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Republic of the Philippines


M.J. Cuenco Avenue Cor. R. Palma Street, Cebu City, Philippines

Postrero, Aldwin H. Prof. Elmer Nuñez

BSCPE_EVE_II-7 June 30, 2022

Final Quiz
No. of Slides:

1. On the transformer core, there are normally two coils, one primary and one secondary.
Strips are used to link the core laminations. The mutual inductance of the two coils is
very high. A fluctuating magnetic flux is produced when an alternating current passes
through the primary coil. Because there is no direct electrical connection between the
two coil windings of a transformer, it is also known as an Isolation Transformer. A
transformer's primary winding is linked to the input voltage source and converts or
transforms the electrical power into a magnetic field. The secondary winding's function
is to transform this alternating magnetic field into electrical power, resulting in the
desired output voltage.

2. An autotransformer is a single-winding electrical transformer. The word "auto" (Greek

for "self") refers to a single coil functioning alone, not to any form of mechanical
device. In an autotransformer, parts of the same winding serve as the transformer's main
and secondary winding sides. A regular transformer, on the other hand, contains
separate primary and secondary windings with no metallic conducting channel between

3. A main voltage is generated in the primary coils (I1 and I3), and the voltage is
transmitted to the secondary coil through magnetic induction. There will be an extra
wire (T2) in the secondary coil of a center tapped transformer, which will be situated
exactly in the center of the secondary coil, therefore the voltage here will always be
zero. I1 and I2 are the transformer's input wires, which are linked to the phase and
neutral of the alternating current mains. T1 and T3 are the Transformer's output
terminals, and the voltage across them is 24V AC. T2 is the transformer's center tapped
wire; it may be coupled with either T1 or T3 to provide 12V AC across it. It is extremely
useful in rectifier circuits.

4. The diode is forward biased and allows electric current to flow during the positive
cycle. This current is reduced when it reaches the resistor load.

5. The diode is reverse biased and does not allow electric current during the negative half
cycle, hence the input AC current or AC voltage is lowered at the diode.

6. Forward biases diode D1 and reverse biases diode D2 for a positive half cycle of the
input voltage. D1 and this load resistor RL form the current route.

7. The condition is reversed biases D1 and forward biases D2 for the negative half cycle.
Because the output current during both the positive and negative sections of the input
cycle is in the same direction via the load and the output voltage created across the load
resistor is a full wave rectified voltage, the current route is through D2 and RL as

8. A full wave rectifier is a type of rectifier that transforms both halves of each cycle of
an alternating current (AC signal) into a pulsing direct current (DC signal). Full-wave
rectifiers are used to convert AC electricity to DC voltage and are made up of many
diodes. Full wave rectification is the process of transforming an alternating current
signal to a direct current signal. Rectifiers are circuits that convert alternating current
(AC) to direct current (DC). Full-wave rectifiers are those that correct both the positive
and negative half cycles of an input alternating waveform. Full-wave rectifiers do this
by utilizing a series of diodes. A diode allows current in one direction alone and
prevents current in the other. This approach is used to build different rectifiers.
9. Two diodes are linked to the transformer's secondary windings' centre tapping in the
centre tap full wave rectifier. The anode terminals of these two diodes are linked to the
secondary winding's centre tapping. Furthermore, the anode terminals are linked to the
load resistor. When a positive half-cycle of alternating current voltage is delivered to
the rectifier, the top of the secondary winding becomes positive, while the bottom of
the winding becomes negative in relation to the top of the winding.The diode D1
functions as a short circuit, while diode D2 acts as an open circuit during the positive
half of AC signal. When the rectifier circuitry receives the negative half cycle of the
AC signal, the top of the secondary winding becomes negative and the bottom half of
the secondary winding becomes positive. As a result, diode D1 is reverse biassed,
whereas diode D2 is forwards biassed. This occurs because the negative voltage on top
of the secondary winding causes the anode terminal in diode D1 to be negative with
respect to the cathode.

10. As previously stated, the transformer has two main windings, one primary and one
secondary. If an extra conductor is connected to the centre of the secondary winding,
the transformer is known as a centre-tapped transformer. This transformer functions
similarly to a normal transformer, but it adds an additional feature to the transformer.
Rectification is the process of converting alternating electricity to direct current. This
conversion can be accomplished with a single diode or many diodes. A rectifier is a
diode that is used for rectification. There are two types of rectifiers: half-wave rectifiers
and full-wave rectifiers. A single diode is used in half-wave rectification circuits to
convert alternating electricity to direct current. As a result, it is quite simple to design
for correction. However, it has one disadvantage in that it transforms one-half of the
alternating current wave to direct current. As a result, this circuitry has a larger power
loss. This rectifier is also unsuitable for applications requiring pure direct current.

