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How to use this workbook:

✦ Read through the Introduction to Chokmah
✦ Read through the Chokmah Awareness section
✦ Practise the Aegis of Light Energy Control exercise
✦ Log any information received during the Aegis of Light exercise
✦ Complete the awareness section before reading through the Temple of
✦ Practise building the imagery of Chokmah Temple
✦ When familiar with the journey into the realms of Chokmah – repeat
using memory to guide you
✦ Get into the Spirit of Chokmah – a practical experience
✦ Practise Exercising the Brain and Developing Psychic Ability
✦ Log everything you receive
✦ Consolidate

© Copyright Jenni Shell and Lorraine Morgan 2008 all rights reserved

These workbooks are compiled and written with the utmost integrity and concentration on
correct procedures. However, it is essential that they are regarded as information only. In no
event will the authors, or OWL/Isis websites, be liable for any consequences of the use of
these workbooks, and therefore any action taken, or reliance placed on the information given,
is entirely at your own risk.


The Order of the White Lion and Isis Tuition are run by teachers who have
completed an extensive study of spiritual awareness and in particular the Tree
of Life, working very much on a practical level.
Our aim is to help raise awareness, not only of the teachings and how to use
the Tree of Life, but also to help others find a way of living their lives more

CHOKMAH Book One - Index


5 Introduction to Chokmah

7 Wisdom

9 Neuronal Highways

11 Crossed Wires

13 Light and Sight

14 Insight

17 Psychic Ability

19 Talking in Tongues and Prophecy - Gifts from God

20 Psychic Vision

21 Accessing Psychic Energy

22 Role of the Hierophant

24 Energy Control

27 The Aegis of Light - energy exercise

32 Exercising the Brain

35 Inner Hearing

37 Description of the Temple of Chokmah

39 Destiny and Soul Functions:


Soul Name

47 The Power of Numbers

49 Commitment to Humanity

CHOKMAH Book Two - Index

5 Divine Wisdom

6 The Milky Way

13 Ancient Architecture

14 History of the Precession of the Ages

16 The Beginning of Change

18 Back in Time - Through the Ages

21 The Spirit of Chokmah

25 Conductor of Universal Energy

26 Developing Psychic Ability

34 The Temple of Chokmah

38 The Experience of Chokmah:


45 Chokmah Correspondences

46 The Aegis of Light Meditation Record Sheet

47 Human Magnet

48 Twin Fires and the Spark of Life

50 Using Creative Imagination

52 Chokmah Consolidation

Chokmah Workbook One

Introduction to Chokmah

The Ancient Wisdom of Qabalah is a body of information.

This body of information does not tell us what to do, or what to believe in - it
simply acts as a guide, and facilitates our personal Will to see the bigger
spiritual picture.

The teachings help us to make educated choices and decisions in life in line
with the Will of the Spirit. Those who study these ancient teachings have to
find out for themselves who they are and where they fit in within the jigsaw of
life. We all have to discover for ourselves what is Right for Us.

This may seem a little daunting and perhaps disappointing to discover that we
have to find these answers for ourselves, however, finding one’s Own Truths
and discovering the part we play in the grand scheme of Creation is what
makes the journey exploring the Qabalah and Qabalistic Tree of life so

It is all a matter of Attitude

The Qabalah promotes a Way of Life that can help us to become more aware
of who we are and what we really want, and to recognise our destiny so we
may successfully follow the path in life that is right for us.

Pursuing spiritual understanding is a personal experience.

There is no right or wrong way to achieve spiritual enlightenment however, it

should not become a complicated or dreary intellectual exercise.

Finding our own destiny is incredibly uplifting and fulfilling.

The Qabalah continually reminds us that we always have a choice in the way
we handle ourselves, and in the way we respond to our environment and
those around us.

We can choose to live our life as a sheep - content to be led by others, or to

become the Shepherd - Master of own life and Destiny - helping others to do
the same.

There are no judgements. No rights or wrongs. The Qabalah is about

Knowing Thyself. This means knowing what you want and knowing where
your strengths and weaknesses are.

Chokmah is the sephirah of Freedom and Spiritual Truths

It is the sephirah that aligns with the Will of the Spirit, and Spiritual Direction

As our knowledge and experience of the Qabalah and Tree of Life increases
we may experience times when revelations suddenly come to us from
nowhere and take us by surprise. It is in these moments, when suddenly
everything makes sense, that we intuitively know we are in tune with the
Spiritual Will and heading in the right direction.

Chokmah is the sudden flash of Illumination that comes from God.

Kether is the light and Chokmah is the sight.

We do not see the light. We see what the light reveals.

Kether is the brilliant white sephirah at the top of the Tree of Life. Kether
represents the spark of life. Everything begins as a spark of life.

Kether is the Source of all Creation, however the Power of Creation comes
from Chokmah.

The spark of life from Kether is ignited in Chokmah.

Chokmah is the stimulating force of creative power. It is the electrical

impetus that kick starts the process of manifestation.

Chokmah is the Phallis - the Spiritual Father

Binah is the Womb - the Spiritual Mother


The creative force (Chokmah) enters the womb and takes on a form in Binah.

Without form the Spiritual Will cannot manifest.

As Mother of Form, Binah creates the condition for the spiritual energy to take

It is in Binah, the sephirah of Understanding and Womb of Creation, that the

Word of God takes form.

Processed Wisdom that comes from Chokmah.

Chokmah is known as Wisdom

The word Qabalah is a Hebrew word. It means to receive Inner Wisdom.

The Qabalah is a body of information.

Information that promotes an absolute Way of Life achieved through

Inner Wisdom

Information on its own does not lead to Wisdom

**Knowledge just acquaints us with Facts

**Daath on the Tree of Life aligns with Knowledge. For more information on Daath see
Malkuth workbook.

Binah is the sephirah of Understanding

Understanding the Facts is the beginning of Wisdom

To be Wise is to operate as The Emperor and The Hierophant.

Both The Emperor and Hierophant have much experience and Inner

They intuitively know how to control and direct spiritual energy.

✦ The Emperor is Insight. He is upfront, in full view - a virtuous and

Powerful Leader. He needs Inner Sight to see how his decisions are
going to be received. His duty is to the welfare of those in his domain.
He is the Voice who leads with an unswerving inner strength, and in
complete subservience to the Will of God. On the Tree of Life this path
runs between Tiphareth (Devotion to the Great Work) and Chokmah

✦ The Hierophant is the Spiritual Teacher who uses Inner Hearing. The
Hierophant is in the background. He listens and hears what is really
needed. The Hierophant tends to the spiritual needs of the People. This
path runs between Chesed (Obedience) and Chokmah (Devotion)

Note: As we journey deeper into the Tree of Life we begin to walk the paths. Each path is
situated between two sephiroth. The path has its own specific intention and links two
sephiroth together in one complete experience. Like the temples, this experience will often
be reflected in everyday life.

The Emperor and Hierophant know how to use and extend on the senses.

They know how to intuitively solve and avoid earthly problems, and
successfully attend to the practical and spiritual needs of the People.

The Qabalah can help us to become effective channels of Inner Wisdom

Wisdom acquired through Knowledge, Experience and Understanding

Wisdom that can be used to help everyone Create their Ideal Life on Earth.

In Chokmah the focus is on Humanity.

The aim in Chokmah is to awaken the seed of Enlightenment and gain Insight
into our own Creative Power.

When studying Chokmah we hope to see what we can produce for the good
of our fellow Man.

Chokmah on the Tree of Life aligns with the planet Uranus, and the zodiac
sign of Aquarius.

A key phrase for

Aquarius is:


Strong willed, wild and

magnetic Aquarius is the
sign of the humanitarian
who searches for honesty
and universal love. With a
wealth of plans and new
ways of thinking, this
intuitive energy offers hope
for the future.

Neuronal Highways - Waking up the Senses

The sephiroth on the Tree of Life correspond with many different aspects of
spirituality that can be incorporated into everyday life including:

Angels, Archangels, colours, chakras, healing, symbols, incenses, plants,

animals, crystals, astrology, karma, and tarot, to name a few.

The Tree of Life is a wonderful tool.

It can be used like a road map helping us as we journey through life, guiding
us from one area of experience into another.

Our brain is also a wonderful tool.

