apparent Cohort Method:
The apparent cohort analysis is used when we have data on
promotion and dropout, but not on repetition. In that case, the enrolment in grade 1 in
particular year is compared with enrolment in successive grades during successive
years and it is assumed that the decrease from each grade to the next one corresponds
to the wastage occurring during the process. This mothod, the most commonly used so
far, produces very approximate estimates of drop out. However, its main weakness is its
assumption that pupils are either promoted or else drop out of the school system and,
therefore, repetition as a factor of paramount importance is overlooked. For this very
reason, this method is considered quite appropriate for countries applying the policy
automatic promotion at the given level.
3. The Reconstructed Cohort Method
More pertinent and commonly used mehod for cohort analysis is the
reconstructed cohort method which places less demand on the availability of detailed
data over time. This method was for the first time used by UNESCO in the year 1969 in
worldwide survey. This method of cohort analysis uses successive year class wise data
on enrollment and repeaters. This method stands out as the most widely used method
for undertaking cohort analysis.
Major assumption behind the uses of reconstructed cohort method:
The methodology of reconstructed cohort flow model is based on the
following assumptions regarding the pupils enrolled in a given grade in a certain year:
i. There could only be three eventualities:
a) Some of them will be promoted to the next higher grade in the next school
b) Some of them will be dropout of school in the course of the year
c) The remaining will repeat the same grade in the next school year.
ii. There will be no additional new entrants in any of the subsequent years during
the life time of the cohort.
iii. All calculations will be based on the original cohort of pupils. In our subsequent
discussion on this method, we shall base it on the figure of 1000 pupils.
iv. At any given grade, the same rates of repetitions, promotion, and drop out apply,
regardless of whether a pupil has reached that grade directly or after one or more
repetition (hypotheses of homogeneous behavior)
v. Flow rates for all grades remain unchanged so long as members of the cohort
are still moving through the cycle.
To apply this method, data on enrolment by grade for two consecutive years and on
repeaters by grade from the first to second year will be sufficient to enable the
estimation of three main flow rates, promotion, repetition and drop out. One obtained
these rates may be analyzed first of all by grade to study the patterns of repetitions and
drop out. Then, they are in a reconstructed pupil cohort flow to derive other indicators of
internal efficiency.

Case Study Reconstructed Cohort Method

This section contains a brief account of the application of reconstructed cohort method
in the form of a case study of Papua New Guinea, as mentioned by the above quoted
reference of UNESCO. You should know that there are two major phases that lead to
the reconstruction of the cohort. Les us proceed further and see how we can apply
these phases in the case of data on Papua Guinea for illustrating the use of
reconstructed cohort analysis.
Computation of flow rates using data on enrolment and repeaters by grade:
One of the UNESCO sources illustrates the use of reconstructed cohort method using
the Papua New Guinea data on primary education. Let us see how it was used.
Grades 1 2 3 4 5 6 Graduates
1993 Enrolment 123 702 111 058 95 690 69 630 56 478 41 311 19 735
1994 Enrolment 129 700 113 882 112 433 78 758 62 692 45 429
Repeaters 33 539 27 067 33 545 22 740 20 476 14513

The methodology of the reconstructed cohort flow model is based on the fundamental
concept that in a certain year, the pupils will either dropout, or repeat in the same grade
or be promoted to the next grade. Based on this concept, the above data for guinea
permit the computation of the following three flow rates
For Grade 1
i. Promotion rate is 70.2%: out of 123,702 pupils in grade 1 86815 i.e. 70.2% were
promoted. Just understand that 113882 were enrolled in grade 2 in 1994 and if
we deduct 27,067 who repeated in that grade i.e. in grade 2 in 1994, we get
86815 which is 70.2% of 123,702 initially enrolled in grade 1 in 1993
ii. Repetition rate is 27.1%: out of 123,702 pupils enrolled in grade 1 in 1993,
33,539 of them i.e. 27.1% repeated in the same grade i.e. grade 1
iii. Droupout rate is 2.7%: since the dropout rate is 27.1% and promotion rate is
70.2%, the residual of 100 is 2.7% which is obviously the dropout rate. Let us
verify it: out of 123,702 pupils, 33,539 repeated, whereas 86,815 were promoted.
Dropouts =123207-(33,539+86,815)=3348 which is 2.7% of the initial enrolment
of 123,702 in grade 1 in 1993.
The corresponding flow rates for grade 1 are p=0.7021; r=0.271; and .027,
adding up to 1 or 100%

For Grade 2
iv. Promotion rate is 71.0%: out of the 111,058 pupils enrolled in grade 2 in 1993,
78888 i.e. 71.0% repeated in the same grade i.e. 2 I 1994.
v. Repetition rate is 24.4%: out of 111,058 pupils enrolled in grade 2 in 1993,
27,067 i.e. 24.4% repeated in the same grade i.e. grade 2.
vi. Dropout rate in 2.7%: 100-(71.0+24.4) =4.6%.
In this way , the corresponding flow rates for grade 2 are p=71.0; r=24.4; and
d=4.6, adding up to 100%.

If we apply the same type of computation on a grade by grade basis, as we did for
grades 1 and 2 above, we obtain the following flow rates for all the grades i.e. from
grade 1 to grade 6:
Grades 1 2 3 4 5 6
Promotion rates 0.702 0.710 0.585 0.606 0.547 0.478
Repetitions (r) 0.271 0.244 0.351 0.327 0.363 0.351
Dropout (d) .027 0.046 0.064 0.067 0.090 0.171