11. The full wave rectifier circuit is made up of two power diodes linked to a single load
resistance (RL), with each diode supplying current to the load in turn. When point A of
the transformer is positive in relation to point C, diode D1 conducts forwards, as
represented by the arrows. When point B is positive (in the negative half of the cycle)
in relation to point C, diode D2 conducts forwards and the current flowing through
resistor R flows in the same direction for both half cycles. This sort of full wave rectifier
circuit is also known as a "bi-phase" circuit because the output voltage across the
resistor R is the phasor sum of the two waveforms combined.

12. The D2 is forwards biased during the negative half cycle, whereas the D1 is reverse

13. The D1 is forwards biased during the positive half cycle, whereas the D2 is reverse

14. • The transistor may operate as a switch and amplifier, and without its development,
the instructors' manner will not be accomplished. There are several types of transistors
and packaging depending on how they will be used. And
15. • One of the fundamental building blocks of contemporary electronics, transistors are
made of semiconductor material and have at least three terminals for connecting to an
external circuit.

16. • The metal involve of transistor so that the heat will create in the metal to prevent the
transistor damage.

• The major reason why there will be heatsink is to safeguard the transistor since once
the transistor is very hot there is a potential that it will damage.

• To prevent heat transmission from the device, the blue hue requires a silicon

17. The transitor is classified into two types: BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor) and FET
(Field Effect Transistor). The BJT is divided into two categories: PNP and NPN, while
the FET is divided into two categories as well: JFET and MOSFET.

18. We already know that BJT is divided into two categories: PNP and NPN. This pair
contains three terminals: emitter, base, and collector. If the arrow is pointing inside, it
is PNP; if it is pointing outside, it is NPN. The base is located between the emitter and
collector. The base emitter junction and the base collector junction are the two
junctions. The PNP is trivalently doped, while the NPN is pentavalently doped.

19. Prior to the evolution of technology, people prefered to find knowledge through books.
This book, like the TRANSISTOR SUBSTITUTE MANUAL, offers all of the
information regarding the transistor and is highly useful to students who wish to learn
more about this topic.

20. The NPN, which stands for NEVER POINTS IN, and the PNP, which stands for
PERMANENTLY POINTS IN, are both made up of three terminals: emitter, base, and

21. The two diodes are shown by the red hue. The base is in the centre and is narrow. It is
referred to as a bi-junction because it is made up of two junctions: the collector base
junction and the emitter base junction. It also has three terminals: emitter, base, and

22. The emitter area is strongly doped and serves as a carrier emitter into the base. The
base area is very thin and just mildly doped. The collector receives the majority of the
current carriers injected into the base. The collector region is the biggest and most
doped of the three zones.

23. A thin layer of p-type is sandwiched between two n-types in the NPN bipolar transistor.
The large piece is the emitter, the red area in the center is the base, and finally the

24. The free electrons on the left side n-region (emitter) and the right side n-region
(collector) repel each other. As a result, the free electrons in the n-regions on the left
and right sides (emitter and collector) will flow into the p-region (base). During this
action, unbound electrons collide with and fill holes in the p-region (base) at the
junction. As a result, depletion regions (positive and negative ions) occur at the emitter-
base and base-to-collector junctions. The depletion zone is penetrated more towards
the base side at the emitter to base junction, and similarly, the depletion region is
pierced more towards the base side at the base to collector junction. Because the emitter
is substantially doped and the base is sparsely doped at the emitter-base junction, the
depletion area is penetrated more towards the base side and less towards the emitter

25. The emitter, base, and collector terminals are all present in every transistor. There are
also three configurations: COMMON BASE, COMMON EMITTER, and COMMON
COLLECTOR, where the emitter junction is forward biased and the collector junction
is reverse biased.

26. Common Base Configuration

When the emitter voltage is applied, the electrons from the negative terminal
resist the emitter electrons, and current flows via the emitter and base to contribute
collector current. Throughout, the collector voltage VCB is held constant. The input
current in the CB setup is the emitter current IE, while the output current is the collector

27. Common Collector Configuration

The emitter junction is forward biased, as in the CB design, while the collector
junction is reverse biased. The passage of electrons is similarly regulated. The base
current IB is the input current, while the collector current IC is the output current. In
the Common Emitter connection, the current gain is quite high. This is why this circuit
connection is so common in all transistor applications.