It is another kind of map - an internal map that reflects our understanding of

the external world. It is a network of neuronal highways.

Our knowledge of the outside world is based on different sensory information

i.e touch, taste and sound.

The senses provide us with information which is fed to the brain.

Different parts of the brain.

The information gathered from each sense is processed by a different part of

the brain, and yet somehow, the brain brings all the necessary data together
simultaneously, and makes a single sense (experience) out of it.

The ability the brain has of being able to combine information and make sense of it is called
the binding property. However, as scientists do not fully understand how the brain is able to
perform this function it is also sometimes refered to as the binding problem.

The nervous system is a complicated network of nerves and cells that carry
messages to and from the brain to different parts of the body. The nervous
system does two things:

✦ Receives information through the senses from the external world

✦ Gives us the ability to act and make changes to the external world

Every day we use our senses. They are instinctive within us. Our senses
help us to discover and survive the world around us, but are they telling us the
whole truth. Do our senses tell us everything that we need to know?

Do they reflect the whole picture?

How we see the world is dependant on how we use the senses.

How do you see the world?

Through the eyes of a child - full of hope and wonder?

Or as a world weary adult - cynical and uninspired?

If the senses have become lazy, or dulled and desensitised, then our
interpretation of the world may not be a true representation.

The sephirah Chokmah is coloured *grey and known as Wisdom. It is

associated with Spiritual Truths and the planet Uranus.

*The colours most regularly shown on the Tree of Life are the ones that align with Briah - the
World of Creation.

Uranus is the Awakener.

It is only when something is brought to our attention that we know it exists.

In Chokmah we learn about Insight, the ability to see beyond what is normally

In this workbook we are going to be exploring aspects of the brain and looking
at ways we can wake up the senses, use them to their full capability and
further stimulate this incredible thinking organ.

Crossed Wires

By looking at a picture of the extended Tree of Life we can see

how the Four Worlds:
✦ Atziluth
✦ Briah
✦ Yetzirah
✦ Assiah
overlap and interact.

Refer to Binah Workbook for more information on the extended Tree of Life.

Assiah - the World of Manifestation - corresponds with the

Physical Body.

If we stood with our back against a giant glyph of the Assiah

Tree of Life we would see that:

✦ Kether aligns with the crown of our head

✦ Chokmah, Chesed and Netzach correspond with the left side of the body

✦ Binah, Geburah and Hod correspond with the right side of the body

✦ Our feet are in line with Malkuth.

Kether, Chokmah and Binah cover the area of the physical body that
surrounds and encompasses the brain.

On the Tree of Life, Chokmah is sephirah number two.

The brain has two types of nerve cells

called neurons and supporting cells called
the glia, and two types of matter: white and

The brain is also divided into two

hemispheres. Each hemisphere of the
brain interacts with one side of the body.

Scientists have discovered that at the point

where the nerves enter the brain there is a
cross over. *The connections are crossed.
This means that the right side of the brain
controls the left side of the body while the
left side of the brain controls the right side
of the body.

*When studying the physical body on the Tree of Life, it is important to remember this.

Chokmah corresponds with our powers of imagination, creativity, intuition and


Using our imagination we can create things inside our head and then, by taking action and
building correct images in the mind, we can make them real. We can bring ideas to life.

Chokmah is associated with the Power of Intuitive Insight.

This could also be called Psychic Ability

Insight can come out of the blue, like a flash of lightning.

The brain - like the planet Uranus - is associated with electricity and electrical

Lightning is a fast, sudden electric flash of light in the sky. Lightning and electricity are both
incredibly powerful, quick moving forces of energy that need to be handled correctly.

Uranus in our birth chart represents our desire to change. It is the lightening
flash of brilliance which awakens and stimulates creative, imaginative energy.

A force that changes everything.

By looking at a picture of the Tree of Life we

can see how the spiritual energy - the first
swirlings of Creation - flows down from
Kether, and zig-zags (like a flash of lightning)
down through the planes before manifesting
in Malkuth, the sephirah of the physical

Each sephirah represents a different type of

energy: a different aspect or face of the
Almighty Creator.

The aim is for the physical vehicle - in manifestation on the earthly plane - to reflect each
aspect of the Almighty Creator in its purest, and perfectly balanced form.

Light and Sight

Unlike the previous sephiroth on the Tree of Life, there is no vice in Chokmah.

Chokmah represents Pure Thought.

Spiritual Truth - Undisguised, in its Purest Form

In Chokmah we are not talking about personality perceptions of Truth. The

energy is Pure. Chokmah represents Spiritual Truths.

There are no compromises with Spiritual Truths.

The virtue of Chokmah is Devotion.

Between them, Kether, Chokmah and Binah form the spiritual triangle on the
Tree of Life:

✦ Kether is Light

✦ Chokmah is Sight

✦ Binah is Sound

In order for us to see, there must be light.

Our eyes let in light but they do not see. The light reflects what we are
looking at. It is the brain that tells us what we see.

Our brain is an incredible organ. It controls how we walk, talk and breathe,
and gives us the power to think, dream and imagine.

The brain does this by receiving messages and interacting with the body.

Neurons are the carriers of the message.

A neuron is an electrically stimulated cell. The brain is made up of billions of cells (neurons)
that process and transmit information through electrical and chemical signals. The cells sing
to one another and interact in unison.

The neurons form pathways that pass the message from one part of the brain
to another. Electrical signals are used to bridge the gap between neurons and
enable the message to continue on its journey.

Messages that speedily process information enabling us to adapt to our

changing environment, and see clearly while we are moving. Scientists have
discovered that our brain appears to know where our eyes are going to look
before we do. Somehow our brain anticipates our eye movements and
ensures our view of the world and what we see, remains steady despite how
fast we may change our focus.

How does it do this?

The third eye chakra is associated with
Chokmah (and Binah). The third eye
chakra is also known as the Ajna
chakra. It is associated with the eyes
and pineal gland.

More information on Chakras can be found on

the OWL website.

When the third eye is sparked into

action we get flashes of illumination
and insights.

Eureka moments

when we receive new and original


Insight can come out of the blue like a

flash of lightening or epiphany.

The word epiphany is sometimes considered to have supernatural


To have an epiphany is to experience a sudden and momentous realisation:

A revelation

A vision from God

The spiritual experience of Chokmah is:

A Vision of the Source we Seek

Kether is the Light - the Source of all Creation

Chokmah receives the light - the ability to see clearly.

We do not see the light. We see what the light reveals.

A reflection of the Divine that comes from Kether.

The Feast of the Epiphany is celebrated by Christians to celebrate the Visit of

the Magi. The Magi is also known as the Magician.

The Path of the Magician on the Tree of Life runs between Kether and Binah:

Light and Sound.

The Magician (or Magus) is the Universal Conductor of Light and Sound. He orchestrates the
colours and sounds and turns them into something magical. The Magus tarot card aligns with
the planet Mercury. Mercury is known as the Messenger of God.

In Binah we learn about the Power of Sound, and how to listen so we may
hear the Word of God. It is in Binah that the Word takes shape and form.

The Word can become a form of faith.

Aima is the Mother of Faith

When we silence the conscious mind and contemplate on the Word of God,
the seed of Wisdom from Chokmah takes root in Binah and grows into

When we meditate we are hoping for insights. Insights can be received in the
form of visualisations.

The energy of Chokmah combined with the energy of Binah produces a spark
of conscious awareness across the Third Eye.

Friction brings Sight.


It is the creative power of imagination and the fertility of the mind that enables
us to visualise when we meditate.

On the Tree of Life the Empress Path runs between Chokmah and Binah. The Empress Tarot
card and the Empress Path are associated with Creative Imagination, and Fertility (of the
Mind). The Empress Tarot card is also linked to Venus - the planet that aligns with Netzach,
the sephirah of Feelings and Creative Inspiration.

There may be times in our life when we have moments when suddenly we
feel the need to do something. For example, pass on a message to someone.

We may not understand why we need to do this, or where the message has
come from, but when we are acting on Intuition we are acting on a strong
sense of Knowing.

Some people confuse gut feeling with intuition however, gut feeling is
emotionally based and unless we are very strong on that level we can be
wrong. We often do things because it feels right but we need to be careful
that we are not confusing intuition with personal desire.

