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Course Description
            This is the first experiential course, which will immerse a future teacher in
an actual classroom situation and learning environment where direct observation
of teaching learning episodes that focuses on the application of educational
theories learned in content and pedagogy courses will be made. Observations on
learner’s behavior, motivation and teacher’s strategies of teaching, classroom
management and assessment in learning among others shall be given emphasis.
A portfolio shall be required in the course

            This course is designed to help the field study students verify the behavior
of the student in the actual learning environment. It will require them to
recognize feasible approaches to facilitate learning considering the learner’s
different phases of development and social environment

Course Mapping
Field Study 1 can be anchored on these Professional Education subjects as follow:
✔ Child and Adolescent Development
✔ Facilitating Learning
✔ Social Dimension of Education

Content written by CA. Cubillas

Layout and editing made by ML Herrera
Course Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of this episode, students are expected to:
1. Describe how a safe and secure learning environment contributes to
the physical, socio-emotional and cognitive development of learners,
2. Determine ways of addressing learner’s diversity in terms of gender,
needs, interests, cultural background and difficult circumstances,
3. Appraise how the teacher manifests her/his personal and professional
4. Illustrate the teaching-learning process and the use of ICT to promote
quality relevant and sustainable education processes,
5. Assess the various classroom management strategies observed in the
6. Analyze concepts, theories and principles in curriculum development
in actual classroom settings.
7. Evaluate assessment and reporting practices done in the classroom,
8. Formulate one’s philosophy of teaching.

Learning Episode 2
Content written by CA. Cubillas
Layout and editing made by ML Herrera
Leaners’ Characteristics, Needs and Interests
Submitted by: John Paul R. Daug

Submitted to: s Grace T. Flores, Ed.D

Date Submitted: October 16, 2022

This Episode provides the pre-service teachers an opportunity to observe learners of
different ages and levels of learning applied to effective learning. It also enables the PST
to determine the learner's characteristics and needs, for them to be able to plan and
implement an appropriate activities and assessment.

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this episode, pre-service teacher should be able to:
✔ to identify and describe the different characteristics, needs and interests of the
learners from different developmental levels.

My Performance
I will be rated with the following criteria:
✔ Quality of my observations and documentations
✔ Completeness and depth of my analysis
✔ Depth and clarity of my classroom observation-based reflections,
✔ Completeness, organization, clarity of my portfolio and
✔ Time of submission of my portfolio

My Performance How will I be rated?

Scale: Excellent -5, Very Satisfactory- 4, Satisfactory – 3, Poor -2, Very Poor -1

Content written by CA. Cubillas

Layout and editing made by ML Herrera
Task 1- My Observation/ Documentation Score

Content written by CA. Cubillas

Layout and editing made by ML Herrera
All done outstanding quality; work exceeds expectation 5
All or nearly all tasks done with high quality 4
Nearly all tasks done with acceptable quality 3
Fewer than half of tasks done; or most objectives meet but with poor quality 2
Never of the task done, no objectives meet and very poor quality 1
Task 2- My Analysis
Analysis of questions are answered completely; in depth answers thoroughly based on theories/ 5
All or nearly all tasks are done with high quality. Analysis of questions are answered
completely. Clear in connection with theories / exemplar.
Analysis questions were satisfactory and answered completely. Vaguely related to the theories 3
Analysis of questions are not all answered. Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory 2
Analysis of questions has completely no answer. Grammar and spelling are very poor 1
Task 3- My Reflection
Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode 5
Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode. 4
Reflection statements are shallows; supported by the experiences from the episode. 3
Reflection statements are unclear and shallows and are not supported 2
Reflection statements are not totally cleared, and shallows are not supported by experiences
from the episodes.

Task 4- My Learning Artifacts

Portfolio is complete, clear; well-organized and all supporting documentation which located in
sections clearly
Portfolio is complete, clear, well- organized and most supporting documentation is available
and/or in logical and clearly marked locations.
Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation on organized but is lacking 3
Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear 2
Portfolio has completely lacked component is unorganized and very poor 1
Task 5 - My Submission
Two days before deadline 5
On the deadline 4
A day after the deadline 3
Two days after the deadline 2
Three days after the deadline 1
Total Score

Overall Score My Rating

Transmutation to grade/rating
Score          Grade .
20               1.00               99 Reminder
18-19              1.25                96 At the end of this

Content written by CA. Cubillas

Layout and editing made by ML Herrera
17                    1.50                93 activity, a pre-service
16                    1.75                90 teacher should be able
15                    2.00                87 to determine a school
14                    2.25                84 environment that
provides social,
12-13              2.50                81
psychological and
11                    2.75                78
physical environment
10                    3.00                75 learning.
Numerical rating
7 below        5.00

Descriptive rating

My Observation
An Observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics

My Tools
As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet as a guide during the
observation then analyze and reflect my observation with the help of guide

✔ Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation

report on the provided space.
o Observe their gross motor skills. How they carry themselves.
How they mov, walk run, go upstairs, etc.
o Are gross movements clumsy or deliberate/smooth?
o How about their fine motor skills? Writing, drawing etc.
o Describe how they interact with teachers and other adults.
o Note how they also interact with peers. What do they talk about?
What are their concerns?
o Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the

Content written by CA. Cubillas

Layout and editing made by ML Herrera
learners. (happy, sad, easily cries, mood-shifts)
o How do they express their wants/needs? Can they wait?
o How do they handle frustrations?
o Describe their level of confidence as shown in their behavior.
Are they self-conscious?
o Describe their ability to use words to communicate their ideas.
Note their language proficiency.
o Describe how they figure out things. Do they comprehend easily?
Look for evidence of their thinking skills.
o Were there opportunities for problem solving? Describe how they
showed problem solving abilities.

