Call For The Cancellation of The Ukrainian Martial Law

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Dear International Community,

Call for the Cancellation of the Ukrainian Martial Law

As a Professor of Family Law, but above all, as a Mother, it is hard for me to see how
people die because of prideful leadership.

The martial law regime in Ukraine was extended from February 19th, 2023 for a period
of another 90 days, by Law No. 2915-IX dated on February 7th, 2023, through the Decree of
the President of Ukraine. This decree mandates „restrictions on the rights and freedoms of man
and citizen, which is a deviation from the obligations under the International Covenant of Civil
and Political Rights”.

If Ukrainian government declares alignment with the spirit of democracy, European

values and the concept of independence, then there is no reason to extend the regime of Martial
Law. Ukrainian government can show a practical implementation of the values it aspires to,
and allow its own people to exercise their free-will and full freedoms: be it freedom to fight,
or freedom to pray, be it freedom to stay, or freedom to leave. Because, when armed military
soldiers enter your house and tell you that you will voluntarily go to defend the country, of
course that you go to defend the country… voluntarily. And die in the first week.

The interests of mothers and the interests of current Ukrainian government - are different
categories. For the sake of the people's lives and for the Peace in Europe, please raise the
issue of Ukraine's Martial Law! Demand Ukrainian government to cancel the Martial

What if, to clean its country of people with dubious past and destroy the US-funded
biolabs, Putin consciously sent paid people as a sacrifice first (Wagner). Zelensky through
Martial Law and voluntary lists, sends to war teachers, doctors, engineers and other simple

When European Family wins more: when it has 3 strategic partners for collaboration, or
when it has one friend and two enemies? We will not ask what could be the consequences for
Europe if China becomes an active supporter in this conflict on the side of Russia. Don’t you
think it is wiser for Europe, to have symmetric partnership collaborations with all three big
players US, China and Russia instead of the current asymmetric deviation?

Are you really sure that your own citizens will consider that political hatred toward
Russia is more important than maintaining their wellbeing (thus national interests)? People
from the countries that you represent have bigger and bigger bills. Do you think that with
increasing bill costs, the love and respect for political class is also increasing? Simple people
by themselves are mostly peaceful.

Voting for Peace does not mean increasing military supply. The concepts are reversed.
Hearing the messages that come from European Union, sometimes I question... is EU helping
Ukraine, or deliberately participates at its destruction?

The entire international law is operating on the premise of respecting people's

fundamental rights. And before being a citizen, we are all human beings, with souls, hearts and
divine essence. We should be honest with ourselves and respect each other, especially the ones
who we declare to protect. Let's have more respect toward European citizens, and let's not fight
until the last Ukrainian.

What if, God actually exists... how will You explain your actions regarding the prison-
state of simple men? And how will You explain your hypocrisy of sending more weapons while
concomitantly accepting a martial law for these people?

Give us God more wisdom!

A Mother,
Professor of Family Law and Mediation,
Dean of Law Department, Free International University of Moldova
Dr. Lilia Mărgineanu 19.02.2023

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