Netzach is the sephirah of Feelings, and Yesod is the sephirah of Emotional Reactions. Both
are situated in the realms of the personality.

With intuition there is no doubt. Intuitive power flows through us and works
from a level higher than that of the personality. Aquarius is the sign of the
zodiac that aligns with Chokmah, and a key phrase attached to this sign is:

I Know

To fully access our intuition we have to raise our awareness as the sixth
sense operates on a level higher than that of the other five senses.

The Third Eye chakra is associated with vision, intuition, and psychic ability
including clairvoyance. This chakra represents our ability to see. It is situated
just above the middle point between the eyebrows.

We can spark our third eye into action and increase our ability to see by
developing our psychic ability.

However, before we can begin to explore

psychic ability, we have to be sure we

What is Psychic Ability?


Psychic Ability

What does it mean to be Psychic?

The word psychic means forces or powers of a paranormal nature. A psychic

is a medium or person who has paranormal powers.

The word paranormal means forces or powers that are beyond scientific

There is a lot happening in the universe that is currently beyond scientific


Science and the medical profession do not fully understand how the brain
works or how the brain anticipates the movement of the eyes, ensuring the
field of vision is kept constantly stable.

How does science explain a hunch?

A hunch is a feeling - a thought based on feeling.

There is no logic attached.

You cannot examine a hunch under a microscope and yet people have them.

There are times when someone you have just been thinking about,
unexpectedly calls out of the blue. These scenarios are not uncommon and
yet how can they be explained?

One thing science is sure of is that everything in the universe is energy.


Everything, including us, is part of one continuous energy field.

We are surrounded by electromagnetic waves of energy.

As bizarre as it may seem, we are all part of a rainbow wave of energy

The only difference is the level of vibration.

Colours and sounds have different wavelengths and frequencies.

Energy is constantly changing from one form into another.

Everything in our world is made of matter. All matter can be broken down into
molecules, atoms, and beyond that further still. Scientists know that matter is
held together by an invisible force. All the electrons and subatomic particles
of an atom are bound together and held in place by this invisible force.

Scientists observe evidence and form theories. When new information is

discovered old theories are either replaced or reinforced.

There is nothing like scientific proof to change our perception. Without scientific proof our
perceptions are in danger of becoming rigid and unchanging.

According to scientists approximately 95% of the Universe is made up of dark

matter. We only know it exists because of the gravitational effect it has on the
stars and galaxies that we can see.

Gravity is the force that exists between matter. It pulls all matter together and is the force
which physicists believe holds the Earth’s solar system and home galaxy in place.

With 95% of the universe still a mystery is it wise to dismiss anything that
science cannot fully explain?

Psychic ability:

Powers or Forces

Beyond Scientific


Talking in Tongues and Prophecy - God’s Gifts

Kether is the Source of all Energy.

Chokmah is the Force of Creative Power.

Binah is how the Creative Power takes shape.

In Chokmah we are looking to explore how we can correctly use the Creative
Force and develop our Creative Power.

There are many ways creative power can take shape and different forms of
psychic ability.

Psychic ability is about being able to tap into an energy that is beyond the
usual range of the human senses. To many this may seem impossible and
yet there are millions of Christians throughout the world who, as Christian
followers of the Bible, believe in the gifts of:

✦ Tongues and prophecy

In the Bible it states the gifts of Tongues and Prophecy are bestowed upon
those through whom God wishes to communicate His message. They are
vehicles for the holy spirit to work through. The gift of Tongues enabled the
disciples to speak in a language never previously learnt and deliver Godʼs
Word in the pure, unsullied form as God intended.

People can often be very sceptical when it comes to the topic of psychic
ability. We can be fickle when it comes to what we choose to believe in. Our
beliefs become shaped according to how we use our senses.

Do we use the senses to their full capacity?

Are they in need of a Spiritual Spring Clean?

We need to be careful we do not make judgments without any real thought or


In Binah, the sephirah of Understanding we explored the roots of our faith and
how we can believe in something we cannot see.

Our ancient ancestors seem to have been much more accepting of the
unseen world, of nature and the elemental forces, and appeared to have had
a sharper, keener use of the senses.

Unlike them we seem to have become conditioned to believe in only what we

can scientifically prove, and physically see and hear.

If we continue to build our life upon faulty perceptions - it will surely collapse. If we want True
Enlightenment, it is through changing our perception that the door to enlightenment begins to

Psychic Vision

For humans to physically see our eyes need to be looking at something, for
example an object or person.

Clairvoyance is the ability to see beyond the range of physical vision. This
means being able to:

Psychically See

To psychically see is to receive information about something without actually

looking at it. This information can be received in the form of symbols, shapes,

or colours. It could be a vision or scene of the future (precognition), or an

image of the past (retrocognition).

Premonitions and precognitive dreams also give information of events before

they happen.

Sometimes clairaudience happens at the same time as clairvoyance.

Clairaudience is the ability to hear a voice, a message. This can help the
recipient to interpret what the information means.

Accessing Psychic Energy

When we are exploring the different types of psychic power we need to be
sure we understand our motives for wanting to develop our psychic ability.

In Binah we explore the motive and the intention that lay behind the search for
enlightenment. In Chesed we learn about the possible pitfalls, and the highs
and lows of discipleship.

There is a world of difference between a New Age dabbler and a

potential disciple.

Individuals seeking fame, fortune and self satisfaction will soon become bored
with the effort and self discipline required to continue on their journey to
enlightenment. They are more likely to become easily distracted from their
goal and consequently will gain little understanding of the inner mysteries and
develop only limited psychic power.

There is nothing glamorous about spiritual work. There are no accolades or

external recognition when you are working on your own spiritual development.
It takes effort and without proper training and controls in place the individual
can become disoriented and possibly suffer energy loss.

In Hod we learn about the role of the Doorkeeper. The Doorkeeper is the
Protector of the Mind whose function is to ensure we have information filtered
down through us at a rate we can handle according to our level of

When trying to raise our spiritual vibrations it is never a good idea to consume
alcohol or take recreational substances i.e drugs.

Recreational drugs can over-ride the protection of the doorkeeper. They may open the mind
too much which can cause severe disorientation and energy loss. Therefore it is strongly
recommended not to take them.

Alcohol disturbs the brains rhythm and can close a mind down. It can prevent the cells in the
brain from electrically operating and shut down their ability to communicate with one another.

Spirit Guides are attracted to those who operate on a steady and harmonious
level. It is much easier to connect with our personal spirit guide, and more
evolved spirit guides and masters, when we are in a stable emotional state of
being. Anyone who only wishes to dabble, consume alcohol or indulge in
recreational substances is unlikely to connect with energy higher than that of
the level of the personality.

Role of the Hierophant

The Voice of God does not shout out instructions and messages
through a loudhailer.

For us to become aware of something it

has to be experienced by some, or all of
the five physical senses. Unless this
happens we do not know it exists.

If we wish to receive spiritual wisdom

and develop our psychic ability we need
to become as the Hierophant, and learn
how to listen, and diligently work on
developing the senses so we may
intuitively hear, and expand our vision to
see, more clearly.

The Hierophant path on the Tree of Life

runs between Chokmah and Chesed.

The virtue and face of God that

Chokmah represents are:

Devotion and the Father figure

The virtue and face of God that Chesed represents are:

Obedience and Teacher

The Hierophant is the spiritual teacher who has learnt through experience
how to use the senses in the material world and climbed the mountain of
spiritual understanding. The Hierophant can interpret and explain the inner
and ancient mysteries, and act as mediator between the spirit world and

The Hierophant is one of the major Tarot Trump cards. It is card number five.
The Hierophant has mastered the five elements of earth, air, fire, water and
ether (spirit).

The Hierophant has also mastered the five senses:

Touch, Taste, Sight, Smell and Sound

and developed the sixth. The sixth sense is Intuition.

The Hierophant Tarot Trump card is associated with the zodiac sign of Taurus.

Each sign of the zodiac represents an age. Aries is the newborn baby and Pisces is the sign
of old age.

Taurus is the toddler who feels his way through his senses.

Slow and repetitive a toddler will take something out, look at it, feel it, put it in
the mouth to taste it, and then carefully put it back in the same position.

