Entrenamiento en Formación Sanitaria

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original research

Integrative Health Coach Training: A Model for Shifting

the Paradigm Toward Patient-centricity and Meeting New
Author Affiliations
National Prevention Goals
Duke Integrative
Medicine, Duke University
Health System and School Entrenamiento en formación sanitaria integral: Modelo de cambio hacia un paradig-
of Nursing and Center for
Research on Prospective ma centrado en el paciente que cumpla los nuevos objetivos nacionales de prevención
Health Care (Dr Simmons);
Duke Integrative Medicine Linda L. Smith, PA, United States; Noelle H. Lake, MD, United States; Leigh Ann Simmons, PhD, United States; Adam
and Department of Perlman, MD, MPH, United States; Shelley Wroth, MD, United States; Ruth Q. Wolever, PhD, United States
Medicine, Duke School of
Medicine (Dr Perlman);
Duke Integrative Medicine
and Department of
Abstract allow greater patient-centricity Sinopsis
Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Duke School
Objective: To describe the evolu- while targeting the lifestyle-related Objetivo: Describir la evolución, la
of Medicine (Dr Wroth); tion, training, and results of an chronic disease that lies at the heart formación y los resultados de una
Duke Integrative Medicine emerging allied health profession of the current healthcare crisis. profesión sanitaria asociada emer-
and Department of
skilled in eliciting sustainable gente capaz de lograr un cambio sos-
Psychiatry & Behavioral
Sciences, Duke School of health-related behavior change and tenible en las conductas relacionadas
Medicine (Dr Wolever); charged with improving patient 摘要 con la salud y que se encarga de mejo-
Duke Integrative engagement. 目标:介绍一种新兴协联健康职 rar el compromiso de los pacientes.
Medicine, (Ms Smith),
Durham, North Carolina.
Methods: Through techniques 业在引导患者可持续地改变健康 Métodos: A través de técnicas proce-
Noelle Lake Coaching sourced from humanistic and posi- 相关行为、主导改善患者参与程 dentes de la psicología humanista y
(private practice), tive psychology, solution-focused 度上的进展、培训和成效。 positiva, de terapias centradas en las
Brooklyn, New York
and mindfulness-based therapies, 方法: 综合健康辅导 (IHC) 利 soluciones y en la atención plena,
(Dr Lake).
and leadership coaching, Integrative 用源自于人本主义心理学和积极 así como del entrenamiento en
Correspondence Health Coaching (IHC) provides a 心理学的技术、关注解决疗法和 liderazgo, la formación sanitaria
Ruth Q. Wolever, PhD mechanism to empower patients 正念疗法,并进行领导力辅导而 integral (IHC, por sus siglas en
through various stages of learning 确定了一种机制,赋予患者能力 inglés) proporciona un mecanismo
Citation and change. IHC also provides a 以完成不同阶段的学习和改 para capacitar a los pacientes a lo
Global Adv Health Med. method for the creation and imple- 变。IHC 还提供了一种方法,用 largo de diversas etapas de apren-