In the case of reconstructed cohort flow model, these very flow rates are assumed to be
followed in all grades in subsequent years as they are. Now based on the above
mentioned flow rates, we take up an assumed enrolment of 1000 in grade I in the year
1993 and go applying them in subsequent years and grades.
Application of Flow Rates in Cohort Analysis
Let us now apply the flow rates calculated in the previous section for the analysis of
cohort. Since we are using the Reconstructed Cohort Method, as per the above
mentioned source in case of grade 1, we take the cohort 1000 pupils (instead of the
actual 123,702 pupils) and find that 271 pupils repeated grade I (27.1%); 27 dropouts
(2.7%) and 702 were promoted to grade 2 (70.2%). Likewise, we use the flow rates for
grade 2 on the 702 pupils reaching grade 2, we can easily discover that 171 repeated
grade 2 (24.4%); 32 dropped out (4.6%), and 499 were promoted to grade 3 (71%) and
so on. You may appreciate one thing: “the first diagonal row in the diagram is obtained
by multiplying the successive promotion rates for successive years.” The repetition and
dropout rates are then applied to obtain the second, the third and the fourth row. “sing in
the reconstructed cohort, we get the 100% of the cohort accounted for, there is no need
to go for the fifth diagonal row.”
Question No.2: What is net effect on enrollment, if repetition rates are lowered at
all grades, while the population of admission age, the admission rate and dropout
rates at all grades remain constant? Justify you answers with the research
articles and reports references.
Effect of Enrollment
Children’s learning is the principal output of an educational system and estimating future
school enrolment is one of the most important factors in quantitative educational
The analysis of student flows is not just a “diagnostic technique.” It also enables the
educational planner to project school enrolment over the plan period. Enrolment
projections are thus logical extension of the analysis of student flow data at the same
time, they for the back bone of practically each single task involved in educational
It is on the basis of these enrolments that we can deduce all other these enrolments that
we can deduce all other future needs of the educational system.
Whether it is the assessment of future requirements in equipment and facilities the
calculation of additional teachers needed, the estimation of budgetary allocations for
education, or forecasts of shortage and surplus situations in the labor market, none of
these tasks can be accomplished unless planners have an adequate idea of how many
students will enter the systems, how they will proceed through the grades, and what
number will graduate during the plan period. Thus, enrolment projection should indeed
be considered as the core structure of any educational plan.
During the sixties, when educational planning as a discipline was still in its infancy,
projection techniques of a relatively simple type were widely used. The least
sophisticated approach consisted of extra-polating pas time series of enrolment at each
level of education. Obviously, this implied a very high degree of arbitrariness. Validity
was enhanced when trends in the enrolment ratio for given educational levels were
linked to population growth in the corresponding age groups.
Shortcoming of both techniques, however, are that no clues are provided on the future
grade-wise distribution of enrolment, nor on the expected number of graduates during
the plan period. Furthermore, no light is thrown on whether internal efficiency at given
levels of educations, measured through dropout and repetition rates will improve or not.
Projecting enrolments on the basis of a student flow model does provide information on
these essential items. It constitutes the most up to date and satisfactory technique of
enrolment projection available to educational planners.
Factors Determining the Student Flow
The flow of students into and through an educational cycle is determined by five
1. The population of admission age
2. The admission / participation rate to the first grade
3. The promotion rate at different grades
4. The repetition rate at different grades
5. The dropout rates at different grades
These factors direct the inflow of students into the cycle, determine the manner in which
student s proceed through the cycle during the plan period, and the number of
graduates obtained in consecutive years.
Educational planners should look at rates of admission, dropout and repetition not as
extraneous factors which educational plans have to take for granted. The development
of these rates should be influenced by educational policy and planning. They serve as
steering valves which should be regulated and adjusted in accordance with the plan
The term objectives are often used in national development plans to announce a
decision such as “By the year 1995 all those children having reached the admission age
should be brought to school.” And it is on the basis of this wish that we can calculate
what should be the capacity of the educational system.
Even the population of admission age, in itself a non-educational variable, may within
certain limits be influenced by appropriate policy measures, such as family planning or
improvement of the child health care. Such policies will often be so designed as to
facilitate the attainment of educational plan objectives.
Steps in Preparing a Student Enrolment Projection
The first step in drawing up an enrolment projection is to ensure that the following
minimum data are available:-
i. A projection over the plan period of the age group corresponding to admission
ii. Enrolment by grade in the year preceding the base year and
iii. Enrolment and number of repeaters from the previous year, by grade, in the base
Let us try to prepare a projection chart of primary school enrolment on the basis of the
above analysis. Let us take the year 1990 as the base year. For this exercise, we shall
need the following data:-
i. Projection of population of aged 5 years over the plan period and exact number
in 1989.
ii. Admission rate to grade I in 1989 and the enrolment in the base year.
iii. Repetition and dropout rates at different levels in 1989 and the exact number of
repeaters and dropout in the base year.
As a first step, we prepare the following table on the basis of hypothetical data:-
Year Population Admission Grade-I Grade-II Grade-III Grade-IV Grade-V Total
aged 5-years
2000 1067 E:1235 E:1004 E: 907 E: 850 E: 801 4797
2001 1097 E:1265 E:1024 E: 946 E: 867 E:845 4947
2002 1127 R:259 R:110 R: 73 R: 60 R: 80 582
2003 1157
2004 1206
2005 1256
2006 1304
2007 1354
2008 1403

E: Total enrolment
R: No. of Repeaters
Note: All figures in the above and the following frames are in thousands.
The second step of our projection exercise calls for computing the respective number of
new entrants into grade I during the plan period. To accomplish this, we calculate first
the admission rate for 2001. The figure found for 2001 is 92 percent.
Admission rate= New Entrants to grade/Population of 5 years old = 1006 x 100/1097
In this case in 2001 enrolment minus repeaters=1006
In estimating the likely trend in the rate during the plan period, the educational planner
may base his judgment either on past trends in the admission rate, or on policy target,
or on a combination of both. Amongst the more notable factors influencing the
admission rate will be equalization of educational opportunities for girls and removal of
rural / urban disparities of access to education.
For the purpose of our exercise, we assume that the admission rate which stood at 92
percent in the base year 2001 will increase the 1 percent point annually over
subsequent years. On this assumption, the perspective number of new entrants into
grade I can be calculated as in the frame below:-
Population Admission New
Year Grade I Grade II Grade III
Grade 5 rate Entrants
2000 1067
2001 1097 92% 1006
2002 1127 93% 1048
2003 1157 94% 1088
2004 1206 95% 1146
2005 1256 96% 1206
2006 1356 97% 1265
2007 1354 98% 1327
2008 1403 99% 1389

The next working step is central to the whole projection exercise. You have to determine
the likely trend of repetition and dropout rates at each grade of the cycle ovet the plan
period. The most straight forward assumption may be that these rates shall remain
constant over time. Alternatively, a political target might these rates shall remain
constant over time. Alternatively, a policy target might set of reducing both repetition
and dropout rate to zero, either immediately or gradually over the years. Neither of
these assumptions would seem to be in line with the exigencies of realistic educational
planning. In order to avoid being either too mechanical or else over optimistic the
planner bear in mind the following two points.
i. First, in addition to knowing the figures for reporting and dropout rates in the
base year, some understanding of why they are, what they are, is essential. For
example, repetition rates at the terminal grade are often inflated because of
limited intake capacity for the next higher educational cycle; or, excessive
dropout in primary grades III and IV may be due to rural parents recalling their
children from school when they are old enough to provide effective help in farms
work. Insight into these and other causes for high repetition and dropout rate is
imperative; if assumption concerning future trends in these rates are to be
ii. Secondly, whatever assumption are chosen by the planner concerning dropout
and repetition rates, they should be reflected in specific educational programs
which, if successful, are to bring actual developments in line without assumption.
There is, for instance, no point in assuming a radical reduction on dropout rates
over the plan period, unless the educational plan also contains specifically
designed action programs which promise to make such an assumption real.
In the unit on analysis of student flows we have seen that, once repetition and dropout
rates are known, the promotion rate is determined simply as the residual: D=100-R-D.
this may be generalized to say that with any two rates being fixed, the third one is
automatically determined as well.
The number of successful completers of the terminal grade constitutes the output from
this educational cycle.
Now we are equipped with all the base data and flow rates needed to actually carry out
the enrolment projection exercise. The results are indicated in the frame below. They
should be checked against the reader’s own calculations.
Population Admission Outpu Total
Year Grade
aged 5 years Rate t Enrolment
2000 1067 1235 1004 907 850 801 705 4797
2001 1097 92% 1265 1024 946 867 845 752 4947
2002 1127 93% 1301 1051 967 903 865 779 5087
2003 1157 94% 1335 1084 993 925 901 822 5238
2004 1206 95% 1386 1115 993 960 914 841 5368
2005 1256 96% 1442 1159 1065 962 938 872 5568
2006 1304 97% 1496 1209 1120 1028 932 867 5795
2007 1354 98% 1551 1257 1180 1082 992 923 6062
2008 1403 99% 1606 1319 1228 1140 1045 972 6338

