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Clay robotics: A hybrid 3D printing casting process

Conference Paper · April 2017

DOI: 10.1201/9781315198101-20


9 721

4 authors, including:

Sihan Wang Stylianos Dritsas

Singapore University of Technology and Design Singapore University of Technology and Design


Philippe Morel
University College London


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Clay Robotics: a hybrid 3D printing casting process
S. Wang & S. Dritsas
Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
P. Morel
EZCT Architecture & Design Research, Paris, France
K. Ho
REX, New York, USA

ABSTRACT: This paper presents the research work for the design and development of an innovative 3D
printing process which employs clay as the material for the production of geometrically complex molds for
building scale applications in construction. The objective of this approach is to efficiently and economically
fabricate forms for casting, such as concrete or metals which can be easily post-processed and finished. Our
perspective is informed by the appreciation of the difficulties in achieving high-quality finish in vis-
cous/granulate material extrusion, such as clay or concrete, for architectural parts that need to achieve a wide
range of resolutions without significant and often laborious post-processing. We thus employ clay as an abun-
dant, low-cost, environmentally friendly material for mold making that can be both easily post-processed if
required and disposed or recycled.

Keywords: Digital Fabrication, Additive Manufacture, Design Computation, Architectural Robotics.

for cladding applications (Epps, 2014), wire cut

forms for concrete construction (Søndergaard, 2014)
1 INTRODUCTION and the fiber-woven pavilion (Doerstelmann et al.
2015). In addition, there is extensive research work
The development of software for Computer Aided in additive manufacturing for building scale applica-
Design and Manufacturing (CAD & CAM), includ- tions using primarily the principle of material extru-
ing parametric and visual programming system, as sion with materials including concrete and clay
well as the dramatic drop in the cost of digital fabri- (Khoshnevis, 2002; Leach et al. 2012; Jokic et al.
cation hardware such as computer numeric control 2012; Peters, 2013; Van Herpt, 2014; Sun et al.
machines and industrial robotics (UNESCE, 2005) 2014) relevant to our research work.
created opportunities for design research within Ar-
chitecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC). The key challenge with additive manufacturing
Additive manufacturing principles originally em- for the AEC industry is mainly scale. Architectural
ployed for rapid prototyping as far back as the artefacts span circa six orders of magnitude, from
1980’s are now becoming integral part of the vision millimeter to often hundreds of meters. As such
for this century’s modernization of manufacturing technologies developed for 3D printing of small pro-
and perhaps the design and production of buildings totypes face severe obstacles of production time effi-
or parts thereof. ciency to achieve multiple and variable levels of res-
olution. Additional challenges include the resolution
Pioneering work in advanced methods of digital of structural issues such material performance char-
fabrication for the AEC industry extend as far back acteristics and construction considerations such the
the turn of the century with prominent examples in need for support of horizontal elements such as slabs
early automation in construction (Cousineau & and beams. Finally, the end 3D printed products typ-
Miura, 1998; Gambao, et al. 2000) innovations in ically require additional labor time for post-
architectural design such as fabrication of parametric processing and finishing.
assemblies using industrial robotics (Gramazio & As such current additive manufacturing technolo-
Kohler, 2008), folding of sheet metal using robotics gies are uncompetitive against optimized and effi-
cient methods of industrial standardized production dustrial products. However, such benefits as its
and/or pre-fabrication. Thus effectively producing abundance, low embodied energy and mandate for
large scale 3D printed physical artifacts and architec- sustainable building construction has resurrected in-
tural components has been a central challenge in the terest in clay products. Clay can be freely shaped and
field of digital design and fabrication. Successful manipulated (Peterson & Peterson 2014), while also
resolution of some of those challenges has the poten- being mechanically rigid and heat resistant to act as
tial to impact future research, architecture thinking a formwork especially useful in high temperature
and the methods of design and construction. processes such as investment molding of metal parts.
The approach presented in this paper is hybrid as The properties of clay can be modified through its
it is based on pre-fabrication of clay molds using ad- water content in order to control its viscosity such
ditive manufacturing principles for subsequently that it can be employed for additive manufacturing
casting building components such as concrete or extrusion processes. Viscosity is such a key charac-
even metal parts. Rather than direct production of teristic that impacts:
building elements our system combines the ad- 1. Production: the extrusion material flow rate
vantages of additive technologies such as the capa- and printing speed, adhesion between layers and the
bility for production of free-form geometries but also mechanical design of the extruder itself in terms of
avoids such problems as the material performance of torque requirement.
the end-product and achieving multiple resolutions 2. Mechanical: the final holding strength, total
within the same process. Compared with direct addi- drying time and maximum height of the mold for
tive 3D printing our process offers an alternative or concrete casting.
perhaps transitional method for manufacturing com- 3. Product: the surface finish as well as the
plex physical artifacts with a higher levels of worka- range of achievable mold geometries.
bility, efficiency and a potentially lower cost. We performed extensive testing to determine ap-
propriate water to clay ratios. Conventional viscome-
ters are typically not manufactured to operate at the
2 DIGITAL AND PHYSICAL PROCESS range of viscosities exhibited by clay (Fig. 1). In-
OVERVIEW stead, the moisture content of clay was inferred us-
ing moisture meters which reflect its viscosity. We
The design, development and evaluation of our purchased raw clay which exhibited variations of its
system is organized along the following research water content, such as all natural materials, with av-
tasks: (1) Material Characteristics: Understanding erage ratio of 27%.
the properties of clay as 3D printed material, (2)
Tool Building: Integration of industrial robotics with
a clay extrusion system, (3) Digital Design to Fabri-
cation: Translation of digital design geometries into
physical artifacts.

