Assignment On Writing Skills Sec C

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1.Situation: You are a Manager at Floral display limited.

The Mayors Chief Secretary, Ms Nisha has just telephoned you. The town hall has not yet been decorated although they need the decoration by 6 pm. As it is already 4pm they need flowers and floral designers immediately. Another decoration team must be sent as soon as possible. Task: Write a memo in 60-80 words to the Sales Assistant, Mr. Arun Sinha so that he can make arrangements. y Tell him the situation y Request him for alternate arrangements y Stress on completion of work in time

2. One Non Governmental Organization has requested you for donation. Write an email to the Coordinator of the organization Ms Sangeeta Ghose refusing for the same in 60 -80 words. Tell them: y company has a definite amount of budget for the purpose y This year budget has already exhausted y Probably you can consider the organization next year

REMEMBER- The goal of the person writing a no reply is to reduce the negative emotions as much as possible. The writer of a no reply cannot convey an unfavorable decision in an unfavorable way if he or she wants to retain the customers goodwill. Some possible methods to do this:

y Assuring the receiver that his or her matter was considered with great understanding and care. y Making the reader believe that it is the circumstances or situation and not the merit of his or her request that is responsible for the no reply. y Agreeing with the sender in some way.

3. You received the email below from a business partner confirming a meeting with you at a trade fair in Munich. Unfortunately you have to leave Munich after your meeting, but you expect to be in London a week later. Write a reply suggesting a different arrangement which can confirm nearer the time.

To Sent 15 March 2010- 10.35 Subject Munich Trade Fair Maria, Following our telephone conversation I confirm that we will meet at Interlink stand at the Munich Trade Fair on Thurs May 24 sometime during the morning. I look forward to talking about our products and services. I attach the details of some new products that I think will interest you. We can discuss these when we meet. It would be nice to meet socially when in Munich. I wonder if you would be free to join me and a colleague for the evening of Thursday 24th. We plan to meet at Hilton Hotel, in the lobby, at about 8.30 p.m. Do let me know if you can join us and of course we would be please if you would like to bring a colleague or a partner. We look forward to meeting you soon. Best wishes, John Callam Product Development

4. Read the part of the letter below from Ms. Lambert, the Bookings Coordinator at a business trading centre. We run the Business Management Course twice a year, 3rd and 7th January and 5th and 9th June. We advise delegates to reserve the place well in advance of the course start date. Please let me know as soon as possible the number of people attending and which dates you prefer, in order to ensure your reservation. Write a letter to Ms Lambert: y y y y Thanking her for her letter Saying how many people will be on course Explaining why you cannot give her the course date yet Enquiring about discounts

Write in 60-80 words. Do not include postal addresses.

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