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Equipment and Materials

Erlenmyer flask
KOH solution
NH4OH-NH4Cl buffer solution (pH=10)
Standard EDTA solution
Murexide indicator
Erichrome Black indicator

Test Procedures
Pipette 25 cubic centimeters of sample into the flask. Add 2-3 drops of Triethanolamine to
prevent Fe interference. Add KOH solution drop by drop until the pH reaches about 14.
Add murexide indicator to get clear pink color.
Stir continuously while titrating with standard EDTA solution until the color changes from pink
to purple.
Record the number of cubic centimeters of EDTA. (Aml)
Pipette another 25 cubic centimeters of sample into the flask. Add NH4OH-NH4Cl buffer
solution to get pH=10.
Add Erichrome Black indicator to get wine color.
Stir continuously while titrating with standard EDTA solution until the color changes from wine
to blue.
Record the number of cubic centimeters of EDTA. (Bml)

Ca, ppm = A × 40.08 × N of EDTA × 1000 / 25
Mg, ppm = (B - A) × 24.3 × N of EDTA × 1000 / 25

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