The first five senses are instinctive within us and help us to discover and
survive the world around us. We use them in our everyday life.

The sixth sense however, works on a higher level and we have to raise our
awareness to fully access it.

The sixth sense is our Intuition

Intuition is more than just a hunch, it is an Inner Knowing.

When someone receives a message or sees an image it is often

accompanied by a strong feeling, a sense of knowing that it is relevant and

You cannot see or touch intuition - but if you act on your intuition and make
choices and decisions that are right for you, then you may find your own
proofs that your Intuition works.

The Hierophant sees and hears everything.

He has learnt how to use all the senses and intuitively knows how to guide
those who seek his help.

The Hierophant discriminates and uses his energy wisely.

The Hierophant will help those who demonstrate a willingness to help


Only those who are centred and calm will sense, and feel the touch of his
encouraging presence, and hear the quiet inner voice that patiently waits for
us to listen.

Energy Control

When we explore the sephiroth on the Tree of Life we are also discovering
more about the different aspects of energy:

✦In Malkuth we explore the energy

of the Physical plane and Material

✦In Yesod we look at Emotional


✦ In Hod we examine the energy of

the Mind ..... and so on.

Everything in the universe is energy

of one form or another.

Kether is the Source of all energy.

This natural energy is our life force. It surrounds everything and we cannot
function without it. It pervades our aura. We take it through our chakra
centres to energise and keep ourselves alive. It flows through us. We can
use it to receive information and become effective channels of universal

Keeping our auras clean from negative energy and ensuring the chakras are
not blocked is good preparation for developing psychic ability.

More information on Aura Cleansing and Chakra Balancing can be found in the Tiphareth
Workbook and on the OWL website

Spirit Beings are attracted to those who demonstrate a willingness to help


We can help ourselves to become more effective channels for spiritual energy
to work through by learning how to sense the chakras, and keep them
balanced and in good working order.

In Tiphareth we learn that we will only be able to see the Bigger Picture and
sense the guiding force of our soul and higher guides when we are centred
and calm.

This is particularly important when exploring the energy of Chokmah.

The energy of Chokmah can be likened to that of a live wire.

Chokmah is the Force of Creative Power.


Chokmah is pure energy. There is no vice in Chokmah. It is raw energy in its

most potent form.

It is completely uncontained energy and like electricity it needs to be used

very carefully.

We need to be able to handle it.

The Star Tarot card is associated with the sign of Aquarius. The Star card illustrates how the
universal energy channels down through us. It represents the channelling ability that can be
achieved through meditation and the perfect use of the senses. Patience may be required.
This card is one of Truth and Destiny. Truth, as nature intended in its most natural and purest
form, that offers Insights of what is to come.

The Star path is the Path of Revelation - the Truth will be revealed. We are challenged on
this path to recognise and learn, how to control and use our True Creative Power. For it is our
creative power that allows us to touch the very source of our spiritual essence. Like all the
stars in the universe we are unique yet also part of the Great Cosmic plan of existence.

The aim in Chokmah is to learn how to draw down this live creative force from
the universe in a controlled manner.

Failure to understand how to handle the Chokmah energy can lead to

overload, exhaustion and burnout.

The following is an exercise designed to help us to strengthen and purify the

aura, and become more aware of energy within the body.

We are going to be opening up the chakras using the power of sound and
moving energy around the body. Taking energy round and through you.

In Binah we explore the Power of Sound and discover how sound and mantras can reawaken
and open channels in the physical body.

As we open the chakras we will be vibrating the name of power of each

related area.

This sort of exercise goes into the psyche. It builds an electrical force (power)
and helps to kick-start our creative power.

This is not about understanding.

Understanding comes from Binah.

This is about power.

Feeling and contacting that creative power.

Before starting the exercise it is a good idea to practise pronouncing and

vibrating the names of power that will open the chakras.

The names of power and associated correspondences are:

Chakra Name of Power Pronunciation

Kether Crown Eheieh Eh-hay-yay

Daath Throat Jehovah Elohim Yer-hoh-vah Ah-low-heem

Tiphareth Heart Iao Eee-yah-oh

Yesod Genitals Shaddai El Chai Sha-di-el-hee (chai - as in loch)

Malkuth Feet Adonai Ha Aretz Ar-doh-nigh Hah Ah-retz

Spend some time practising the pronunciations.

Make a note of how you feel as you vibrate the names of power and activate
the chakras.

Before beginning any kind of spiritual or visualisation work it is worthwhile

spending some time preparing for meditation – making sure you are sitting in
a comfortable relaxed position either on the floor or in a chair with your back
straight, this helps with the flow of energy.

Rest your hands in your lap and try to ensure you are not likely to be
disturbed. If you are not comfortable then you are likely to be distracted and
not able to meditate. Wrapping a blanket around you can also help with
relaxation as well as keep you warm.

To help you prepare and clear your mind of outside influences there is a
section on meditation and relaxation techniques on the OWL site you
may find useful.

The Aegis of Light

To prepare:

Read the description first and then try to

follow it from memory.

This visualisation is most valuable when

your eyes are closed and you visualise the
experience as you go along. If possible, get
someone to read it out slowly to you with
sufficient pauses to allow you time to see
the visualisation clearly. Then, if they too
wish to participate, allow them to do the
same as yourself, and discuss your
experiences afterwards. It always helps to
share things with another.

✦ If you have read the information on the Owl site, you will remember to
sit in a comfortable, relaxed position – either on the floor or in a chair
with your back straight, this helps with the flow of energy, and your
palms uppermost resting in your lap

✦ Breathe evenly and naturally

✦ You may wish to burn incense or use essential oils. These can help
put you in a relaxed state and if you use the same incense or oils each
time you meditate this will send a signal to your subconscious that you
are moving into an altered state of being and raising your vibrations to
connect with your higher self (intuition)

✦ Record any information received (see page 46 Workbook Two)

Place yourself in a comfortable position. Either lying down or sitting with your
back straight - in a relaxed state.

Now relax.


Now clench yourself. Stretching all the muscles in your body. Hold them as
tight as you can. Now relax again.

Feel all the tension drain out of your body. Relax. Place your hands loosely
in your lap or lightly across the stomach and concentrate on your breathing.

Breathe deeply ......... In

Out .....

Allow the gentle rythem to carry away any anxiety and stress.

Calm your mind.

Let your thoughts come quietly to rest just as the choppiness of the waves of
the sea move into tranquility after a storm.

Imagine now that you have placed yourself with your back to the glyph of be
tree of life. Feel the power of its radiance as it shimmers in translucent light
behind you.

The black pillar of water is on your right.

And the white pillar is on your left.

The middle pillar is now aligned with your spine. It is the pillar of
consciousness in which you stand with Kether at your head and Malkuth at
your feet.

Stay with for this for a moment enshrouded in infinite strength and protection.

Now, try to visualise a glowing swirling sphere of brilliant white light above
your head at the crown centre in Kether just about the size of a small coin.

This light symbolises the divine breathe of God and the nirvana within.

Watch it increase in size and brilliance as you vibrate the God name of Kether
until it becomes like a 3 dimensional ball of radiance extending a foot in
circumference with its heart pulsing steadily at the crown centre.

Eheieh (pronounced Eh - hay - yay). Repeat slowly, out loud 3 times

Feel the sound vibrate in the head region awakening the crown centre into
dynamic activity. It begins to vibrate and rotate sending down an enormous
charge of spiritual power. Down to the brain and radiating throughout the
whole body right to the finger tips and toes. Stay with this for this is the
sensation of Kether: purity, spiritual life and supreme divinity.

Now, feel the pulsing sphere of power at your crown centre, gather the energy
to itself and send a brilliant shaft of white light down through the skull and
brain stopping at the larynx and expanding into a lavender ball of splendour
encompassing the face and eybrows and down cross the chest as you vibrate
the God name of Daath in the region of your throat.