2013;2(3):66-74. DOI:
mentation of forward-focused per- 以创建和执行具前瞻性的个性化 dizaje y de cambio. La IHC propor-
sonalized health plans. 健康计划。 ciona un método para la creación y
Key Words Results: Clinical studies employing 成效: 该等临床研究采用杜克 la implantación de planes sanitarios
Health coaching, Duke University Integrative Med­ 大学综合医学的 IHC 模式,证 personalizados orientados al futuro.
behavior change, chronic
icine’s model of IHC have demon- 明对糖尿病和糖尿病风险、体重 Resultados: Diversos estudios
disease prevention,
Patient Protection and strated improvements in measures of 控制以及心血管疾病和中风风险 clínicos que han adoptado el mod-
Affordable Care Act diabetes and diabetes risk, weight 的测量方法均已获改进。通过支 elo IHC de medicina integral de la
management, and risk for cardiovas- 持并赋能有关人士为改善其健康 Universidad de Duke han revelado
The authors completed
cular disease and stroke. By support- 状况而做出重大生活方式改 mejoras en las mediciones relacio-
the ICMJE Form for ing and enabling individuals in mak- 变,IHC 有可能降低慢性疾病的 nadas con la diabetes y el riesgo de
Disclosure of Potential ing major lifestyle changes for the 患病几率和发病率,并且影响健 diabetes, el control del peso, y el
Conflicts of Interest, and
improvement of their health, IHC 康护理的多个方面。 riesgo de enfermedades cardiovas-
Dr Simmons disclosed a
grant from the Center for carries the potential to reduce rates 结论:作为一个旨在进行患者赋 culares y de accidentes cerebrovas-
Personalized Medicine and and morbidity of chronic disease and 能和生活方式修正的教育和临床 culares. Al apoyar y permitir a los
the National Institutes of impact myriad aspects of healthcare. 创新模式,IHC 非常符合最近批 individuos introducir cambios
Health (NIH)/NIH Heart,
Lung, and Blood Institute
Conclusion: As a model of educa- 准的联邦健康护理改革的原则和 importantes en el estilo de vida
to Duke Integrative tional and clinical innovation aimed 目标,尤其是在创建首个全国预 para mejorar su salud, la IHC conl-
Medicine. Ms Smith dis- at patient empowerment and life- 防和健康促进战略 (National leva un potencial para reducir los
closed receipt of payment
style modification, IHC is aligned Prevention and Health índices y la morbilidad por enfer-
for lectures including
service on speakers
well with the tenets and goals of Promotion Strategy) 上。 medades crónicas, además de afec-
bureaus from the US recently sanctioned federal health- 实践意义: IHC 在针对与生活 tar a numerosos aspectos de la aten-
Department of Veterans care reform, specifically the creation 方式相关且处于当前健康护理 ción sanitaria.
Affairs. Drs Perlman,
of the first National Prevention and 危机核心之慢性疾病的同时, Conclusiones: Como modelo de
Wolever, and Wroth
reported no relevant Health Promotion Strategy. 可能允许更加注重患者的中心 innovación educativa y clínica dirigi-
financial interests. Practice Implications: IHC may 性作用。 do a la capacitación de los pacientes y