In 2008 primary enrolment will amount to 633,000 students, as against 4,947,000

students in the base year 2001. This means an enrolment increase of 28% over the
eight year planning period.
The output from first level education, i.e. the number of successful completers of Grade-
V will rise by about 29% during the same period.
How Sensitive Are Enrolment Trends to Change in Flow Rates?
Our projection exercise shows that the both enrolment and output at primary education
will increase during the plan period. Apprently this overall increase results from the
interplay of the factors.
 The growing population of admission age
 The increasing admission rate to Grade I
 The assumed changes in repetition rates at different grades
 The assumed changes in dropout rates at different grades
What is important for the educational planner is to know how separate change in any of
one of these factors will affect future enrolment and output. Only when the particular
effects of each factor are known, can the planner deliberately open or narrow the
“steering values” so as to bring prospective trends of enrolment and output in line with
the educational plan objectives.
A second argument is apt to underscore this point: enrolment projections should never
aim at predicting only one future. What that planner should try to do as to design
alternative possible courses of development, assess their implications, and identify
political choices available to decision makers.
Of course, different combinations of the values of flow rates will yield an indefinite range
of possible developments. Any particular set of assumption may be fed into our
projection model of student flows, and the effects on enrolment and output can be easily
Three possible cases may be of particular interest; we shall briefly analyze each of
Case 1: The population of admission age and admission participation rate to grade
I increase, but repetition and dropout rates remain constant.
Case 2: Population and admission rate, and also the repetition rate, remain
constant; only the dropout rates are to be reduced drastically at all grades.
Case 3: Population and admission rate and also the dropout, remain constant; only
the repetition rates are to be reduced drastically at all grades.
Case 1
Between 1990 and 1998, the population of admission age and the admission rate will
increase as given in table above. However, repetition and dropout rates remain at their
1990 level.
Result of Projection
Primary enrolment increases by 31% from 1990 to 1998. Output from primary education
also increases, but only about 25%.
Increase of population and admission rate trend to expand both enrolments and output.
However, with repetition and dropout rates not being improved, the efficiency of primary
education does not rise and enrolments grow in fact faster than the corresponding
Case 2
Between 1990 and 1998 the population admission age, the admission rate and the
repetition rates at grade I-V will remain at their 1990 level. The dropout rates at all
grades will be zero from 1991 onwards.
Result of Projection
Primary enrolment increases by 19% from 1990 to 1998. Output from primary education
increases drastically by about 44%.
Although the same number of new entrants will be admitted every year, the total
enrolment increases measurably. This is due only to the reduction of dropout rates. At
the same time the efficiency of first level education will be markedly improved, with
prospective output growing much in excess of enrolment increases.
Case 3
Between 1990 and 1998 the population of admission age, the admission rate and the
dropout rates at grades I to V will remain at their 1990 level. However, repetition rates at
all grades will be zero from 1991 onwards.
Result of Projection
First level enrolment decreases by 3% from 1990 to 1998. Output from primary
education increases by 22%.
While a constant number of new entrants will enter the cycle every year, total enrolment
decreased slightly, owing to the abolition of grade repetition from 1991 onwards. Along
with the enrolment decrease, outputs will increase considerably, this making for a
noticeable improvements of the efficiency of primary education.

Enrolment projections based on student flow analysis are the best technique available
to educational planners. Their advantage is that they lay open the five factors on which
enrolment increases depend, population growth, higher admission rates, and changes
in repetition, dropout and promotion rates.
More important, the projection technique allows you to build strategic options and
choices of educational policy into the projection. Projects of future enrolments in the
form of alternatives, each one based on specific policy assumptions.
The figure work involved is smaller and easy than it seems at first. All computations can
be handled manually. But the future lies in computer programing of student flow models
adapted to the educational features of each country. Some Asian countries already
have started to work task.
Question No.03: Write a comprehensive note on projection techniques. Use
projection techniques to project recurrent cost for technical education of

Strictly speaking, projecting means extrapolating on the basis of past trends.
Enrolments are projected on the assumption that the trend – whether growth or decline
– will continue as in the past. Method: A quick, easy method is to calculate an arithmetic
or geometric rate of increase, based on statistics from past years, and to apply this rate
to more recent data in order to extend the trend. A slightly more sophisticated method is
to analyses past trends and fit a curve to a set of data points. Whichever method is
used, extrapolating only makes real sense for short-term projections. For longer term
projections, the difficulty lies in identifying bends in the curve, i.e., the points at which
the growth rate is slows down, or turns negative. For instance, enrolments can grow
faster than population as long as admission ratios have not reached 100%. The moment
every school-age child has access to schooling, the enrolment growth rate will drop and
then steady to match the population growth rate This holds true if there is no sudden
shift in flow rates. An even more sophisticated method of projecting enrolment is to
identify the main determinants of population and enrolment growth and project them
separately. In the case of population growth, this requires separate projections of the
birth rate, the death rate, and migration. For enrolment, it is a matter of projecting
separately the school-age population, the rate of admission, and the various flow rates.
Strictly speaking, projections are not intended to describe what will happen in the future.
They only try to present what would happen if certain conditions were to prevail. Thus,
the validity of the projections depends on the validity of the assumptions made. Typical
examples of projections are:
 Population projections
 Enrolment projection
 Economic projections
 Manpower projections.
This section of unit 1 describes the basic principles of the flow model used for projecting
enrolment. It then examines the different kinds of assumptions that planners can make
about the two major components of any projection, namely the number of new
admissions, and the rates at which students will move through the school system.
Finally, a detailed example shows how the flow model works. 2.1 The Flow Model for
Projecting Enrolments The most common technique for projecting school enrolment is
known as the flow model. As the name suggests, it enables you to calculate the flows of
students between 2 school years through the education system.
Flow Rates
At the end of the school year, a student has 3 possibilities for the following year: he/she
goes up to the next grade, he/she repeats the grade, or he/she drops out of the system.
Thus, the flow model (see involves three different flow rates:
 the promotion rate (p)
 the repetition rate (r)
 the drop-out rate (d).
Each of these rates is expressed as a percentage, and represents the proportion of
students who will be in this situation the following year.
the promotion rate p = (promoted the following year/students) x 100
the repetition rate r = (repeating the following year/ students) x 100
the drop-out rate d = (dropping out the following year/ students) x 100
It is important to note that flow rates are calculated using data from 2 successive school
years. Taken together the values of the three rates add up to 100 per cent.
p + r + d = 100%
If you know 2 out of the 3 flow rates, you can calculate the third. If, for example, the
promotion rate is 70 per cent and the repetition rate is 20 per cent, the drop-out rate is
calculated as follows:
d = 100 - (70 + 20) = 10
Calculation of Flow Rates Use the information in Figure 1, which describes students’
flows between Grades 1 and 6 of secondary level for the 2008/09 and 2009/10 school
years, to calculate the repetition rate, the promotion rate and the drop-out rate for each
grade. The calculation for Grade 1 is presented below as an example.
Figure 1: Students flows between 2008/09 and 2009/10 school years
School Year 1 2 3 4 5 6
2008/2009 69 59 51 44 40 35
438 076 876 312 312 433
2009/10 9 917 8 674 8 094 7664 6 854 5 914

Out of 69,438 students in Grade 1 in 2008/09, 9,917 repeat Grade 1 in 2009/10.

The repetition rate is therefore:
9,917 / 69,438 × 100 = 14.3
The promotion rate can be expressed as follows:
51,337 / 69,438 × 100 = 73.9
The drop-out rate is therefore
100 – (14.3 + 73.9) = 11.8
Using Flows for Projecting
At each level (grade) of the school system, the group of students is composed of two
subgroups. For example Grade 2 students: -
those that have been promoted from Grade 1, -
and those who are repeating Grade 2
The newly promoted to grade 2 can be calculated from the number of students in grade
1 in the previous school year,
(E1, total number of students in Grade 1) x (p1, promotion rate from Grade 1 to
Grade 2);
Grade-2 repeaters can be calculated from the number of students in grade 2 in the
previous school year before.
(E2, total number of students in Grade 2) x (r2, repetition rate for Grade 2
We can express the enrolment in Grade 2 mathematically as follows:
Enrolment in Grade 2 = (E1 x p1) + (E2 x r2)
E1 = previous year’s total enrolment in Grade 1
p1 = promotion rate from Grade 1 to Grade 2
E2 = previous year’s total enrolment in Grade 2
r2 = repetition rate in Grade 2
In making any projection using the flow model, two key assumptions have to be made
as follows:
 the trend in new intakes (or new admissions) in grade 1
 the trends in flow rates.
You must decide which assumptions to use before going on to make the projection
itself. For the projection to be meaningful, it is essential that the assumptions chosen
relate closely to the actual situation in the school system, or to the objectives of
educational policy.

Projecting a Recurrent Costs

The most important requirement for the educational planner attempting to project the
recurrent costs implied by the educational plan is that he understands and work with the
tool of “unit costs.”
The concept of “unit cost” denotes the amount of recurrent expenditure spent per
student in a given year. Unit costs are calculated either for the educational system as
a whole, or, preferably, for certain levels of education, or even for particular school.

Unit costs figures thus provides an aggregates expression of the value of educational
goods services which the educational system, or particular levels and branches of the
system, spends on its average client (the single student) every year on a recurrent
Unit costs figures are used to x-ray the cost structure of the educational system in
various ways, comparisons of unit cost at different levels of education may indicate that
too much are too little is spent per student at one particular level. Time series of unit
costs, in actual or constant prices, may throw some light on factors responsible for the
cost explosion in education. Comparison of unit costs for urban vs rural, or for private vs
public school help to pinpoint inequalities in educational provision which might otherwise
go un noticed.

