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Started on Monday, October 18,2021, 1203 ANE State Finished Completed on Monday, October 18,2021, 1037 AM “Time taken 28 mins 4 sees Grade 13.00 out of 1500 (87%) Question 1 ‘Who among the following is not a member in the Team Approach under Comprehensive Architectural Services? 8. Construction Manager b. Owner Project Manager Cul Engineer ‘The correct answer i: Construction Manager Question 2 In SPP Document 205, which among the following is not part of the task of the architect, under Grounds and Landscape Supervision? "Ensue thatthe parking area are well it and have clear way finding signages. ‘Selec the plants that goes well together inthe garden landscape ‘Contact landscape contractors for seasonal changes ofthe garden theme ‘Check that the PWD accessibility atthe buildings entrance fllows the BP 244, ‘Thisis the tesco the landscape architect ora landscaper. The architect may hire a contractor or outsource this particle task. “The correct answers: Select the plants tat goes well together inthe garden landscape Question 3 Which among the following statements is a task of an Architect in a Post-Cosntruction Evaluation? ‘Ensure thatthe mechanical and electrical spstems of the building are working propels File complaints aginst contractors who produced substandard work that compromised the building's ciency Recycle or repurpos the excess materials from a contruction project. 4. Install seurity camera in the erie areas of the building ‘he corret answer is: nse thatthe menial and electri systems ofthe building are working properly Question 4 In SPP Document 205, which among the following is not part of the task of the architect under Building Maintenance? forcement of rules to keep emergency doors fee of any obstructions. Periodic checking and evaluation of electra system. ‘Clean up the debris leftby a tenant's post fitout renovation, ¥ Monitor security serves, “The correct answer is Clean up the debris eft by tenants pos fitout renovation. Question 5 Who among the following is not a probable professional to be hired by a Project Manager to perform the variety of services indicated under the Comprehensive Architectural Services? Lager [Market Analyst Accountant Doctor ¥ “The correct answer is: Doctor Question 6 Which among the following is the best method of compensation for an architect providing Post-Construetion Services? Lamp Sum/Fixed Fee b, Percentage of Project Construction Cost © Perdiem, Honorariam plus Reimbursable Expenses 4. Percentage of Gross Rentals ¥ ‘The correct answer is: Percentage of Gross Rentals Question 7 In compensating the Architect for Design-Build Services, which among the following is, true? ‘The Architeet may appoint «construction superintendent, purchasing agent, timekeeper and property clerk ‘without the approval of the Owner. b. The cost ofall permits, licenses and other incidentals to the work are tbe pad by the Owner. ¥ The Architoct entering nto the contract under Design-Build Services must guarantcea certain capital to fund ‘the construction equal othe fund provided bythe Client. 4, Alleosts for labor and material are pai direty by the Architect, reimbursable tothe Client atthe turnover ‘ofthe project he corret answer is The cost ofall permis licenses and other incidentals tothe work are tobe paid bythe Owner. Question 8 In order to perform the whole range of Comprehensive Architectural Services, the Owner ‘may hire an Architect who will act as the: Projet Supervisor Project Manager ’ Fulltime Supervisor Constrtion Manager ‘The correct answer is: Project Manager Question 9 In the Team Approach of the Comprehensive Architectural Services, who makes the final decisions on the project and provides the adequate funding for its completion? ‘Contractor Project Manager Acchitest Owner “The correct answer is: Owner Question 10 How many percent is the project not to exceed the estimated project construction cost under Design-Build Services with Guaranteed Maximum Cost? oX 15% 2% 10% “The correct answers: 10% Question 11 Under the Construction Phase in a Design-Build Service, the architect performs the following except Preparation of contract documents making sure that ll drawings ad specat ys ate signed and sealed. ¥ Preparation of schedule of work, program and estimates of material, labor, ransporation and equipment. Procurement of materials, plants and equipment, licenses and permit ‘Negotiation with Government and private agencies having jurisdiction over the project ‘The correct answer is performed during the Contract Document Phas, not Construction Phase. ‘The correct answer is: Preparation of contract documents making sure that all drawings and spcifiatons are signed and sealed. Question 12 ‘When projects were still manageable in size, the Architect was traditionally assisted by a construction inspector who is also called: Assistant Supervisor lerkof- Works Project Manager Constretion lek “The correct answer is Clesk-of. Works Question 13 Which among the following is false about the SPP Document 206? 8, ‘There must be seamless transition abasic services and aditional ervices as defined inthis dosoment. 1b. ‘The Architet must be uly equippe to undertake all the diferent tasks defined inthis form ofservice. {As the prime professional the Architect fonctions asthe creator, author and coordinator of building design ‘The Architect must be knowledgeable in othe feds besides designing a building, ‘Thearehitet doesnot have to uly perform al the tasks under Comprehensive Architectural Services ‘The correct answer i: The Architet must be Fly equipped to undertake ll the diferent tasks defined inthis frm of Question 14 Which among the following best describes Design-Build Services under SPP Document 207? "The Architect needs to elance the elements of beeuty, strength and function in a bulding project. b,_Desiga-Duild Services simplifies and expedite the process of project delivery while providing cost-effective soltions The Architet may provide Design-Build Services by administration with minimum guaranteod cost. 4. In Design most ofthe civ liability forthe constuction ofthe projet. uld Services, the Archive asun ‘he correct answer i: Design-Build Services simplifies and expedites the process of projec delivery while providing casteffetve solutions Question 15 ‘This involves activities over and above normal architectural and engineering services carried out during the pre-design, design and construction phase. Project Management ‘Construction Management Architectural Management ‘Construction Supervision ‘The correct answer is: Project Management

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