Ventral Muscle

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Ventral Muscles of the Head and Trunk

Muscle Name Description Origin Insertion Action

MYLOHYOID A thin sheet of muscle crossing Medial surface of the mandible Median raphe Elevator of the floor of the mouth cavity
transversely the half of the jaw. during breathing or swallowing

GENIOHYOID a thin sheet of muscle crossing Anterior angle of lower jaw Posterior cornua and thyroid process of pull the hyoid bone up and forward, or to
longitudinally the tip of the jaw from the the hyoid pull the mandible down and posteriorly
STERNORADIALIS Thick sheet of muscle crossing obliquely Episternum and omosternum proximal end of the radius Flexor of the forearm
from the sternum to the proximal end of
the radio ulna. Its distal end is covered
by the scapulohumeralis muscle.
PECTORALIS EPICORACOIDEA The pectoralis major is the superior most Sternum Crest of greater tubercle of humerus Flexor, adductor, rotator of the arm
OR ANTERIOR PECTORALIS and largest muscle of the anterior chest
wall. It is a thick, fan-shaped muscle that
lies underneath the breast tissue and
forms the anterior wall of the axilla.

PECTORALIS STERNALIS OR The pectoralis major is the largest Sternum Humerus Flexor, adductor, rotator of the arm
MIDDLE PECTORALIS muscle of the anterior chest wall. It is a
thick, fan-shaped muscle that lies
underneath the breast tissue and forms
the anterior wall of the axilla.
PECTORALIS ABDOMINIS OR The pectoralis major is the largest Sternum Humerus Flexor, adductor, rotator of the arm
POSTERIOR PECTORALIS muscle of the anterior chest wall. It is a
thick, fan-shaped muscle that lies
underneath the breast tissue and forms
the anterior wall of the axilla.
RECTUS ABDOMINIS A large pair of muscles forming the Pubic symphysis, Pubic crest sternum Support abdominal viscera and hold
ventral abdominal wall sternum in place
EXTERNAL OBLIQUE a large muscle Ilium, dorsal fascia of the vertebrae whole length of the linea alba with Along with other abdominal wall
obliquely traversing extension onto the pubic crest and the muscles, the external oblique muscle
the lateral abdominal pectineal line flexes the trunk, assists expiration by
wall. depressing the ribs, and assists to
maintain intra-abdominal pressure in
evacuation of luminal contents and
supports intra-abdominal viscera.
INTERNAL OBLIQUE AND The internal oblique is a short muscle Inguinal ligament; iliac crest; Anterior portion of the same Help constrict the abdomen and support
TRANSVERSUS lying beneath the more thoracolumbar fascia aponeurosis to which the external the viscera
dorsal part of the oblique attaches
external oblique.

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