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Jan Michael Lapuz




Extreme Steward who works to grow the business as if he owns it. You won't get just
another employee... you'll get a partner who acts as your 'Assistant Decision Maker'.
Results-driven guy who is anchored in evergreen principles (not temporary tactics).
Naturally introverted, but developed leadership and public speaking. Have led and
trained sales organizations before and recently a marketing department of 40+ members.
Not a 'man with a hammer' — Jan comes with a diverse marketing toolkit so he can use
the right tool for different situations. No cookie-cutter solutions here.
Perpetual learner looking to leverage the wisdom of people way more intelligent than he.
Loves to stand on the shoulders of giants to accomplish more for his clients.
Inclined to 'zag' when everybody 'zigs' — helps your business/brand stand out from the
overcrowded marketplace (which means more market share and revenue for you)


Debutify Corp. Feb. 2021 - Nov. 2022

Marketing Manager / Copy Chief
Doubled the company revenue (2020 vs. 2021) by taking what worked in other industries and
using the principles to do something 'new' in the Shopify SaaS space.
Implemented a price increase growth strategy that added an extra $100k to the company's
revenue and a massive increase in the potential lifetime value of each subscriber.
Improved the onboarding process of our product which increased the trial-to-paid conversion
rate and, more importantly, made more customers happy
Optimized the marketing funnel (website copy, landing pages, etc.) which helped increase
the leads we get on a monthly basis
Crafted a positioning and branding strategy (including 'micro-scripts', brand story, and unique
selling propositions) that will help the company stand out from the competitors.
Managed the whole marketing department consisting of 10 Team Leads and a total of 40+
staff members. This includes having 1-on-1 meetings, handling internal issues, developing
overarching strategies for Team Leads to execute, and so on.

Freelance Dec. 2019 - Feb. 2021

Direct Response Copywriter
Full-stack funnel copywriting including Facebook ads, landing pages, advertorials, opt-in
pages, one-time-offer pages, email sequences, long-form sales letters, upsell pages, vsl scripts
Wrote 2-4 long-form sales letters per month plus other pages in the funnel during my fast-
paced agency days which is fast compared with other writers
Wrote a landing page for a low-ticket offer in the local stock market trading niche with an
upsell that is 10X the price of the initial offer. It converted 57% on the initial offer and 9% on
the upsell offer.

+639266135333 Bulacan, Philippines

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