Learners’ Development Matrix

✔ Guided by these tasks as you do your observation, accomplish the matrix
to record your data.
✔  Record the data you gathered about the learners’ characteristics and
needs in this matrix. This will allow you to compare the characteristics and
needs of learners at different levels. The items under each domain are by
no means exhaustive. There are sample indicators. You may add other
aspects which you may have observed.
Development Preschooler Elementary  High School
Domain Age Range: 3-4 Age Range: 7-8 Age Range: 15-16
Gross-motor skills Running Jumping Throwing a ball
Fine-motor skills Copying a circle or They are able to read Active in
imitating a cross and write. Writing participating
on lines group activity.
Problem solver
Self-skill help Dressing self Showering Agility and
independently and independently but adaptability of
feeding self without need assistance with the environment.
difficulty hair and body Being self-aware

Interaction with Showing energy to As a result of their Students
Teachers the teachers in curiosity and as a collaborate with
playing method of teachers in all of

Content written by CA. Cubillas

Layout and editing made by ML Herrera
learning, students their activities
frequently ask the and link their
teacher some social
questions about the interactions.
topic they don’t
Interaction with Playing constantly Usually, they are Communicating
classmates/ with their playing after class. through social
friends classmates media
 Interests Playing Singing, Dancing, Mobile Games,
Arts and Crafts Team sports,
Creative writing
and studying

Moods and Expressing their These Need for
temperament, feelings through developmental opportunity to
facial expressions, phases in children express oneself
through their body, are marked by and grow a
their behaviour and increased social sense of
play. engagement and community
curiosity, as well
as a propensity to
become energized
and enthusiastic
expression of They convey the They might They use
feelings fundamental express their writing, singing,
emotions of emotions and dancing as a
sadness, joy, and physically, means of
rage. inappropriately, or expressing their
in negative ways. emotions.
Emotional As they mature, It gets more  They develop the
independence they get the emotionally ability to control
confidence to significant to have their emotions.
maintain a pretty friends as they They engage in
social and self-
regulated lifestyle. become friendlier.

My Map
To realize my learning outcomes, I will work my way through these steps:

Content written by CA. Cubillas

Layout and editing made by ML Herrera
Step 1 Step2 Step 4
Create a short Describe the Step 3 Reflect on how the
checklist of the classroom Evaluate the impact of the
classroom's environment and learner's conduct classroom
components to how it enables all in relation to the environment
help children in students to take data received from affects the
preschool, part in the the checklist. students.
primary, and high learning activities.

My Analysis

Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you observed.
Based on these characteristics, think of implications for the teacher.


Content written by CA. Cubillas

Layout and editing made by ML Herrera
Salient Elementary High School
Characteristics Age range of Age range of
Age range of Learners
Observed learners learners
observed 3-4
observed 7-8 observed 15-16

They will want to

explore and ask about They are playful, They are interested in co-
the things around them Talkative, Naughty, and curricular activities and
even more. Friendly. like practical activities.

In order to increase The teacher must Teachers should facilitate

student challenge, teacher assess the behaviour of more challenging
motivation is important. the students to focus. activities for the high
school student.

Implications to the Teaching Learning Process

Content written by CA. Cubillas

Layout and editing made by ML Herrera
My Reflection
Write a brief reflection of your feelings and insights from your observation
experiences. Write your answers in the blank space below with a maximum of 30
words per number only.

While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when
you were their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners
you observed?

As I observe the students at ANHS and BCSAT Annex, I am reminded of the times when I
was their age. I can recall both the similarities and the differences. The similarities are
playing with my peers and running around in the classroom when the teacher is present.
The difference is when I got warned by the teacher, I behave immediately because I am
scared of my teacher unlike the students nowadays are so hard headed and not listening
to their teacher.

Think of a teacher you cannot forget

for positive or negative reasons? Share your other insights here.

My class adviser from my first year of

high school is the instructor I will never As a future educator, we must support
forget because of the consideration he and be patient with our students.
showed me during my time as a student- Students are still forming and increasing
athlete. He aids me in filling in my gaps their knowledge. We should talk about
so that I can receive a fair grade, subjects that are compatible with their
because of his assistance, which means a level of intelligence.
lot to me, it truly inspires me more.

Content written by CA. Cubillas

Layout and editing made by ML Herrera
My Learning Artifacts
What is your favorite theory of development? How can this guide you as a future teacher?
Write in a minimum of 30 words and maximum of 50 words only.

My favorite theory of development is behavioural, it's

because behaviour is more important nowadays.
Assumption of the behavioural theory is that all
actions are learned through interactions with the
Your future

Your theory

Content written by CA. Cubillas

Layout and editing made by ML Herrera

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