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Date 2022-04-20


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Good Morning, to one and all intellectual present here "I Harsh Jain from your class, bron and raised in Mumbai and
completed my primary as well as secondary education here it self I am 18 year old and a person who is always up for
grabbing Knowledge and experiencing various thing in society.

My hobbies is to play games and eventful sports . Today I am going to present you some information regarding topic
Moral Values.

Let us first try to understand what is Moral values. It can be difine as the manners or standards set by an individual person
in their life. It is the individual believe and perspective but should be in positive manner. Moral values are the key
components of person's character. There are Various types of moral values which is set by majority of people by
themselves. Truth, freedom, respect, honesty, Kindness politeness charity and Helping, etc. This values helps us to choose
between good or bad, right or wrong and help make fair decision and relations.

Also human values is major part of our life Health, gratitude and kindness towards others, apprecations can help some one
to boast their confidence.

Moral values is being followed from ancient times. Ramayana is the greatest example where the moral values and Ethics
were displayed. Lord Ram showed Kindness, wisdom and love towards others. His patience made it possible for him to
follow his me inner good without worrying about the luzious losses and kingship.

Ethics is a well founded standard of right and wrong. For example - The guidelines and rules followed by lawyer, police,
students, doctor is said to be Ethics.

Ethics is determined by social norms, religion, constitution,etc. Our moral should be related to Ethics.

Some say that Ethics and Moral values are different from each other,but I think that " Ethics is the moral values in action".

For example. We can say that

My ethics prevent me from cheating.

My moral prevent me from cheating.

Meaning of both the sentence is same. Ethics and Moral are closely related. It depends on person to person.

Moral value are the value taught to us we become a good person and citizen. And it is said that "Disease spread faster
than its cure", nowadays crime rate in the country is increasing day by day. The reason to this is moral values are lesser
than these.

Thats the reason spreading mora Values like honesty, respect, Kindness and power of giving to be taught to us from early
age so it affects our society. India is a country known for its values. Here children's are taught to respect their elders, greet
them properly. In every organization a defined code of conduct is being followed by the employees.

People with high moral values are very essential to the society. Hence we should never forget our moral values and ethics.

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At the end, I thank you from my side for listening patiently. I hope you will surely add moral values to your life.

Thank You

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Title:What is ethics.docx - 1 What is ethics Morality From what I learned ...

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