Agile and Six Sigma

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{'Agile and Six Sigma': [('software_quality_assurance', 0.

('industrial_engineering', 0.16934522986412048)],

'maChine LEarning yearning': [('data_science', 0.9654929041862488)],

'HOw to be a GooD LeadeR': [('management', 0.33400291204452515),

('talent_management', 0.3280104994773865),
('professional_development', 0.26366907358169556)],

'aws': [('devops', 0.9653154611587524)],

'python programming': [('software_development', 0.9984715580940247)],

'Cloud infrastructure': [('cloud_computing', 0.9988681077957153)],

'Stop De Evolving. Improve Your Posture.': [('software_development',

('entrepreneurial_skills', 0.2977137267589569)],

'The Cramp In Your Hand Is A Result Of Past Life Tension.': [('professional_development',

('personal_health', 0.21599853038787842),
('productivity', 0.17000380158424377)],

'The way you sit is no minor thing – pain is what an uncomfortable workspace will bring!': [('graphic_design',

'Carpel Tunnel Is A Result Of Improper Ergonomics.': [('graphic_design',

('industrial_engineering', 0.24021072685718536)],

'How to excel at conversations': [('digital_basics', 0.7493599057197571),

('communication', 0.12927943468093872)],

'Good leader': [('management', 0.5258886218070984),

('professional_development', 0.204202800989151),
('talent_management', 0.14089013636112213)],

'Develop product': [('design_development', 0.9947789907455444)],

'Tesla motors': [('personal_health', 0.5861647725105286),

('engineering', 0.10154252499341965)],

'Programming using C+': [('software_development', 0.9971939325332642)],

'Programming in AngularJS': [('software_development', 0.9992679953575134)],

'A person who is happy is not because everything is right in his life, He is happy because his attitude towards
everything in his life is right': [('professional_development',
('personal_health', 0.28463631868362427)]}

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