66 Volume 2, Number 3 • May 2013 • www.gahmj.com Original Research


a la modificación del estilo de vida, la la primera Estrategia Nacional de centrarse más en el paciente a la vez
IHC concuerda bien con los prin- Prevención y Promoción de la Salud que aborda las enfermedades cróni-
cipios y los objetivos de la reforma estadounidense. cas relacionadas con el estilo de vida
sanitaria federal recientemente apro- Implicaciones para la práctica que constituyen el centro de la crisis
bada, en particular con la creación de clínica: La IHC puede permitir el sanitaria actual.

Introduction able chronic disease have increased significantly in the

Lifestyle-related chronic disease lies at the heart of last 3 decades and are expected to affect approximately
the current healthcare crisis in the United States and 170 million Americans—more than half the popula-
with it, a large gap between healthcare provider recom- tion—by 2030.9 Further, the number of Americans
mendations and sustainable patient action. An allied with comorbidities is also on the rise; the proportion of
health professional skilled in the art of eliciting sustain- US adults with three or more chronic conditions nearly
able health-related behavior change and charged with doubled between 1996 (7%) and 2005 (13%).10
improving patient engagement and activation is The significant rise in chronic disease rates has
urgently needed. Along with an emerging number of contributed to rapidly increasing national healthcare
other professional training programs (described below), costs. The United States currently spends over $2 tril-
the Integrative Health Coach Professional Training lion annually on healthcare.11 In addition, the yearly
(IHCPT) program at Duke University was developed for cost of lost productivity due to chronic illness-related
this purpose. As a model of educational and clinical absenteeism from work is approximately $1 trillion.12
innovation aimed at patient empowerment and life- Among patients insured privately, through Medicaid,
style modification, integrative health coaching (IHC) is or through Medicare, expenditures for treatment of
aligned well with the tenets and goals of recently sanc- individuals with chronic disease comprise 74%, 83%,
tioned federal healthcare reform, specifically the cre- and nearly 100% of total healthcare expenditures,
ation of the first National Prevention and Health respectively.9 Without significant changes in our
Promotion Strategy. approach to care, annual healthcare expenditures are
Nearly 50 years ago, a need for greater consumer forecasted to reach $4.6 trillion by 2020.11
access to high-quality medical care sparked the devel-
opment of a new allied healthcare profession, the phy- Three Key Contributors to a Chronic Disease
sician assistant (PA). The nation’s first three PAs gradu- Epidemic
ated in 1967 from the PA training program at Duke Several key factors contributing to the present
University, Durham, North Carolina, which is now epidemic of chronic diseases have been well described.
considered the birthplace of PA training.1 Today, more First, the design of our current healthcare delivery sys-
than 80 000 nationally certified PAs work interdepen- tem, including its reimbursement structure, is heavily
dently with physicians as an integral part of the health- weighted toward management of disease events over
care team, adding efficiency and quality in a wide vari- the use of foresight, planning, and disease preven-
ety of healthcare settings.2 More than 150 accredited tion.6,7,13 Attempts to improve outcomes and reduce
training programs have been established at medical costs using innovative disease management programs
centers, colleges, and universities across the United have proven to be financially unsustainable within a
States. With the backing of the medical community, an system that rewards hospitalizations and invasive pro-
innovative solution to a system-wide shortcoming cedures while penalizing outpatient care, risk manage-
transformed the delivery of healthcare.3 ment, and patient support.14,15 Financial incentives
Today, a critical problem facing the nation’s health- should be inclusive of interventions and technologies
care system is the prevalence of lifestyle-related chronic that achieve desired outcomes at earlier stages before
diseases. The US Centers for Disease Control and the need arises for costly, invasive treatments often
Prevention (CDC) has deemed chronic disease “the pub- required at advanced stages of disease.
lic health challenge of the 21st century.”4 Again, there is Second, the medical community frequently fails to
a need for creative solutions to daunting challenges. To take full advantage of scientific discoveries, specifical-
that end, the pioneering of a new allied healthcare pro- ly, an ever-expanding body of research that attests to
fession is again underway. The past 10 years have wit- the central role of lifestyle in the development of most
nessed the birth and rapid expansion of IHC, which is chronic diseases.7 Decades of research have linked a
poised to fill a hole in our current healthcare system variety of lifestyle factors—such as inactivity, the
and address the need for skilled professionals trained in Western diet, smoking, and sustained stress response—
the science and art of health-related behavior change. with increased risk for major illnesses and death.4,16
Further, the burgeoning field of epigenetics is increas-
An Opening for Change ingly able to provide molecular substantiation of the
Failure of the Disease-care System critical roles of environment and behavior toward risk
The complex challenges facing our current health- of chronic disease.17-19 Lacking an appropriate empha-
care system are well documented.5-8 Rates of prevent- sis on lifestyle modification, the current healthcare