Educational Costs Projections

Having used unit cost as a total for retrospective analysis, the planner will then turn to
project the recurrent costs implied by the new educational plan. The rationale he applies
is a very simple one, when future student numbers as foreseen by the plan, are
multiplied with unit cost (either the present or some projected future figure), the planner
obtains a crude estimate of future recurrent costs.
Future recurrent cost / future student number x future unit cost
This basic exercise can be done in a more or less sophisticated manner. As a minimum
requirement, it should be carried out separately for primary, secondary and higher
education, because both the amount of unit cost and their developments over time differ
widely between these three levels of education. There are many countries where unit
cost of higher education are about 20 times, and those of secondary education about 5
times higher than in primary education. And these differences seem to widen rather
than narrow down, as the educational systems expand.
If data allow only a very crude costing exercise, the planner will take the unit cost
figures found for primary secondary and higher education in the base year, assuming
that somehow these figures will not undergo any major change in the plan period
ahead. He will then multiply these unit cost figures with the sudent number implied by
the plan targets for year 1,2,3, etc of the plan period.
The simple method is shown as “Alternative 2” in the table below.
However, unit costs wil presumable not remain constant, due to general price increases
and also due to improvements in the quality of educational services and facilities
provided per student. The planner will take these factors in to account by either
extrapolating the trend of unit cost over the past few years, or, if he fails to have such
data, by assuming some future growth rate which he reopens to be realistic.
A simple example: Projecting unit cost in technical education for the period 2014-2018,
according to two assumptions.
Planned enrolment in Unit Cost Total recurrent cost in Technical education
technical education (in Rs.) (Thousands of Rs.)
Year Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 1 Alternative 2
2013 55,000 70 70 3,850 3,850
2014 62,300 70 72 4,361 4,486
2015 68,100 70 75 4,767 5,107
2016 74,500 70 79 5,215 5,885
2017 76,200 70 85 5,334 6,477
2018 82,200 70 90 5,747 7,390

It will be noted that the recurrent costs of primary education, as projected for 2018 differ
considerably, depending on which method is used. Both results look somewhat
arbitrary, both, of course, contain very strong element of guess. Still, this is how the
costing exercise is commonly done. Behind the imposing cost calculations being
presented as part of many educational plans, a critical mind will frequently discover very
crude assumption concerning the future trend of unit cost.
A more refined projections technique
Obviously, the “unit cost” by themselves are too aggregate a concept to give us very
accurate and reliable cost projections. Behind them lies a variety of factors, each of
which contributes to the growth of recurrent educational expenditure. Such factors are
the level of teachers salaries, the teacher student ratio, population growth trends, social
demand as reflected in rising enrolment ratios, and others.
For a more refined cost projection which takes these factors into accout you may work
with the following folmula

This is what the symbols in this formula mean:

Ewrr Recurrent expenditure at a particular level of education
P Population of age group which corresponds to particular level of education
r Gross enrolment ratio at a particular level of education
s average teacher salary at a particular level of education
c average amount of non-salary recurrent costs items spent per teacher at a
S/T Pupil teacher ratio at a particular level of education

In any given year, and at a particular level of education, the recurrent expenditure is
equal to the size of the corresponding population age-group, multiplied by the enrolment
ratio for that level, multiplied further with the sum of average salary and other recurrent
costs per teacher, and divided by the student / teacher ratio.
Let us test this formula on the expenditure data, using technical education in a country
in 2010 as an example. In that year, the country spends Rs.1,837,000 as recurrent
expenditure on its technical school system, the population aged 6.13 and 70.9 percent
of these attended schools, the average annual salary of technical school teacher came
to Rs.10,855,000 with another 1483 Rs. Per teacher spend on non-salary recurrent
items such as textbooks, teaching materials, maintenance, auxiliary expenses etc. the
student / teacher ratio stood at 35.4:1
Now multiply p,r. and (s+c) as in the formula above and you get a figure of
1,837,000,000 exactly the recurrent expenditure on primary education in 2000.
We can now venture a projection of recurrent expenditure on primary education in the
country 2020 on much safer grounds than if we had information on unit cost and
enrolment only. Suppose the population factor were to grow by 3 percent annually, the
target enrolment ratio for 2000 were 90 percent, teachers were expected to get pay hike
of 5% each year and very modes provision of non salary recurrent items were to be
raised by 10% each year essential the student teacher ratio finally might be lowered to
30:1 by 2020.
The combined effect of all these changes would lead to projected figure of
Rs.6,452,297,000 as recurrent expenditure on technical education in 2020 some 250%
above the amount spent in 2000.
The projection technique presented just now is still a rater crude one. But at least it
enables the planner to judge the relative influence of various factors at work, to vary his
assumption with regard to each of them, and thus to embark on the “iterative” process
of drawing up cost projection.
Trends in New Intake
We have already seen that, in order to project enrolment, we need to have estimates of
the number of new intakes or admissions to the first grade of schooling for each of the
years included in the projection. There are different approaches for establishing
appropriate assumptions about trends in new admissions.
The projections on new intakes have to be based on either the intake or the transition
rate, depending on the situation. We will discuss the different approaches with reference
to the intake rate, but the logic would be the same for the transition rate.
The first approach involves establishing a target intake rate (or a target number of
intakes) to be achieved in a specified number of years. The simplest situation is that in
which a country has set a specific target intake rate to be achieved within a specified
period of time, say five or ten years. Then we need to estimate the rates for
intermediate years
The second approach involves preparing a range of scenarios for future intake trends.
When a country does not fixed admission targets this is the usual procedure. A range of
scenarios concerning future admission trends is prepared based on the following:
 careful scrutiny of recent trends on admission
 an assessment of national concerns with regard to potential demand for
 availability of resources
Projections based on a range of options will stimulate debate, thereby leading to more
detailed educational policy-making. With the aid of a computer, a large number of
projections based on differing assumptions can be prepared.
One application of the second approach would be to assume a reduction in the number
of students not admitted, that is, in the percentage of children who have no access to
secondary school. For instance, suppose that a country had an intake rate of 44 per
cent in 2003. One scenario might be to target a 50% reduction in the non- intake rate by
2013. The non- intake rate for that year would therefore be:
Therefore, the intake rate would be 72 percent:
100 - 28 = 72
Intermediate intake rates may then be calculated by linear interpolation. This means
that we will increase progressively the admission rates as follows:
Between 2013 and 2003, the increase of the intake (admission rate) is
T2013 - T2003 = 72 - 44 = 28
There are ten years between the base year and the target year. Thus, if we take the
assumption of a linear increase (the same increase, in absolute terms, year on year),
this increase will be the following for each year:
28/10 = 2.8
The admission rate will be increased every year by 2.8
T2004 = T2003 + 2.8 = 44 + 2.8= 46.8
T2005 = T2004 + 2.8 = 46.8 + 2.8 = 48.6

