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Student: Ciep 141 Ver.

Grade: 9º ano Tanus José – Italva/RJ
Teacher: Antonio Marco Dias Castilho Subject: Inglês Date:

1) Associe corretamente as colunas.

a) What is your favorite TV show?

b) Who broke the window?

c) How do you go to school.

d) Why are you crying?

e) Where are you from?

f) How old are you?

g) When is your birthday?

( ) Because I’m sad. ( ) It’s The Simpons. ( ) My brother. ( ) I’m 13 years old.

( ) I go to school by bus. ( ) I am from São Paulo. ( ) It’s on July, 11 th.

2) Leia o texto abaixo e escreva (V) para as afirmações verdadeiras e (F) para as falsas.

Silvia and Roger are great friends. They live in a small city near the sea. Both Silva
and Roger are 14 and they study at the same school but Silva is on 8 th grade and Roger is
on the 9th grade. Silvia is tall, thin and she has long black hair. Roger is short and a bit
heavy, but his friends think he’s handsome. Silvia likes to eat pizza and drink milkshake.
Roger prefers hamburguers and soda. Silvia plays tennis on the weekends. Roger prefers
to stay at home watching animations on TV.

( ) Roger is tall. ( ) Silvia and Roger are on 8th grade.

( ) Roger and Silva aren’t friends. ( ) Roger is on the 9th grade.

( ) Silvia likes to eat japanese food. ( ) Silvia has a short black hair.

( ) Roger eats hamburguer and drink soda. ( ) Roger is short.

( ) They live in a big city. ( ) Silvia is tall.

3) Preencha os espaços abaixo com as preposições behind, in, on, next to, in front of,
under e over, de acordo com a posição da ratinha em relação à caixa.

4) Escolha a opção correta.

a) _________ time do you get up?

( ) what ( ) when

b) __________ often do you go to the theatre?

( ) what ( ) why ( ) how

c) ___________ students are there in your classroom?

( ) how much ( ) how many

d) ___________ sugar do you want in your milk?

( ) how much ( ) how many

e) ___________ is the party?

( ) where ( ) why

f) ___________ is that man?

( ) when ( ) who

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