2.1 Material characters

The materials employed at this phase of develop-
ment are: clay used for mold making and concrete
for casting. Clay molds can be used in fired or un-
fired form for casting many other materials. At this
stage we opted for concrete as a common material
for construction. Furthermore, we focused the mate-
rial investigation on clay which is the material used
for additive manufacturing and requires understand-
ing of its key characteristics and properties.
Clay, a natural material comprised of rock/soil
granulates mixed with water and other trace minerals
and organics, is a culturally loaded material used for Figure 1, Clay viscosity testing with viscometer. Weight pro-
utilitarian applications, arts and crafts as well as per- portion of clay and water range from 1:1 to 5:1.
haps one the earliest materials for building construc- Determining the optimal water to clay mix ratio
tion. It has numerous advantages as a building mate- however is not trivial as the aforementioned design
rial such as its high compressive strength while parameters often counteract one another. For in-
being highly plastic and easy to form compared to stance, lower viscosities simplify extrusion and ex-
stone masonry, along with its low cost due to its nat- hibit better adhesion and surface finish qualities but
ural sourcing. Without being kilned into bricks, clay they are detrimental to the mechanical characteristics
has been rendered obsolete in favor of modern in- of the mold and drying time. High viscosities result
to stronger and higher molds with faster curing times and variable dispensing beyond using constant speed
but they require significant mechanical torque for within one continuous extrusion motion.
extrusion, they limit the range of achievable geome- The next prototype was built with a small-scale
tries as sharp corners produce cracks and the quality progressive cavity rotor with a soft-body rubber sta-
of the casts is inferior as the clay absorbs water from tor (Fig. 3). This was intended to create a seal at the
the concrete which induces fragility. Through our nozzle, holding the material in by suction, which
experiments we determined a balance point between would act as a valve for the material extrusion. The
the aforementioned criteria within the range of water aim of this design was allow precise starting and
to clay ratios of 35-40% (Fig. 2). stopping of the extrusion, as well as the speed and
amount of material metered and deposited.
In order to have a constant material supply, the
concept of a pump was employed for the experiment,
parameters include the amount of torque and pres-
sure needed to move the material, which was de-
pendent on the material viscosity, the material
weight and volume, the length and diameter of the
transfer pipe, and the friction caused by the material
movement against the pump (Fig. 4).

Figure 2, Clay moisture testing with moisture meter. Moisture

range from 15% to 40%. Each piece of clay rings weighs 200g.

2.2 Tool building

The digital fabrication process for our 3D clay ex-
trusion system is organized into two sub-systems: Figure 4, Concepts’ evolution of material-supply pump.
the positioning apparatus that allows control of loca- The final design employed a commercial extru-
tion and motion of deposition; and the extrusion ap- sion nozzle for viscous material which integrated all
paratus which includes the material feeder, conveyor of the characteristics of the prototypes. The nozzle-
and nozzle sub-systems. For the positioning system centric setup has a stationary extrusion nozzle, and a
we employed a six-axis industrial robot available at moving base that follows a designated toolpath (Fig.
the lab and focused on the development of the clay 5). The major advantage is that the material is ex-
extrusion system. The design factors of the extruder truded at a much shorter distance, which means a
include: the pump torque and pressure characteristics higher viscosity clay can be used. The disadvantage
for feeding rather viscous material, length and diam- is that this setup is not easily scalable due to the lim-
eter of transfer piping, weight and volume of materi- it height of the nozzle. Ultimately, the base-centric
al and the flow rate through the extruder nozzle. setup with a progressive cavity pump for viscous
material is ideal for large-scale clay printing.