Original Research www.gahmj.com • May 2013 • Volume 2, Number 3 67


model is not aligned with these and other data confirm- whole-person model was the University of Minnesota
ing lifestyle-related issues as arguably the major deter- (UMN) in 2005. UMN currently offers substantive
minant of health. coach training for non–degree seekers through a post-
Last, patients often lack a sense of motivation and baccalaureate certificate and as a component of mas-
authority to participate in their own care at the level ter’s-level or doctorate-level coursework.25 Other aca-
required for lasting health.7 This phenomenon is gain- demic institutions also offer coach training embedded
ing the attention of researchers and clinicians and has within programs of graduate study toward master’s
been termed low patient engagement and activation. degrees. For example, the California Institute of
“Patient engagement” refers to actions individuals Integral Studies in San Francisco offers multidisci-
must take in order to benefit from the healthcare sys- plinary training including coaching toward a master of
tem.20 “Patient activation” has been defined as the cul- arts (MA) degree in integrative health studies. Likewise,
tivation of knowledge, skills, and confidence to man- coaching coursework is incorporated into the MA in
age one’s own health.21 Low patient engagement and holistic health education curriculum at John F.
activation stem from a wide range of internal and Kennedy University (Pleasant Hill, California).24 (See
external barriers, including low awareness of risk, lim- the Health Coaching Education Roundtable at www.
ited perspectives on possible improvements, distrust of gahmj.com for a broader discussion of educational ini-
providers, values conflicts, competing commitments, tiatives in health and wellness coaching.)
social pressures, and/or environmental obstacles at
home or work. Physicians and other clinicians typical- Terminology Considerations in a New Field
ly lack the necessary time and expertise to explore In the medical literature, the term health coaching
issues related to behavior change with patients.13 As a has been applied to a broad range of interventions
result, the need for a mechanism for successful, sus- aimed at improving health outcomes, from digital
tained patient engagement and activation—a crucial automated messages on the minimal end to a program
component of chronic disease prevention—is not met of sessions with rigorously trained professionals skilled
in the current system.22 in individualized, patient-centered strategies for sus-
tainable behavior change on the intensive end. With
Integrative Health Coaching Fills a Critical Gap no current consensus on the definition of health coach-
The field of IHC and the model developed at Duke ing and wide variations in training, methodology, and
Integrative Medicine answer the need for a new health- scope of practice, a rigorous evidence base is lacking,
care professional skilled at the facilitation of patient and medical literature that exists on the subject is vul-
engagement and activation. Key functions of IHC pres- nerable to misinterpretation.26 (See the articles by
ent tenable solutions to the aforementioned three Wolever, Simmons, and Sforzo in this issue.)
flaws in the current system: (1) cultivation of foresight IHC, as conceived and operationalized at Duke
for proactive health planning, (2) a focus on lifestyle, Integrative Medicine, is taught through the IHCPT cur-
and (3) a high degree of personalization, clarifying each riculum there. Distinct from some other forms of
person’s vision, values, and linked goals while address- health coaching, the word integrative reflects its roots in
ing internal and external obstacles to success. As such, integrative medicine (IM) and its alignment with IM
IHC represents a major shift from the current medical values of whole-person care, patient-centeredness,
paradigm and a venue for much needed change.23 mindfulness, and healthy lifestyle (Figure 1).

Duke integrative medicine’s Model of Origins of the Duke Integrative Health Coaching
Integrative Health Coaching Training
The Rise of Health Coach Training The IHCPT trains professionals with various back-
In recent years, a number of institutions have grounds in healthcare in an interpersonal coaching
begun to offer training in health and wellness coaching technique aimed at empowering patients to make and
using widely varying entry requirements, formats, cur- sustain healthy lifestyle choices. The program sprung
ricula, and concentration of study and practice.24 from two fundamental observations. The first was that
Corporations may train their own coaches in the pro- people often struggle to make and sustain health-relat-
motion of their own health-related product or pack- ed behavior changes, even when well informed and
age.25 Private programs such as Wellcoaches (Wellesley, seemingly motivated. The second was that a clinical
Massachusetts) and Real Balance Global Wellness professional specifically educated and trained to part-
Services (Fort Collins, Colorado) offer a range of train- ner with patients to affect behavior change is absent
ing in health promotion and wellness coaching while from the present system. To fill this gap, Duke began
other programs such as the Bark Coaching Institute developing and testing IHC in 2002, and the founda-
(San Francisco, California) and the National Institute of tion and certification programs were launched in 2008
Whole Health (Wellesley Center, Massachusetts) offer and 2010, respectively.
coach training based on similar holistic principles IHC is a new field but draws on 8 decades of theory
described in this article.24,25 The first academic institu- and research in developmental and humanistic psychol-
tion to offer in-depth health coach training using a ogy. Specifically, developmental psychology theory

68 Volume 2, Number 3 • May 2013 • www.gahmj.com Original Research


Figure 1 Duke Integrative Medicine Wheel of Health.

