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“Educamos para la paz”


1. Write sentences. Use the PRESENT SIMPLE or the PRESENT CONTINUOUS

1. (You / not / eat / very much at the moment. Are you ill?)
2. (She / know / three words in Italian!)
3. (I / take / the bus to work this week, but usually I / walk)
4. (I / study / Japanese this year. It’s very difficult.)
5. (you / watch / the television at the moment?)
6. (I / not / remember / the name of the hotel.)
7. (She / speak / three languages.)
8. (The sun / shine /. It’s a beautiful day!)

2. Complete the text. Write simple or continuos present

The train always ________________(1: leave) on time. "What's the matter? Why ________________(2: cry/you)?"
That's strange. They________________(3: not to watch) TV. He________________(4: not to speak) very good English.
Please be quiet! I________________(5: do) my homework. Where________________(6: live/they)? Listen! John
________________ music! (7: play) I never ________________(8: go) to the swimming pool.

Harold Black's a famous pianist. He________________(9: give) two or three concerts every week. He
________________(10: travel) a lot and this week he's in New York. He________________(11: stay) at an expensive
hotel. He's at his hotel now. He________________(12: have) his breakfast in the dining−room.
He________________(13: drink) a cup of coffee and he________________(14: read) a newspaper. Harold's always very
busy. He________________(15: play) the piano regularly. He________________(16: practise) for four hours every day.
He________________(17: go) to bed late and he always ________________(18: get up) early. But he
sometimes________________(19: get) dressed too quickly, and this morning he________________(20: wear) one blue
sock and one red one!

3. Present Simple or Continuous? Choose the correct alternative(s) in the sentence

1 Today she ’s spending/spends time with her grandmother.

2 They usually are going/go to the gym on Sundays.
3 We ’re having/have a barbecue later on. Do you want to come?
4 No, she can’t answer the phone, she has/is having a shower.
5 I always have/am having a coffee before I ’m leaving/leave for work in the morning.
6 They sometimes fly/are flying to Sweden, but usually they are going/go by boat.
7 Where are you? I ’m sitting/sit outside in the sunshine!
8 He always brings/is bringing a monolingual dictionary to his English class.

4. Complete the following sentences using the simple present or the present continuous of the verbs in brackets.

1. Usually, Nathalie and Chantal ____________________ (to play) in the park but today they ____________________ (to study) at
school. The teacher ____________________ (to give) them an exam.
2. Kathy always ____________ (smile) in class and at the moment some of the other pupils ____________________ (smile) as well.
3. Right now the pupils __________ (read) a book and the teacher ____________________ (to write) on the board.
4. Almost every day class_______(begin) at 8:00, but on Tuesdays the class _________(start) at 8:30.
5. She_______(like) to bake cookies, but at the moment she ___________(not bake) cookies because she___________(study) at
“Educamos para la paz”

6. Dany _________(enjoy) climbing mountains during his vacation, but this year he_________(not take) any vacation because
he________(study) English.


1. Choose the correct options.

2. Complete the sentences with the past simple or the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

3. Complete the story with the correct past tense form of the verbs in brackets


1. Complete with the First Conditional.

1) If I ___am not_________ (not/be) busy, I __will come____ (come) with you.
2) If it __________________ (rain), we __________________ (stay) at home.
3) I ____________________ (call) you if I ___________________ (have) time.
“Educamos para la paz”

4) If she ___________________ (not/study) hard, she ____________________ (not/pass) the test.

5) If the weather ___________________ (be) nice, we ___________________ (go) to the beach.
6) You ______________________ (get) fat if you ___________________ (not/stop) eating so much.
7) If I ______________________ (see) John, I ______________________ (tell) him about the party.
8) Mum _______________________ (be) very angry if I ____________________ (not/tidy) my room.
9) If we _______________________ (not/leave) now, we _____________________ (miss) the bus.
10) You ________________________ (not/go) to the party if you _________________ (not/do) your homework.

2 Complete with the Second Conditional.

1) If he __________________________ (exercise), he would be healthier.
2) If I __________________________ (be) you, I would call the police.
3) I _________________________ (buy) a new jacket if I had some money.
4) I _________________________ (help) him if I were you.
5) I would travel round the world if I ___________________________ (win) the lottery.
6) If she had time, she __________________________ (go) to the gym.
7) If I __________________________ (meet) an alien, I wouldn’t be scared.
8) If I __________________________ (go) to New York, I would visit the Empire State building.

3. Match and write Zero Conditional sentences.

1) you mix blue and yellow a) it rains

2) clouds meet cold air b) you feel thirsty
3) there is no gravity c) water freezes
4) you do not eat d) objects do not fall
5) a cat falls from a height e) it lands on its feet
6) you do not sleep well f) you get green
7) it is hot g) you lose weight
8) the temperature falls below 0ºC h) you feel tired
1) If you mix blue and yellow, you get green.
2) _________________________________________________________________________________
3) _________________________________________________________________________________
4) _________________________________________________________________________________
5) _________________________________________________________________________________
6) _________________________________________________________________________________
7) _________________________________________________________________________________
8) _____________________________________


1) Iré a París si tengo dinero.
2) Iría a París si tuviera dinero.
3) Habría ido a París si hubiera tenido dinero.
4) Me casaré contigo si me quieres.
5) Me casaría contigo si me quisieras.
6) Me habría casado contigo si me hubieras querido.
7) Iremos de vacaciones si compramos un coche.
8) Iríamos de vacaciones si compráramos un coche.
9) Habríamos ido de vacaciones si hubiéramos comprado un coche.
10) Si vas a ver esa película, no dormirás




“Educamos para la paz”

1. Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He ____________ be exhausted after such a long flight. He _________ prefer to

stay in tonight and get some rest.

2. Please make sure to water my plants while I am gone. If they don't get enough water, they _________ die.

3. I _________ speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Egypt.

4. The book is optional. My professor said we _________ read it if we needed extra credit.

5. You _________ take your umbrella along with you today. The weatherman on the news said there's a storm north of here and

it __________ rain later on this afternoon.

6. When you have a small child in the house, you ________ leave small objects lying around.

7. Jenny's engagement ring is enormous! It ____________ have cost a fortune.

8.  I was reading the book last night before I went to bed. I never took it out of this room. It _________ be lying around here somewhere.


“Educamos para la paz”

1. Rewrite these sentences in reported speech.

a. “Make some coffee, Bob”, Carol said.(ask)
b. “You must do the homework soon, Jane”, she said.(tell)
c. “Remember to buy a map, Ann” he said.(remind)
d. “You should see a doctor, Mrs Clark”, he said.(advise)
e. “Keep all the windows closed, Bill” they said.(warn)
f. “Go home, Paul”, Francis said.(tell)
g. “Please stay for supper, Bob”, he said.(try to persuade) ___________________________


2 Are these sentences correct (✓) or incorrect (✗)? Rewrite the incorrect sentences.

3 Complete these sentences with the correct question tag.

1 You like learning English, ___________?

2 The skyscraper is in Dubai, __________?
3 You don’t know me, __________?
4 It’s been in the news recently, __________?
5 You won’t spoil his fun, __________?
6 They had to queue for hours to get the tickets, ___________?
“Educamos para la paz”

7 It couldn’t have happened to a nicer person, ______?

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