Figure 3, First version of clay extruder prototype driven by

electric hand screw driver & second version prototype (left).
The initial prototype design (Fig. 3) borrows
principles of the Archimedes or auger conveyor
screws often used in industrial machinery for dense,
viscous and/or granulate materials. It also the most Figure 5, Nozzle-centric extrusion system with a 500mm tall
clay mold.
common apparatus found in processing equipment
for clay such as pug mills. The key challenges with
the first iteration of tooling were the control of clog- 2.3 Digital design and fabrication
ging and back-flow of material due to pressure build
up within the cylinder chamber due to viscosity, the The typical 3D printing CAD/CAM process fa-
inability of bidirectional control the material flow miliar through rapid prototyping involves a sequence
of tasks starting from the geometric modeling of sol-
ids objects which are subsequently converted to 3 DESIGN EXPERIMENTS
mesh triangulations for mainly interoperability and
precomputation of discretization. The machine path
for typically 3-axis CNC machine is produced by
first contouring the geometry and the producing an
internal web within closed polygons to increase pro-
duction speed and reduce material use and weight.
Our approach at this stage is more experimental
as we generatively produce machine paths for direct
drive of the robotic system. Additional work is re-
quired for one to one mapping between the digital
and physical artifact within tolerance. Overall the
process involves computation within the visual pro-
gramming environment of Rhinoceros / Grasshopper
which produces geometric representations of ma- Figure 7, 2000mm Tall plaster column casted and stack with 4
chine paths converted to robot code using HAL- pieces.
Robot software add-on. The initial experiments em- A series of experimental designs (Fig. 7) were
ployed topologically complex geometries to demon- fabricated to evaluate the capabilities of the material
strate the free-form geometric capabilities of the 3D and the printing system. Those aimed to assist in the
printing process and integrate the material deposition characterization of the geometric range of possibili-
logic within the tool path generation. ties, highlight the limitations of the approach and
Similar to rapid prototyping filament printing guide the research forward. Parameters such as max-
technologies we prioritized the exterior surface of imum build height without significant vertical com-
the solid object by directly tracing along its contour. paction, horizontal deviation from the original shape
This is to ensure the best finishing results. However, due to successive layer compression for ensuring ad-
for additional reinforcement and ensuring cement- hesion, overhang tapering capability without support
tightness of the mold we duplicate and overlap an structure, introduction of geometric discontinuities
additional interior layer of clay using offset geome- and the behavior around sharp corner were exam-
try. This adds some limitation on the minimum wall ined. For instance, several overhang tests were per-
thickness being at least twice the diameter of the formed to determine the maximum printing angle in
nozzle (10 mm). In addition, contouring was offset section without support with so far 45 degrees being
vertically to 80% of the extruded bead diameter to the best result. In addition, within our 35-40% water
ensure material adhesion between layers and miti- to clay ratio there is a maximum height of 500mm
gate progressive material compaction. As such the above which the clay self-compresses producing in-
maximum achievable height of mold segments built accurate results. The results of those tests are to in-
by successive layering is 500mm. form the upstream modeling process of the geomet-
The internal web strategy, when required to infill ric limitations or to be mitigated using untapped
solid compartments and/or reinforce the external sur- aspects such a feed modulation, better motion speed
face, was informed by the desire to simplify the cou- control, nozzle shape design etc. Additional tests re-
pling between the robotic system motion profile and quired include the determination of mold wall thick-
constant extrusion material flow. Robotics don’t ex- ness in relationship to height which is relevant to
hibit the same stiffness and accuracy as Cartesian swelling deformation due to hydrostatic pressure of
CNC systems and their position is approximate via the concrete.
interim path points within tolerance due to the trape-
zoidal motion profile. We thus implemented a
smooth continuous infill pathing strategy (Fig. 6)
that resolves the constant velocity coupling and
avoids sharp corners where the approximation re-
sults into gaps.

Figure 8, Reinforced concrete column with half demolded clay

and its plaster sealed mold.
To evaluate the boundary condition of the clay
extrusion system from the perspective of post-
Figure 6, Plaster model with its molds whose tool paths are
constant smooth curves.
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