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Nama : Uul uliviani iren

Class : XI Iis²

Mapel :Bahasa Inggris


1.give suggestion or offering to the following situation

A.someone smokes in a public place

B.your mother feels tried

2.what ia the definition of suggestion ond offers?

3.made 2 sentences about opinion and thought?

4.write down a dialog of opinion and shought? to response to an opinion and thought?


1. A.smoking in public places id veri dangreuus for

The chilldren avound and also not good for
People who have illnesses should rest first

2.suggestion :are expressions used to express how to

Ask and give advice to others

Offers :prenst and proffer

3.A: why not just wear a dress it’s more beavtiful

B:i think the dress id too mvcs of i wear it

4. A:what do you think about the shoes

B;well in my opinion,the shoes are very nice and


C:well think so these shoes are very good and


5.A: I a green with you

B: but sorry i don’t green with you

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