Jehovah Elohim (pronounced Yer-hoh-vah Ah-low-heem) Repeat slowly, out loud

3 times

This dynamic lavender light symbolises air, the divine consciousness of

Daath. Stay with it a while feeling the sensation of illumination and power as
it encompasses your mind. Now watch again as the energy from this great
sphere gathers to itself and bursts as if from a bubble down on a brilliant shaft
of light to the central point of the breast bone above the solar plexus and
expands into a ball of flaming golden red as you vibrate the God name of

Iao (pronounced Eeee-yah Oh) Repeat slowly, out loud 3 times

Feel it vibrate in the solar plexus region extending in magnitude to encompass

the heart for the power of this blazing red gold disc symbolises the pulsing fire
of the sun. The sun centre of Tiphareth. Stay with this as it fills your heart with
courage, energy and the pure joy of unconditional love.

And once again we become aware of this dynamic force bursting from the
centre of the flaming sphere down, down to the pelvic region to expand within
us and turn to the vibrant blue of the Sephirah of water as we vibrate the God
name of Yesod.

Shaddai El Chai (pronounced Sha-di El Hee) Repeat slowly, out loud 3 times

Let the sound travel to the region of Yesod, the region of water and peace.
The radiant translucent blue of the light stimulating and balancing our feelings
until we glow with the energy of tranquility, calmness and enhanced virility.

For the last time the energy gathers and bursts forth to descend in brilliance
as it strikes the feet and once again, as we vibrate the name of Malkuth, it
expands to form a fifth sphere warm and stable as the earth itself glowing with
the pulsing vibrance of rich dark chocolate.

Adonai Ha Aretz (pronounced Ar-doh-nigh Hah Ah-retz) Repeat slowly, out loud
3 times

Become aware of the power of energy of life as we feel the strength of this
mighty sphere of earth the Sephirah of Malkuth and the senses. For it is the
very foundations of our existence and the stability on which we stand.

Visualise yourself now. Vibrant and radiating with the power of these five
great spheres as their force pulsates throughout your body.

And now, visualise yourself standing in a shaft of silvery light studded with five
gorgeous diamonds of immense brilliance, and sparkling with reflected
energy. The dark glowing bitter chocolate of Malkuth, the translucent blue of
Yesod, the golden red blazing disc of Tiphareth, the pure lavender illumination
of Daath, and the brilliant magnitude of the piercing white light of Kether.

Feel the power of their force vibrate from your feet to your head.

Now, we are going to encompass these energy centres in a shroud of

brilliance that extends the aura so that they may remain enhanced and
protected within its mighty light.

Turn your attention to Kether and draw the power of its pulsing light down the
side of the head to the left shoulder. Let it continue down the body to the left
foot through Malkuth and return up the right side to the right shoulder and
back to Kether. Feel the movement of energy as it passes around you. Just
like a spiralling circle of light. Breathe deeply in and out in time with its

In. Down the left side

Out. Up the right side

Now, leave the energy circling around you. Make sure you can still visualise it
there and concentrate again on the brilliant force of Kether. This time draw its
light down the front of your face and body to your toes and then along the
soles of your feet, over the calves of your legs, up the spine and back of the
head, and return to Kether.

Breathe deeply in and out. Again, in a natural rhythm.

The vibrating power of the five central chakras are now surrounded with two
circles of brilliant energy and life. Let their circulation continue to flow evenly
to the steady rhythm of the breath. Establishing an ovoid shape of swiftly
moving substance and power radiating out wards around the body.

And now, visualise a further flow. A vital flow emanating from the right foot
and passing behind the heel of the left foot in a wide band of luminous energy
as it spirals up and around the body as if swathing it in a brilliant bandage of
pulsating light, up and around. Up and around. Interweaving its brilliance
with the two great spheres of energy that encircle the body and sealing it
within by a final surge of radiance as it reaches the point of Kether.

You are now enshrouded in a force so brilliant and powerful that its luminosity
and magnetism extends outwards around you to the length of your
outstretched arms. Put your arms out in front of you as far as you can and
feel it. That is the extent of your aura. Continue to keep the energy moving,
enshrouding you as if you were a mummy.

Now we will begin to move and manipulate this power, charging and
permeating every part of you with the vibrant current of life.

Throw the mind downwards to the earth centre. Imagine it to be the

culmination of all the others. The receptacle of all power. The storehouse
and terminal of the incoming vital force.

Now imagine that this power ascends. Is sucked upwards by the magnetic
attraction of the spirit centre above the crown of the head.

Feel the power ascend the shaft. Rising like a fountain of light before
cascading within the confines of the aura.

Feel it pour out of the crown centre and cascade around you to return to the
centre of Malkuth.

Now feel it recoiling like a snake of concentrated force before being pushed
up the shaft again, and again.

Up and around, up and around.

It's brilliance moving to the rhythm of your breathe.

Listen to the sound of its movement and feel the continuous fountain of
vividness cascade around you. Generating power and light into every single
atom, cell and organ of the body. Filling it with a force of spiritual light.
Drawing you at one with the vibrance of the divine essence of life.

We are now going to spend a few minutes using this energy and when we
leave this meditation we will still feel the wondrous flow of energy interwoven
around us in such a way as to see our body as the kernel of existence
surrounded by a vast bubble of etheric brilliance.

Allow yourself to feel revitalised by this storehouse of energy and learn to

utilise its healing light within every thought, feeling and action in your
everyday world. Only then will you remain, at all times, at one with the
spiritual light of Kether and the purity of the divine breathe of God.

End of Meditation

Allow yourself plenty of time to return to everyday consciousness once the

meditation is complete. It is essential you earth yourself after the meditation
to prevent energy loss.

Ways to earth or ground yourself include eating and drinking.

Don’t forget to make a record of everything you may have received during the

Exercising the Brain

Some people when meditating see many different images while others may
experience feelings but do not necessarily see anything, and sometimes think
they are not able to visualise.

If you have difficulty visualising you may find it helpful to do this simple

✦" Practise thinking about something, like an everyday object.

✦" Just think about the object first, rather than immediately trying to see it.

It is often easier to visualise something if you have already seen it.

✦! After a while you may find the image naturally starts to form in the
" mind.

Everyone is able to visualise if they put their mind to it.

Exercising the brain can increase our creative power and open our channels
of psychic ability.

The brain has two hemispheres, left and right. Each hemisphere is
associated with certain characteristics.

We are a combination of characteristics of both sides of the brain however, if

we examine how the brain works we may find that one hemisphere is more
dominant than the other. We can find out if there is an obvious dominance by

exploring the different characteristics and deciding which ones correspond

with the way we operate as a personality.

The left hemisphere of the brain is associated with:

✦ Planning and structure

✦ List making - likes to tick off items once completed

✦ Solving maths and science problems - good with numbers and able
to see the cause and effect of something

✦ Rules - likes to know what they are and follow them. Feels
comfortable with hierarchies and likes routine and order

✦ Talking - good at expressing self with words and responding to

verbal instruction. Good at learning different languages

✦ Looking at things logically, observing differences and drawing


The right hemisphere is associated with:

✦ Spontaneity and randomly moving from one task to another

✦ Music and connecting emotionally through music

✦ Seeing the whole picture - favours the holistic approach

✦ Intuition - likes to go with what feels right

✦ Working with hands and visually seeing how things work rather
than listening to verbal instructions

✦ Drawing, visual imagery (recognising faces) and being creative and


Through studying the characteristics of each hemisphere we can discover

which side may be more active, and by levelling and balancing the power of
the brain we may find our visualisation (right) or reasoning (left) skills
suddenly improve.

If the left side is dominant we can stimulate the right side by:

! Playing music (no words) and dancing

! Daydreaming - daydream about something you enjoy or enjoyed doing

However, if the right side is more dominant we can stimulate the left side by:

! Doing crossword puzzles or brain teasers

! Testing our memory and spelling skills

Learning new skills can stimulate the brain, and generate new cells and nerve
pathways to form.

If learning a new language or dance routine seems a little daunting a simple

way to exercise the brain is to complete tasks using the hand opposite to the
one you would normally use. So, for example, if you are naturally right
handed, practise the following with the left hand:

✦ Stir a cup of coffee

✦ Brush your teeth

✦ Operate a vacuum hoover

✦ Write your name

Because the brain is learning a new way of doing things - a different skill,
tasks that ordinarily may be simple to perform can take a bit longer and feel
clumsy at first when you are using the opposite hand. The more you practise,
the easier it will become.

As well as using different hands to perform tasks we can strengthen the

connections between cells, by exercising the senses.

