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Category: Land Titles And Deeds

> Classification is an executive function

> Lands of the public domain which are alienable or open to disposition may be further classified as
agricultural, residential, commercial, or industrial, or for similar productive purposes, educational,
charitable, or other similar purpose, and reservations for townsites and for public and quasi-public uses

1. For homestead settlement
2. By sale
3. By lease
4. By confirmation of imperfect or incomplete title
a. By judicial legalization
b. By administrative legalization or free patent

The rights of ownership and possession of ICCs/IPs to their ancestral domains shall include:
(a) the right of ownership;
(b) the right to develop, control and use lands and natural resources;
(c) the right to stay in the territories and not to be removed therefrom;
(d) the right of resettlement in suitable sites in case of displacement;
(e) the right to regulate the entry of immigrants;
(f) the right to safe and clean air and water;
(g) the right to claim parts of reservations;
(h) the right to resolve land conflicts in accordance with customary laws of the area concerned (only in
default thereof the complaints shall be submitted to amicable settlement and to the Courts of Justice ).

Reasons of Environmental Degradation

1. Land Disturbance
2. Pollution (air, water, land or noise) which causes health issues
3. Overpopulation
4. Landfills
5. Deforestration
6. Natural Causes

Causes of Forest Degradation

1. Forest conversion
2. Forest Fires
3. Illegal and unsustainable loggings
4. Fuel wood harvesting
5. Mining
6. Climate Change
Classification of protected areas

The following categories of protected areas are hereby established:

a. Strict nature reserve;
b. Natural park;
c. Natural monument;
d. Wildlife sanctuary;
e. Protected landscapes and seascapes;
f. Resource reserve;
g. Natural biotic areas; and,
h. Other categories established by law, conventions or international agreements which the
Philippine Government is a signatory.

Classification of Natural Resources

1. minerals,
2. cropland,
3. timber, and
4. coastal and marine resources.

Appropriation of Waters
ARTICLE 9. Waters may be appropriated and used in accordance with the provisions of this Code.

Appropriation of water, as used in this Code, is the acquisition of rights over the use of waters or the
taking or diverting of waters from a natural source in the manner and for any purpose allowed by

ARTICLE 10. Water may be appropriated for the following purposes:

a. Domestic
b. Municipal
c. Irrigation
d. Power generation
e. Fisheries
f. Livestock raising
g. Industrial
h. Recreational, and
i. Other purposes

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