Copyright © 2010 by Duke University on behalf of Duke Integrative Medicine. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. MCOC-8720

holds that individuals use goals and planning to create that people have innate wisdom, strength, and creativity
their futures through continued learning and through that, when skillfully recruited, will guide them to health
moving toward self-individuation by living “on pur- more efficiently than will external advice.26
pose.”27-36 Humanistic psychology emphasizes this
sense of purpose and interpersonal connectedness in What Integrative Health Coaching Is Not
understanding motivation.37 More recent work further Duke-trained integrative health (IH) coaches are
articulates the underpinnings of IHC through self- differentiated from a number of related professions by
determination theory and the subsequent self-concor- a distinct set of skills and practices. IH coaches do pro-
dance theory.38-41 These theories explain the motiva- vide health education when requested by patients, but
tional basis of goal selection and its relationship to an IH coaches have additional skill sets and hold a differ-
individual’s core values. Taken together in a healthcare ent stance than that of typical health educators. While
context, these theorists consider patients as lifelong coaches may have a wide knowledge base of medical
learners whose individual values and sense of purpose issues and diverse healthcare resources, their area of
facilitate their potential for change. expertise is not medicine—it is specifically in building
The field of coaching adds to this underlying frame- motivation for behavior change. The main role of an IH
work specific techniques derived from 5 decades of out- coach is not to educate but to assist the patient in bring-
comes data in psychotherapy and brief solution-focused ing about change that the patient holds as important.
therapies.42-45 These techniques focus not on pathology Often in collaboration with clinicians and educators
but on behavior change. IHC is thus built on the assertion who design and clarify treatment plans, IH coaches

Original Research www.gahmj.com • May 2013 • Volume 2, Number 3 69


work with each patient’s whole situation—from his or ambivalence and enhance motivation. They also learn to
her spiritual beliefs to exercise aversions—to foster an work with self-limiting perspectives patients may have
environment where their plans can take hold. about making change and help them develop a point of
IHC also is distinct from psychotherapy in that view that is more empowering for their own success.
coaches guide patients toward goals using a forward A participant in a 10-month group education and
focus, whereas therapists maintain a broader focus and individual coaching intervention who lost 60 lbs, low-
also help patients heal psychological wounds from the ered her blood pressure, and regained control of her
past.23 Although IHC shares methodology with other diabetes summed up the process this way:
forms of coaching such as life and executive coaching,
it is distinct in its inclusivity of highly vulnerable It’s like the saying, “If you feed a man a fish he can
patients with medical issues and in its focus on health eat for a day; teach him how to fish and he can eat
and well-being.23 for life.” My doctor pointed in the direction of the
stream, my coach took me by the hand and walked
The Duke Integrative Health Coaching Process me to it, taught me how to cast. Together we
The Duke IHC process model provides a structure caught enough fish and made a gourmet meal and
for coaches to guide patients through various stages of went back again and again to fish. (J. Wakefield,
preparation for change, action, and integration of learn- oral communication, March 2012.)
ing, as well as a map for the creation of personalized
health plans (Figure 2). The coaching process begins The Scope of Integrative Health Coaching Is the
with exploration of an individual’s overall vision for Whole Person
health and well-being and proceeds to explore core val- Like other training models of IHC, the Duke IHCPT
ues, assess gaps between current and desired lifestyles, emphasizes whole-person care, patient-centeredness,
and move toward specific goals in small steps. IH mindfulness, and lifestyle, expressed figuratively in
the Wheel of Health. The four rings of the Wheel
reflect the patient-centric nature of whole-person
health. The center-most zone refers to the patient,
around whom the healthcare process must always
VALUES revolve. Through IHC, individuals are encouraged to
recognize this and assume their rightful place at the
center of their well-being.
Also similar to other IHC models, mindful aware-
ASSESSMENT ness comprises the second ring and is a cornerstone of
ACTION IHC in the Duke model. Mindful awareness refers to
the ability to be fully present, without judgment, to
what is happening at any given time, particularly inter-
nally in terms of thoughts, feelings, sensations, and
FOCUS behavioral urges.46 Enhanced mindfulness facilitates
PREPARATION the ability to choose a response rather than react
habitually.23,46 The third ring depicts seven categories
of self-care: mind-body connection; movement, exer-
READINESS cise, and rest; nutrition; relationships and communica-
GOAL tion; personal and professional development; physical
environment; and spirituality. The outer ring encom-
passes professional care and includes prevention, inter-
Figure 2 Duke Integrative Health Coaching Process Model. vention and conventional and complementary care.
Copyright © 2012. Reprinted with permission from Duke Integrative
Medicine. All rights reserved.
The Duke Integrative Health Coach Professional
coaches help patients fully explore their readiness and Training Course of Study
confidence with regard to change and support their Acceptance into the Duke foundation program
orientation toward the new health behavior. In addi- requires a bachelor’s or advanced degree or 3 to 5 years’
tion, coaches are trained to enhance the success of the experience in a medical or allied health field such as
goal-setting process by developing a specific plan with medicine, nursing, physical therapy, health education,
the patient for change that is customized to the patient’s exercise physiology, psychotherapy, or nutrition. The
real life and resources. Coaches are trained to maintain foundational program consists of 113 hours of onsite
forward momentum but work flexibly within the pro- and distance education and training in coaching tech-
cess, frequently referring back to a patient’s deeply held niques. As part of this training, students participate in
values and overall sense of purpose. 36 to 42 hours of remote educational activities and
IH coaches learn skills, including those taught in practice sessions over approximately 4 months.
motivational interviewing, that can elicit insight into Participants who complete the foundation program are

