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By Lemuel Nunez

Understanding the self
Synthesis report

Name: Lemuel Nunez

Topic: Sexual self
One of the most important parts of your health and taking care of your body is knowing
about your sexuality. Yes, that’s what we said. Sexuality. This is not just about sex.
It means understanding all about your body, your feelings, and healthy relationships. Almost
every teen thinks he or she knows all about sex, but sexuality is more than sex. It’s about
building caring relationships and caring about other people. It’s important to ask questions so
you remain safe, secure, and responsible.
First, sexuality means you should know about your body and know the words for the different
body parts. This is important because it is YOUR body.
But it’s also important because if you have a health concern, you can share your concerns
with a doctor, so that he or she will understand your concern.

A healthy relationship with someone that you care about is important for your
health, too. You always deserve to be treated well. If you feel like the person you
love or care deeply about is not treating you well, be sure to talk with someone
about it. You deserve better!

The important of this topic, sexuality is central to your self-identity, and not being able to
express this is damaging to your sense of self-worth and overall mental health. For some, coming
out leads to acceptance and support, but this may not always be the case.
Name: Lemuel Nunez
Topic: Material economic self
The material self consists of things that belong to a person or entities that a person
belongs to. Thus, things like the body, family, clothes, money, and such make up the material
According for James, the core of the material self was the body. Second to the body, James
felt a person's clothes were important to the material self. He believed a person's clothes were
one way they expressed who they felt they were; or clothes were a way to show status, thus
contributing to forming and maintaining one's self-image.
Money and family are critical parts of the material self. James felt that if one lost a family
member, a part of who they are was lost also. Money figured in one's material self in a similar
way. If once a person had significant money then lost it, who they were as a person changed as
The important things of material and economic self-consist of things that belong to a
person or entities that a person belongs to. Thus, things like the body, family, clothes, money,
and such make up the material self. For James, the core of the material self was the body.
Name: Lemuel Nunez
Topic: Mental self
The most essential thing I have learned about mental health is that self-care comes first. It's
so vital that you will struggle to even survive without it. Self-care entails looking after your
health on all levels, not just physically but also intellectually and emotionally. It entails eating
well, exercising, socializing with friends, engaging in hobbies.
Mental health also is the key to success in life. A mentally strong person will be able to
achieve good health, relations, social life and satisfaction in work. Thinking about the things
which are not in our control drains our mental energy.
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we
think, feel, and act.
It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices.
Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through
I realize that Mental health it is important. It impacts how we feel, think, and behave each
day. Our mental health also contributes to our decision making, problem solving, how we deal
with stress, and how we can relate to others in our lives. That's why, we have to always care
about our own mental health
Name: Lemuel Nunez
Topic: Spiritual self
I learned about spiritual self that spirituality is all conditions in the human mind related to
the role of the soul as the essence of the life.
Spiritual self-reliance is essential to our eternal well-being. When we are spiritually
independent, our testimony does not depend on the testimony of others.
We seek our own spiritual experiences through praying daily, studying the scriptures, and
exercising faith in Jesus Christ. We rely on Heavenly Father for His help in dealing with our
difficult problems. We are also able to strengthen others when they need spirituality.
In this material each lesson, help the youth make the connections between what they are
learning in various situations (such as personal study, seminary, other Church classes, or
experiences with their friends).
In this topic the important things are spiritually healthy person has a clear purpose in life and
is able to reflect on the meaning of events. They also have clearly defined ideas of right and
wrong and are able to act accordingly. Some people follow specific religious practices, while
others may pursue a general sense of harmony and self-awareness.
Name: Lemuel Nunez
Topic: The digital self

For the past years, our technology has evolved, and along with its evolvement are the
people who also adapt to its development. Everybody has a social media account, and each and
everyone has a different personality from our social media and our personality in real life. This is
what we called our digital self.
The digital self is the personal you use when you’re online. Some people maintain one or more
online identifies that are distinct from their “real world” selves; others have a single online self-
that’s more or less the same as the one they inhabit in the real world.
The digital world it so very important because they see Image of result for the digital world
even if you are in some other part of the world, digital technology allows you to connect with
friends, family, and work remotely. You can communicate using words, audio, video, and other
media. Software, Websites, and apps have all been developed to assist users in socializing.
Name: Lemuel Nunez
Topic: Emotional self

Emotional Self-Awareness is the capacity to tune into your own feelings, sense inner signals,
and recognize how your feelings affect you and your performance. It is an important skill for
leadership at any level, as well as many aspects of life.
I learned of this topic developing Emotional Self-Awareness is that it allows us to understand
how our bodily sensations and our emotions impact ourselves, others, and our environment. Each
moment is an opportunity to be self-aware.
Thus, the more we practice it, the more proficient we become and the greater our capacity
to recognize the space between stimuli and our response to that stimuli, ensuring a more
conscious and skillful approach.
Without Emotional Self-Awareness, it is difficult to become proficient in and consistently use
the other Emotional and Social Intelligence Competencies.
The important of Emotional awareness helps us know what we need and want (or don't want!).
It helps us build better relationships. That's because being aware of our emotions can help us talk
about feelings more clearly, avoid or resolve conflicts better, and move past difficult feelings
more easily.
Name: Lemuel Nunez
Topic: The Political self

Base on my understanding Political self is the side of a person concerned with laws or other
political features. One can ask oneself which of one's rights are at risk. This would reveal which
political stance would serve one's own interests.
As an essential part of the self, political self organizes self-relevant information when it
comes to politics as well as to it constitute knowledge in constitution, government, and
governance. It also shows us the relationship between the state and its citizens in describing their
rights, freedom, and obligations as a certain individual.
A political deal with political or governmental issues. It is a piece of writing made as a way
to practice in interpreting specific political theories. It is usually composed of historical
information and statistics and is somewhat similar to writing a rhetorical analysis
My concerns to help myself become much more aware and improve for the better The
Political Self is developed whenever we are involved in an argument and the desire to speak for
things like the body, family,
clothes, money, and such make
up the material self. For James,
the core of the
material self was the body.
Second to the body, James felt a
person's clothes were important
to the
material self. He believed a
person's clothes were one way
they expressed who they felt
they were; or
clothes were a way to show
status, thus contributing to
forming and maintaining one's
self-image. Money
and family are critical parts of
the material self. James felt that
if one lost a

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