T2013 = T2012 + 2.8 = 69.2 + 2.8 = 72
This type of approach may be advantageous when setting targets for every region in a
country. It may be fairer and more realistic to seek a proportional reduction in the non-
admission rate for each region than to set a single target rate for all regions.
Before considering the third approach, let us recapitulate. The first approach does not
take into account past or recent trends, while the second approach focuses on recent
In resource-driven models, the third approach is used. The number of admissions is
determined each year as a function of the projected budget, the projected unit costs,
and the number of students remaining in the system from the previous year, within the
limits of the legal admission-age population.
In concluding this discussion of different approaches to admission trends, it is important
to point out that not all countries set their targets in terms of admission rates or numbers
of new admissions. Some set their targets in terms of total school enrolment, that is, the
number of students in school. However, this kind of target is harder to fit into projections
because, as we have seen, total enrolment is the outcome of a combination of new
admissions and flow rates (promotion rates and repetition rates).
Trends in Flow Rates
Theoretically, you can achieve any target for new admissions over any time-frame,
provided, of course, that you are prepared to put the necessary resources into buildings,
personnel and equipment and if there is a demand for education (enough pupils coming
from primary level and the parents willing their children go on next cycle). However,
there is a limit to the level of total school enrolment you can achieve: flow rates always
place a ceiling on total enrolment rates.
Taken together, promotion, repetition and drop-out rates define the internal efficiency of
a school system, as you saw in Module 2 of the course on Statistics for Educational
Planning. These flow rates are determined by such factors as the teaching methods
used, teacher and student motivation, and the caliber of the students. Unfortunately,
educational research does not, at least at present, give us sufficient information to
quantify the possible impact of such factors as these on internal efficiency. Therefore,
selecting appropriate assumptions regarding trends in promotion, repetition and drop-
out rates is difficult. There are three possible approaches.
The first involves keeping constant the flow rates observed during the last year for
which we have data. This is perhaps the most common assumption used in projecting
enrolment. It has the advantage of avoiding the risks entailed in proposing changes
without being able to justify them. However, it has the drawback of failing to factor in
any measures that may have been taken to improve teaching standards.
The second approach involves keeping constant the average flow rates observed during
recent years. This approach resembles the first one, the only difference being that it is
based not on rates in just one year, but on average rates calculated over a longer
period, for example, five years. The advantage of this is that it smoothes out variations
between individual years and avoids the possibility of the rates in the base year being
the result of exceptional circumstances.
The third approach involves gradually increasing the flow rates. The usual assumption
is that there will be an improvement in internal efficiency, with rising promotion rates and
falling repetition and/or drop-out rates. This approach always needs to be supported by
an array of practical measures to raise teaching standards, even though a direct linkage
between the measures taken and the improved flow rates cannot actually be proven.
In any case, (unless repetition is abolished through automatic promotion like it can be in
primary level), it is wise not to expect rapid changes in the promotion rate or repetition
rate, 19 since experience suggests these rates evolve only very slowly. It is even harder
to explain and quantify changes in the drop-out rate, since changes depend on both
school-related and non-school-related factors (such as the direct and opportunity costs
to parents of their children’s enrolment in school; specific problems related to continuing
in school, for example, for girls beyond a certain age; and so on).
Once you have made your assumptions about the overall variations in the three flow
rates for each grades between the first and last years of the projection, the next task is
to estimate rates for each intermediate year. You might decide on a steady trend
showing the same change from year to year, or else look for changes in certain years
with periods of consolidation in the intervening years. The choice will depend on which
is likely to be more appropriate and realistic for the education system in the country in
Question No.04: Discuss in detail the data collection method for educational
planning. What are different strategies to make the data more reliable and valid?
Write you answer in detail with examples.

Collection of Data
Collection of data is thus the first important step. In Pakistan Central Bureau of
Education at the Federal level and the Bureau of Statistics at the provincial level collect
the educational data. These data are based on the informational received from the
District Education Officers. The District Education Officers get the data from the
In most countries of the world, different techniques for the collection of data are in
1. Regular census of students, teachers, etc. in all educational institutions.
2. Regular sample survey of students, teachers etc. in all educational instituitions or
a sample of educational institution.
3. Adhoc surveys at irregular intervals
4. Population censuses
5. Sample surveys drawn from the total population, probably in conjuction with
population censuses
6. Routine reporting of data obtained as a by product of educational administration.
A Census is a study that obtains data from every member of a population. In most
studies, a census is not practical, because of the cost and / or time required.
Most countries of the world collect the educational statistics by means of annual
school census. A certain date in the year is chosen as the school census day. On this
day the headmasters, the teacher and the students are involoved in providing the
necessary data. Questionnaires are distributed before hand, which are filled in and
returned to District Education Office.
Sample Survey
A Sample survey is a study that obtain data form a subset of population, in order to
the estimate population attributes. The information received as a result of the annual
school census does not include the entire information needed for educational
planning. It sis normallay a report on a school population and the strength of
teachers. The condition of school building, the situation of an accommodation, etc.
which an educational planner needs cannto be included in the above exercise. In
order to get information on these aspects, the sample survey is used. For this
purpose a number of schools is selected and information on all aspects of the system
is collected.
Sample survey are also used for getting information on question like the social
background of the students or reasons for leaving teching profession. The procedure
adopted is similar to the one described above. On the basis of this information the
results are generalized for the entire country or the region.
Adhoc System
Adhoc surveys are another method of collecting data. This method is applied when
data are needed for some specific project or a number of projects. This method may
also be used for checking the validity of the data already collected. Information on
any number of item or aspects of the educational system can be collected in this way.
Population Censuses
Population Censuses are conducted regularly at 10 years intervals in many countries
of world. The reports of census contain the age distribution of the population. It
clearly gives the population of ten years old, twenty years old etc. this information or
data are useful for an educational planner and can give him the information on school
age population. Based on this information the educational planner can work out
different educational requirements. Population censuses are therefore, one the
important mean of collecting data about education.
An educational planer does not always relay on the census reports. He may
undertake his own sample survey and make his own generalizations. He selects a
sample out of the total population and checks on those characteristics of that
population which he requires.
An experiment is a controlled study in which the researcher attempts to understand
cause and affect relationships. The study is “controlled” in the sense that the
researcher controls:
1. How subjects are assigned to group and
2. Which treatments each group receives.
In the analysis phase, the researcher compares group scores on some dependent
variable. Based on the analysis, the researcher drawas a conclusion about whether the
treatment (independent variable) had casual effect on the dependent variable.
Observational Study
Like experiments observational studies attempts to understand cause and effect
relationships. However, unlike experiments, the researcher is not able to control.
1. How subjects are assigned to groups and
2. Which treatments each group receives.
By Product of the Conduct Institution
Data are also collected as by product of the conduct of institution. Schools are
inspected regularly by the school’s inspectors. The results of inspection are reported to
the district office. These report can be utilized for creating data on the enrolment,
promotion rate and dropout rate. During a year the education department at federal and
provincial levels may ask for reports which may contain data on some aspects of
education. This is one way of collecting data.
Data Collection Pros and Cons
The most commonly used tools of data collation for planning include questionnaires and
checklists. Each method of data collection has advantages and disadvantage/
i. Resources
When the population is large, a sample survey has big resource
advantage over a census. A well designed sample survey can provide
very precise estimates of population parameters quicker, cheaper and
with less manpower than census
ii. Generalizability
Generalizability refers to the appropriateness of applying finding from a
study to a large population. Generalizability requires random selection. If
participants in a study are randomly selected from a large population, it
is appropriate to generalize.

Observational studies do not feature random selection, so it is not

appropriate to generalize form the results of an observational study to a
large population.
iii. Causal inference
Cause and effect relationship can be teased out when subjects are
randomly assigned to groups. Therefore, experiments, which allow the
researcher to control assignment of subjects to treatment groups ar the
best method for investigating causal relationship.

Tools for Data Collection

A questionnaire is asset of carefully selected and ordered questions prepared by an
investigator to seek factual information from respondents or to find their opinion, attitude
or interest. Some authors restrict the use of the word questionnaire to a set of questions
seeking factual information whereas those seeking opinion are called opinionnaire and
those dealing with attitude of the respondent are called attitude scale. However, it is
generally agreed that isolating specific question for the consideration of respondents
tends to objectify, intensify and standardized their observation.
Questionnaires are distributed among the data provides. The timing and format of the
questionnaires is another important factor affecting the validity of data. This is so
important an aspect that it needs to be discussed separately.
The work of the educational statistics office involves the construction of questionnaires.
Only a few points of introduction to the construction of the questionnaires will given:
a) The quality of the data we get from the questionnaires depends to a very large
extent on the quality of the instrument. Therefore, much attention must be paid
to the construction of the questionnaires and specialists in the field should be

b) The suitable shape of the questionnaire depends on a series of factors: costs,

case communication, type of data providers, mode of data processing, etc. it
must provide adequate space for the answers and allow quick and safe reading
by clerks and punched card operators. The use of different colors to separate
the different forms is recommendable.

c) Like other instruments used in research in the behavioral sciences,

questionnaires have to be tried out in trial runs or preliminary investigations
before they can be used in a major study. It is also often necessary to
complement them by other methods of data collection e.g. interviews with
number of critical or typical certain answers and to check the data.

d) The timing of the distribution of the questionnaires is also of great importance

and should be determined during try outs. The questionnaires should not arrive
when headmasters are too busy to give them proper attention.

e) The question in questionnaire should be clear, short and simple. Their meaning
should be easily understood and it is preferable that they are self-explanatory as
instruction are usually not read. Every question should be relevant.