70 Volume 2, Number 3 • May 2013 • www.gahmj.com Original Research


eligible to enroll in the certification program. ties, preventive clinical and community efforts,
Certification training provides an opportunity for empowered individuals, and elimination of health dis-
further refinement of skills through ongoing study, parities. Further, seven designated imperatives, or pri-
practice, and supervision. At present, the Duke IHCPT orities, are tobacco-free living, prevention of drug and
is the only health coaching program that strongly alcohol abuse, healthy eating, active living, mental and
encourages extensive experiential mindfulness train- emotional health, sexual and reproductive health, and
ing in the form of an 8-week mindfulness-based stress public safety from injury and violence (Figure 3).
reduction course.46 Other certification requirements Specific tactics for the implementation of these 11
include a 6-month coaching skills development pro- categories are delineated and upon examination,
gram, 100 documented hours of coaching, one-on-one reveal root themes of the NPS. First, as stated in its
supervision of recorded sessions, and written and oral overarching goal, there is the theme of timing and
examinations. The entire training program takes foresight and the implication that effective prevention
between 12 and 18 months to complete.

Synchronicity Between Integrative Health

Coaching and HealthCare Reform
Prevention Aims Within US Healthcare Reform
The emergence of IHC coincides with recognition
by the federal government of the need to actively
address the problem of widespread chronic diseases
within the United States. The Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010 and
upheld by the US Supreme Court in June 2012,
contains measures to fill critical gaps in health-
care; improve availability, affordability, and
quality of services; and assert a strong focus on
prevention. Specifically, Title IV, Prevention of
Chronic Disease and Improving Public Health,
has called for cooperation between public and
private sectors to create health promotion educa-
tion and outreach programs, implement personal-
ized prevention planning and annual wellness visits
within Medicare, enact employer-based wellness pro-
grams, and other tactics.47
Title IV also called for the creation of the National
Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health
Council (NPC) chaired by the US Surgeon General and
advised by a nonfederal advisory group of public health
experts and integrative health practitioners with exper- Figure 3 National Prevention Strategy wheel.12
tise in preventive medicine, health coaching, commu-
nity services, and other fields.47 The role of the advisory requires participation in the healthcare system at
board is to counsel the NPC regarding ways to improve times of health, in addition to early and later stages of
prevention and management of lifestyle-based chronic disease.12 Second, there is an emphasis on the impor-
diseases.47 The NPC describes its vision as “moving the tance of lifestyle, as exhibited by the seven priorities
nation from a focus on sickness and disease to one based around diet, exercise, and other health-related habits.
on prevention and wellness.”12 And third, themes of patient centricity and empower-
The NPC published the first National Prevention ment appear throughout the NPS in addition to being
and Health Promotion Strategy (NPS) in June 2011. It one of the four overall pillars.12 These themes are in
unveiled a new national agenda aimed at improving full alignment with the underlying philosophy and
longevity, health, and productivity among all mission of Duke’s model of IHC.
Americans and issued a call to action to government
institutions, academic centers, private businesses, and Integrative Health Coaching Training Mirrors Our
other groups to implement disease prevention strate- National Prevention Vision
gies.12 The overall goal of the NPS is “increasing the Core principles of the national prevention agen-
number of Americans who are healthy at every stage of da—including individual empowerment, collaborative
life” (a rephrasing of its original, more measurable care, and prevention education of healthcare provid-
working goal of “increasing the number of Americans ers—run parallel to IHC aims. This alignment under-
who are healthy at age 85”12,48). The four pillars, or scores the timeliness of the emergence of the IHC profes-
strategic directions, of the NPS are healthy communi- sion to address unmet needs in the healthcare system.

Original Research www.gahmj.com • May 2013 • Volume 2, Number 3 71


Empowerment of Individuals to Make Healthy Global Advances in Health and Medicine reports on the
Choices, the Importance of Self-care, and Person­ findings from an insurance industry-based coaching
alization of Health Planning. A main pillar of the NPS program that used UMN-trained coaches.54 In the first
involves empowerment of individuals. Specific aims Duke randomized, controlled trial (RCT) that included
include helping people recognize and make healthful IHC, an integrated intervention incorporating personal-
food and beverage choices, avoid drug and alcohol abuse, ized health planning, group education, and IHC outper-
and quit smoking.12 IHC was developed precisely for formed a usual-care control, showing significant reduc-