If we close our eyes, we can exercise the sense of touch in the following

✦ Navigating and feeling our way around the home

✦ Recognising and finding everyday objects within the home

✦ Doing up buttons, tying shoelaces, combing hair and getting


We can also test our sense of taste and smell by identifying food with our
eyes closed.

Using our imagination we can think of more inventive ways to stimulate the
brain and further exercise the senses. This can help us to develop attention
to what is going on, and bring us to closer to operating like The Hierophant

Who sees and hears everything.

Regular exercise can improve the blood flow to the body - and healthy eating can boost
neural growth. Stress can hinder growth.

Inner Hearing

The sephirah after Chokmah is Kether. The virtue of Kether is Completion of

the Great Work.

One sure way we can attain Completion of the Great Work (and Reunion with
the Source) is to live our lives in Obedience.

Obedience to the Word of God

Obedience is the virtue of Chesed. Chesed is the sephirah associated with

the Masters, the Teachers of Humanity. They are also known as the Lords of

The Masters’ function is to show us how to proceed with our life.

Out of love and compassion for Humanity these great Beings have chosen to
wait in Chesed - and delay their journey to Binah - to help the rest of us on the
Earth Plane to reach the same level of evolvement that they have achieved.

The Masters do not tell us what to do or believe in. We have to explore and
discover the bigger picture for ourselves and make our own choices and
decisions. The Masters do however, provide us with opportunities to learn,
and find the path that will help us to reach our destiny.

The gift of Free Will means we have the Freedom to make our own Choices
and Decisions.

We can choose to live our lives in obedience to God.

Free Will is a test of Faith.

We will never Obey if do we not have any Faith.


Aima is an aspect of Binah. Aima is the Mother of Faith.

In Binah we explore the Roots of our Faith and examine ways we can
discipline and silence the conscious mind so we may listen and hear the
Word of God. In Binah we learn how to listen.

Understanding and Faith are key words for Binah.

Wisdom, Sight, and the ability to Hear are key words for Chokmah

This is Inner Hearing

The Hierophant Path runs between Chokmah and Chesed. The Hierophant is the Spiritual
Teacher who has mastered how to perfectly use the senses and Intuitively Knows what is
needed by all those who look to him for spiritual nourishment. The function associated with
the Hierophant tarot card is Hearing. This is Inner Hearing - the ability to hear the Voice of
the True Self.

The following is a basic description to aid the initial process of building the
imagery around the Temple of Chokmah. The temples work for us through the
powers of visualisation and through our senses and feelings.

By making a connection with any particular temple we are drawing that

influence towards us. Events may occur in our day to day life that need to be
brought to our attention.

All of these temples exist in the astral worlds but we need to make them real
for us. When we go into these temples we want to feel that we are really
there, that we are in them, feeling them and smelling the aromas rather than
just imagining we are.

Some people find building imagery up around them easier than others. We
use our own imagery and go with whatever we get. We will get information
that is relevant to us, and us alone.

The journey into the temples and up the Tree of Life is one of experience and
this experience is personal to you. Everyone’s journey will be different and
what works for you may not work for someone else.

The images of all the Temples on the Tree of Life are already built in the ether.
Connecting into that energy which has been used by thousands of others over
the years creates immense power.

For this reason the description has been kept simple. It is not wise to attempt
any kind of temple or path-working without proper guidance and controls in

Description of the Temple of Chokmah

This is a very powerful temple.

The journey to Chokmah begins in Malkuth.

Inside the temple of Earth we see the four Elemental Kings. The fiery
salamanders are there also, to lift us out of Malkuth and raise us towards the
force of Chokmah and the realms of the spirit.

With the help of the fiery salamanders we move with sparking force into the
air. It is as if we are fired from a cannon into the Universe. During this
experience try to feel your own life force, your own energy that lies within you
and emanates from way out in the universe.

From the outside, Chokmah is like Stonehenge set in the middle of the
Universe. There are giant stones. A great zodiac wheel spins around the

The whole of the zodiac is associated with Chokmah.

As you approach the temple, note which sign of the zodiac you land on, on
the great wheel. This is a mark of your destiny, a symbol of your life, your
future and your hope.

Inside the temple, in the centre, is a stone rampart. Within the stone rampart
burns an everlasting fire. The Flame of Life. The pillars are made of stone.

To the right of the altar you may see a giant stone with swords buried in it to
the hilt. The sword represents your Will.

Ask to pull out the sword that has your name on it. The pull should be smooth
and as the sword releases a lightening flash will hit the hilt revealing a picture
of your future destiny. Try to see where your destiny lies, and ask yourself
how strong is My Will. For without the strength of Will you will not fulfil your

The elemental kingdoms return us to the Temple of Malkuth. The Elemental

Kings and their Kingdoms are part of our world, part of our lives. Our destiny
waits for us in the physical plane but before we leave the Temple of Earth and
take our place in the outside world the Elemental Kingdoms have something
to show us, something to give us - illumination maybe, from Chokmah.

Sit back and enjoy this part of the experience as the Elemental Kingdoms
perform for you.

The Archangel of Chokmah is Ratzkiel. Ratzkiel is an old man with a long

white beard who is a light being. He carries the flaming sword and wears
pure white robes and a crown of stars.

The Angelic Hosts are the Auphanim. They are Wheels of Fire.

Reasons to use the Temple of Chokmah include:

✦ Destiny search

✦ Looking at functions

✦ Spiritual direction

Destiny and Soul Functions

In the Temple of Chokmah we are hoping for insights regarding our destiny.

Previously, in the Temple of Chesed, we have the opportunity to look into our
picture of life and to examine the bigger picture. On the journey to Chesed we
meet the Hermit and watch the hundreds and hundreds of silent pilgrim
figures passing before us, their eyes trained on the light that pervades from
above. They are the Masters of the Future - those who have eyes to see and
ears to hear, and follow their calling.

The Hermit gives us three Keys:

1. Key of Sound - the vibration of our own note that will open our inner

2. Key of the Wise which holds within it the Will to keep on the path, inner
knowledge that will show us the way, silence - that we may hear our
inner voice and earnest courage to challenge our convictions

3. Key of the Elements within us:

✦ Earth is our security for it is the womb of life

✦ Fire is our initiative for it burns and purifies the personality

✦ Water is our inner depth for it dissolves pain

✦ Air is our expression for it fills us with the freedom of thought


We are told that Wisdom lies within every one of us. That everything in the
Universe is energy and that we are part of that energy, and how we use the
power is down to us.

We can all have knowledge but without the Wisdom or Understanding to

know when and how to use it, it is meaningless.

The Masters of Chesed are the Teachers of Humanity. They show us how to
proceed on our journey. They help us to remain focused on our goal so we
may fulfil our destiny.

Destiny is another keyword for Chokmah

When we meditate in the Temple of Chokmah we are hoping for insights to

help us with our soul functions and how we can perform them. We need to
identify and understand our creative power. Everyone has a special gift to
offer humanity. This is all part of the bigger picture.

The Christian Bible talks about Gifts from God. True Wisdom and Knowledge
are regarded as gifts and only available with the help of Godʼs spirit, for the
gift of knowledge requires more than just an introduction to facts, true
knowledge requires understanding and the wisdom to know when to use it.

Christian followers of the Bible believe in the gifts of:

✦ Tongues and prophecy

The gifts of Tongues and Prophecy were bestowed upon those through whom
God wanted to communicate His message. They were vehicles for the Holy
Spirit to work through. It enabled the disciples to speak in a language never
previously learnt and deliver Godʼs Word in the pure, unsullied form as God

In the book of Corinthians, Paul lists nine different ways the spiritual energy
can manifest on Earth including the gift of healing. Paul makes it clear that
there are different gifts distributed to benefit the whole of humanity, and not
everyone receives the same gift.

Everyone has a soul function, a role to play and destiny to fulfil.

Your life and soul functions are agreed before incarnation.

We may have many soul functions, some more obvious than others. No
function is an automatic right, we cannot pick and choose which functions we
like the look of. The functions have to be earned and they are usually earned
over a series of lifetimes. Soul functions represent the potential of the
personality - they are not an automatic right to achievement.

We have free will at all times. The full potential of your soul functions will be
realised when the Will of the Personality is aligned with the Will of the Soul.

