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Read the article about chocolate and then answer the following questions.

#1-What form of chocolate has been most commonly enjoyed throughout its history?
As a drink

#2-On which continent were cacao trees first found?

South America

#3-Which type of insect is needed in order for cacao trees to produce fruit?

A tiny fly

#4-What is a seed compared with in terms of its size?

An olive

#5-How often are the pods picked from cacao trees?

Twice a year

#6-Which part of the seed is kept after the roasting process?

The nib

#7-What changes are made to cocoa powder by a method that was invented in the
1880s? Give two details.
Make it taste more of chocolate and make it darker in colour

#8-What is the recommended maximum time to keep chocolate frozen?

18 months

#9-What are the problems associated with cacao production? Give four details.
Climate change, tree's inactivity for years before producing fruits, the black pod disease and

cacao harvesting

Read the article about four people (A–D) who are interested in photography. Then answer
Question 10(a)–(j).
1 For each question, write the correct letter A, B, C or D in the right column of the table.

For the following, which person …

(a) explains how taking good photos has improved their confidence? B

(b) says that taking photos helps them think about everyday things differently? C

(c) mentions that changes in camera design have made photography more A

(d) explains how they use photos to give people a better understanding of their C

(e) says that they avoid copying the style of other photographers? A

(f) says that their memories of events are stronger because of photos they have D

(g) mentions enjoying the technical side of photography? B

(h) says that using a basic camera gave them pleasure when they started out? A

(i) mentions having a camera with them every day in case they want to take a D

(j) suggests that there is still a lot they can learn from experts in the subject? C
Exercise 3

2 Read the article about a man called Marco who lives and works alone on a tiny island off the
coast of the UK.
Write a summary about the duties Marco is required to carry out as part of his
job. Your summary should be about 100 words long (and no more than 120 words
long). You should use your own words as much as possible.
You will receive up to 10 marks for the content of your summary and up to 10 marks for the style
and accuracy of your language.

Marco runs a little local tourist board on an inhabited island off the east coast of
the UK. Every day, he starts with a bit of beach cleaning, which he is very keen
on. He also repairs the island buildings. Marco lives a very eco-friendly life with
the solar panels he has installed on his roof.

Recently, with wifi being available, he now reports the island's wildlife to a
national database. He runs boat tours around the island for the tourists. He has
set up a website, which gets regular interactions. He gives monthly lectures for
those who want to know more about the island. After work, he relaxes, while
smelling the sea and the flower in his garden.
Exercise 4

3 You recently took part in a talent show organized at your school. You came second, and you
won some prize money.
Write an email to your friend about the experience.
In your email, you should:
• describe what you did in the talent show
• explain how you felt about the experience
• say what you have decided to do with your prize money.
Your email should be between 75 and 100 words long.
You will receive up to 3 marks for the content of your email, and up to 4 marks for the language used.


Y'know, just recently I won second place for

a talent show. I don't even know how I won. I
sang a song and everyone clapped, but
there was someone who did waaay~ better
than me. Getting a medal and the prize was
so nerve-racking. I was literally shaking.
Anyways, so I got money as the prize and I
decided to donate to those in Ukraine who
are facing some atrocities right now.

XOXO <3, Han Phone

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