28. Common Emitter Configuration

The emitter junction is forward biased, as in CB and CE arrangements, whereas the
collector junction is reverse biased. The passage of electrons is similarly regulated. The
base current IB is the input current, while the emitter current IE is the output current.
This setup gives current gain but no voltage gain. The input resistance is high and the
output resistance is low in the CC arrangement. This circuit's voltage gain is less than
one. The total of collector and base current equals emitter current.
29. The left side n-region (emitter) and right-side n-region (collector) free electrons repel
each other. As a result, free electrons from the n-regions on the left and right sides
(emitter and collector) will migrate into the p-region (base). During this action,
unbound electrons collide with and fill the holes in the p-region (base) at the junction.
Because the collector is extensively doped and the base is sparsely doped, the depletion
area is penetrated more towards the base side and less towards the collector side.
Because the collection zone is weakly doped than the emitter region, the collector side
depletion layer width is greater than the emitter side depletion layer width.

30. When the p-type is linked to the positive terminal of the battery and the n-type is
connected to the negative terminal, the P-N junction is said to be forward-biased. When
the P-N junction is forward biased, the built-in electric field at the P-N junction and the
applied electric field are in opposing directions.


The term SOURCE refers to the current that enters through our first terminal, which is
the source. The term DRAIN refers to the current that exits the channel via the drain.
The Gate modulates the conductivity of the channel.
MOSFETs, or Metal Oxide Silicon Field Effect Transistors, are electrical devices that
switch or amplify voltages in circuits. It has three terminals and is a voltage-controlled

32. The N-channel JFET is a junction field effect transistor (JFET) that consists of a N type
silicon bar with two P type strongly doped areas dispersed on opposing sides of its
central half. The two PN junctions are formed by P type regions, and the space between
the junctions, which is formed by N type regions, is known as a channel

33. It is just a regulating tap that controls the flow of water. In the same way as the
regulating tap varies the quantity of water coming from the outlet, the voltage at the
gate terminal regulates the flow of current from the source to the drain terminal.
34. When no external voltages are applied, the cross sectional is an N-type semiconductor
channel with a P-type region termed the Gate diffused into the N-type channel,
generating a reverse biased PN-junction, and it is this junction that generates the
depletion zone around the Gate area. This depletion zone generates a potential gradient
of varied thickness around the PN-junction, restricting current flow through the channel
by lowering its effective width and therefore raising the channel's total resistance.

35. When the JFET is turned on, there is no electric field, a tiny depletion zone, and current
flows through the N channel. If the negative electric field, big depletion zone is turned
off, current cannot flow via the N-channel.

36. Since the channel is resistive, a voltage gradient forms along its length, with the voltage
becoming less positive as we move from the Drain to the Source terminal. As a result,
the PN-junction has a strong reverse bias at the Drain and a low reverse bias at the
Source terminal. This bias forms a "depletion layer" within the channel, the breadth of
which grows with the bias.

37. The N-channel and P-channel devices function identically, but the charge carriers, i.e.
electrons in one and holes in the other, differ. The thickness of this sheet changes with
the degree at which the reverse bias intersects. When there is a tiny reverse bias and a
big area to carry current, the depletion layer only extends a little distance into the
channel. The depletion layer grows when the gate is positioned with a high negative
bias, extending further into the channel and restricting the region in which current may
be conducted. The depletion layer will eventually grow to the point where it will spread
through the channel with increasing bias, at which point the channel will be closed off.

38. • A resistor is an electrical component that restricts or regulates the passage of

electrical current in an electronic circuit. Resistors can also be used to deliver a
specified voltage to an active device such as a transistor.
39. The carbon-composition resistor is the most frequent kind found in electrical devices
and systems. Fine powdered carbon is combined with clay and hardened. The resistance
is proportional to the carbon clay fraction.

40. Some of the color bands of many resistors are packed closer together or at one end.
Hold the resistor with these bands clustered to your left. Resistors should always be
read from left to right. Resistors are never built with a metallic band on the left side. A
resistor with a gold or silver ring on one end is referred to as a 5 percent or 10%
tolerance resistor. Place the resistor with this band on the right side and read the resistor
from left to right once more. The standard resistor value ranges from 0.1 Ohm to 10
Megaohms. Zeroohm resistors are wire connections that are used to connect traces on
a printed circuit board. Since they are packed similarly to resistors, they may be placed
on the circuit board using the same automated equipment that is used to put resistors.
This design eliminates the requirement for an additional machine to attach a jumper

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