such aims. The primary role of IH coaches is to facilitate tions in 10-year prospective Framingham Risk for car-
patient engagement and activation toward their health diovascular disease in a secondary prevention sample.50
goals using the best available methodology. The coaching intervention included 22 individual tele-
Health as a Goal at Every Stage of Life. Increasing phonic biweekly sessions lasting 20 to 30 minutes that
the proportion of healthy Americans at every age lies at served to clarify priorities, set goals, maintain motiva-
the heart of the NPS agenda.12 Implementation of per- tion, assist with identification of resources, and reinforce
sonalized health planning (PHP) offers a means for care lifestyle and mind-body skills developed in the 27 group
coordination, patient centricity, patient engagement, sessions.50 In a second RCT, patients with type II diabe-
disease prevention, and cost containment.49 PHP would tes were randomized to receive IHC alone or a wait-list
ideally begin at or before birth and would involve a team usual care control. Those in IHC demonstrated signifi-
approach inclusive of health coaching. cantly increased medication adherence and physical
Importance of Relationships and Community in exercise, as well as multiple psychosocial improve-
Fostering Health. Another pillar of the NPS involves ments. In addition, IHC participants with elevated
the creation of healthy and safe community environ- hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) at baseline significantly
ments.12 Further, the value of supportive relationships reduced HbA1c while those in the control group did
is highlighted as a factor in personal empowerment not.51 The third study that included IHC was a prospec-
and emotional well-being.12 Relationships and com- tive observational trial of an integrated intervention that
munication comprise one of seven essential self-care began with a 3-day immersion program and personal-
domains in the IHC Wheel of Health (Figure 1). As ized health planning followed by IHC. This trial demon-
such, IH coaches promote healthy, supportive relation- strated that the intervention lowered 5-year prospective
ships as a component of optimal health. risk for diabetes and for stroke in a highly heterogeneous
Integration Between Allopathic and Comple­ convenience sample.52 Finally, an RCT conducted col-
mentary Approaches. The NPS is committed to laboratively with Duke and University of Pennsylvania
enhancing coordination and integration of clinical, revealed that participants randomized into a mindful-
behavioral, and complementary approaches to health. ness-based weight loss maintenance program that incor-
It recognizes that evidence-based complementary and porated IHC maintained significant weight loss 16
alternative medicine (CAM) provides value by “indi- months post-baseline as well as participants of a stan-
vidualizing treatments, treating the whole person, dardized, state-of-the-art weight-loss maintenance pro-
promoting self-care and self-healing, and recognizing gram did.53 Research has also uncovered psychosocial,
the spiritual nature of each individual, according to quality-of-life, and cost benefits associated with
individual preferences.”12 IHC professionals develop a IHC.51,52,55 Finally, a prospective study followed high-
working knowledge of diverse approaches to health risk health plan enrollees who self-selected to partici-
including CAM and are supportive of the best of CAM pate in an integrative health coaching intervention led
toward these ends. As such, they serve as a resource for by coaches trained through a customized and modified
interested patients. version of the UMN IHC program. Study participants
Educating and Reorienting Healthcare Profes­ completed pre- and post-measures on patient activation
sionals Toward Prevention. The NPS calls on health- and health inventories, and improvements were docu-
care providers, communicators, and educators to par- mented in patient activation levels, readiness to change,
ticipate in the transformation of the healthcare mind- and self-reported health outcomes.54 Additional IHC
set toward prevention.12 To date, approximately 450 research in cardiovascular disease prevention and diabe-
professionals, including physicians, nurses, nutrition- tes risk, obesity prevention, and management of intrac-
ists, physical therapists, psychologists, social workers, table tinnitus is ongoing at Duke IM.56-60
and others from across the country have received IHC
training at Duke, and more than 50 have become certi- Integrative Health Coaching Models in the US
fied through this program. Department of Veterans Affairs
An example of educational and clinical innovation
Research in Integrative Health Coaching involving IHC is taking place at the US Department of
Duke IM has conducted four prospective trials Veterans Affairs (VA). The Office of Patient Centered
using IHC that have demonstrated improvements in Care and Cultural Transformation, created in 2011 and
measures of diabetes and diabetes risk, weight manage- directed by former executive director of Duke
ment, and risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke.50-53 Integrative Medicine, Tracy Gaudet, MD, has launched
Additionally, a prospective trial described in this issue of several pilot programs aimed at providing personalized,