In Tiphareth there is the choice to make a commitment. This commitment is

for the soul to put pressure on the personality, to direct the personality
towards successful fulfilment.

The soul cannot work to its full effect without the personality.

The personality cannot fully realise its potential without the guidance and
direction of the soul.

Aligning the Will of the Personality to the Will of the Soul does not mean the
individual becomes a robot with no personality of its own.

A soul function may be held in waiting for us until we are ready, and they may
be withdrawn for a period of time if an individual is going through a phase of

The aim in Chokmah is to contact our creative power and earth it.

When working at this level, in the spiritual triad that encompasses Chokmah,
the disciple is expected to devote their energy towards reaching their full

How the soul function is fulfilled is for the disciple to decide.

Each person has to pursue and develop their potential in their own way.

The best tuition on functions comes from the soul, and this can only be
accessed if the personality is a willing vehicle.

There are three main ways in which we can be of service to humanity:

✦ Healer

✦ Protector

✦ Teacher

All other soul functions come under the heading of one of the three listed

The following is a brief outline of some of the soul functions and personality
characteristics that are associated:


This can be healing on a physical, emotional

or mental level. Many healers want to break
the cycle of concentrating on self to others.
Therefore there may be a self worth problem
to overcome.

With all healing there is a need to Heal Thyself


Healers are naturally responsive to others and

sensitive to underlying needs. Their energy is
often variable in the beginning and there may
be a tendency towards energy loss and/or
phases of becoming the victim.

Do’s and Don’ts of Healing:

Do Always prepare yourself properly by:

Cleansing yourself before and after any healing session


Putting up protection

Opening your chakras

Asking for assistance from guides etc

Remember we cannot interfere with Karma therefore all healing

must be prefaced with: Not My Will but Thine be done

Don’ts Heal when you are not well yourself

Heal when you are lacking in energy

Against a person’s wishes

Diagnose - you are not a doctor

Forget to thank your guide etc for their support and assistance

Forget to close down and earth self afterwards


Often healers have had past life experience of disease and poverty. There is
a natural interest in health and healing including herbs and crystals.

Healers are very responsive to the health needs of others. They have an
instinctive ability to find solutions to illness but a tendency to neglect

Healers are receptive to Astral forces, often their main guide is a healer and
they are able to move energy with ease to most parts of the body.

There are also Karmic Healers who often have the same attributes as the
Healer but not the same past life training or background. All Karmic Healers
have, in past lifetimes, been in leading positions i.e royalty, religious or
political positions, and owe a debt to humanity.


Protectors look after everyone else but not

themselves. They often have earth-plane
guardians to help them cope with mundane

They are strong and determined personalities,

and their self confidence is not easily thwarted.

Protectors may not feel over-whelmed by the

power in a group because a protector can take
ten or twenty times more power through them
than others. However if, during temple or ritual
work, a lot of power is generated there may be
times when the protector feels an immense
pressure on their shoulders.

They are the Protectors of Earth and can

sometimes feel the weight on their shoulders.

Protectors will be tested on power: how they control and direct power for the
protection of humanity. They need to be able to manipulate power at will,
without devastating side effects. They may be confronted with consistent
traumatic situations until their spontaneous reactions become controlled. The
idea is to be in full control of events. Protectors must always be aware of
purity of motive in everything they do. They may be constantly tested on
desire for power - the Upper Hand, and face severe tests on motive and
control. Through Life tests on Power and Stability the Inner Planes will decide
on worthiness to fulfil the function. They have strong karmic connections and
do not over-react in a crisis.

Protectorship work can leave individuals feeling depressed and down. They
need to be aware of possible causes and not let it affect them in their daily
life. They have a tendency to feel great heat within the body, and may
experience sudden energy surges where their heart is pumping. They have a
strong sense of humour, can be highly creative and have an affinity with fire.
They are also often deep sleepers.

As personalities Protectors can be volatile either outwardly or underlying.

They can be lazy due to their ease at being able to perform when required.
They can often produce with little preparation, and can be reluctant to put in
real effort due to their ability to think on their feet. They are also constantly
tested on Trust - both in themselves and the Inner Planes. They are obvious
channellers due to their ability to channel power.


Teachers are natural performers and tend to be reliant more on Inner

Knowledge rather than books. They are able to see clear and interesting
tuition from others, and find it easier to learn through own method of
understanding rather than by rote.

They have good creative powers and

are able to expand on basic concepts.

Those with this function tend to take on

the Teacher role within life or in a group
situation. They have a tendency to ask
questions to get their own point across.

Simple and well defined talker, they are

good conversationalists and not easily

Severe pressure can be put on those

with this special potential to fulfil a very
important need. Those trying to avoid
responsibility may find themselves
feeling frustrated, confused and

The job of the teacher includes being a guide, confidant, guardian, overseer,
mediator, performer and observer for future potential/talent.

The Teacher is not to feel or act in any way superior to their students. They
learn as much from listening as the student does.

Stumbling blocks with this function include mental avarice, lack of self-
honesty, dictatorial attitudes, swollen egos and personal secrecy. Teachers
may have quite strong opinions which may need tempering.

A Teacher is to be used as a springboard for greater things. The

greatest accolade a Teacher can have is to be overtaken by a student.

More detailed information on the main, and associated functions can be found in the Soul
Functions Workbook.

Everybody has the potential to fulfil many soul functions, and many are
already answering a calling. However, unless the individual is active in
spiritual study it is unlikely they will fully appreciate their real purpose.

To realise our full potential we need to put some thought into where we feel
our creative potential lies. It is not enough to be good at something, we have
to enjoy it. It needs to be fun. The whole point is to lead happy and fulfilling
lifes. We want our life to be enjoyable.

It can always be a little scary when learning something new but unless we try we will never
know what we are capable of, and it is only through trial and error that we discover the Truth
about Who we Really Are. We really must not allow ourselves to be swayed by the
judgements of others or feel flattened if something does not immediately work out the way we
would like. Failure proves we have tried. If we fear failure then we may never try anything
new, and life may become a drudge.

The aim is to perform our soul functions for the joy of it, and not the end result
i.e. making money or becoming famous. If we are driven by fame or money
there is a danger the energy may become distorted. There are no
compromises with spiritual truths. Without integrity there is nothing.

We also need to be careful that in our haste to be of service to humanity we

do not try to run before we can walk. We can do more harm than good if we
are not ready or prepared for the task ahead, or if we try to spread ourselves
too thin. Trying to do too much and having too many fingers in too many pies
could result in performing none of the functions particularly well and becoming
worn out.

Much more can be achieved if the Will of the Personality is aligned to the Will
of the Soul and this takes much discipline and effort. Unless we can control
the energy and become effective channels, knowing what our potential
functions are becomes meaningless without proper direction or the Will to

As well as having special functions to perform in life, we also have a Motto

and soul name, and like our soul functions these too were agreed upon before
we were born.

Soul Name

When we are born on the physical plane we are given a name by our parents
or guardian. For the duration of our lifetime - unless we change our name -
this is what we use to identify ourselves to others.

The shelf life of our physical body varies. If we reach old age it is unlikely it
will last longer than 100 years.

The soul life however exceeds that number by far.

For the spiritual energy to manifest on earth it needs a physical body.

The soul is the mediating force between the spirit and personality.

The personality is the vehicle through which the soul can operate.

For the soul to complete its mission on earth it will need many, many
different vehicles.

Each vehicle has a different name.

The soul’s name however, remains the same for the duration of the time it
takes for its particular mission on earth to be completed.

The name of the vehicle (our name) is recognised on the earth plane.

The name of the soul is recognised within the bigger picture. The soul name
is a name of Power.

Most people are unaware they have a soul name. It can be discovered
through study and meditation, or given by the teacher to the student as they

The soul name is not to be distributed to all and sundry. It should only be
revealed to those with whom you have complete trust in their integrity, and
only used in exceptional circumstances within spiritual work.


Like the soul name the Motto is decided before birth.

Unlike the soul name, the motto does not need to be kept private from other
people. The more the motto is used, the stronger it will become.

Most Personal Life Mottos begin with the words: I Will ......

