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Monday, December 05th 2022

Unit 3: American protest songs

Axe: création et rapport aux arts

Question : “To what extent are American protest songs a form of counterpower?”

Step 1: What is a protest song?

Activity 1: H.E.R, I can’t breathe


Loot at the document. Describe it and give your opinion.

Students's keywords:
-signs, placards,
-protest taking place after the death of Georges Floyd killed by a police officer / a cop,
-protesting for equality,
-it's a noble cause, 

Let’s recap!
This document is a picture/ photograph/photo, it was taken in the USA. Indeed, we can see/
spot/ observe/ distinguish people protesting/ demonstrating/ marching in the street. It’s
a demonstration/ a protest against police brutality towards African-Americans. Indeed, one of
the signs/placards in the background shows the face of George Floyd, a black man who was killed
by the police during an arrest. His death was immortalized by people’s cell phones as he agonized
for nine minutes saying « I can’t breathe
». This tragic/dramatic event aroused/provoked protests across the United-States and all
around the world.
Friday, December 09th 2022

Watch the video clip again (moodle). Spot:




-people’s actions and emotions

Student’s keywords:

-demonstrating against racism,

-police officers are hitting the demonstrators,

-people escaping from the police,

-some people are protesting silently while others are using violence,

-scene takes place in America,

-some scenes are taking place in Europe,

-atmosphere is dark and gloomy (video clip is in black and white)

-people look united, supportive.

Thursday, January 06th 2023

Let’s recap!

In this video clip, we can observe people protesting/ demonstrating/rioting in the streets all
over the world. Indeed, the demonstrations/ the protests are taking place in: the US, Syria,
Belgium, London, Berlin. Indeed, the story of George Floyd touched everyone, it became a global
phenomenon/ problem/issue Moreover, the atmosphere of the video is dark/ gloomy. Indeed,
the whole clip is in black and white which shows that what is happening is serious and important.
To finish, the protesters in the video look/seem angry/ united/supportive/revolted/sad.
Step 3: Famous protest songs!

Activity 1: Training task

-Pick a song

-Watch the video clip first and then start to work as a team 

-The teacher is here to help you and answer your questions

Monday, January 16th 2023

Step 4: writing a song

Activity 1: How to write a protest song?!

Watch “How to write a protest song?” 

List the 15 things you need to do in order to write a good protest song.
Activity 2: grammar point

Exprimer le but ou la cause:

→ On utilise : because (car) / as (comme, puisque) / since (comme, puisque) pour exprimer la


Exemple 1: He wrote the song because he wanted to talk about racism.

Exemple 2: As / Since she is against racism, she wrote the song “I can’t breathe”

→ On utilise : in order to / so as to / to (pour, dans le but) pour exprimer le but.

Exemple 1: She wrote this song in order to denounce inequalities between men and women.

Exemple 2: We had a meeting today so as to / to  discuss the next song on the album.

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