Observation is concerned with overt behavior of persons under conditions of normal
living. Many important aspects of human observations are concerned with the overt
behavior of persons under conditions of normal living. Many important aspects of
human behavior cannot be profitable observed under the artificially arranged laboratory
conditions. Observation as a research technique must be directed by a specific
purpose, systematic, carefully focused and thoroughly recorded. Like other research
procedures, it must be subjected to the usual checks for accuracy, validity and
reliability. The observer must know just what to observe and what to look for. Both
reliability and validity of observation are improved when observation are made at
frequent intervals by the same observer. Observation may be direct or indirect,
scheduled or unscheduled and known or unknown.
Methods of Recording Observation
To aid in the recording of information gained through observation, a number of devices
have come to be extensively used. These instruments help the researcher focus his
attention on specific phenomena, make objective and accurate observation and
systematize the collection of data.
1. Checklist
The checklist is the simplest of the devices, consisting of a prepared list of items.
The presence or absence of the items may be indicated by checking “Yes or No”
or the type and number of items may be indicated by inserting the appropriate
word or number. This simple “laundry list” type of devices systematizes and
facilitates the recording of observation and helps to assure the consideration of
important aspects of the objective or act observed.
Suppose you want to use observation for gathering data to study project
implementation. Before you actually visit the project office, you must have a
complete list of things that you want to observe. For this purpose you prepare a
checklist of whose items may be the following.
Is a copy of the approval of PC-1 available? Yes or No
Has a time schedule been prepared to start various major activities? Yes or No
Have responsibilities for each major activity been assigned? Yes or No
Has detailed drawing of the building been prepared? Yes or No
Has the bulding plan been approved? Yes or No

2. Rating Scale
A rating scale is used for qualitative description of a limited number of aspects of
a thing or traits of a person. In this device the aspects of the thing or the traits of
a persons are rated on a fine or a seven point scale from this highest to the
lowest. In other words we can say that a rating scale is a method that requires
the rater to assign value, some time numeric to the related object as measure of
some rated attribute.

3. Importance of Observational Techniques

Following are some of the merits of observational techniques in the collection of
a) Observational techniques supply information which supplements the
information obtained by other method.
b) Observational supplies information which cannot be gathered by other
available techniques.
c) Observation provides a sample of individual’s real behavior.
d) Observations are selective.
e) Observation promotes the growth of person doing the observation.

Validity Checking
There can be several ways of checking the validity of the data collected. The decision
on what way to be used depends upon the individual using the data. He may compare
with the data collected during previous three to five years. The criteria in this case will
be the trends of growth or decline. If these are consistent, it can be safely assumed that
the data are valid. If there are inconsistencies, the validity becomes doubtful. For
example, if the rate of growth in enrollment over the years has been 5% and the present
data, compared with the previous information shows this rate to be 15%, the need for
further checking is established. The educational planner in this case may have to look at
the policies of the government, the increase in educational expenditure or the other
measures that might have been taken. He may also to “sample checking.”
The sample checking technique is to be used in two cases. One case has been
described in the previous paragraph. This technique is also applied if the validity of the
previous years, data is doubtful. The educational planner may draw a “representative
sample” of the population that he is investigating. The size of the sample depends upon
his resource and convenience. It can be as large as to cover 30% of the entire
population or as small as giving coverage only to less than 5%. There is one important
criterion for effectiveness of this technique which should not be missed. The criterion is
that the “sample must have all the characteristics that the original population has.” This
qualification alone can give it a representative character.

Analysis of Data
Data Analysis
According to Mosby’s Medical dictionary, 8 th edition 2009, the phase of study that
includes classifying, coding and tabulating information needed to perform quantitative or
qualitative analysis according to research design and appropriate to the data. Data
analysis follwos collection of information and proceeds its interpretation or application.
Analysis of data is a process of inspecting, clearing, transforming and medeling data
with the goal of highlighting useful information, suggesting conclusion and supporting
decision making. Data analysis has multiple facts and approaches, encompassing
diverse techniques under variety of names, in different business science and social
science domains.
Initial Data Analysis
The most important distinction between the initial data analysis phase and the main
analysis phases, is that during initial data analysis one refrains from any analysis that
are aimed at answering the original research question.
Analysis of Extreme Observation
Outlying observation as the data are analyzed to see if they seem to disturb the
Comparison and correction of differences in coding schemes
Variables are compared with coding schemes of variables external to the data set and
possibly corrected if coding schemes are not comparable.
Test for common method Variance
The choice of analysis to access the data quality during the initial data analysis phase
depends on the analysis that will be conducted in the main analysis phase.
Quality of measurements
The quality of the measurement instruments should only be checked during the initial
data analysis phase when this is not the focus or research question of the study. One
should check whether structure of measurement instruments corresponds to structure
reported in the literature.
Main Data Analysis
In the main analysis phase analysis aimed at answering the research question are
performed as well as any other relevant analysis needed to write the first draft of the
research report.
Exploratory and Confirmatory Approaches
In the main analysis phase either an exploratory or confirmatory approach can be
adopted. Usually the approach is decided before data is collected. In an exploratory
analysis no clear hypothesis is stated before analyzing the data, and the data is
searched for models that described the data well. In a confirmatory analysis clear
hypothesis about the data are tested.
Exploratory Data Analysis
Should be interpreted carefully when testing multiple models at once there is a high
chance on finding at least one of them to be significant, but ( a technical term used in
statistic to describe particular flaws in a testing process, where a true null hypothesis
was incorrectly rejected (type I error)) this can be due to a type I error. It is important to
always adjust the significance level when testing multiple models with for example, a
benferroni correction.
(Boneferroni correction is a method used to counteract the problem of multiple
Also, on should not follow up an exploratory analysis with a comfirmatory analysis in the
same dataset. An exploratory analysis is used to find the ideas for a theory, but not to
test that theory as well when a model is found exploratory in a data set, then following
up that analysis with a confirmatory analysis in the same datasheet could simply mean
that the results of the confirmatory analysis are due to the same type I error that
resulted in the exploratory model in the first place the confirmatory analysis therefore
will be more informative than the original exploratory analysis.
Stability of Results
It is important to obtain some indication about how generalizable the results are while
this hard check, one can look at the stability of the results. Are the results reliable and
reproducible. There are two ways of doing this
 Cross Validation
By splitting the data in multiple parts we can check if analyzes (like a fitted
model) based on one part of the data generalize to another part of the data as

 Sensitivity Analysis
A procedure to study the behavior of a system or model when global parameters
are (systematically) varied. One way to do this is with bootstrapping.

Storage of Data
After the data collected and properly analyzed, these are ready for manual and machine
processing. The next important step is its storage. For storing data, you need to
generate “data files.” Each unit of data will be recorded on a separate file. If the
processing is manual the data will be kept in shelves. The order in which the
organization will use the data will have to be kept in view. The totality of all these files
maintained in a proper sequential from will make your “data library.”
If the organization has a computer, the data will be stored in to the machine. This idea is
not so simple as it obviously looks. This sequence in which the data are to be
processed and managed is to be conceive beforehand. All possible applications of data
are to be listed. One the basic of the exercise and the entire file records are to be
intergraded in to a single file. The repetitions and duplications are to be identified and
With the above caution exercises, the data will be stored into the computer. This single
interacted data file will be known as “data base file” or the “data bank.”
This is not the end of the exercise. The information in the society is continuously
changing. The data file shall therefore need updating from time to time. This updating
may involve the internal adjustment or incorporation of the fresh information received
from external sources. The internal changes may be easily adjusted, but the
incorporation of fresh information received from external sources is a challenging task
for the “system analyses.”
The minimum Data Requirements
Another important requirement of related to the collection of statistics is to decide on the
minimum data that must be collected. Many countries in addition to having an in
adequate reporting system require far too much to be reported. This is why the system
does not work. It is much easier to add new data to be collected than to decide to drop
certain data and the body of statistics collected just grows.
The content of the essential minimum will vary from country to country. It should take
the form of at least an annual questionnaire. The data not provided by the annual school
census should be obtained by special surveys based on sampling.

