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Oral communication script (GROUP 4)



girl walks in slowly * father standing and waiting*

F: where have you been young girl? You’re late! (*crossed arm)

D: startled dad..! sorry I’m late, it’s just that I-I did a project at my friends house. (*stuttering)

F: REALLY? This late?

D: yes, I swear dad, plus this is the only time I came home late. (pleading eyes)

F: what kind of project is that? That you have to go home at 10? Who are you with? I will call their

D: NO DAD, please don’t call them, I promise I won’t come home late again.

F: Were you hanging out with those useless friends of yours again?

D: (*softly saying no, and shaking head)

F: better be, or else I will ground you! Next time do your projects here.

D: yes dad (*lower it’s head)

F: now go to your room and sleep, you have an exam tomorrow. I don’t want you failing because of lack
of sleep.


F1: girl you should come with us tonight! We’re going to a party after school.

D: sorry I can’t I have an extra math class later.

F2: ugh, Your dad still have you tutored? Aren’t you already smart?

F1; yeahh, common you should come, you’re missing a lot fun.

D: I guess I could go, my parents are in Singapore right now, so maybe I’ll just ditched my extra class.

F1: cool, let’s go


D: morning mom
R: (looking bit angry): krystal, your tutor called me saying you did not attend your extra class? Where did
you go? You’re father will be so mad if he finds out. Plus your teacher called me saying that lately your
performance is not good.

D: I’m sorry mom, lately it’s been hard for me.

R: hard for you? If only you attended these extra classes that we give you, it won’t be that hard!


R: (*shocked because daughter raised her voice) now you’re raising your voice at me! Then what is it
about? We are giving you everything, so that you can be successful and never give us disappointments.
Right now I am so ashamed of your actions

(*d about to saying something, mother stopped her)(*massage head) go to your room! And study!


AM: Good morning class get a piece of paper and answer quietly.

F1: oh god, I forgot to study

F2: me too, hey krystal can u share some of your answers later?

D: sure, I’m not sure though if they’ll be correct, I’m not really good at math

AM: okay class listen up, take your sit and check your scores, any clarifications and questions, just come
to me

D: What?!? 20 out of 50? My parents are gonna kill me. (worried face)

F2: really? Well we got 47

D: wow, lucky you guys

F1: aw don’t be sad, you know what let’s have a girl’s night out! (f1&2 excited)

D: I’m not really sure if I could come…

F2: oh shush, you always say that, but in the end you always come. So come on!


BG: can I see your ID’s?

F1: (gave their id)

BG: okay, you can come inside

(*girls are dancing)

B: (approaching F1) yo, I’d like you to meet my friend, pakito, he sells this awesome diamond (giving
hint through eyes)

F1: nice, how much is it this time?

DD: Only ₱250 each sachet, deal?

D: what are you guys doing? Those aren’t diamonds, the guard is looking hide it.

B: oh were cool, the guard’s with us.

F2: I want one

F1: me too, do you want one krystal?

D: no thank you(*getting scared to get caught)

DD: I’ll give it to you for ₱150

D:(*hesitates but she still bought it)


Few days after clubbing

W: (*mad) KRYSTAL! Your teacher called me saying that the principal wants to see me, and she wants to
talk to me about YOU misbehaving lately, and they received a report about you using some suspected
illegal drugs?

D: dad I can explain

W: what is this about? Are you being rebellious after everything we have done! After all the sacrifices
and hardship me and your mother did just to give you what you need and want! I don’t wanna hear any
explanation, I’m so disappointed. You’re grounded!

D: you don’t have any idea how I feel living in this house, I can’t even call this my home, it-its hell

R: if you have been just obeying us this wouldn’t have happened

D: You think of me as a robot, no feelings, just obeying orders

R: it is for your own good!

D: SHUT UP MOM! (*shout)

W: (* slaps daughter) how dare you talk to your mother like that

D: (*holds her face) I’m done being your daughter *D leaves the house

*Knocking at the door**raining

BF: hello who is it?

D: it’s me

BF: omg, did something happen?

D: I am ashamed of myself for what I’ve done, help me

BF: come inside it’s raining, let’s talk about it.*BF comforts daughter


Principal: 3 days have passed and she is not going to school anymore

W: I am a bit worried about her *daughter entered the principal room

D: dad I have something to tell you

R: wait let us apologize first

W: krystal I deeply regret what your mother and I have done to you

R: from now on we will change our ways, and we will listen to you, your bestfriend told us everything.
Were sorry krystal, we did’nt know.

D: mom, dad I’m also sorry for disobeying you *group hug

P: I am afraid to ruin the moment but Ms. Krystal, you have to do your best again, don’t ruin the second
chance this school gave you.

D: yes sir

P: And to the parents, I suggest you have her checked, she used some illegal drugs let’s prevent her from
getting addicted.

Parents: Yes principal.

D: actually, I didn’t use the drugs, I know it’s a bad thing to do. After my friends told me to buy, I threw it
when they weren’t watching. I’m really sorry principal for creating this mess, and mom dad, thank you
for everything.

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