Dorsal Muscle

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Muscle Name Description Origin Insertion Action

TEMPORALIS Round muscle on the dorsal part just above Side of the skull between eye and Near the posterior of the lower jaw Closes the mouth
the depressor Mandibularis tympanic ring

CUCULLARIS a narrow muscle originating from fascia on the Mid-dorsal line Portion of the pectoral girdle Draws forelimbs upward
mid-dorsal line of the skull and inserted on the

DEPRESSOR Muscle found behind the tympanum Tympanic ring and Dorsal fascia Lower jaw Opens the mouth
DORSALIS SCAPULAE A broad, flat muscle posterior to Dorsal side of scapula and Humerus Rotates and elevates humerus
the depressor mandibulae, which suprascapular
overlaps it.
LATISSIMUS DORSI A fan shaped muscle lying dorsal to the Dorsal fascia Humerus Swing the forearm outward and
suprascapular and scapula upward

LONGISSIMUS DORSI Lies between the suprascapula and sacral Sacral vertebra and ilium Suprascapula and dorsal frascia Raises the back

ILIOLUMBARIS A thick, moderately long muscle lying behind Anterior part of the ilium transverse processes of the trunk Bends the back
the latissimus dorsi and between the vertebrae
dorsi and the external oblique

COCCYGEO- A short, thin muscle forming a V with its Urostyle transverse provess of the sacral vertebra "hump" the back when the two muscles
SACRALIS fellow. of the sides of the body act together,
when they act singly; turns the back to
one side

COCCYGEO-ILIACUS A large, thick pair of muscles immediately Urostyle Ilium approximates urostyle with ilium
posterior to the preceding muscle at the
anterior end of the V.

Muscle Name Description Origin Insertion Action

TRICEPS FEMORIS A large muscle covering the entire anterior Pelvic girdle Tibio-fibula Adducts the thigh and extends the
border of the thigh both dorsally and shank

SARTORIUS A long slender muscle running obliquely Ilium Tibio-fibula Flexes the shank and adducts the
from the ilium to the tibia thigh

GRACILIS MAJOR AND A large muscle lying at the posterior margin Ischium Tibio-fibula Flexes the shank and adducts the
MINOR of the thigh / A long slender muscle closely thigh
attached at the posterior side of the gracilis

ADDUCTOR MAGNUS A stout muscle lying behind the Sartorius and Ischium and Pubis Femur Adducts the thigh and legs
AND LONGUS partly covered by it. You may cut the
sartorius across its belly, to have a full view of
this muscle


Muscle Name Description Origin Insertion Action

TIBIALIS ANTICUS A stout muscle with two bellies at the distal Femur Tibiale and fibulare Extends the leg and flexes the foot
end; lies close to the anterior surface of the

EXTENSOR CRURIS A long narrow muscle close to the posterior Femur Astragsalus Flexes and twists the ankle
side of the tibia beaneath the gastrocnmemius

FLEXOR TARSI A small, slender muscler Distal half of tibio-fibula Anterior side of astragalus Flexes the foot
ANTERIOR originating on the distal half of the

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