Abstract-2 A Study On Challenges of Salt Base Bentonitic Cement Slurries

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A Study on Challenges of Salt Base Bentonitic Cement Slurries


The study demonstrate the mixing condition effect on salt base bentonitic mix-fluid and slurries at
specific period of time. To prepare the suitable slurry design that’s compatible with salt formations. The
lab testing conducted on 12.5 ppg salt base bentonitic slurry at design temperature of 114 oF.

Methods, Procedures, Process: 

12.5 ppg salt base bentonitic slurry include 10%BWOW NaCl salt to prevent salt formation washout
while pumping slurry and induce losses and 0.2%BWOC of dispersant to disperse slurry, 3%BWOC
bentonite and 0.02 GPS defoamer. As a first step defoamer and bentonite added to mix-water no foam
or incompatibility found then NaCl salt added minor foaming found. later Dispersant 0.2%BWOC added.
The mix-fluid separated to two samples. First sample kept at static condition ‘’Non agitation’’ and
second sample kept at agitation mode. Both samples observed for 5 hrs. to understand the mix-fluids
condition. This time period is estimated time between mixing and pumping of slurry in actual field case.
After that cement added to both sample and mixed as per standard cement mixing procedure in API-10B
and observed slurry behavior.

Results, Observations, Conclusions:

The mix-fluid without agitation shown phase separation of mix-fluid occur after 40 min and complete
separation observed after 5 hrs. and the second sample at agitating mode stays completely
homogeneous with no phase separation. These experimental showed that agitation is the key factor to
keep (bentonitic/salt) mix fluid homogeneous. In the slurry mixing of the first sample foam was
observed meanwhile with the second sample homogeneous mixable slurry observed. For the
implementation of salt base slurry in field its important to prepare mixing fluid in agitated tank i.e. batch
mixer or any other tanks with agitators, only circulating mix-fluid not providing efficient mixability of
mix-fluid. The non homogeneous mix-fluid make foams in slurry that will give an error in cement slurry
density and resulting poor cement bond quality. As well its important to reduce time period between
mixing and pumping slurry at field to reduce effect of bentonite/salt. There is another way to prevent
unwanted phase separation and foaming of salt base bentonitic slurry that’s by pre blending bentonite
with class G cement that’s reduce mixing and pre hydrating time of bentonite and salt/bentonite

As a alternative solution, Fly Ash material can replace bentonite to reduce slurry weight with giving the
desired compressive strength and no separation issue.

Novel/Additive Information: 

This paper is useful to understand bentonitic/salt mix-fluid and slurry behavior and important of the
mixing procedure and time duration of mixing. As well the salt formation is the poplar formation in
middle east oil and gas fields that can be present in shallow and deep intervals and application of
bentonitic/salt slurries are highly predicted.

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