An example of a motto could be:


I will defend the sanctity of spiritual life

The Motto sums up the higher reason for the incarnation. It can be
discovered through meditation and be used as a reminder of your Destiny. It
remains active for the duration of the lifetime and changes with each

The motto is often easier to discover than the soul name. The motto
embodies the nature of the individual and the wording of it may frequently be
repeated by the individual without them realising what they are saying.

The Power of Numbers

Another way we can find information pertaining to our creative potential and
destiny is through the art of numerology.

Many numerologists believe we choose our names before we incarnate, and

our choice of name is linked to our karmic experiences and life lessons.

The letters in our name correspond with numbers. Each number has an
energy, vibration and meaning attached to it. When all the letters are
transformed into numbers the energies are brought together, and interpreted.

Pythagoras believed in the Power of Numbers. He taught:

Numbers is the Law of the Universe


Everything in the Universe is subject to predictable progressive cycles.

Pythagoras considered numbers operated on the spiritual plane while figures

were for measuring physical things on the earthly plane.

A lover of Wisdom, Pythagoras was considered to be the Father of Pure

Mathematics. Using the Pythagorean Numerology system we can discover
our Destiny Number (Path of Destiny) by calculating the letters of our full
name at birth. The destiny number reveals the task we are destined to
complete during our lifetime.

The Power Number is another aspect of numerology. This is not interpreted

until the individual has reached an age somewhere between 30 and 40. The
Power Number describes the strength of the name and extent of creative

Changes to our name affects the energy attached and attracts new life lessons and new

Numerology explores the relationship between numbers, physical objects and

living things. It is mentioned in the Book of Revelations. The Book of
Revelations talks about the number 666 representing the name of the Beast
(the Anti Christ). In Revelations 13:18 it states:

Wisdom is needed to understand this. Let the one who has

Understanding solve the number of the beast, for it is the number of a
man. His number is 666.

Many biblical scholars have tried to identify the name of the man. Some
theologians believe it is Nero Caesar the Roman Emperor who was purported
to have been anti-Christian. Caesar’s Greek name transliterates to the
Hebrew letters that have the numeric value of 666.

The bible states that 666 is the number that represents the name. So this
does not necessarily mean that 666 is the numerical value of the name.

Qabalistically, Jesus and the Christ force are associated with 666. The
numerical value of the name Jesus in Greek is 888. However,

Six is the number of Tiphareth, the sephirah of sacrifice and Devotion to the
Great Work.

666: There are three magical images associated with Tiphareth:

✦ The willing sacrifice - prepared to sacrifice the Will of the Personality to

the Will of the Soul

✦ The King - through aligning the Will of the Personality to the Will of the
Soul we become King of our own Destiny

✦ The Child - the child of the soul, who is the child of the spirit, who is the
child of the Almighty Creator

Whoever the man the Book of Revelations refers to, the Bible suggests
wisdom and insight (spiritual perception) are needed to find out.

The symbolism attached to Tiphareth is the willing sacrifice. Surrendering to

a higher force. Many believe Jesus sacrificed himself for Humanity. The man
Jesus chose to live his human life in absolute Obedience to the Will of God.
He made a commitment. It was an act of Faith.

Some believe the Christ force took the weight of man’s karma for two
thousand years (during the Age of Pisces), giving humanity the opportunity
and time, to heal and recuperate. Now, in the Age of Aquarius Humanity once
again, takes the weight of its own karma.

Commitment to Humanity

As we have explored each of the sephirah and progressed on our journey we

have had the opportunity to make certain commitments. These commitments
are for our benefit only, and made entirely as our own choice. The Qabalah is
a discipline and the commitments serve to keep us focused and to prevent our
good intentions dissipating into nothing.

✦ In Hod we have the opportunity to make a commitment to get to *Know

Thyself as a personality. Hod represents the Will of the Personality.

*Astrology is a useful tool to help us to do this.

✦ In Tiphareth the commitment is to actively strive to connect with the soul.

In Tiphareth we are asked to sacrifice something. What is required is an exchange of energy.

We are asked what we are prepared to sacrifice in exchange for the soul connection. The
soul is the mediator between the spiritual force and personality. The sacrifice could simply be
to spend more time in meditation, contemplating and connecting with the soul: in Devotion to
the Great Work, the virtue of Tiphareth. See Tiphareth workbook for more information.

✦ In Geburah the commitment is to make our Self strong, and to willingly

allow the Protectors of Humanity to help us with our karma. Geburah
represents the Soul Will.

In Chokmah there is another commitment. This time the commitment is to


To be of service to Humanity

Chokmah represents the Will of the Spirit, and Spiritual Truth.

When making any kind of commitment it is important to think very carefully

about what you are prepared to commit to.

An example of a Chokmah Commitment could be:

I commit to pass on the Ancient Wisdom of the Qabalah

Important Note: The Chokmah commitment - to be of Service to Humanity - takes a

great deal of thought and consideration, and is not usually made until the disciple has
been studying for a number of years and fully trained. However, there is no reason
why you cannot contemplate on how you can prepare to be of service to humanity in
the future when you meditate in the Temple of Chokmah.

If you wish to help others through healing then you need to consider which
branch of healing you are going to pursue and how you are going to do it.
There are many aspects of healing: physical, emotional and mental. It is not
just about hands on healing. Holistic healers work in a variety of ways.

If you feel very protective towards others, or the environment then you need to
consider how you could perform this function; how can you fulfil the protector

If you have effective communication skills and are good at explaining things
then perhaps you could explore the Teacher function. Teaching can be done
in many ways it doesn’t have to be in a classroom. We can teach by example
in our everyday life.

When dealing with Chokmah it is important to remember that the energy from
this sephirah is pure. There are no compromises with Spiritual Truths.

The virtue of Chokmah is Devotion.

Our aim is to aspire to live our lives in pure Devotion.

We may be potential teachers, healers or protectors, however we must be

prepared to explore our creative power otherwise our natural talents may
never be realised and productively used.

Spiritual knowledge has little value or purpose on the Earth Plane unless it is
understood and put to good use. We can do this in a variety of ways through
our functions.

When we are considering our functions we are viewing the Tree of Life and
Chokmah from a personal perspective. We are exploring our own destiny
and trying to find ways we can achieve the Will of the Spirit within our life on

The clue to where our creative potential lies is linked to our Sun Sign. We can
use the energy of our sun sign to help us find a way to channel that ability,
and pass on to others what we have learnt.

In Tiphareth we consider the sign of the zodiac we are born under. The virtue
of Tiphareth is Devotion to the Great Work. Understanding how to use the
creative energy of our sun sign can help us to fulfil our destiny.

For example:

✦ The Arien energy is that of the natural leader, the go-getter. Aries is the
sign that comes up with, and initiates, new ideas.

✦ The Sagittarian energy is always looking ahead, setting goals for the
future. Sagittarius is the optimist and visionary who can see the bigger

✦ The Gemini energy is always asking questions. This sign is chatty, loves
to communicate and wants to know how things link up and connect.

Healers, Protectors or Teachers can be any zodiac sign. Understanding your sun signs’
natural energies can help you to decide how to direct your creative power and perform your
soul function.

In Tiphareth, Geburah and Chesed we explore the bigger picture that

encompasses the whole of humanity and extends beyond conditioned
perceptions of life on earth.

In Chokmah Workbook Two we continue to explore the bigger picture but on

a much larger scale.

Chokmah Workbook - End of Book One

Qabalah (Kabbalah) workbooks in the series

✦ Malkuth the Kingdom (Temple of Wood)

✦ Yesod the Foundation (Temple of the Sea)
✦ Hod Splendour of the Mind (Temple of Ice)
✦ Netzach Victory over Feelings (Emerald Temple)
✦ Tiphareth Beauty (Sun Temple)
✦ Geburah Might (Egyptian Temple)
✦ Chesed Mercy (Sapphire Temple)
✦ Binah Understanding (Cave or Tomb Temple)
✦ Soul Functions

© Copyright Jenni Shell and Lorraine Morgan 2008 all rights reserved

These workbooks are compiled and written with the utmost integrity and concentration on
correct procedures. However, it is essential that they are regarded as information only. In no
event will the authors, or OWL/Isis websites, be liable for any consequences of the use of
these workbooks, and therefore any action taken, or reliance placed on the information given,
is entirely at your own risk.

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