The System of Sample Checking

The need to develop greater use of sampling techniques is consequence of a reduced
annual questionnaire. There is also a need to devise a system of sample checking. One
the major weakness in educational statistics is the variable quality of the statistics. The
data are often inaccurate at the reporting stage. Some the errors will escape through
the first check point. The use of sampling techniques for special surveys offers an
opportunity for sample checks on the basic annual data to be carried out at the same
time. The purpose of a regular program of sample checks is not only to reduce the
number of errors but also to ascertain the quality of the data and be in a position to
improve it.

Data Processing, Storage and Retrieval

The question of data processing, storage and retrieval is related to the level of
development of the statistical office. In some countries, the office has only about ten
persons working in others there are several hundreds. The resources are consequently
different and so are the needs. The needs for educational statistics are related to the
development of the educational planning machinery. Where planning has reached a
rather sophisticated level, the demand on the statistical office are much greater, both as
to the amount of information needed and the flexibility of, and the access to, such
information. All influences the methods of processing, storage and retrieval of data.
Question No.05: Write short notes on the following:

Qualitative Data
Qualitative data can be observed and recorded. This data type is non-numerical in
nature. This type of data is collected through methods of observations, one-to-one
interview, conducting focus groups and similar methods. Qualitative data in statistics is
also known as categorical data. Data that can be arranged categorically based on the
attributes and properties of a thing or a phenomenon.
Qualitative Data Examples
Qualitative data is also called categorical data since this data can be grouped according
to categories.

For example, think of a student reading a paragraph from a book during one of the class
sessions. A teacher who is listening to the reading gives a feedback on how the child
read that paragraph. If the teacher gives a feedback based on fluency, intonation, throw
of words, clarity in pronunciation without giving a grade to the child, this is considered
as an example of qualitative data.

It’s pretty easy to understand the difference between qualitative and quantitative data,
qualitative data does not include numbers in its definition of traits whereas quantitative
data is all about numbers.

 The cake is orange, blue and black in color (qualitative).

 Females have brown, black, blonde, and red hair (qualitative).

Quantitative data is any quantifiable information that can be used for mathematical
calculation or statistical analysis. This form of data helps in making real-life decisions
based on mathematical derivations. Quantitative data is used to answer questions like
how many? how often? how much? This data can be validated and verified.

In order to better understand the concept of qualitative data and quantitative data, it’s
best to observe examples of particular datasets and how they can be defined. Following
are examples of quantitative data:

 There are 4 cakes and three muffins kept in the basket (quantitative).
 1 glass of fizzy drink has 97.5 calories (quantitative)
Importance of Qualitative Data
Qualitative data is important in determining the particular frequency of traits or
characteristics. It allows the statistician or the researchers to form parameters through
which larger data sets can be observed. Qualitative data provides the means by which
observers can quantify the world around them.

For a market researcher, collecting qualitative data helps in answering questions like,
who their customers are, what issues or problems they are facing and where do they
need to focus their attention so problems or issues are resolved.

Qualitative data is about the emotions or perceptions of people, what they feel.
In quantitative data, these perceptions and emotions are documented. It helps market
researcher understand the language their consumers speak. This, in turn, helps the
researchers identify and deal with the problem effectively and efficiently.

Quantitative Data
Quantitative data is defined as the value of data in the form of counts or numbers where
each data-set has a unique numerical value associated with it. This data is any
quantifiable information that can be used for mathematical calculations and statistical
analysis, such that real-life decisions can be made based on these mathematical
derivations. Quantitative data is used to answer questions such as “How many?”, “How
often?”, “How much?”. This data can be verified and can also be conveniently evaluated
using mathematical techniques.

For example, there are quantities corresponding to various parameters, for instance,
“How much did that laptop cost?” is a question which will collect quantitative data. There
are values associated with most measuring parameters such as pounds or kilograms for
weight, dollars for cost etc.

Quantitative data makes measuring various parameters controllable due to the ease of
mathematical derivations they come with. Quantitative data is usually collected for
statistical analysis using surveys, polls or questionnaires sent across to a specific
section of a population. The retrieved results can be established across a population.

Quantitative Data Examples

Listed below are some examples of quantitative data that can help understand exactly
what this pertains:

 I updated my phone 6 times in a quarter.

 My teenager grew by 3 inches last year.
 83 people downloaded the latest mobile application.
 My aunt lost 18 pounds last year.
 150 respondents were of the opinion that the new product feature will not be
 There will be 30% increase in revenue with the inclusion of a new product.
 500 people attended the seminar.
 54% people prefer shopping online instead of going to the mall.
 She has 10 holidays in this year.
 Product X costs $1000.
As you can see in the above 10 examples, there is a numerical value assigned to each
parameter and this is known as, quantitative data.

Calculation Techniques
Following are some important calculation techniques:

1. Central Tendency

Central tendency is a descriptive summary of a dataset through a single value

that reflects the center of the data distribution. Along with the variability
(dispersion) of a dataset, central tendency is a branch of descriptive statistics.
The central tendency is one of the most quintessential concepts in statistics.
Although it does not provide information regarding the individual values in the
dataset, it delivers a comprehensive summary of the whole dataset.

Measures of Central Tendency

Generally, the central tendency of a dataset can be described using the following

 Mean (Average): Represents the sum of all values in a dataset divided by the

total number of the values.
 Median: The middle value in a dataset that is arranged in ascending order (from
the smallest value to the largest value). If a dataset contains an even number of
values, the median of the dataset is the mean of the two middle values.
 Mode: Defines the most frequently occurring value in a dataset. In some cases,
a dataset may contain multiple modes while some datasets may not have any
mode at all

2. Dispersion

Dispersion is a statistical term that describes the size of the distribution of

values expected for a particular variable. Dispersion can be measured by
several different statistics, such as range, variance, and standard
deviation. In finance and investing, dispersion usually refers to the range of
possible returns on an investment, but it can also be used to measure the
risk inherent in a particular security or investment portfolio. It is often
interpreted as a measure of the degree of uncertainty, and thus, risk,
associated with a particular security or investment portfolio.

3. Range

The difference between the lowest and highest values. In {4, 6, 9, 3, 7} the lowest
value is 3, and the highest is 9, so the range is 9 − 3 = 6. Range can also mean
all the output values of a function.

4. Frequency Distribution

Frequency distribution is a representation, either in a graphical or tabular format,

that displays the number of observations within a given interval. The interval size
depends on the data being analyzed and the goals of the analyst. The intervals
must be mutually exclusive and exhaustive. Frequency distributions are typically
used within a statistical context. Generally, frequency distribution can be
associated with the charting of a normal distribution.

5. Index Numbers

An index number is the measure of change in a variable (or group of variables)

over time. It is typically used in economics to measure trends in a wide variety of
areas including: stock market prices, cost of living, industrial or agricultural
production, and imports. Index numbers are one of the most used statistical tools
in economics. Index numbers are not directly measurable, but represent general,
relative changes. They are typically expressed as percent.

6. Rates and Ratios

The rate is defined as “The speed at which something happens or changes, or

the amount or number of times it happens or changes in a particular period.”

A ratio is a comparison of two or more numbers that indicates their sizes in

relation to each other. A ratio compares two quantities by division, with the
dividend or number being divided termed the antecedent and the divisor or
number that is dividing termed the consequent.

