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ESRN N° 78


Nombre: …………………………………………………………….. Agrupamiento: 2° 1° - TM


1- What do you know about tornadoes? 1. Pamela a. is about three kilometers away.
2. The tornado b. are in their cars.
3. The sky c. is in the main street.
4. One woman d. is on a park bench.
5. One man e. is grey.
6. Some people f. has got a cat.

A: And now over to Pamela Brown in Snake River, Ohio. Can

you hear me, Pam?
B: Yes, I can Bob. I’m listening.
A: Where are you standing?
B: Well, I’m standing in the main street, next to the police
A: Can you see the tornado?
B: Yes, I can. We’re looking at the tornado now. It’s about
three kilometers away. The clouds are moving fast and the
sky’s grey.
A: What are the people doing? Are they going home?
B: Yes, they are. They’re not walking, they’re running! And
there’s a woman –she’s carrying a baby. No, she isn’t carrying
a baby –it’s a cat! And there’s a man –he’s crazy!
A: What’s he doing?
B: He isn’t running. He’s sitting on a park bench and he’s eating
2- Read the dialogue from a news
an ice cream! Some people are driving away in their cars but
programme. Then match the beginnings
the police aren’t stopping them.
with the endings A: Is it raining?
B: No, Bob, it isn’t raining. The tornado is very near now. I’m
3- Now listen and list five differences. not enjoying this!
A: Okay Pam, goodbye and good luck.
B: Thanks.

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