72 Volume 2, Number 3 • May 2013 • www.gahmj.com Original Research


proactive, patient-driven care for US veterans using and lessen related morbidity, mortality, psychosocial,
components of the methodology of Duke IHC.61,62 One and cost burdens—would benefit stakeholders across all
program that is underway uses a traditional clinical areas of public and private healthcare sectors.
framework and involves identification of individuals
who might benefit from coaching. These individual are 1. Duke University School of Medicine Physician Assistant Program. http://
then referred for a series of one-on-one sessions with a paprogram.mc.duke.edu/PA-Program/. Accessed March 17, 2013.
2. Physician Assistant Census Report: Results from the 2010 AAPA Census.
designated on-staff coach. A second approach involves
American Academy of Physician Assistants; 2010. http://www.aapa.org/
training VA clinicians and staff in core competencies of uploadedFiles/content/Common/Files/2010_Census_Report_Final.pdf.
IHC in order to inform the way they provide care in the Accessed April 12, 2013. Acknowledgments
3. Quick Facts. American Academy of Physicians Assistants. http://www.aapa.
context of their usual roles. org/the_pa_profession/quick_facts.aspx. Accessed May 23, 2013.
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were funded by the
At the suggestion of VA leaders committed to inno- 4. The Power of Prevention. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Center for Medicare and
vation and long-term objectives of patient-centered care, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion;
Medicaid Services, Duke
2009. http://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/pdf/2009-power-of-prevention.pdf.
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University Health
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cine immersion model. Altern Ther
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