7. Growth Rates

Growth rates refer to the percentage change of a specific variable within a

specific time period and given a certain context. For investors, growth rates
typically represent the compounded annualized rate of growth of a company's
revenues, earnings, dividends or even macro concepts, such as gross domestic
product (GDP) and retail sales. Expected forward-looking or trailing growth rates
are two common kinds of growth rates used for analysis.
8. Extrapolation

Extrapolation is a type of estimation, beyond the original observation range, the

value of a variable on the basis of its relationship with another variable.
Extrapolation may also mean extension of a method, assuming similar methods
will be applicable. Extrapolation may also apply to human experience to project,
extend, or expand known experience into an area not known or previously
experienced so as to arrive at a (usually conjectural) knowledge of the unknown
(e.g. a driver extrapolates road conditions beyond his sight while driving). The
extrapolation method can be applied in the interior reconstruction problem.

9. Interpolation

Interpolation is a statistical method by which related known values are used to

estimate an unknown price or potential yield of a security. Interpolation is a
method of estimating an unknown price or yield of a security. This is achieved by
using other related known values that are located in sequence with the unknown
value. Interpolation is at root a simple mathematical concept. If there is a
generally consistent trend across a set of data points, one can reasonably
estimate the value of the set at points that haven't been calculated. However, this
is at best an estimate; interpolators can never offer complete confidence in their

10. Computations Relating to Facilities

Computations relating to facilities are always in terms of individual students. This

is reflected in the terminology used as for example, “area per student” or “area
per place”, cost per student or “cost per place” and so on. The computations
never involve the cost of a classroom or the cost of laboratory. Thus, if a new
school is to be provided, the first question that might be asked is “for how many
students” rather than “how many classes?”

Planning for educational facilities requires first, statistical data on the existing
building stock.
Effect of Organizational behavior on planning objectives

Organizational behavior focuses on how humans behave in organizations, including

how they interact with each other, as well as how they work within the organizations'
structures to get their work done. The goals of organizational behavior are to explain,
predict, and influence behavior. Managers need to be able to explain why employees
engage in some behaviors rather than others, predict how employees will respond to
various actions and decisions, and influence how employees behave. However,
organizational behavior holds benefits for employees, as well. The field is rich with
research, findings, guidelines and tools for employees to clarify their own goals,
understand what motivates them and increase their job satisfaction.

There is a vast array of different types of practices that leaders and managers use to
influence their employees toward achieving the organization's goals. More recently, they
use a variety of practices to help employees to achieve their own goals, as well. Thus, it
can be a challenge to efficiently categorize and explain the practices in a manner that is
comprehensive and yet well organized. Organizational behavior is the systematic study
of people and their work within an organization. Understanding the definition itself will
be useful for managers and leaders. It will also be helpful for an individual to understand
his behavior itself. It will help organizations to better understand their employees, which
will help in getting their work done pro-actively. Organizational behavior helps in
managing human resources; it helps in developing work-related environment in an
organization. It helps in creating a motivated atmosphere in any organization. It helps in
predicting the behavior which in turns helps attain effectiveness in an organization. It
also helps in functional behavior in any organization like increasing productivity,
effectiveness, efficiency etc. It also helps in reducing dysfunctional behavior in
workplace like absenteeism, dissatisfaction and tardiness etc. Organizational behavior
helps in enhancing managerial skills; it helps in creating leaders. It helps in self-
development; which is an integral part of learning organizational behavior. It also helps
in getting a perspective of human values, ethics etc. Communication in the form of
persuasion, coaching mentoring, goal setting, negotiation, conflict handling creates
effective organizational culture. It also helps managers to create team which can
achieve the organizational goals.

Action Research and Planning Process

Action Research is either research initiated to solve an immediate problem or a
reflective process of progressive problem solving that integrates research, action, and
analysis. The integration of action includes the development and implementation of a
plan or strategy to address the focus of the research. The research includes building a
knowledge base to understand the effectiveness of the action or plan being considered.
Put simple, action research can be viewed as a form of disciplined inquiry utilized by
teachers, instructors, and supervisors to better understand student learning and teacher
Action research involves actively participating in a change situation, often via an existing
organization, whilst simultaneously conducting research. It can also be undertaken by
larger organizations or institutions, assisted or guided by professional researchers, with
the aim of improving their strategies, practices and knowledge of the environments
within which they practice. As designers and stakeholders, researchers work with others
to propose a new course of action to help their community improve its work practices.
Depending upon the nature of the people involved in the action research as well as the
person(s) organizing it, there are different ways of describing action research. [7]

 Collaborative Action Research

 Participatory Action Research
 Community-Based Action Research
 Youth Action Research
 Action Research and Action Learning
 Participatory Action Learning and Action Research
 Collective Action Research
 Action Science
 Living Theory Action Research

Planning Process
Planning is the first primary function of management that precedes all other functions. The
planning function involves the decision of what to do and how it is to be done? So
managers focus a lot of their attention on planning and the planning process.
i. Recognizing Need for Action
An important part of the planning process is to be aware of the business opportunities in
the firm’s external environment as well as within the firm.  Once such opportunities get
recognized the managers can recognize the actions that need to be taken to realize them.
A realistic look must be taken at the prospect of these new opportunities and SWOT
analysis should be done.

ii. Setting Objectives

This is the second and perhaps the most important step of the planning process. Here we
establish the objectives for the whole organization and also individual departments.
Organizational objectives provide a general direction, objectives of departments will be
more planned and detailed.
Objectives can be long term and short term as well. They indicate the end result the
company wishes to achieve. So objectives will percolate down from the managers and will
also guide and push the employees in the correct direction.

iii. Developing Premises

Planning is always done keeping the future in mind, however, the future is always
uncertain. So in the function of management certain assumptions will have to be made.
These assumptions are the premises. Such assumptions are made in the form of
forecasts, existing plans, past policies, etc.

These planning premises are also of two types – internal and external. External
assumptions deal with factors such as political environment, social environment,
the advancement of technology, competition, government policies, etc. Internal
assumptions deal with policies, availability of resources, quality of management, etc.

These assumptions being made should be uniform across the organization. All managers
should be aware of these premises and should agree with them.

iv. Identifying Alternatives

The fourth step of the planning process is to identify the alternatives available to the
managers. There is no one way to achieve the objectives of the firm, there is a multitude of
choices. All of these alternative courses should be identified. There must be options
available to the manager.

Maybe he chooses an innovative alternative hoping for more efficient results. If he does
not want to experiment he will stick to the more routine course of action. The problem with
this step is not finding the alternatives but narrowing them down to a reasonable amount of
choices so all of them can be thoroughly evaluated.

v. Examining Alternate Course of Action

The next step of the planning process is to evaluate and closely examine each of the
alternative plans. Every option will go through an examination where all there pros and
cons will be weighed. The alternative plans need to be evaluated in light of the
organizational objectives.

For example, if it is a financial plan. Then it that case its risk-return evaluation will be done.
Detailed calculation and analysis are done to ensure that the plan is capable of achieving
the objectives in the best and most efficient manner possible.
vi. Selecting the Alternative
Finally, we reach the decision making stage of the planning process. Now the best and
most feasible plan will be chosen to be implemented. The ideal plan is the most profitable
one with the least amount of negative consequences and is also adaptable to dynamic

The choice is obviously based on scientific analysis and mathematical equations. But a
managers intuition and experience should also play a big part in this decision. Sometimes
a few different aspects of different plans are combined to come up with the one ideal plan.

vii. Formulating Supporting Plan

Once you have chosen the plan to be implemented, managers will have to come up with
one or more supporting plans. These secondary plans help with the implementation of the
main plan. For example plans to hire more people, train personnel, expand the office etc.
are supporting plans for the main plan of launching a new product. So all these secondary
plans are in fact part of the main plan.

viii. Implementation of the Plan

And finally, we come to the last step of the planning process, implementation of the plan.
This is when all the other functions of management come into play and the plan is put into
action to achieve the objectives of the organization. The tools required for such
implementation involve the types of plans- procedures, policies, budgets, rules, standards

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